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Lv 43,057 points

Joanna Reichert Photography

Favorite Answers24%

I'm a documentary photographer and writer from Southwest Michigan: I believe in good breeding practices, raw food, and treating dogs with dignity and respect. Oh, and good chocolate. No point in wasting money on chalky, waxy Hershey's. :)

  • Returning to school - how in the heck do I apply to a university?

    Let me sum it up for you: I'm a photographer, currently in my 1st semester of graphic design at a community college, and I'm loving it. I absolutely want to transfer my credits after I graduate to pursue a bachelor degree in photography, or at least graphic design with a concentration in photography.

    But where do I start?? Every college/university website I visit, I see a whole heap of information that I can't distill down to something simple. I see things about portfolio reviews, I see information for photography programs but when I click on Undergraduate Majors I see nothing about photography at all. I'm beyond confused, and nearly every site is like this.

    Help a gal out?

  • Q about Facebook privacy; Friends and Groups?

    I'm not seeing the answer to this anywhere so maybe ya'll can help me.

    I posted some information to an open group, of which my family are not members. I didn't not make this information public on my page nor did a feed showing I had posted within the group show up.

    However, yesterday evening my family asked me about the information. HOW did they know I posted in this group, of which they are not members? What are they seeing on THEIR end?

    2 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • Animals Rights & Animal Welfare - Are They One and the Same to You?

    There is a huge division in animal welfare groups now. What does each term mean to you and which do you agree with, and why?

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Will MS Access and AutoCAD feed to each other?

    I'm doing some office work for a stainless steel kitchen designer and they're going to be buying AutoCAD in the next fiscal quarter. They don't currently have a database system in place for their customers and inventory (that's what I'm working on developing for them) and I'm wondering if MS Access is the appropriate program to use to feed to AutoCAD.

    I've worked previously with Microsoft Dynamics AX, Oracle and AS400 in addition to most of Microsoft Office Suite. I'm currently drawing up a basic inventory list in Excel but it's not as comprehensive as a database should be and it occurred to me that perhaps the company should invest in something else to streamline their workflow.

    I've already searched within some tech forums as well as the FAQ for AutoCAD itself but I'm not familiar with a lot of the jargon they're using . . . so I'm still a bit lost.

    So: Which database program would be best and is it fairly easy for a person like me to implement it?

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Misophonia - Does Anyone Else Experience This?

    This is something I've dealt with for years but only yesterday did I discover that I very well may have an actual, documented 'issue.' I previously thought that I had major anger issues, although it was really touch n' go and only about some very specific things.

    Has anyone else experienced this, and if so how do you deal with it?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • DS: It's Been Awhile - How 'Bout A Question?

    I see some old faces still around, fighting the good fight. : ) I hope everyone's well!

    Q - If you could become involved in any dog activity, what would be it be, with what breed, and what color pattern? You may have more than 1 answer.

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Told that dominance is a "debunked theory" . . . .?


    I'm Joanna Reichert, with the coonhound avatar.

    It is my belief, through years of study and interaction, that dogs using their body in the manner described by the vizsla owner is a dominating gesture. Same as humping, same as staring, etc. I'm not saying that the dog is aggressive, I'm simply saying that the dog is not being corrected by other dogs and so is testing the limits through dominating behaviors. If the dog were lying down, averting its eyes, etc. I would think it's obvious that the dog is submissive and placating.

    Or am I totally off the mark here?

    11 AnswersDogs10 years ago