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  • When did liberal start meaning what it does now?

    I know that in the 18th and at least most of the 19th century liberal meant more or less the same as libertarian does now: laissez faire, free trade, minimal government, with the leaders like Locke, Smith, and Bastiat. But now and it seems for most of the 20th century it now means the neoliberalism of FDR, Wilson, and Obama. When exactly did this shift occur, was it round the time of Wilson or Teddy Roosevelt?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What is the prayer from the boondock saints?

    What is the prayer that they say after killing their targets

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • What is the difference between the Democratic Party and the Justice Party?

    Obviously I'm referring to the US parties. The Justice party just sounds like a copy of the Democratic Party maybe just more true to typical liberal positions on things like drugs

    2 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • What would be the antonym of Nihilism?

    Specifically existential Nihilism. I don't need an explanation of the philosophy, just what term would be the antonym

    2 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • What is the worldwide murder rate?

    What is the percentage of the overall worlds population that dies by murder

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • When could workers strike and unionize?

    I may be wrong but i am under the impression that early on in America's history it was illegal for workers to unionize and strike. When were laws passed to allow workers to do these

    6 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • That anonymous mask thing?

    We've all seen those pictures with the anonymous guy mask next to like a quote supporting freedom. What's this mask from, I heard it was like some English serial killer

  • Do I have the Zimmerman case straight?

    I want answers from both sides of the debate.

    My impression is that Zimmerman was a wanna-be cop so he started a neighborhood watch program. He was out neighborhood watching and saw Martin (who was out buying snacks) walking down the street. Zimmerman decided to follow him as he was suspicious because of all the recent break-ins in the neighborhood (its possible he racially profiled him but i don't think that can be proved). Martin saw him following him and attacked the man who was stalking him in the dark. Zimmerman was knocked to the ground, had his nose broke, and was having his head hit against the concrete. Zimmerman shot him, fearing for his life. Am i missing anything and are all my facts right?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Andy Taylor's wife?

    In the Andy Griffith show I don't think Andy's wife is ever on the show. I haven't seen every episode and I know he marries the schoolteacher later in the show but does it ever mention who his first wife, Opie's mom, is or what happened to her

    3 AnswersComedy8 years ago
  • Is there such things as maximum heat?

    Obviously temperature is a measure of the average energy in the particles. Absolute zero is the minimum because it is the absence of hear but is there a maximum amount?

    4 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Explain Thomas Jefferson's religion?

    From what I've heard, he was a supporter of enlightenment skepticism and supported a secular state. I saw this quote: "To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense he wished any one to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; & believing he never claimed any other." Which makes me think he was some sort of Diest-Christian. I take it that he believed in god and the basic tenants of christianity but thought the organized religion of Christianity had been corrupted. Can anyone confirm this or add additional info

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do atheists and theists have to hate on each other so much?

    It seems like atheists have to constantly spout out about how stupid, overly-emotional, or hypocritical religious people (only a few of the insults ive heard) are and religious people always have to hate on atheists for being arrogant, evil, or bigoted (again only a few of the insults). Why can't you just leave each other alone. Christians (and other religions too), if you think that you need to believe to be saved then believe. Go ahead and follow any religious rules you want just don't for e then on someone else. As far as I know what other people do doesn't threaten your salvation. Atheists, what someone else believes, so long as they don't force it on you, what someone else believes wont hurt you. Don't believe if you don't want to but other people have a right to believe what they want. Bith of you, just learn to let each other live how they want and leave each other alone, in not even saying you have to like each other just respect each other.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Any atheist conservatives out there?

    Besides the libertarian atheists who vote republican as the lesser of two evils, is anyone an atheist who is a republican

  • Term for voting for a candidate who is not on the ballot?

    My history teacher said that in the 1980's Polish citizens wrote the names of non-communist party members on the ballot and voted for them. What is the name for this.

    3 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Libertarians: what's a higher priority?

    I was wondering what my fellow libertarians would find more important, repealing Obamacare or ending the drug war. While I do support both of these, I am not willing to e legalize drugs until Obamacare is repealed. While I don't care that people take drugs, it is only if they are responsible for the consequences. I worry that people will end up paying for thousands of health problems resulting from drug usage and am simply not willing to legalize drugs until that possibility is avoided. What do you think?

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What is Indiana's law on gay marriage?

    Are gays in Indiana allowed to marry, form civil unions, or none of those

  • Should the White House be a gun free zone?

    If gun free zones make the area safer, then why isn't the White House a gun free zone. There are armed guards all over the place, why not at schools. Why doesn't the president practice what he preaches and make himself "safer"

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Is this Christian Universalism?

    I'm having trouble characterizing my beliefs and think it may be something close to Christian Universalism. I believe that all people who believe in some sort of religion and hold to it in the way they see fit will be saved. The only ones who will not be are those who reject religion completely. Christianity is the "correct" denomination and other religions are the products of the misguided leadership of men. However they are still only other denominations of the universal religion (although perhaps a sort of 2nd class denominations) and will be saved if they hold to what they truly believe is right. Is this Christian Universalism of something else

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago