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heyy. i'm a complex girl who loves the simple, quaint things in life. my world revolves around dance, and i hope to pursue a career as a dancer some day. two of my great loves are music and photography. i also enjoy writing poetry. i love to laugh and be quirky. i like to call myself random and lame, and i wouldn't have it any other way... it makes life more interesting. my hero and inspiration is gev manoukian... he is an amazing dancer, and he taught me that anyone can make it in the world and follow their dreams. my other hero is the amazing michael jackson. he inspired me to dance and i love his music (may he rest in peace). all in all, i'm just... me. XD

  • birthday lingerie...?

    so my boyfriend's birthday is coming up in a few months. i had an idea a few days ago to get him a small gift, and then to also dress in lingerie for him for a fun night of birthday sex. haha. i have never worn lingerie before, and i am kind of nervous/shy to do so, but i really want to break out of my comfort zone and just do it. i was looking on a website that has a lot of nice pieces; some sexy and naughty, some more romantic. i wanna save the romantic stuff for like valentines day, and be really sexy on his birthday. i was looking at bustiers and corsets, but i am not sure if those are too much for me since itll be my first time wearing lingerie. i still want to be comfortable, but i really want to wow him. i also feel like it might be too much cuz he hasnt had anyone dress up for him like that. and if i have the bustier and all the things that come with it, like tights, etc, it might be weird cuz neither one of us will know how to take everything off with ease. lol. should i try another, simpler type of lingerie set, or go completely out of my comfort zone and get a bustier?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • is this normal for a girl?

    my boyfriend and i just had sex, and my labia minora is really swollen; more so than usual. we have only had sex 5 times. i have had sex with a few other guys before him, but i dont remember that area being that swollen before. is that normal?? serious answers please.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • "the big moment" ....?

    i am a young female adult. i have been sexually active for about 5 or 6 months. i have noticed that i dont really reach the "big moment." i have once, but the guy it was with was pretty well endowed, so i figure that was why. the guy i am in love with is slightly above average and the sex is great and exciting, but i nvr reach the peak. i am not sure why this is or if it is normal. i am not sure if there is a way for me to get there myself mentally or even physically. i have done it by myself before, but with my guy, i cant seem to get therehe thinks its more important if i reach the "big moment" than if he does, but it hasnt worked. is this normal? does anyone, preferably a more experience female, have any advice? serious answers please.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • i feel awkward asking this...?

    i am a young female adult. i have been shaving down below for about 4 years now. i sometimes get ingrown hairs and it doesnt bother me too much, but i have recently had a few that are really painful and take forever to go away. i am not sure if any other females have any advice on how to prevent ingrown hairs down there when you shave. i feel kind of weird asking this, but i really need some serious answers. its pretty painful. i want to get a brazilian lazer hair removal, but i heard it can be painful and/ or irritating, and i do not have the money for it. any serious, womanly advice would be helpful. thanks!!

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • pop those cherries...?

    how would a girl know if her "cherries" were popped or not?

    and my friend wants to know if its possible for a girl's cherries to be popped while getting fingered cuz she thinks thats true, but i dont. serious answers pleez. thanks. :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • good gift ideas for the "boyfriend"...?

    me and this guy are sorta together. we rnt a legit couple yet cuz hes 19 and im 17, so we r waiting til i turn 18 in 2 months. he is a great guy; very humble and respectable. i wanna get him something nice for xmas. i figured that since we rnt a legit couple, i wouldnt go all out and get him something too expensive this year. like there are somethings i know he needs, like a new cell phone and a new charger for the phone and a new ipod, but those r too expensive. the other day, he said "the way to a mans heart is thru his stomache." im good at baking, so i thought making him a plethora of cookies would be good. is that lame?? then i wanted to get a smallish gift with the cookies. but i have no idea what to get. does anyone have any ideas?? u would be a big help. thanks. :)

    4 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • sexual question.....?

    my bf and i wanna take things to the next level by going a bit more sexual activities and such. we have talked about him fingering me and/or eating me out. which is safer? is there any thing bad about either of those that would hurt me in the long run or anything? (i am obviously new to certain sexual activities, and he sorta is too). its really embarrassing to ask this stuff, so pleez be serious when answering. thanx.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • solo sex.................?

    my friend told me that if a gurl uses sex toys for solo sex too much (like every night or something) it makes her unable to have kids in the future. i dont think thats true, but im not sure. is it true??

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • i need 3rd base help.....?

    ok... so my boyfriend and i have talked about going to 3rd base (aka him fingering me). he isnt rushing me since we r both new at all that. he is waiting til im ready. but i have a question that i feel kinda of dumb to ask. if u and a guy r going to 3rd base, should u shave ur pubic hair? i know thats stupid, but like i dont wanna gross him out with all that being there and what not. my friend said i should shave there becuz she has been there before and such, but i'm still not sure. is it better to shave it or keeping it the way it is if u r going to 3rd base with a guy? and if you do shave it, is that good or bad personal hygene and why? i know this is dumb, but i am a new comer to all this and i'm a little nervous and confused, so pleez help me out. and pleez give me serious answers. thanx. :)

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Un-kissed lips............?

    I am a 15 year old girl and I have never had a first kiss yet. I am afraid that if i get a boy friend in the near future at school this year and he knows about it, he won't want to go out with me. Or if I get a boy friend and he doesn't know and he's more experience in kissing to some degree, I'm scared I will do something wrong and he won't want to kiss me anymore. I don't want to not kiss anyone ever, but I'm afraid of what will happen to me and my reputation. What should I do??

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • age.......?

    i REALLY like one of my other best guy friends... but he's 19 n i'm 15... i've tried to stop liking him by making myself like other guy that i dont truely like, but it hasnt been working... what should i do????

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • loveless...?

    what do u do when u like ur best guy friend n u know he doesnt like u back... or atleast ur pretty sure about it.

    i also like a guy n i think he likes me 2... but idk... if things dont go rite with me n my best guy friend, how do i get the other guy to like me??

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • broken hair!?!?!?!?

    im 14 and am going to high skool this year... i wanna look kool and stuff... in i think 6th grade i got a relaxer in my naturally REALLY curly and think hair... it waz fine and took away sum volume of my hair, but in the front, my hair as sum ppl call it, broke... it looks like i have bangs, but they stand up... im gonna start to straighten my hair to make it easier 4 me, but i waz wondering if there r any good styles to have with bangs that r not really long... ( like a centimeter over my eyebrows or sumthin like that)... pictures or very good descriptions r accepted... thanx:-)

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • he likes me, he likes me not... but i like really him....?

    ok... so theres this REALLY cute and kool guy i really like... we're sorta friends... we talk and hang out sumtimes at skool or whatever... hes been flirting with me and staring at me lately... and i wanna go out with him, but im not entirely sure he likes me... and i kinda want him to make the first move cuz if i ask him out and he says no, then he'll know i like him and then it'll be all weird between us... 2morrow my friend is gonna ask him if he likes me or would ever date me, and if he says yes, then she'll tell him i really like him and he should ask me out... and if he says no she'll be like ok whatever... is it bad to do that?? if so, what should i do??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what ta do??????

    theres this guy i kinda like... i waz thinking of asking him out, but im too scared to... what should i do????

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • make-out.....................?

    my friend wants me to go to a makeout party with her... but i dont like any1 and truth is ive nvr had a 1st kiss and i want it to be special with sum1 i like... i wanna go, but i dont wanna be forced to kissing a guy i dont like... what should i do???

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • a question 4 guys: how do i get a cute or hott guy to like me???

    my friends all say im pretty and im not saying im not, but i dont get many guys... how do i get an attractive guy to like me??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • white guys............?

    im mixed with black and white and i realized that i mostly only like white guys... but im not racist... does the fact that most of my family is white, have anything to do with the fact that i mostly like white guys??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • omg!!! he likes me!!!?

    1 of my sorta guy friends really likes me... but i dont like him in that way... im really flattered and i think its sweet that he likes me... but i dont like any1 rite now... i waz thinking that whenever he asks me out, i would say yes and give him a chance... but i dont want my rep to be shot cuz he isnt really the koolest guy around... hes kinda kool i guess but hes kinda... i dunno... hes not a nerd, but hes not popular... hes just kinda regular i guess u could say... and hes not the best looking guy... but hes really sweet and funny and nice and kool-ish...and if i say yes, i dont want ppl or him to think im pitty dating him if i say yes cuz hes not exactly my type and i would never pitty date sum1... should i say yes if he ever asks me out?? or should i say no?? help!!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Autographs??????

    does any1 know if drake bell, corbin bleu, and aly & aj sign autographs after their concerts while they r on tour this summer?? im seeing it on august 5th and i wanted to get sum stuff signed... soo let me know!!! :-)

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago