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  • To Yahoo Editor: Why only 4 candidates are displayed? Isnt it unfair to the rest?

    You seem to favor only the top 4 in the survey? Do you think they are the only people who are capable of bringing the country into recovery and stability? They can make some change but do you think they can get into the root of our problems and remove them? I feel sorry again for our country if any of this 4 will come out because for sure they will not be able to get our country out of our predicament. Temporary yes... but not long term...

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Where in the Philippine constitution that prohibits a pastor / a priest to run for any position in the gov.?

    Separation of Church and State does not limit a leader of a church to run for any position in the government during an election. Separation of Church and State prohibits the government to use its resources and even its vested power, (i.e. president) to form a new religion for his/her own "use" or to curtail, disrupt, stop, or persecute any church religion or to use governmernt resources to propagate a certain religion. The person whether priest, pastor or minister can run for president as his duty as a concerned citizen. We already tried a lawyer, a soldier, economist and actor. Who are they? Look at Pampanga. Gov. Panlilio is a Catholic Priest, they say he is not a good administrator... yes.. but he is not corrupt, he has high moral values and integrity and we are looking for people like him. There are so many good religious ministers who are able but are not willing to bite the bullet in politics because they say that politics is dirty. Politics only becomes dirty when the people that are in there allow themselves to be dirty. Bro. Eddie has already resigned as a pastor of the Jesus is Lord Church but the JIL people loves him and still considers him as their pastor. We can not take him away from them. He was chosen by Bangon Pilipinas Movement to be their candidate for president. He is also one of the leaders of Philippines for Jesus Movement. These two organizations comprises catholics, muslims and other christian denominations who love the philippines.

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can I display questions from the Philippines alone?

    I need some help. There so many questions coming from the US... I am not so much concern with their affairs. All I want is to display unresolved questions from the Philippines specially that concerns politics, election and government... Thanks

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What is your reason/s why you can not trust Bro. Eddie Villanueva to be the next President of the Philippines?

    With his deep seated passion for the nation - you should hear his heart beating for the people to be liberated from corruption and any form of evil and above all poverty.

    He has been a leader of more than 5M JIL members from less than a thousand churches here in the philippines and hundreds more all over the world eversince inception - Do you think he could last that long if these people do not respect him and have not given him a high regard?

    He is also well respected by many evangelical denominations, pentecostal denominations, non catholics, catholics, and the muslim community. I am not saying that he is perfect... but these people in these various areas really respect him as a leader with Godly wisdom.

    He was asked by the Aroyo government to head the anti corruption drive for the country. He asked for a free hand and promised to eradicate corruption in 6 months... they withdrew their offer.

    I am not putting down the rest - but common sense will show us... many of those who benefitted from the government, many who kept quiet have jumped ship... they were accepted by the opposition which could mean they were considered friends by the opposition... we still have the same kind of politics... if they win... what do you expect for the next 6 years...

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who among the presidential candidates can solve our problems - insurgency, mindanao problem and corruption?

    We already tried a lawyer in marcos, soldier in ramos, economist in aroyo, artista in erap, housewife in aquino... (dont get me wrong - she made good in her time.) Can we now try somebody who is not perfect but has a big heart for our country and above all he has an unquestionable love and fear of God in his heart? We need someone who can lead us before God so that as a nation we can come to Him and cry out for help. Only God can solve our problems if we call upon Him.

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Well, I am not sure where to ask, but if you can help me..fine...thanks...?

    I must send an email to manny paquiao... Where can I send it... it is very important... Or where can I possibly contact him? He needs some spiritual guide at this time of his career... kawawa naman siya.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago