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Nosey, outspoken and opinionated...straightfoward thinking, so I will offend some by my views and agree with others...but I keep a perspective, I'm here to learn more ( one's never too old to learn) and to impart my knowledge and opinions, so...if you dont like what I write, ignore me, if you do like it, let me know!

  • Samsung Galaxy Mini new user and clueless?

    Just got a Samsung Galaxy mini, the guy in the shop told me to input my Gmail details and now I have done that it seems to be connected to the mailbox without anywhere to sign out?? Is this the way it should be? Please help an ancient menopausal woman!

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • how do I use a samsung galaxy mini?

    Just got a Samsung Galaxy mini, the guy in the shop told me to input my Gmail details and now I have done that it seems to be connected to the mailbox without anywhere to sign out?? Is this the way it should be? Please help an aincient manopausal woman!

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • How safe is CAM Bank in Spain?

    CAM Bank based in the Alicante region of Spain has undergone some difficult times of late..but how secure will the bank be now it's been bought out by Banco Sabadell for 1€

    1 AnswerOther - Spain9 years ago
  • Do I need to have WiFi access in my home to use a Smart phone?

    I am totally confused by these new Smart Phones! I understand the concept of them but recently someone told me I have to have WiFi internet access at home to be able to use a Smart Phone? I would have thought the two were separate entities, please help but keep it simple!

    3 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • OK, a little fun for a Sunday afternoon....Room 101 style?

    OK, so, if you could place five things into Room 101, to be gone for all eternity, what would they be any why?

    Mine would be;

    1. Weetabix....foul, disgusting slop that purports to be good for you, the way it goes soft within seconds, but if left any length of time, goes rock hard in the bowl is just beyond belief, if thats what it does in the bowl, what does it do to your insides? Its inside you a lot longer than it takes to go rack hard in the bowl!

    2. Clothes with large and oversized buttons...simply gross

    3. Bad drivers, especially drivers that don't wear seatbelts, dangle one arm out of the window, chew gum, talk on the mobile while steering with one arm and their knee...arghhhh!

    4. Daily quiz shows featuring 80's styled presenters such as Noel Edmonds......

    5. Ricky Gervais, simply because he's a supercillious little pillock and his leering look simply gives me the creeps

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who does know what their Human Rights Are?

    I have been watching and reading questions in various sections on here and so many people seem to be jumping onto a bandwagon, claiming their human rights are being abused, how many of them have actually looked up the Human Rights Acts to begin with, It makes me so angry when they trivialise the acts by brandishing so called abuses on here!

    How many of you have actually looked them up, studied them, read them and understood them ??

    For the record I have, and I currently have three cases against Spain lodged with Brussels and am preparing two more, so I do know what I am talking about!

    14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is the business that Sir Alan Sugar runs now?

    I recall that many years ago Sir Alan Sugar made his name when he launched the Amstrad range of goods, but they are long gone now, so what industries/businesses does he run now please

    6 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Whats wrong with this?

    You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

    Question: what is the best way to set out an itinary? i have to do an itinary for 3 differant types of trip.?

    Question Details: Learn to spell it first......itinerary is the correct word

    Deleted Answer: Learn to spell it first......itinerary is the correct word

    Why do Y! persist in this kind of notice?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do I keep getting a static electricity shock?

    When I get out of the car each time, and go to shut the door, I get a shock from static build up, why?

    I am not wearing artificial fibres in my clothing, use fabric conditioner and hubby never gets it, why me?

    I upset the dog too, cos I gave her a shock when I went to put her lead on to get her out of the car!

    I also get them off trolleys in the supermarket and recently shocked a child as it brushed by me, made it cry! oopps! But why?

    9 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Why are there so many rude people on here?

    I cannot believe how many rude answers I am coming across from asking a simple question on here, Why do those of you who are rude and objectionable, feel you must show yourself in this light? Are there any sensible people out there?

    21 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do you all just sit back and take it?

    Why do you all just sit back and take it, I am talking about the item on the BBC1 news this evening about rubbish collections only being fortnightly, but I doubt the council taxes will go down. I live in Spain, I have just paid the equivalent of the council tax for the year, a total of 80€ or so, and we get a rubbish collection DAILY...why do you all just moan but not do anything like protest?

    14 AnswersUnited Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Why do newsreaders say the years as....?

    Why do newsreaders say the years as "twenty twelve" for example, when talking about the Olympics, they do not refer to this year as "twenty O seven", its two thousand and seven, as it should be but the other really bugs me!

    11 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Isn't it time the benefits system was shaken up?

    Spain does not pay any benefits to young women having children out of marriage, France only pay until a child is three years old,isn't it time the UK did the same? Spain, as a result of not having the cushy safety net, has one of the lowest single parent rates and faired much better than the UK in the recent child poverty report

    14 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Banks and charging?

    When, are poeple going to realise that banks are a business? I have been seeing all this commotion about bank charges and people claiming charges back with amazement.

    Banks are there to make money, just like any other business, so therefore, they are going to make a charge when you don't adhere to the contract you have signed with the bank, where, it will clearly states how you must conduct the account, how many of you asked what the charges were when you opened the account?

    7 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Why is it illegal to sell/buy horsemeat in the UK?

    Why is it illegal to sell/buy horsemeat in the UK? Especially when many other European countries sell and eat it? In Spain and France there are specialist butchers selling horse, which does'nt taste a great deal different to beef really, but I heard many years ago that it was actually illegal to buy/sell it in the UK. Its no different to eating cow, pig etc.....

    11 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Strange menu at foot of 360?

    Has anyone else seen a strange menu at the bottom of the 360 page with....debug, format, info, form etc.? I know of someone else who sees this from time to time but we've no idea what it is. I have tried to click on the menue.s just takes me back to my own page, its nothing to do with viruses etc, as only appears on this and is only intermittent

    5 AnswersYahoo Pulse1 decade ago
  • Prince Harry training for War, shouldn't people his generation take note and volunteer?

    Todays newspapers are reporting that Prince Harry is set to do further training to prepare him for Iraq, shouldnt other youngesters his generation be following suit? Or are they all candidates for the white feather?

    22 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Farepack Hampers Fiasco?

    I have been following the news and quite honestly, I'm astounded at the media attention this Farepack hamper company is being given, and the please for help. I cannot understand why people have even been considering this as a means to providing for Christmas, the hampers are ridiculously over priced, the toys and gifts, crap and vouchers, well, they can be purchased throughout the year. So why, do so many of the so called 'low income' groups fall for this type of business, why not simply be self disciplined and save money in a bank where you cannot get access without say 90 days' notice, or buy vouchers throughout the year and put safe to one side, and with regards food, why not simply put aside the free goods on the BOGOFF deals?

    I also do not understand the government giving this air time, this is a business gone bust, if it were a sofa company with promises to deliver in time fro Christmas, and went bust, they would'nt be getting air time in the House of Commons? WHY, is this?

    6 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Can you see my page? Cos I can't!?

    I cannot access my 360 page, I can see a few others, but when I want to see mine, all I get is "error 999, cannot access at this time..." There's nothing 'iffy' on my page, nothing at all, I have cleared cookies and temp files, virus scanned, but no idea what this is and cannot find reference to it on Y!help and no reply from their service centre

    16 AnswersYahoo Pulse1 decade ago
  • Why do we drive on the side of the road that we do?

    OK, In the UK you drive on one sde of the road, drive off the ferry in Calias, and it all changes. Forgive me if my facts are not quite spot on, but its the jist thats important here....If Henry Ford invented the car, he was from the US, they drive on the right, in LHD cars, why then, did the UK decide to change sides? Why build the cars the opposite way to Henry Ford and drive on the other side? Who decided this and why?

    18 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago