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  • What are the Asian commerical districts in the San Gabriel Valley cities?

    I'm planning a trip to San Gabriel Valley in east LA county and was looking for the Asian commercial streets or districts. I know there is Valley Blvd in Alhambra and San Gabriel, Garvey Ave and Atlantic Blvd in Monterey Parkn and Colima in Rowland Heights, Where are all the Asian businesses in like Arcadia, San Marino, West Covina, Temple City, El Monte, Rowland Heights, Hacienda Heights, Walnut, and Diamond Bar? Anything helps, thanks.

    2 AnswersLos Angeles8 years ago
  • What are the Asian commerical districts in the San Gabriel Valley cities?

    I'm planning a trip to San Gabriel Valley in east LA county and was looking for the Asian commercial streets or districts. I know there is Valley Blvd in Alhambra and San Gabriel, Garvey Ave and Atlantic Blvd in Monterey Parkn and Colima in Rowland Heights, Where are all the Asian businesses in like Arcadia, San Marino, West Covina, Temple City, El Monte, Rowland Heights, Hacienda Heights, Walnut, and Diamond Bar? Anything helps, thanks.

    2 AnswersLos Angeles8 years ago
  • How to copy songs from ipod/iphone to a new computer?

    My old laptop just crashed and I need to transfer the songs from my ipod and iphone onto a new computer. Its using Windows Vista. Please let me know how I can do it either manually or with a trusted third party software. I did it once before a few years ago so I know its possible.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Now Abraham Lincoln is a vampire hunter?

    I know Twilight really spearheaded this obsession with vampire and other supernatural beings like in Teen Wolf, with true love to a vampire babysitter. But now Abraham Lincoln is getting drawn into this vampire frenzy? Whats going on here?

    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • What's up with the rise in Louisiana based reality tv?

    Now there are so many reality shows based in Louisiana. I'd say it started with History's Ax Men, featuring the Swamp Man logging, and then came Steven Seagal:Lawman. Now there is Swamp People, Duck Dynasty, Cajun Pawn Stars, and Cajun Justice just to name a few. What;s so popular in Louisiana. Is it the rich southern culture or is society getting tired of New York and Los Angeles?

    2 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • Any tips on getting pepper sprayed?

    I'm about to get sprayed for training. After getting sprayed I need to fight off the instructor with a training baton, draw my practice weapon, give verbal instructions to get on the ground, then handcuff the person. Any tips from people who have been sprayed and required to do some type of police action afterwards?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Please clarify the last episode of the Lying Game.?

    So am I correct? Rebecca is Sutton and Emma's real mother. Ted is probably the girl's fathers, and Ted knows that Sutton is his biological daughter. Kristen doesn't know. The other Annie Hobbs was just someone Rebecca was manipulating into thinking she was the mother of the girls.

    Ted and Rebecca had an affair years back. Ted got Rebecca pregnant, and when she called him to tell him, he was emotionally distressed and thats how he messed up the surgery that killed Justin's mother. Rebecca then returned to Phoenix to get back with Ted, and hopefully to try to have the family she wanted with Ted and their two daughters.

    Sutton probably found out about the truth during her search, and Rebecca then hired Derek to scare Sutton the night at the lake when Sutton was driving. When that was unsuccessful Rebecca told Sutton the story and convinced Sutton to help her get with Ted and be a real family.

    Rebecca used her relationship with Alec as an excuse to stay in Phoenix and then later framed him for the murder of Derek. It was probably Sutton or even Ted, that killed Derek since Ted's reuputation is on the line as well. The photo of Alec with the crow bar was photoshopped. The crow bar put in Alec's golf bag was also placed there.

    She intentionally told Kristen that something happened to try to break her and Ted up. And with Alec arrested, she could now try to get back with Ted.

    So did I get this all correct?

    3 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • What side to wear expandable baton?

    For expandable batons, I was taught to wear it on my weak side, but I see officers wearing it on their strong side, right behind their weapon. Is this good or bad? I mean, if someone is going for your weapon, and your hands are occupied trying to keep your weapon, wouldn't the suspect just simply grab your baton since its right behind the gun, unprotected? Please provide me an answer with a tactical explanation as opposed to "each officer is different" or "personal preference."

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Are stiff leg dead lifts suppose to work your lumbar or hamstrings?

    Can you alter the stance to focus on one of the muscles more?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What is a sufficient dynamic warm up?

    My warm up currently consist of 7 minutes on the elliptical (that is the time it takes for me to start sweating) followed by another 5 to 7 minutes of dynamic stretching (jumping, arm circles, etc...). Is this too much time for a warm up? I find myself not getting into my real work out until after 15 minutes of being in the gym and others say a workout should not last more then 45. But if I devote 15 minutes to warm ups, and 5-7 minutes of cool down static stretching at the end, that only leaves me with like 20 minutes of actual weight lifting,which includes rest and setting weight up.

    1 AnswerMen's Health9 years ago
  • What is a sufficient dynamic warm up?

    My warm up currently consist of 7 minutes on the elliptical (that is the time it takes for me to start sweating) followed by another 5 to 7 minutes of dynamic stretching (jumping, arm circles, etc...). Is this too much time for a warm up? I find myself not getting into my real work out until after 15 minutes of being in the gym and others say a workout should not last more then 45. But if I devote 15 minutes to warm ups, and 5-7 minutes of cool down static stretching at the end, that only leaves me with like 20 minutes of actual weight lifting,which includes rest and setting weight up.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How to clear Vista Internet Security 2012 Virus?

    I recently got the Vista Internet Security 2012 Virus. After I realized it was a virus, I restored my computer to a few days ago using a system restore point. That seemed to have fixed the problem. However I feel that my computer may still have some bad files malware, spyware, or other stuff left over. What can I do or download to clear up all the left over junk?

    5 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Spyware, Virus, Tojan, Malware, Whats the difference?

    Can someone please explain to me the difference between all these things and recommend some good free programs that I can download to clear them. I only intend to have real time protection for viruses, the other stuff I think I can just routinely scan to get rid of as too much running at once might slow down my computer.

    5 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Is Malwarebytes and Avast a good protection combo?

    I have Windows Vista. I want to know a good program combo to protect it. I am not computer savy and don't really know the difference between malware, spyware, viruses, trojan, etc... but I just want really good security. So should I update Windows defender and download Avast for virus protection and scan it routinely with Malwarebytes?

    7 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Anyone know what happened to Steven Seagal:Lawman Season 3?

    The season 3 premiere was suppose to air on Wed Jan 4 on A&E. But A&E took down their Lawman website and Facebook page. So far I have found nothing online saying the show was cancelled or anything. Anyone know what happened? Is it because he is under investigation for the arrests in Maricopa County?

    2 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • What type of guard card do you need to work in Las Vegas, Nevada?

    What type of guard card do you need to work in Las Vegas, Nevada?

    Does Nevada require a guard card to work? I see some places require a PILB Card and other want a sheriff's card. Whats the difference? I am aware that to work security in a casino you need a TAM card and a gaming license. From what I believe, The gaming license replaced the actual "sheriffs card" a few years back. Also what do you need to get you armed security license?

    6 AnswersLas Vegas9 years ago
  • What type of guard card do you need to work in Las Vegas, Nevada?

    Does Nevada require a guard card to work? I see some places require a PILB Card and other want a sheriff's card. Whats the difference? I am aware that to work security in a casino you need a TAM card and a gaming license. From what I believe, The gaming license replaced the actual "sheriffs card" a few years back. Also what do you need to get you armed security license?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • What song or who sings the 2011 KMart Christmas commerical?

    I believe there are two different commercials that sing different versus. They both end with "No one does Christmas, like KMart does Christmas."

    3 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • Whats the difference between prime rib and roast beef?

    They look the same to me, is it the same piece of meat just cooked differently? Also to are they like the cheapest steaks because I mostly see large buffets offer one of the two, as opposed to sirloins or Rib eye?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Leave Law Enforcement to do Casino Security?

    Would you consider leaving a job in federal law enforcement to move to Las Vegas and do casino security? This would probably mean taking a huge pay cut and starting at the basic security officer level (Not video surveillance but force protection) and moving up the ranks to hopfully someday become the director of security at some major resort and casino. I know most people move to other cities because of a new job or to look for a job, but would you leave a well established job and move to Las Vegas to pursue a career in casino security? Please serious answers only.

    2 AnswersGambling10 years ago