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Lv 55,732 points


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I am a ex-player of cricket, rugby, baseball, tennis and competitive shooting (and probably some others). Currently play golf and enjoy motorbikes but most of my active sport is played from the couch. My background is such that I admire good players, abhor (real) cheats and hero worship. I regard players as players and believe there is no such thing as a sporting idol or god; they are just humans like me and the males at least, probably put their trousers on the same way as I do in the morning. When observing and commenting, I enjoy objective discussion and dislike egotistic promotion, one-eyed nationalistic boasting or plain ignorance. Humility is trait to be admired but all too often ignored.

  • What happened to the Cricket and Rugby Sections?

    Cricket is only showing four questions and ALL of the rugby questions have gone!

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Will you note the occasion?

    Early next week - 58 minutes after midnight on Monday, according to one calculation - Bradman would turn 99.94, his Test batting average, and at least two functions in Sydney will celebrate the event.

    Will you take note of the occasion? Is anyone in Sydney going to one of the functions?

    8 AnswersCricket1 decade ago
  • Anybody else think that Bakkies Botha should have been cited?

    Does anybody else think that Bakkies Botha should have been cited for attacking the head of Stirling Mortlock. I have watched the replay a number of times and I can only conclude that Bakkies targeted Stirling's head with a cheap shot. Phil Kearns said at time of the 1st replay "now there's a surprise".

    I reckon he should have been cited. He wasn't just joining the ruck he was going for Mortlock and connected. End result Mortlock is out for at least 2 weeks and "Cheap Shot" Botha (he has history) gets to run on next game.

    12 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • So John Drake says the Wallabies are cheating!?

    "Former New Zealand prop-turned-television commentator John Drake has accused Australia's forwards of cheating ...". See

    This should put a bit more spark in the contest, as if it didn't some more. I watched the game but didn't see what Drakey saw. There were some collapsed scrums but not ALL.

    So how do ya reckon the scrums are going to go on Sat night?

    7 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Why is Brett Lee's action "illegal"?

    A number of ppl contributing here have mentioned that Brett Lee's action is illegal and is a "cheater" (don't you love baby talk). It is a matter of record that his action was questioned early in his career but was subsequently cleared by the ICC. He was also criticised for a number of beamers he delivered in 2005.

    I for one do not believe there was ever a problem with his action even before the 15 degree clarification or that the beamers were intentional. It is for mine a very good action from a fine athlete who is now starting to come into his own as the spearhead of his national team.

    This is your chance to justify your accusations with fact not innuendo.

    14 AnswersCricket1 decade ago
  • Zimbabwe: is the UN an irrelevant body now?

    The Secretary General has bravely come out and condemned the Zimbabwean election as deeply flawed and recommended that the parties get together and negotiate.

    Negotiate! Mugabe raped and pillage his once beautiful country, overseen its economic demise and consistently run roughshop and semblance of a democratic process in Zimbabwe and world opinion.

    Does anyone truly think that he would i) accept negotiation as a solution ii) accept any negotiated position that even hinted that share or lose power?

    When will the UN act or is it completely irrelevant as representative?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Matt Burke retires - an orament to the game?

    Matty Burke has announced his retirement from the game. He has been a one of the games legends. Be it Newcastle Falcons, Australia, NSW, Eastwood or Joeys. Thoughts?

    1 AnswerRugby1 decade ago
  • Warne to make a comeback?

    It has been reported that Warne is thinking of making himself available for the Ashes.

    Warnies aside from being too long in the tooth he undoubtedly he has still got the talent but he retired and now seems to be trying to cherrypick the series that he participates in. Personally I think that we should move on. Let the younger guys develop and move into up.


    8 AnswersCricket1 decade ago
  • Is Grahame Henry making a mistake by not considering younger players?

    Grahame Henry is reportedly not considering some of the younger players for the AB's. I would have thought that having some of them at least on the bench would have been a good way of blooding them. Benson Stanley comes to mind. He seems to be made of the right stuff (good breeding, probably).

    This to my mind is a mistake. Thoughts?

    5 AnswersRugby1 decade ago