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  • Where to download the Wua 2340 Driver?

    I have searched vigorously through the internet for a driver for WUA 2340 with vista, but I couldn't find one. The driver links on the product company are broken, and so are all other sites offering the driver, the driver links seem to be all broken.

    Would anyone know of a valid link to download the D Link driver?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is it safe to re-use 10L drinking water containers?

    Hey people,

    For a while our tap water has been filled with this gross bacteria and my step dad still has to get the land lord to fix this problem.

    For a couple weeks we have been drinking water from already used 10L water containers from the 'Selection' company, the bran is 'natural spring water'. I'm thinking this material can spread carcinogen through the water but I'm unsure. And I really prefer to keep dehydrated all through out the day, so if this water is harmful, we are seriously going to either have to quickly get the lanlord to fix the water supply, or to buy more fresh water from new un-reused containers.

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Is a salad at night dangerous?

    Yo guys, I wanna have a salad at 11:30 PM then I wanna be in bed by 12 :00 PM or so. Is a salad at night just as beneficial as a salad at lunch?

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Asking for advice from everyone on what I should eat.?

    Hellllo I am wanting to know if I should stay away from certain foods..

    I amm 18 almost 19 male, I'm 175-180 lbs it varies, and I'm pretty active. I'm into strength training and walking/jogging/swimming either at the gym or outside..

    If I want to stay in top healthyness should I stay away from resteraunt foods such as Pizza Hut's Pizza and Pasta?, I eat a nice meal sze garden salad everytime I go to work for a discount, I know the garden salad is no problem. But Im wondering if I should eat any pizza form them at all because I heard pretty much any fast food isn't good at all.

    Currently I eat as much whole grain bread like flax loaf or 12 grain, and at least a couple bowls of cereal like raisin brain or bran flakes, cause I know there isn't anything wrong with the cereal.

    plus a couple other questions.. If I want to save alot of money and want to eat really healthy, are there anyways into doing so?. is it possible for me to get great cereal discounts online or any other healthy foods that are non perishable?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • The Power of Now, anyone ever read it? Im going to read it over for my second time cause it's the best.?

    Lets talk about the book, I recommend this book to everyone, it's an awesome book, and its the most important knowledge you will ever learn in your lifetime!

    This stuff heals you when your enter the present moment, it gives your vibrant being energy to allow you to feel the best you have ever felt in your life!

    You must stay in the present moment all the time, because when you enter your pain body (the sub conscience mind or darkness) you have alot of fear like most of the human population!

    So become one of us and learn to enter the now, and learn to greate longer gaps of being at presence, eventually you willfeel present for half your day!, then your whole day!, having this feeling of presence is the most important and best feeling you'll ever have!

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago

    While reading this book I become astounded by the quality he sends his wisdom and knowledge through his crystal clear english skills. I love this messege he sent on page 50. "Nothing ever happened in the past; It happened in the NOW", "Nothing will ever happen in the future, it will happen in the NOW". This really, really, really, explain why and how time is an illusion, it's and illusion because time doesn't even exist!!!! Here is another intelligent fact tha Tolle stated, that proves past doesn't even exist, "What you think of as the past is a memory trace, stores in the mind, of a former Now."

    So since he states that time doesn't even exist, don't YOU think it will be better to forget about time and enter the Now? Comment on what you think of the Now and how nice it is to forget about all problems dimish with the illusion of time.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Drinking orange peko no milk no sugar, no honey?

    Im drinking orange peko like this, tastes horrible, but its too unhealthy to drink it with anything. Is it good for you to drink orange pkeo with nothing added for tastely related benefits?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is it healthy to do 400 Push Ups & 400 Sit Ups?

    It is now 7:30 PM, and I'm planning on doing 400 sit ups and 400 push ups before I go to bed, which is about 10:30PM - 11:00PM.

    So to say if I were to do these, would it increase my muscle strength and mass, or would the exercise just make my muscles painful, resulting in no gain?

    And also, I have chipped in 25$ on a 50$ whey protein milkshake mix with my step dad, would consuming this product result in more muscle mass gained then if I were not to consume it?

    Thank you,

    Shawn Butterworth

    15 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago

    Pizza or Ice Cream

    29 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • How do I find Complete system restore?

    Where and how do i find that thing that enables to you to create that 2 disc system recovery discs? I tried everything in search but I might be missing that one word to find it.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Reformatting vista?

    Hey I just made my 2 discs form hp's recovery disc creation and I dont know where to start to get my reformatting done. Do I go to bios or not? :P just gimme the steps plz. :)

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Missing alot of school, dunno what to do.?

    At the moment, well in the past 2 months or so, I have been missing lots of school, I'm talking an average of 2-3 days out of every 5 days. I'm thinking the cause of this is due to the fact that I am developing anxiety towards alot of people, causing me to want to sleep when I wake up, and not attend school for that day. When I work it's ok, but just when I go to school, alot of people bother me due to the existence of my anxiety.

    I'm pretty good in school in certai areas, like physics and some units of math, but it's just being around people, it drains the energy out of me, causing me to create a barrier between me and people, in which the barrier is not going to school.

    So to sum it all up, I am seeking help, either attending online schooling, or seeking medical assistance. Thank you :)

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Making a pneumatic or hydraulic lifting device, (Pascals Principle).?

    Currently in grade 12 college level physics we are assigned to create a pneumatic (water pressure) or hydraulic (air pressure) device to lift something by applying pressure somehow within in order for the device to lift something. The teacher said that by sitting on a water bed, and sitting on one side, will make the other side go up, he pointed out that this relates to I will have to create.

    Currently I have no partner and I have no clue.

    Will anybody experienced in this experience please help me in this situation?

    You help will be truely appreciated.

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • correct name using IUPAC rules for..(chemistry)?

    theres this sheet our teacher gave us, and im stuck on this 1 part, correct name using IUPAC rules for.. U2O, BiBr3, Pu2S5, Pb(CO3)2, those are a couple, i just weant help on what UPAC means and how do i calculate to find the correct answer, thanks, :)

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Chat problems, (computer doesn't support rquired audio compression format.)?

    When I try to join chat, and turn on voice chat, this messege shows up, "computer doesn't support rquired audio compression format". Can I download something that can fix this?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • Too sick to do exam?

    Today I can't do my exam. This is because I am too tired and somewhat sick.

    Is it possible to do the exam later or is that not possible?

    If it isnt, then good bye english credit. :(

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • What is a adequate eating habit?

    As I am 160 lbs 6'2, at the age of 17, I was wondering how could I manage consuming 160 grams of protein a day? Please provide me with as much self knowledge and experience. Have a Geat Day.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Which should I save for?

    Hey, I just recieved a paycheck from my work for 480$ and I was wondering, should I buy a Nintendo Wii right away, or save 1000$ for a new laptop. Which decision do you think is better? Please give me your opinion, and why it is a good choice. Thank you, and have a great day!

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Young model pics?

    Does anyone have a good site with young girl model pics of like 16-18 or around there I wanna find out what I want my girlfriend to sort of look like lol

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Am I a pedo?

    My sister has friends over and they are usually about 14 years old, and I am 17. And sometime I find them attractive and such.

    Like I knowits wrong but I think it's because I never experienced of what it's like to have a girlfriend and e.t.c. So if I got a girlfriend my age do you think I would stop having thoughts of thinking these friends are hot?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago