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xoxmissjxox asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Does anyone know what this could be??

I saw this on my dog's paw...he's been chewing on's apic

any ideas on what this could be??


No worries, I will definitely take him to the vet tomorrow morning. I just really needed an idea of what it could be since I was so worried I couldn't sleep at all. Thanks all.

14 Answers

  • Mandy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Definitely just a hot spot. It’s nothing to worry about - it’s just a spot the dog has licked and chewed a bit too much. The vet can recommend a spray that will clear it up very quickly.

    You may want spray it and then wrap gauze around it to keep your dog from licking the spray off. Always keep an aye on the spot in the future; the dog may go back to it someday.

    Source(s): My Springer Spaniel occasionally got one of these on her foot.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's hard to tell from a picture, but it looks like a lick granuloma, a sore caused by excessive licking. Does your dog lick its paws a lot? They sometimes start with an itchy spot then the dog keeps licking and causes a sore. Try putting some tea tree oil or listerine on it. Both will medicate any secondary infection and make it taste bad.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say it's some sort of bite from a spider or something since you said he's been chewing on it because his chewing would be his attempt to get the poison out. Dogs normally don't chew on things unless there's a reason.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'm glad youre going to take him to the vet, cuz thats the only answer I could give you. I hate it when some people try to play "vet" and really don't know what theyre talking about (unless of course, their pet had the same thing!) Just take him to the vet and you'll get your answers. Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi XOX, Yes i know what it is. It's called a hot spot. My little corgie female gets these hot spots on top of her paw. There 2 way to treat this. Go to Petsmart,and get a bottle of Hot Spot,and use a cotton ball to put on her spot. Or you can go to Wal-mart and buy a green tin can of Bag Balm. It's in the pet section in wal-mart. This is what i used on my corgie,and it clear up in 5 days. The Bag Balm works on alot of things on a dog or cat. I hope this helps you.


  • 1 decade ago

    Could be an infection or even a small tumor. You should take him to a vet and get it checked out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Looks like a hot spot or lick granuloma. Take him to the vet, she will give you and antibiotc sray and it will heal right up. My doggie had those. I think it is fairly common

  • 1 decade ago

    some dogs get a tendency to do it, especially if they got a itch or so and so they continously bite on it. my maltese poodle does it a lot and you will find if you scratch gently yhe dog will make a crying noise because it is a nice feeling, but you should have it checked out.

  • 1 decade ago

    It looks like a hot spot, you probably will need to take him to the vet. He may need antibiotics and antihistamines.

  • 1 decade ago

    looks like he needs medical help. Take it to the vets.

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