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  • I'm switching birth control pills...when do I start my next pack?

    I just got off Loestrin 24fe. I'm a Monday starter so technically I should be starting a new pack tomorrow. BUT my doctor just switched me over to Yaz. Loestrin causes my period to be all out of wack so I have not gotten my period (even though I have been on inactive pills since Thursday). Should I still start my new birth control tomorrow as I usually would or should I wait until I get a period?

    Also, I am not pregnant...its very normal for me not to get a period when finishing the packs of Loestrin (as I'm sure it is for a lot of other women taking Loestrin)..I usually end up getting my period in the middle of active pills.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • can I transfer money from my paypal buyer credit to my bank account?

    I have a Paypal Buyer Credit account which is like a credit card account that can be used online for businesses that accept Paypal. Is there a way I can transfer money from the Buyer Credit Account to my bank account?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend pulled off a skin tag and it won't stop bleeding?

    My boyfriend had a skin tag underneath his eye and he decided to rip it off himself. Now it won't stop bleeding. Any suggestions on how to stop it?

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Is a citizenship certificate ok for going on a cruise?

    i'm going on a cruise to ensenada from california. I don't have a passport or a us birth certificate. however, i do have a citizenship certificate. would that work? also, my citizenship certificate is missing my birthdate and my country of birth. I tried to get it fixed but it would take 6-8 months...the cruise is on friday. Is there a chance they might not let me in because of the missing information? or are there other types of documentation i could bring in with the certificate?

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • What should I major in to have a career in Human Resources?

    I'm currently majoring in Communications and am almost done w/ my second year in school...Will that be sufficient to obtain a career in Human Resources? Is there a list somewhere that I can look at to see what schools actually offer majors or concentrations in Human Resources?

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • What are some interesting careers in the entertainment industry?

    My dream is to work in the film/tv industry. However, I wouldnt want to be a director or a producer because I do not believe I have the "eye" for it. I'm not very artistic either. What are some interesting careers that don't require much artistry? I currently work for an entertainment company handing out flyers but I really don't know if that will help me in the future experience wise.

    1 AnswerCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • My job is to hand out flyers, what is the best way to do so without scaring people away?

    So my job is to hand out flyers at the mall and get people to bring in their kids for practice commercials on camera and see if they like it or not. I work for an entertainment company and they just scout kids and teens to be background workkers. It's free and I am not selling anything to the parents. I get paid if they just go in and do the practice commercial. It's really difficult for me to approach people because they seem to lose interest so quickly. I'm not exactly a dull person. I'm pretty energetic but for some reason, people think I just want to scam them :( I really don't want to be the bad person. What are some little things I could do to keep their interest and see that I'm not just trying to take their money?

    8 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Another question about my hair?

    I asked a question earlier regarding me getting my hair done this weekend. Now I have another question. I've recently just heard of the term "baylage" highlights <--not sure about spelling...

    Since my hair will be a rich chocolate brown, would it be a good idea to go w/ baylage highlights? I've always wanted to go a little lighter but my eyebrows are dark and therefore my color has to be dark.

    Also, I should mention that I'm asian since it might effect the appearance of the colors on me. However, i don't look completely asian like Lucy Liu..I'd say slightly tanner and I'm often mistaken for European Asian. Hopefully that helps.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • I'm getting my hair done this weekend...quick question?

    I'm going to a new stylist this weekend to get a cut and color. I want to add some depth to my hair so I don't just want one solid color...and I don't want blonde, orange, or red toned hilights either. Would it look nice if I got highlights just about 1-2 shades lighter than my normal hair? My hair is dark brown.

    Also, I have really coarse, frizzy, wavy hair. I normally always straight iron it. Should I go into the salon w/ my hair how it is if I don't straighten it? Would it help the stylist to be able to get a better idea of how to cut my hair?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Will her landlord have to pay for this?

    My cousin lives in an apartment in Fullerton, CA. She has been getting sick lately and she believes it is from molds or toxins in her apartment. She wants to hire someone to check it out and get it fixed if there are any. Should she talk to the landlord first? Would she have to pay for this or would the landlord have to?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • what is the best lipstick?

    I've had trouble finding a good lipstick or lipgloss. SOme of them are TOO sticky and I find that my hair gets stuck in it constantly. I also get that white buildup sometimes on the inner rim of my lips and I'm not sure what that's from. It gets annoying esp when I'm talking to someone and I don't know that it's there. I like very light colors and am not into bold dark colors.

    11 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Should he report it to HIS insurance agency?

    My grandpa was driving straight down a road and a car came out making a left turn and my grandpa hit him on his side. The accident has been reported to the other side's insurance agency and investigation is pending. The person that he hit, however, is not accepting fault. Should he file a claim w/ his own insurance company? I just do not want to risk his insurance going up higher.

    8 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what this could be??

    I saw this on my dog's paw...he's been chewing on's apic

    any ideas on what this could be??

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Raw Vegetables?

    What are some veggies I can eat raw that still taste good? I can't eat raw broccoli, raw green beans, or celery (I HATE celery).

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How to do high intensity interval training on the elliptical?

    I'm curious about how to do HIIT on the elliptical machine. On the treadmill, I up the speed for 30 seconds, than brisk walk for a minute. I have ankle problems so running is a little too high impact for me. How do you do HIIT on the elliptical? Do you just go really fast for 30 seconds, or do you up the resistance for 30 seconds and try to go as fast as u can?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What do the viewers learn about Rick in Casablanca?

    What do you learn about Rick (protagonist) in the first twenty minutes of Casablanca?

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is using the treadclimber just as good as running?

    I'm trying to lose weight and have started using the treadclimber machine since running hurts my ankles & knees, and the elliptical makes my toes numb after about 15 minutes. Is using the treadclimber for about 40 minutes a day just as good as running or using the elliptical? On the treadclimber, I go at about a 3.5 speed and burn about 500 calories in that 40 minutes. I'm just unsure as to whether that calorie counter is accurate.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • John Stallworth Jersey?

    I'm looking for a John Stallworth jersey for my boyfriend's dad for Christmas. BUT i dont know anything about finding a jersey. The ones I've seen on google that are authentic are about $300. I want one that looks exactly like a steelers jersey but it doens't have to be authentic. I was looking around ebay and noticed that most of the jerseys have stuf "sewn on". I thought that meant it was fake until I saw the same words on the Steelers store. I was thinking about getting this one :

    Do you guys think that will look good? I see that it has the steelers patch bc a lot of the ones on ebay don't have the steelers patch in the front.

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Are there ways to change the color of a tattoo?

    I was just curious as to whether or not it was possible to change the color of a dark tattoo without having to get it removed first. I'm almost sure it's impossible but just wanted to hear other's opinions.

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • What skin tone would I be?

    I'm looking into ordering some Bare Minerals online but I am unsure of what the difference between all their available skin tones are. I also don't know my own skin tone since there is no particular color that I could assign to my face. There is a picture on my Yahoo 360 page. If you need a bigger picture , look at my first blog entry it is the same picture but bigger. I'd appreciate any opinions on what my skin tone is.

    9 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago