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Denise M
Puerto Rican, believer in Christ as our savior. Married 20 years, mother of two children both in college. Once walked in knowledge but not understanding, in other words I knew of God but did know God. Jer. 31:34 “People will no longer need to teach their neighbors and relatives to know me. For all of them, from the least important to the most important, will know me,” says the Lord. “For I will forgive their sin and will no longer call to mind the wrong they have done.”
Do virgo men find it hard to say "I love you?"?
15 AnswersHoroscopes6 years agoSoulmates? Why can't I just forget this guy?
(Virgo man( and I (virgo woman) met in high school. It was over pretty quickly. I ended it do to his nit picking. Although I never forgot him. After my divorce and thanks to FB he reached out to me. I dated others, some I was excited about. But this guy he's different. When we talk its massive. He confessed so much to me, his love, his desires back then to make me his wife. Having been devasted by our breakup. We are both in separate relationships so we ended all contact. But it's like no one else will ever measure up to him. If I can say someone is perfect for me it would have been him. We have so much in common, both humanitarians, both have careers that are just for the money because our hearts are in the arts. Both ended terrible marriages. With him I'm peaceful and there's a feeling I cant explain. Like being home.
5 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years agoWhy are virgo men so non affectionate? BTW I'm a virgo woman!?
I dated this guy in high school. It was a love-at-first-sight thing. The only one I ever had, him too. We are now older and both moved to the same city. He sought me out on Facebook and we talk almost every week. He has confessed his feelings for me. Very very purposeful and sweet. We have sooo many things in common and yeah I have very strong feelings for him.
What holds me back is his lack of affection. Not your typical virgo girl, I tend to have a deeply passionate side an wild side too. Im not the picky neat freak they discribe us as. And Im a bit of a freak. But to be honest I have to feel secure to share that side of myself. Here's the issue, In almost every way I feel secure, we talk, communication is excellent, hell its exciting but none on his side are about his feelings toward me. Kind of a I should know how he feels... and I need to hear it, its a turn on point with me. Any advice?
5 AnswersHoroscopes7 years agoAre there situations in which spousal support would be awarded to spouse with higher income?
My husband and I earn a difference of $8000 a year. I earn more. He abandoned the family home and I am now unable to pay for all the bills and responsibilities. I live in Florida which is a no fault state. Any advice. I plan to see a lawyer soon but I was just wondering about this.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoDo children over 18 have to be listed on your lease as renters?
My daughters fiance was listed on his parents last rental as a renter. The future in-laws said it was because the apartment complex required anyone over the age of 18 to be listed as renters. When he signed the lease he was not aware that he would be responsible for any fees, being that his parents asked him and their other child to do this I'm sure either way they would have done what needed in order to help their parents. However, they broke their lease and now the children cannot rent anywhere else until that bill is paid for in full or they will be required a much higher deposit. Does the law require apartment complexes to list adult children as renters? Could they not have been listed as tenants where they are not responsible for any outstanding depts of their parents? Is their anything they can do in this situation?
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years agoHusband had an do I get over him?
three months ago I discovered my husband was seeing someone else and kicked him out. He moved in with her and then moved out to live on his own.We haven't yet filed for divorce, neither one of us is truely sure that's what we want. Anyway how do I move forward in order to get over him? We were married 23 years, I have a career, I do take care of myself, go out with friends, keep myself occupied etc. But the feelings of lost love, loneliness, missing him, future hopes demolished, its just too much to bare sometimes.
He says he will always have love for me, but he is in love with her even though they are not together and I need to just get over it. But just getting over it has been the most difficult thing I've ever experience. Any advise?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoI can't get over his emotional affair!?
In june of this year my husband finally confessed to having been seeing someone on the side. He called her a friend, but it was obvious he had feelings for her and even kissed her on one occassion. We have been married 22 years and after that much time you know a person. I could tell right away something was wrong and suspected him of cheating. Now to many of you this may not seem as much but to me it was a betrail nevertheless the horrible treatment I received while he was seeing her. Now I don't see him the same way. He to me now is capable of hurting me in the most painful way and has. I feel as I am just another woman to him or even less the one he got stuck with and that he wishes he could be with someone else. I am seriously contemplating leaving this whole life behind. My children are in their 20's now so there is really nothing stopping me. I am no longer sure if I love this man or if I'm codependent!
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoCan't stop feeling ugly after his affair?
Truth is I am ugly, obese and in horrible shape at 42. My husband admitted that he had been keeping company with a woman for over a year. After speaking to both of them they both stated it was a friendship that went too far and they began to have feelings for eachother. One night they kissed and it changed everything. I have not been the same since! The relationship is over confirmed on both ends yet I now battle the problems in myself. My self esteme which was crappy to begin with has dropped to the floor and I find it hard to believe that he would love me and would not cheat on me again. After all I really am ugly! How can you build what you've never had!
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agoIs there any way to search for a phone chat account using someone's phone number?
I have been suspecting my husband of sexting on flirtlines by his cell phone for some time. I have asked him about it but he denies it. Yet he is always on the thing outside and always keeps it locked and on him. Even when he's sleeping he hides the thing. It's all so suspicious. Can anyone help me?
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs there any way to search for a phone chat account using someone's phone number?
I've had a feeling for some time that my husband is sexting. I haven't been able to prove it and I wanted to see if there is any way to check for a phone chat account.
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoWhat is Lucifer's flood?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBeing accused of stealing on the job:?
My daughter and a coworker are being accused of giving away pictures at their place of business. Both girls claim they did nothing wrong and that the problem lies in the company sending them excessive amounts of prints which they complained about prior to this. The company has the extras and yet both girls have been UNOFICCIALLY suspended until further notice. Do they have any rights here?
3 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade agoWhat does it mean when a man times himself during sex?
Married and lately my husband has been timing himself during sex, trying to out do himself! I've caught him looking at the alarm clock in the middle of it. And he has been lasting longer and it has been better but it all makes me wonder who is he doing this for!
19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoAre there any tests I can give to see if someone cheated?
Are there any tests I can give to see if someone cheated?
I mean like specific questions (I've asked straight out if he cheated and he denies it). I'm at the point of checking his cell phone records but it seems so rediculous that it would have to come to that point and that I would have to stoop so low. Anybody have advice on how to get a man to fess up?
10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agohow can you tell if your husband cheated?
Recently my husband and I had been having problems. A few months ago he decided he no longer wanted to be with me and would make comments about it every time we had a discussion. We recently patched things us and now I notice that the sex is alot different. He's even timing himself did he cheat? What does this all mean?
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat is the best way to target belly fat?
I am 40, I had my children in my 20's and after my second child I gained alot of weight. At the beginning of the year I decided enough is enough and began dieting, excersizing, and joined a support group. I have managed to take off 35 lbs so far.
However, I still have the biggest stomach. Thin legs but a big stomach. I can't seem to get that area to go down. I walk two-three miles a day and change up with a hour long work out video that target the belly and Nothing! I have lost some weight but it always seems as if my stomach is bigger than the rest of me. How can I get rid of this, and do stomach wraps work?
14 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoAny Atheist who have dated a Christian or vise versa?
Any Atheist who have dated a Christian or married to a Christian, wondering what your experience was like or have any advice? My one issue is he continually downs my faith! Otherwise he's the total package.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan anyone explain Zeigeist to me?
I keep hearing that this is a dispute of all the things christians believe but what I've read and heard is disputable to me
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat would cause this need to be in the pastors favor or even to gain his attention somehow?
Why would we need the pastors aproval. No I don't beleive he will get me closer to God or heaven thats not it. I feel as if I need to be in his favor, as if his oppinion of me means too much and I feel that is a negative thing for me. And no I'm not trying to start a agruement about christians being needy people or whatever, this is based on my personal experience and not an attack on christianity. I'm being transparent because it is affecting my spiritual walk.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy do people seek the pastors approval?
What would cause this need to be in the pastors favor or even to gain his attention somehow?
I don't believe he is going to take me to heaven for being closer to him, but I find it important to have his respect and be considered by him a good person why am I subconcously finding his judgment of me so important?
5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago