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  • New horse.. need help with behavior!?

    I just bought my first horse- he's a 9yo paint gelding. I've been riding all of my life (I'm 26) and did a lot of horse leasing prior to buying one. I guess I've just been lucky because every horse before this one lunged well and listened well under the saddle. I've never had to do a lot of groundwork and certainly have never had a horse challenge me during so. When I first met the horse, he was great. I rode him and he followed all of my cues. Shortly after that, he was slightly lame and the farrier said it was a stone bruise. I put him on Bute for 2 weeks and let him rest. Now he is back to normal, so I went to ride him and he was not well mannered. He wouldn't listen to my cues and no matter how hard I kicked, he wouldn't go faster than a trot. He would frequently try to eat grass, stop without warning, and turn when not asked. I decided to go back to the basics and try some groundwork. To my surprise, this 1200lb animal planted himself into the ground and wouldn't move. I've tried with a lunge line, without a line, in a round pen, with a whip, etc. He is unphased by the whip, even when I would "tap" him with it. The only thing he'll consistently do is neck flexing. I can usually get him to disengage his hip as well, but not always. Sometimes he'll try to kick me when I'm asking him to move his hip, other times he will stand there ignoring me. I've tried being more aggressive with him and he doesn't care. Moving his shoulder is nearly impossible. Even backing up can be an issue. He has no respect for my space and definitely doesn't view me as the alpha. I've watched every video on YouTube and while I can read/watch all about groundwork I can't find any help on what to do if the horse doesn't respond. I've resorted to chasing him from his feed and not letting him eat until I'm ready, just to make him feel like I'm in control of something. Any advice would be great! Please don't just tell me to lunge him- he literally will not move when I try. Thanks!

    9 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • TTC.. Husband getting frustrated, not wanting sex?

    We've been married for 2 years and trying to conceive for 5 months. My husband has wanted a baby for years but I was never ready. I finally decided I was ready and he was excited when I stopped taking BC. The first few months we just had sex regularly and when that wasn't working I started temperature charting and figuring out when I'm fertile. When I'm fertile, I initiate sex and usually it happens every other day. However, lately my husband has been using excuses not to have sex.. during my fertile times. He says he's tired or doesn't feel well and we will end up going through the fertile time and only having sex once or none. I'm getting frustrated because after 2 years we are both ready and now he's acting like he isn't anymore! But when I ask him, he says he still really wants a baby but he feels like I'm just using him to get one and not having sex because I want to. Its frustrating to me that a man who has always asked me for more sex and for a baby is now being so difficult when I'm trying to give him what he wants. Has anyone else gone thru this? What did you do? I also can't remember the last time HE initiated sex.. when it used to be that he was always the one initiating it. This baby stuff is frustrating! Help!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Stuttgart Army Base, Germany... HELP!?

    We are being relocated to Stuttgart and I have never even been to Germany. Any information on what the base is like, what the people are like, if there is a languarge barrier, etc??

    3 AnswersOther - Germany1 decade ago
  • Need help with decision to move to Germany?

    My husband is in the Army and has the option to either be stationed in Germany or serve a 2nd tour in Iraq. Obviously, if he went to Germany, I would go as well. This is a big decision for me because of my career. I am a RVT (Registered Veterinary Technician) and have moved up the career ladder at a large teaching hospital. This makes me very nervous to sacrifice all I've worked for to go to a country that I really know nothing about! I don't even know if RVT's exist in Germany! I've never been, don't know the culture, or how severe the language barrier might be.. I need some input from people who live or have lived in Germany.. or even if you have just visited.. Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Germany1 decade ago
  • Should it be okay for my husband to watch porn?

    This question is mainly for women, because I know how men feel about it...

    We are a young married couple, we have a good sex life ( in my opinion) in which we have sex 2-3 times a week. He would like it more often, but with our schedules it doesn't always happen. Anyway, last week he admitted to me that when he is "in the mood" and I'm not home, he will log into an online porn site and masturbate. I was thoroughly bothered by this and told him I thought it was disrespectful to me and made me feel insecure and insufficient to know that he was getting off to other women. He said he would stop, but not without adding that "every man does it, and any man that tells you different is gay.. and that 99% of women are totally okay with it". So, I am wondering if its true and I'm just part of 1% that feels uncomfortable to know her husband watches porn. Any input is appreciated!

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Found old baseball with autographs...?

    I found an old baseball that has been in storage for atleast 10 years, most likely longer. It is an "Official Ball of the American League" and has autographs that I can't completely make out. Im trying to decide if this ball is worth anything? The only name I know for sure is Rickey Henderson who played for the Oakland A's. There are other names I can only partially make out.. "Joe P", "Barry Wenberg", "J Saxton", "Steve McCutty".. those names I am not even sure about because the autographs are hard to make out.. Does anyone know anything about these names, team, or year? Is this ball worth keeping or even selling? Thanks!

    3 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Can anyone offer help with pet odors in the home?

    I have 4 cats and 2 dogs in a 3 bedroom house. I scoop the litterboxes daily (3 boxes) and use litter deodorizer. I also use febreeze plug ins in every room. However, my roommate still says the house still stinks like ammonia. I haven't found any areas where the cats are peeing in the house, but I need help to make this place odor-free!! Any ideas? AC filters, air purifyers, anything???

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Any ideas on tanning?

    I am very fare skinned and it takes a lot of exposure for me to get a good color, and it fades fast. Me and my fiance are planning a trip to Puerto Rico this summer and I REALLY want to have some color if I am going to be in a two piece! I have used the spray tans before and they look great but they don't last in salt water, which would be an issue if I get in the water! Please let me know if you have any ideas!!! Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Whats that country song that...?

    Its a newer one, by a guy and the only words I can think of are " I will.. I will.. I will lay down my life for you if you'll let me.. "

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Safe plant for betta tank?

    What kind of plant is it that you can put in with a beta? I would like to get a nice glass vase for my betta, and I think its neat when people have a live plant in the tank. Whats the type of plant that survives in the water and the fish can feed off of?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Vaginal bleeding? Embarrassing.?

    So I tend to bleed after sexual arousal.. whether its with my fiance or with masturbation. It has even occurred with just clit stimulation and no penetration at all. But its heavy enough bleeding that I have to treat it like my period and it lasts for about 12-24 hours. Obviously this is very embarrassing and is disrupting me and my fiance's sex life. Im deciding whether or not this is something serious that I should talk to my doctor about. Is this common?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • New Tattoo??

    So I just got my 2nd tattoo on Saturday (about 55 hours ago to be exact). The first one I ever got was small with little detail and I dont remember it hurting much at all. However, this new one is about 4 inches long, maybe 3 tall and on my lower back. It has a lot of detail and shading. I love it but it hurts like crazy! The smallest touch on my back (even by my clothing) is extremely painful! I try to rub on the lotion stuff they gave me but i have a really hard time because its so painful to the touch! It has a little redness but not too bad. I dont want to over react and go to the doctor over a purposeful injury to my body, but I just dont know that this is normal! Please help!

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Anyone wear contacts?

    I went to the eye doctor on Friday and he prescribed me contact lenses. I've never worn them or glasses before so its totally new! I had a VERY VERY hard time getting them in and out (its harder for me to get them in than out). Once they are in, I can feel them and they drive me crazy! It almost feels like there is a stray eyelash in my eye! I can only put up with them for 4-6 hours at a time and then I have to take them out. Granted, its only been 36 hours since I got them, but they are driving me nuts! Will I ever get used to them? Has anyone else gone through the same thing for the first few days, and then was fine?

    9 AnswersOptical1 decade ago