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  • 4 months from wedding, Non Pregnant bridesmaid backs out of wedding over Maternity dress...?

    I'm getting married April 12, 2008, almost exactly 4 months from now. I have 2 adult bridesmaids and two Jr. bridesmaids.

    One of my bridesmaids is trying to get pregnant. My agreement with my girls is that they all choose a dress in Peri from David's bridal. I don't care what style..No special accessories or anything...Just a Peri David's Bridal dress and silver or clear shoes.

    My bridesmaid doesn't want to order a dress until February, to see if she is pregnant by then. David's doesn't make a maternity gown in Peri. February. is going to be too late, since it takes 6 weeks to ship the gown, leaving NO time for alterations.

    I've already suggested ordering a dress a size or two larger. She says that would be too expensive to alter.

    Her solution? I'm supposed to let her have her husband sew her a maternity gown. We're having this whole issue, and she is NOT EVEN PREGNANT.

    She is now dropping out of the wedding.

    What would you do, if this happened to you??

    50 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Should new pet owners be required to get an IQ test before being allowed to get a dog?

    OMG...After reading most of the questions here on Yahoo Answers Dog section, I just cringe, and feel so bad for so many dogs out there. HOW OLD are the people here? Questions about dogs that have been sick for days....Instead of posting your question on an online group, GET YOUR DOGS TO THE VET.

    90% of the questions here can be answered with the following answers:

    Get your dog to the vet. Only your Vet can tell you how to treat your sick dog/tell you if your dog is at a healthy weight.

    Get your dog spayed/neutered. NO, you don't need to breed your dog. There are too many unwanted dogs already.

    Get your dog into pet training. Obedience and behavior training will HELP with the chewing/digging/jumping up/bad behaviors.

    So...I'm starting to think there should be an age limit on pet ownership...and probably an IQ test. Far too many common sense questions being posted on here....too many dogs endangered by foolish owners.

    Are there any other ADULTS in here?

    26 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Where are the other Whippet parents?

    I'm a proud Whippet owner...I have two...Loki and Calypso. Where are the other Whippet owners? The breed isn't nearly as popular here on the East Coast, USA as it is in England or in warmer climates. (Whippets are NOT typically fond of cold weather!)

    Tell me about your Whippets!!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Anyone hear of the Dilly Dally Dairy children's fantasy book?

    I vaguely remember a fantasy book (either young adult or children's book) about a street of houses and families trapped in time, moving through time but never of the children meets a modern child for a short period of time. I think the families are trapped in time because of a professor who never wanted to age...?

    I remember in one scene, the mother of one of the trapped families is extremely happy to be given a modern rubber spatula to use when baking...leaving no brownie batter in the bowl for the kids to eat.

    I may be confusing two books together, I'm not sure...but I had this book when I was a kid, and it has stuck with me all this time. I'd like to find it again, to give to my stepdaughter.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Budget Trip to Niagara Falls?

    Hello all,

    My Fiance and I are coming from Pennsylvania, across the bridge to Canada, next Friday. All of the information I've read says meals are expensive around the Falls. Any suggestions on some decently priced but still nice restaurants we can go to, during our stay? We are staying at the Comfort Inn, so we are close to the Falls, and breakfasts and parking are free...but we need lunch and dinner destinations.

    Also, what are the "Must See" things we should check out? We plan on spending time in the Casino, but I do want to sightsee too...

    We are planning on bringing sodas and alcohol (beer, and wine cooler type drinks) with us from Pennsylvania. Is that ok to drive through customs? I am aware we need to have our birth certificates with us, but don't need passports to drive.

    Any advice is appreciated!



    3 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • Budget trip to Niagara Falls, Canada?

    Hello all,

    My Fiance and I are coming from Pennsylvania, across the bridge to Canada, next Friday. All of the information I've read says meals are expensive around the Falls. Any suggestions on some decently priced but still nice restaurants we can go to, during our stay? We are staying at the Comfort Inn, so we are close to the Falls, and breakfasts and parking are free...but we need lunch and dinner destinations.

    Also, what are the "Must See" things we should check out? We plan on spending time in the Casino, but I do want to sightsee too...

    We are planning on bringing sodas and alcohol (beer, and wine cooler type drinks) with us from Pennsylvania. Is that ok to drive through customs? I am aware we need to have our birth certificates with us, but don't need passports to drive.

    Any advice is appreciated!

    6 AnswersNiagara Falls1 decade ago
  • My mother was just diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer...?

    Hi guys. I guess I'm posting this here because the "Weddings Section" is where I hang out the most here on Yahoo Answers.

    Last night, I found out my Mom was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. We are not yet sure what stage or what type of cancer it is...but the Dr.s say it is very treatable with a good cure rate.

    I'm doing my best to be supportive, willing to help my Mom with her appointments, or help her with anything I can do. I know she needs surgery, then needs treatments.

    Mom has great chances to be cured. This is one of the easiest cancers to treat in early stages. I'm just stuck in such a depression right now...I'm scared. I watched my grandma die from breast cancer...and I don't want to lose my mother...although I know there is nothing I can do to "fix" this.

    I should be getting my Save the Date magnet envelopes ready, but I can't even think about my wedding. How can I be positive and shake off this depression? I can't find a "hopeful" spirit....I'm so scared...

    19 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • My Mom has just been diagnosed with Thyroid cancer...?

    Hello all,

    I'm 26 years old..and last night, I found out my Mom was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. We are not yet sure what stage or what type of cancer it is...but the Dr.s say it is very treatable. Even with this information, hearing my mother has cancer was crushing news.

    I am trying very hard to be patient, and I'm being supportive, willing to help my Mom with her appointments, or help her with anything I can do. I know she needs surgery, then needs treatments.

    My rational mind knows Mom has great chances to be cured. If she HAD to have cancer, this is one of the easiest ones to treat in early stages. My heart, scared. I watched my grandma die from breast cancer...and I don't want to lose my mother...although I know there is nothing I can do to "fix" this.

    How long did it take you guys for the shock to go away after you found out a loved one had cancer? How long before the wavering between depression, shock and anger faded away?

    8 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • What time, for an evening wedding with cake and punch reception?

    Due to financial issues, we have had to change our wedding plans. We have decided to go with a later wedding with a cake/punch/light refreshments reception with dancing, instead of a large meal with earlier ceremony.

    We are getting married in April 2008, with the ceremony in the same reception hall that we will have the reception and dancing. Our original plan was to have the ceremony at 4pm...but now since we are not serving a full meal, We need to have the ceremony later, so we will not interfere with meal times. I will have "Informal Cake and Punch Reception with Dancing to follow" on the invitation so guests know there is not a full meal...but I am trying to decide what time to have the ceremony. 6:30? 7? What do you think? Also, typically the later the wedding, the more formal the event...Other than saying "Informal" on the invitation, is there any other way to convey this is not a black tie cocktail party, this is going to be a fun, cake/punch/beer/dancing type party?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • He wants a "really good pen" for a groom's gift?

    I told my fiance I want to get him a groom's gift...I asked if he wanted a new TV, or something for his computer...a ring or a watch...something like that.

    Yesterday he informed me "I just thought of something you can get me for a wedding gift. I want a really good pen. It is something I would use many times every day, and I'd always have it with me, so I would think of you."

    He is the manager of a computer help desk, so he always has a pen with him...but what in the world would be considered a "Good" one? For me, I just use your standard Bic pens...but what is a quality pen set? What company should I look at?

    This would not be a fountain would need to be a ballpoint, refillable, excellent quality....and maybe engravable or personalizable?

    Anyone have any ideas?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Order 1 size larger, or two sizes larger for a 13 year old girl?

    I got a call today from David's Bridal. The bridesmaids dress style my future step daughter picked out for our wedding in April 2008 is being discontinued. So, in order to get the dress she wants, I need to order it soon, before they stop producing it. (On the positive side, it will be cheaper now)

    My question is: she is 13 and is going through puberty. I've never had a teen daughter before and I have no clue how many sizes larger I should order, to be safely sure that the dress will still fit in April. I'm aware alterations will need done no matter what...but I also know it is easier to go smaller than to have a too-tight dress let out...

    Any women who have daughters this age? I need some intelligent, adult advice.

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Whos posts do you look for, here in the "Weddings" section?

    I'm sure most of you read other replies to questions...not just answer and leave. Do you have any Yahoo Answers regulars that you look for? Anyone you have noticed that has strong advice, makes you laugh, or just "Tells it like it is?"

    I'm a fan of some of the following: Lydia, CBT Princess, gileswench, Bubbles, tehuskey513 and kateqd30. There are many more, but I always find myself pausing to check out what some of these girls/guys have to say...whether or not I agree with it!

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • He is gone all week...I'm bummed.....?

    Ok, guys...I know, everyone has different ways of dealing with things...but my fiance is in another state all this week, in training for work. He left Sunday night, and will get back Friday today is only Tuesday, but I miss him already. We live together, and we've been together for 3 years...and the only time we normally are away from each other for more than a night is when I visit my best friend out of state. (And when I visit my best friend, we stay too busy for me to miss my fiance.)

    What about you girls/guys? How long are you separated from your other half before you start missing them? Do you feel relieved to have "alone" time, or do you find it depressing? Are you already married, or in the process of planning your wedding...and does that make a difference? Those of you who are already you feel different now?

    Just curious...and bored...

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • The Joys of the "Weddings" section on Yahoo Answers?

    Is this Tacky? What is Tacky? Am I tacky?

    Can I have a small wedding, then have 4 more weddings to get as many presents and attention as possible?

    Can I put all 12 of my wedding registries in the invitations, along with a clear note saying “We’re in love, buy from the list above”?

    Can I kick out my bridesmaids for not paying attention to me, every waking moment between now and my wedding?

    Why won’t my fiancé have anything to do with the wedding planning? / Why won’t my fiancé let me do whatever I want with MY wedding?

    Am I old enough/young enough/ smart enough/tall enough to get married?

    How much money do I give my brother/ sister/ Milkman/ podiatrist for his/her wedding?

    I was born under a full moon at 12:35am with an extra toe and my birthdate is 01/01/85. When will I find someone to marry me?

    .......Ok...Now that all of the Weddings Regulars are smirking, here is a real question: What is the most helpful question/answer you found here on Yahoo Answers?

    23 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Anyone else find Yahoo Answers depressing sometimes?

    Ok, so, I'm addicted to Yahoo Answers. I'm here in Weddings all the time. But lately, I've found myself becoming more frustrated and depressed by what I see on YA.

    Recently seen on Yahoo Answers:

    A woman who adopted 2 children, and now when parenting is really rough and she might have a child of her own, she wants to give the kids back.

    A dog owner who wants to know how she can avoid paying to get her dog's broken leg fixed...

    People asking for advice on how to break up relationships between other people...

    Children asking if it is wrong for them to feel suicidal and depressed because their lives are horrible with abuse and abandonment...

    I mean, holy cow. I started coming to this forum because it was fun...I enjoyed hanging out in the Weddings section because I'm planning my own wedding. But, I poked my head into the other areas, and it is depressing what sadness is in our world.

    This is only a website. It shouldn't bother me so much, I guess

    17 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Anyone Else getting depressed from Yahoo Answers?

    Ok, so, I'm addicted to Yahoo Answers. But lately, I've found myself becoming more frustrated and depressed by what I see on YA.

    Recently seen on Yahoo Answers:

    A woman who adopted 2 children, and now when parenting is really rough and she might have a child of her own, she wants to give the kids back.

    A dog owner who wants to know how she can avoid paying to get her dog's broken leg fixed...

    People asking for advice on how to break up relationships between other people...

    Children asking if it is wrong for them to feel suicidal and depressed because their lives are horrible with abuse and abandonment...

    I mean, holy cow. I started coming to this forum because it was fun...I enjoyed hanging out in the Weddings section because I'm planning my own wedding. But, I poked my head into the other areas, and it is depressing what sadness is in our world.

    I'm tempted to retire. This is only a website. It shouldn't bother me so much, I guess.

    17 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Adoptees that searched for and found their Birth Parents, did you regret it?

    I'm an adoptee and after quite a bit of searching, I found my birth mother and her family. My maternal biological family is a pretty decent group of people, and I now see them around the holidays and keep in touch occasionally.

    My biological mother, however, has been in jail for the past 11 years for a crime that I consider almost unforgivable. I've been in touch with her, we've written back and forth, and she would like to have some level of relationship with me when she is paroled. She claims she can't remember my biological father's name, and has had no contact with him since before I was born. I'm not concerned with finding him anyway.

    While I am happy to finally know where I come from...(at least on the mother's side), and I've been pleased to find great maternal grandparents...part of me regrets finding my biological mother.

    I'd like to hear from other Adoptees who found their birth parents. Was it a positive experience? Negative? Do you regret it?

    3 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • How would you handle a gift to a pizza reception?

    My stepbrother got married out of state last month. I was unable to attend the wedding/reception since it was out of state...I couldn't get off work for long enough to drive there and attend.

    The couple is throwing a VERY informal reception, with pizza and soda, here in my state, close to the Groom's family. My fiance and I will be attending the pizza party.

    I know this is my stepbrother, but I did not attend the wedding/formal reception, so I do not think I should give a higher monetary gift to cover the cost of the meal at the reception. I'm in a bit of a budget crunch, but I've been thinking about giving a card with $50 from my fiance and I.

    I know...I know. We get "How much money should I give" questions all the time here on Yahoo Answers. But, this is a bit unusual...I'm not really attending a formal reception.

    Any thoughts?

    18 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How can a bride be an Anti-Bridezilla?

    I'm a bride to be, trying to keep my Matron of Honor, my Bridesmaid, and my two stepdaughters in mind with my decisions for my wedding. I am NOT paying for their dresses/shoes/etc (I can't afford it, sorry)...but I've just given them a color at David's Bridal and I'm having them each choose whatever dress style they want in the same color. This way they can be comfortable in their dresses, and choose something that flatters their different body shapes.

    They are going to all wear white shoes in whatever style they like...they can buy the shoes wherever they want, so they can have shoes to wear again in the future.

    I'm trying to have fun with this...the wedding isnt so Serious and if something goes wrong, so what? As long as I'm there, the JP is there and my fiance is there, everything will be fine.

    I'm looking for other ideas to make it more a pleasure than a chore, to be part of my wedding party. What do you consider an "Anti-Bridezilla"?

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Ladies who have been bridesmaids: What was your BEST and WORST experiences as a part of the Bridal Party?

    Hey girls,

    Tell me, from a bridesmaid/MOH point of view: What made a friend/family member's wedding a joy to be part of the bridal party? What made it a nightmare? Tell me your Wonderful Bride stories and your bridezilla stories.....

    I'm a bride to be, trying to keep my Matron of Honor, my Bridesmaid, and my two stepdaughters in mind with my decisions for my wedding. I am NOT paying for their dresses/shoes/etc (I can't afford it, sorry)...but I've just given them a color at David's Bridal and I'm having them each choose whatever dress style they want in the same color. This way they can be comfortable in their dresses, and choose something that flatters their different body shapes.

    They are going to all wear white shoes in whatever style they like...they can buy the shoes wherever they want, so they can have shoes to wear again in the future.

    I'm looking for other ideas to make it more a pleasure than a chore, to be part of my wedding party.

    16 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago