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I Heart Pickles

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  • Please Help, Weaning Baby Conure!?

    I just got a pearly conure and he was not fully weaned (I did not know) so I'm spoonfeeding him forumla every 7 hours or so and he's eating very well along with that I'm giving him soaked pellets and millet seeds. When I first got him I noticed he had a bit of a wet nose on one side, when he breaths it makes a slight clicking sound and I'm really REALLY scared for my conure. He perches fine and has so much energy flying around all over and making lots of noise like a healthy bird should.

    Anyone know what I can do about the wet nose?, when he breaths out it makes a tiny clicking sound I'm pretty sure from the air bubbles poping from the drooly nose.

    Thanks so much!

    7 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Can I do somthing about being banned?

    I got banned from this forum a long time ago for silly reasons.

    I need to read the information from other users for my birds but I can't even look at any of it because it says my adress is banned from using that forum. Is there a way to switch somthing on my computer so they don't know my adress and I can look at the forums again maybe even join back.


    3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Can Eating Lemons Make you Bleed?

    My friend told my friend who loves lemons that eating too much of those lemons can make your stomach bleed.

    Her mom also tells her it can turn yor blood cells white or somhting like that.

    Can eating lemons do you bad?

    I love lemons & don't wanna give them up!

    23 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Food colouring a pure white pigeon?

    I got a beautiful white pigeon & I plan on keeping her as my pet, I seen this guy who coloured ALL his pigeons the colours of the rainbows and they look so beautiful when there flying, he also gives them speacail diets & vitamines but I don't know what kind, he uses food colouring to dye there feathers.

    I wanted to dye my pigeon blue or green, the hole body.

    I would use food colouring but would it be safe?

    I might just dye the hole tail tho for now to see how it goes.

    Also when my bird is dry will the colour get onto fabrics ect .... ?


    7 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Ear Clicking Sounds?

    when I take a bite of food sometimes I get this tiny clicking sound, it only lasts for a few seconds then goes away, my family gets it too sometimes & my mom says it's fine.

    Well I get realy scared when I hear TMJ stories.

    I wen't to the dentist like 4 months ago, he felt my head and jaw & asked me if anything hurt when he put presure on it, I said no & he said well then I'm fine because if I had somthing wrong I would be screaming in pain, I keep getting thoughts in my head & it's freaking me out lol.

    Recently I got a small pain in my jaw this mourning, it was a pinching feeling that become realy anoying but no clickling sounds in my ear with it, I think it's just the way I slept maybe because I usualy sleep on the left side of my face, I also might grind my teeth but never felt myself do it, I always keep my teeth apart when I close my mouth. So does anyone else get this it does not happen often but I'm scared of the clicking sounds, I've been eating ALOT of chewy junk foods

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Camera Memory?


    I'm wanting to sell a camera I have.

    Samson s600 DigiMax.

    I wanted to know if the photos I deleted on it can be re-traced?

    Like if I delete a photo on this camera will it be gone forever?

    Because I don't want the new owner of this camera to get photos of my family ect ...


    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Baby House Sparrows Rescue?

    I rescue baby birds,

    Today I got 2 baby house sparrows.

    I was not prepared for this & I don't have the diet they need.

    Does anyone think I can feed them the tropican baby parrot forumula diet for now? I was going to put some warm water with it but not too much water, just enough so it makes a paste then tommrow morning I'll buy the proper diet mix they need.

    I hope it's okay for them.


    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Help - Doves Escaped & Need Netting!?

    I have about 7 doves that flew out of the avairy,

    They have been sticking around for about 2 days now but when I try to grab them they fly away and I'm scared because of all the hawks around and traffic. I love them so much.

    I have a question.

    What type of netting do I need to catch them?

    You know the type people use to catch and band birds?!

    That's the netting I'm looking for, links would be a great help.

    Thanks so much!

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • What Do you think of this poem? (Pigeon Shooter)?

    A Pigeon Shooter's Poem

    A shooter aimed at two pigeons launched

    From traps before his gun.

    Both were stopped in their rapid flight

    Shot in the name of fun.

    The male bird lay at the field's edge

    And just before he died,

    He faintly called to his wounded mate

    And she dragged herself to his side.

    She bent her head and cooed to him

    In a way distressed and wild,

    Caressing her one and only mate

    As a mother would a child.

    Then covering him with her shattered wing

    And gasping with failing breath,

    She laid her head against his breast,

    A feeble moan... then death.

    This story is true, though crudely told:

    I was like the man in this case.

    I stood in a crowd of other sick souls

    And the hot tears burned my my face.

    I buried the birds in the killing field

    Wrapped in my hunting shirt,

    And I vowed to repent for my horrible deeds

    As I crossed the expanse of dirt.

    Hunters will call me a right poor sport

    And scoff at the thing I did.

    But that day something broke in my heart

    And shoot again? God forbid!

    7 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Anyone Know Ojibway - Names?

    I'm going to be naming a pet of mine in a ojibway (Native way).

    Does anyone know of any names in Ojibway that have these words ..

    Sun - Dance

    Sun - Ring

    Any Ojibway (Ojibwe) native words to do with the sun, yellow or flowers.


    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Need Help Naming My Bird?

    I'm getting a Lutino-male indian ring neck,

    I know what names I like but I want to make them Ojibwe (Native)

    Does anyone know of a site with a list of Ojibway names with meanings?


    13 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • What breed of pigeons are these? *PHOTO*?

    I just got a pair of these beautiful pigeons,

    I'm not sure what breed or colour they are.

    I was told there ice pigeons but I'm not sure,

    Here are 2 photos, thanks!

    10 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to put lots of wood in a small woodstove in the house?

    We have a small woodstove and my father put big chunks of wood inside of it, now it's letting off alot of heat.

    Is it okay to have the small woodstove stuffed with lots of wood?


    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What cross is my bunny? *pics*?

    I just got 3 baby bunnies & one of them has ...

    He has curly kinda fur, I'm pretty sure he was a cross ...

    Here is the photos, I was thinking somthing between a dawrf bunny because of his short ears and round face, it's hard to see it in the photo but his fur is wavy and seperated.


    10 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What breed of Pigeons are these?

    I raise pigeons & today I just got these 2 new birds,

    They look like there part dove or somthing, they never cooed like a pigeon yet & they fly lightly .. not like fast so I geuss they won't be flying with my flock :(

    But there beautiful and maybe RARE! :)

    So any help would be great if you know what breeds they are.


    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • My Bunnny is atchuing! a bit ..?

    Okay I just got a bunny & I noticed every once & a little while she will sneez then only a tiny bit of wet-ness apears on her nose.

    Other that that she's very active and her poops are fine, she's also eating and drinking well and she's breathing fine too.

    I was told I should get her bytril,

    Do you know why she might be like this?

    Her cage had some pigeon poop in it from my other pet pigeon do you think thats what could have made her this way?, I cleaned the cage well before putting her in it.

    Also when she sneezes she grunts sometimes.


    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How many pacific parrotlets should I keep?

    I'm going to be buying 4 pacific parrotlets,

    I have a big large cage for them, but I was woundering .. I read they can get agressive towards each other .. so should I buy all females, males or just buy 2 pairs .. I have seen 5 together in a pet shop and they all seemed fine.

    Also are these birds very loud?

    I own a lovebird so I'm geussing from there size there not very loud.


    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy a pet duck/goose ?

    I want to add a pet duck or goose to my coop,

    Does anyone know of any breeders in Toronto?

    Thanks so much ^_^

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Did you know? --- (PIGEONS)?

    Okay so you think pigeons are dirty well listen to this,


    If you don't belive this go to (Pigeon Talk forum), I swear it's true.

    Respect pigeons, they saved MANY MANY MANY human lives during the wars!

    I own 9 pet pigeons and there all awsome! I always kiss them get there poop on me but I have never been sick once from them.

    The only way you can get pigeon lung is if your alergic to the stuff in the poop.


    7 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Is my budgies Colour rare? *photo included*?

    I just got a new budgie today .. long story.

    Here is a photo of him (Lemon)

    The lady told me he's part Albino, I mean when I look at him with out bright lights around he apears completly white it's so awsome

    So is this colour rare? I have searched around and never seen an Ino/Lutino/Creamilo budgie like this one before ... he's beautiful ^_^

    9 AnswersBirds1 decade ago