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Lv 611,434 points

sandeep m

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I'm a civil engineer by profession. Besides I've keen interest in occult science and super natural events and behavior of people. If a quiz is given to me, I become restless till I find a satisfactory answer. I do painting and writing during my free time.

  • Do u really believe all the advertisements which promise sure income on internet by working from home ?

    I am scared of mails which promise us lottery amount. There are equal number of e-mails which try to lure and promise good money. I feel all these are bogus and interested only in getting form fee. After lot of assurance, finally they ask for fee only.

  • How to make best use of Facebook ?

    I've an account on the Facebook but not very conversant about its uses. Also, i've not any friend either. I'm a civil engineer by profession and I spend most time in studying something from palmistry to any serious engineering topic. I'm already 73 and I don't have much to do. Though I've prepared 6-papers and filed for patent. My favorite topic is India vision-2050. All my papers concern this topic. Now I want to know how Facebook can help me.

    4 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • Is there any past of me before my mother conceived me or any future for me after I die?

    No religious answer, please. I'm a scientist and I believe it's science which governs the entire universe. Nothing falls beyond the reach of science. Even if there is any power which governs the universe has to fall within the ambit of science. Evolution is basic to everything. It's a process which governs the entire universe. If there is 'soul', there is bound to be super-soul i.e. God. Recently I read two books by title " Same Soul Many Bodies -By Dr Brian Weiss". Another book has the title " The Laws of The Spirit World - By Khorshed Bhavanagri". These two people are not religious people. They claim to have got direct evidence. In case of Dr. Brian Weiss, he is a Psychiatrist and he carries his patients to past lives through hypnosis and collects evidence. He has even suggested that our future life too is pre-decided. How can it happen ? If everything is pre-decided, what's the fun in living ??? In case of Mrs. Khorshed Bhavnagari, she was an ordinary woman when her two sons died in a car accident. Her life was shattered and there was no meaning in her living. She decided to commit suicide. It was when her both the sons contacted her through a human medium and asked her not to kill herself and work to enlighten people about the spiritual world. It were they who conveyed her the working of spirit world. They talked about their life and the spirit world. They identified 7 levels in spirit world. A soul takes birth in this world to evolve into better soul through good acts. It is the it reaches higher level in the spirit world. So this world of ours is just a media for evolution of souls to higher and higher level. God is an entity which rules the spirit world. Further, God lives in 8th level. A soul can reach a maximum 7th level. God rules over the universe through purified souls occupying 7th level. In brief, there is a parallel world of spirit which are bodiless persons as such to perform souls take birth on this world. All higher souls come down to earth on specific missions. Christ, Buddha, Gandhi and almost every dignitary who rode the ladder of fame were on a mission.

    As I have said, there is nothing beyond science. A day is bound to come when we shall have scientific instruments and shall be able to contact with the spirit world. I can now believe that there is a spirit world. We have a soul in our body and its center must be in brain or the first cell just after egg is fertilized with spermatozoa. That seems most logical.

    If I am asked to formulate evolution, my equation shall be as under:-

    matter + energy = energy + matter

    matter + energy + life energy [i.e. soul ] = biological evolution

    Without life energy, biological evolution is impossible. It is that which strengthens my faith in the being of 'SOUL' in all of us. But everything is pre-decided is something hard to accept. Any kind of evolution is subjective. It always has two choices. It's our gene that selects. I'm not a biologist as such I can't express myself in exact words. Science can except existence of soul and its evolution to higher levels but nothing of the kind pre-fixation of a onward journey. That everything is in the hands of God and nothing in our hands- is 1005 wrong.

    In this respect the book " The LAWS OF THE SPIRIT WORLD" is more to the point and very logistic and can be accepted by all." Dr. Brian's book has sold 1.50 million copies and seems more commercial. It has fabricated some of the matter.

    Let there be no confusion about the question. I am only seeking your logicality in the matter. We all have some kind of experience with supernatural forces. Like we see many a things in our dreams and that happens in reality. It is this which sometimes forces us to think that everything is pre-decided. Well ! I have no answer for this. It perplexes me very much. Many lives are cut short and people die in accidents. Are the accidents pre-decided or there is a change of program for them - something like call back. Why a person is to be born at all if one has to die in an accident ??? WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT ALL THESE QUESTIONS ???

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I.m suffering from partial slip disc ie bulging of disc c-5 & c-6 as per MRI, What's the best treatment ?

    I,m 46 yrs and an business executive spending 8 hrs in desk job including PC.i am suffering for 4 weeks - at present on full rest for last 2 weeks.Taking ultracet and hifenac twice a day for 2 weeks.Taking traction & ultrasound for last 4 days. Slight relief so far.Continue to have pain in neck and left shoulder and hand.Any exertion leads to pain. HOW LONG I'VE TO CONTINUE ON REST.ANY SUGGESTION,. Surgical correction of disc is an option which I want to avoid. Any suggestion other than operation

    Want to know how long I need to be at home and how much time for recovery ?Want to avoid surgery.What are dos donts and cure.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How to counter Pak sponsored terrorism ?

    Nuke them was the reply to my similar question. The other person said surround them and kill them financially as the best way to punish such a country.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Should India strike now or wait till April when the next government is power ?

    I think it should not delay striking at terrorist camps at least symbolically to show its serious to nip the evil in its bud. Too much delay weakens the will and the purpose. I believe if I want to protect my freedom, I must be ready to sacrifice my life for it. Once I'm ready for it nothing matters much to me how I die. Division of India into 3 countries was a mistake and the price might be Great annihilation of people on both sides. When it happens, it would happen very suddenly. Mumbai, Karanchi, Lahore, Chandigarh, Delhi are targets for sure hits. My thoughts are not too far fetched in the present scenario.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What is in offing in case of India & Pakistan after Mumbai terrorist attack ?

    Why me, most Indian now demand attack on terrorist camps in Pakistan or occupied Kashmir. Where all this will lead to ? A section off course feels shy of it as it might lead to nuclear conflict. There has been predictions that a nuclear conflict between India & Pakistan is more likely than among other countries of the world.

    11 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • The saying goes like people like government. Do you agree or disagree ?

    My question is in the context of Pakistan. At a time when we were looking to people of Pakistan like our brothers - comes Mumbai attacks and no ripples going down the spine of masses there. So how they would react when we strike on the terrorist camps to begin with. That seems now the only option in our hand to counter terrorism. Pakistan too shall have only one option left to it. Either it submits or enters into a full fledged war. The kind of madness Pakistan army is showing a nuclear war with them is not too far away. The chances are 1 in 10 and not 1 in 100 as in case of U.S.A. & U.S.S.R. even when their relations stood at their worst. When you are up against forces of mad people only the worst can happen.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • An opinion is fast emerging among Indians that menac of terror should be taken head on no matter what price..?

    Masses always react with anger and in desperation when government fails to stop terrorist attacks who are striking at will at their chosen targets killing most innoceent people. It has now become a regular feature. Most of us think that whichever government that comes to power after the next general election has to promise first that it would take terrorist attacks head on and strike at the very source it comes from. Surgical strikes at the terrorists camps In Pakistan and occupied Kashmir therefore not ruled out.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Waging war against terrorism ? Is it just against one country or the entire humanity ? Just ask urself. ?

    The time has come when we have to take on terrorism as an unforgivable crime against humanity and there should be world forum, under U.N.O. to deal with it. Pakistan has become breeding ground for terrorism with the blessing and support of army there. At present it's targeting India mostly but sooner the maniac will grow bigger and get assess to nuclear weapons there. The manner in which world body is tackling it, is slow and ineffective. With China in its backing Pakistan is towering over India as a giant and the Govt. Of India lacks the necessary courage to take on Pakistan head on for fear of a nuclear out burst which can't be denied altogether. In such a situation U.N.O must come forward and take stringent economic measures against the erring Pakistan and isolate it. Instead of America playing a major role in fighting terrorism and Taliban, I think combined forces of U.N.O should fight. I think U.S.A should take a back seat and allow U.N.O. to operate. Strengthen security council and abolish power to veto. Unless that is done, we can never wage a sustainable war against terrorism.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Where was Muntazer when Saddam was in power ?

    Surely he must be licking Saddam's shoes or lacked the courage to shoe him. It's much easier for him to shoe a democratic President and emerge as a hero at the minimum cost. He might get a maximum of 2 years imprisonment and come out as a hero and play a bigger role in Iraqi government. It was a well chalked out plan. Yes, President Bush failed as a President but American people have to share the blame as much. This war has cost heavily to Americans and the real gainers are none. Iraqi people deserve ruthless ruler like Saddam and no soon there will be another Saddam. I'm an Indian and Saddam was good for us but he made some wrong calculations about American might and went into a war which could have very well been avoided. His ego became bigger than his size for him and paid the price for the same. Unearned democracy can't stay too long. We have an example of Pakistan before us. They got freedom on a platter but without any real leadership and the power passed on soon to military and the present civilian rulers are only paper tigers. Soon army will take over the democratic government in Iraq and Barrack Obama will do least to save it at American cost. If the people there don't deserve it [democracy] and there will be sooner than soon another Saddam like ruler which Iraqi people deserve. Though I very much wish that I'm proved wrong. It can happen tomorrow if Americans withdraw... at first there will be anarchy and the army takes over..and there comes a ruthless leader like Saddam and I would like to see a real Matazer who can throw a pair of shoes and pay by his life. If it happens, democracy can come to stay.Democracy can't be given on a platter but it's to be earned by the people there. No one can win a war for you. You have to wage it for yourself.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why politicians have to play dirty games like President Bush and face embarrassment later ?

    President Bush is not just one person. Most of the politicians are like him only. Why can't politics be a clean business fairly played for the benefit of the people who elect them to power.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where lies the key in building of a good and a healthy nation ?

    If you ask me I'd say the nation that cares for its children can only have a good future. A nation's first committment should be its children. Irrespective of parentage, a nation should provide full protection and care to the children. India spends a poor 1.3 % of GDP which is too\less, whereas in my government, I'd provide healthy 5 %, so that no child grows in scarcity and malnutrition.

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • The level of intelligency that human have none have means to reach. Do u agree or not ? Isn't it God's gift ?

    Human specie is gifted with so many things to be an intelligent specie, none else on this earth. Is it possible to find in outer space a specie more intelligent and gifted than humans ? Do u believe in Aliens who r said to be more intelligent? So much talk about them but all appears like gossip. We have yet to find a planet where life in any form can exist.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What makes U.S.A. to fear for its security and from whom ?

    One thing I've never been able to understand as to why U.S.A. wants to arm herself to teeth and disarm others and what it has to fear from ? What's the need of Pentagan to prepare advance war strategy against hypothetical enemies. Both Russia & China are her friends. None dare threaten U.S.A., yet it has to fear a lot, is their assumption. Sum and substance of my question is why play super-cop and threaten small nations like Vietnam, Korea, Afganisthan and now Iraq in the name of ideology ??? Why muddle into other people's affairs and get into trouble. Some people say it's for oil. That very crude oil is 125 dollars a barrel and who is suffering most. Certainly it's not oil. At least I can't accept this argument. Don't u think, instead of war U.S.A. should prepare for peace and for a change bring into Presidency a person like Obama. Despite all flaws, small nations are looking towards U.S.A. for leadership. U.S.A. is a undisputable super-power and nothing can reduce its importance.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What's your contribution to the society you consider yourself part of ?

    I believe every person is contributing to society and that's why we have the present society good or bad.

    5 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • What makes u a unique person in this world ?

    I believe every living person is a unique person in some way. What is unique about you that you feel but don't reveal to any at least from your own mouth but feel free to tell here.

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What makes finger prints so unique that there can't be another person with the same finger prints ?

    It's very intriguing which I can't understand. Is there anyone who can throw light on it ?

    7 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • It's a hypothetical question but it gives u enough material to plan for second life after death .?

    Death is end of this life, no doubt about that, but God willing it may possibly be beginning of a second life. If u r given a choice to return to this world what 'd be ur mission. My mission would be welfare of children. I think I can live one more life for sake of children as I truly love children all over the world. I wish to devote my second life doing welfare work for them. This is my genuine wish for second life. What kind of life u 'd ask for urself ? This is my question.

    11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago