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  • Do women prefer when guys are automatic, or when they lay back like women?

    Do women prefer the situation where the guy just comes after you and pursues you, or when he stays back -where you may not know he is even interested or not. Where the 2nd guy makes it where you would need to get up and put some initial effort in order to make anything come out of it.

    Reason i ask is that women seem perpetually low key just about everywhere they go- from the grocery store to the night club. Are women generally waiting for men to make the first and obvious move (like the first guy in my example)? Or are women looking for men to basically mirror women's own action and also play it cool, forcing women - as well as empowering women to either fully initiate or at least go half way to meet a guy of their own choosing?

    2 AnswersGender Studies10 years ago
  • How to maintain an infrequent rapport with someone youve had quick/early sex with?

    Im talking about the situation when youve met and/or even dated someone, and of course had sex. How do you go about keeping an infrequent, yet still open rapport? Where you can text this person (esp. from a man to a woman, as its probably a more delicate situation going from male to female), and likely have them staying cool enough to hang out short notice, and stuff like that.

    2 AnswersGender Studies10 years ago
  • What is the medical term for the condition when people die and their eyes turn blue?

    I could've sworn i've heard a medical term for it, and I've asked the question before without luck. I've searched online and nothing; no pictures, nothing comes from a search.

    Here is a picture of what I am talking about *Warning, Graphic

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • Do women expect men to carry conversations?

    Like will women text guys or say hello to a man in person and then hope the guy will take it from there?

    (Obviously this is a rhetorical question to some degree, as people generally know this to be true) My point with this question is to point to whether women sometimes put a kind of pressure on men to read their minds to an extent. Its no big thing to expect the man to lead, what confuses a situation however is when a woman has previously turned down a man's sexual advances, or maybe the two have just never gotten off toward that sort of dynamic; for a woman to then text a man deep in the night "how are you?", it leaves a man in a wtfsidwt(-should I do with this) sort of predicament. A rational adult male gets the hint that a woman is not usually just gonna say hi late in the night for it's own sake; but he also thinks to himself 'what exactly has changed since the last time this girl and I had an opportunity that didn't go anywhere?'

    8 AnswersGender Studies10 years ago
  • Are women more insecure about flirting with very good looking men?

    Especially if the man is not noticing them, or showing any interest?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Are women generally less confident in initiating with good looking men?

    Are they less likely to smile towards, hold prolonged eye contact, etc.. with good looking men? Especially if the man is not showing an obvious interest or receptiveness to her?

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Do women naturally assume (passing in public) that very good looking men wouldn't be interested in them?

    Or that these men likely wouldn't approach or make a move?

    -The result of these assumptions ultimately being that most women don't bother to show interest in good looking men (in public)?

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Do women resent good looking men not approaching women in public?

    I imagine women resenting men for having so much power in dating (e.g., men being expected to be the sole gender who is universally encouraged to initiate interactions and relationships). In real-time: I imagine women walking around feeling in limbo, not knowing how to act or what to do when they see men they find attractive around town. Should they say hi? Should they make themselves look available?(-Or would that look desperate?) Should they act like they're not interested first so that it's less painful if the guy doesn't approach?

    Do women feel angst around men (even attractive men they've never formally met)? - Like they want to just tell guys off 'what the hell man!? Why are you guys not approaching us girls?

    I assume women may feel fairly irritated at men.

    7 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Resident Evil 5: Do the developers expect you to play it by stocking up on ammo and health?

    I dunno if I should feel it cheap to play that way, or if playing levels over and over stocking up on ammo, money, and health is how they expected you to play.

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • Why don't women seem to put more effort towards making guys comfortable to approach them in public?

    At the bar or club for instance: women do generally glance at men when they're interested, sometimes they'll accidentally bump into them on the dance floor, they'll smile, get their friends to say something, etc. However in public it seems all this is lost- aside from situations where the man and woman are forced to talk to eachother (i.e., consumer-employee relationship), or the two happen to come across eachother over and again.

    Why don't women do these same things in public with guys they see for the first time whom they are attracted to?

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • What are some of the reasons women will fallout with or kinda forget about men whom they were interested in?

    Basically, i'm asking why do women have so many men they've been interested in and dated/hung out with or even been hooking up with- who these women no longer seem to be interested in associating with? Like, unless you've dated them fully and then had a bad break up why would you just forget about a person whom you were earlier very interested in and who assumedly is still in close enough contact range?

    Is it different for women; as women generally wait for the man to progress the relationship, and if it appears he isn't would this be a sort of coping mechanism that men (being of a different perspective) wouldn't identify with?

    7 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Should it mainly be up to women to motivate men to approach them?

    Most consider it the man's 'responsibility' to get women interested in sex; as otherwise many times the women is not as readily interested in sex at any given moment as men generally are. So would the converse be true in this situation?

    I was at a club yesterday: all dressed up, smellin good, the women looked good, the music was decent- yet I just wasn't ~motivated~ to get up and put in 100% of the effort to talk to women. I wasn't feeling it. I thought a lot of that fell on women. If you are interested in men going over and approaching you, then you need make them interested in that. Men shouldn't be expected to not only do the work but to just go into a night spot on automatic all the time, as if it's a job. Men need to be sparked.

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • What type of commitment or effort do women expect from men in the beginning of dating?

    Once a man and a woman meet and exchange info and all that what do women (considering that women still by and large hope the man initiates in the beginning) specifically expect? E.g., Is it ok he suggests a meet for that next week? Say if he suggests a meet and you cant make it, do you hope that he continues to call and text you indefinitely until you do meet? Do you hope he'll call you every other day?

    Do women hope or expect men to 'chase' them no matter what she does? How much would a woman expect from a man right after they meet?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What type of commitment or effort do women expect from men in the beginning of dating?

    Once a man and a woman meet and exchange info and all that what do women (considering that women still by and large hope the man initiates in the beginning) specifically expect? E.g., Is it ok he suggests a meet for that next week? Say if he suggests a meet and you cant make it, do you hope that he continues to call and text you indefinitely until you do meet? Do you hope he'll call you every other day? How much would a woman expect from a man right after they meet?

    3 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Does a man have to either be a player or a loser to remain motivated to pursue women?

    Maybe it'd make more sense to pursue in the past when men considered women as less than themselves. But in this egalitarian culture, for one person to one-way pursue another person fully equal as themselves is just usually outside of what sounds reasonable. As a result: a normal, balanced, desirable man is not going to have much any interest in 'pursuing' women. -And so I suggest that a man either have to be a loser or a dedicated player to remain motivated to pursue women.

    Average, well-adjusted guys may eventually be fine with making the first move with women (as they come to understand that this is just the law of the land, and the way things work). But making the first move for a well-adjusted person is above and beyond meeting the other individual half way. Normal men will likely resent some women expecting that they make not only the first but 2nd and 3rd moves as well. Help with your opinion.

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago