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I'm a general practitioner who is going to take a pathology residency in January. In the meantime, I work and I do battle with the forces of ignorance here in Yahoo! Answers, the armpit of the internet. Sorry I don't allow email and IM, had an unpleasant experience when someone used threats against me.

  • Question for homeopaths re: fibroids?

    A homeopathy advocate here claimed that homeopathy can address the cause of fibroids. My question is:

    What causes fibroids and how does homeopathy address this cause? I would really really really love to hear from thenoseknows, Sudhakar B and others.

    This is the question where nosey claimed that homeopathy can address the cause of fibroids.;_ylt=AnXdU...

    and this is the amazing claim by the homeopathy advocate:

    "Of course it is. Homeopathy cures the cause of fibroids permanently."

    What causes fibroids and how does homeopathy cure the cause of fibroids?

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • when you make claims...?

    Shouldn't you provide proof that they are true?

    User thenoseknows claims that he/she is able to cure epilepsy with homeopathy. He also claimed that homeopathy can cure allergies. However, when asked to provide proof or even just a theoretical mechanism of action for how homeopathy can cure epilepsy, he ignores the question like a coward and continues to make unsubstantiated claims.

    As a person who claims to be a health professional, shouldn't one have the ability to educate patients and not just tell them that "it works?"

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Where do we think these mysterious electrical impulses in your nerves come from, hmmm?

    A user here while answering a question regarding chi said this: "exactly 'where' do you think these mysterious electrical impulses in your nerves come from, hmmm?"

    Given that the answer can be found in any biology or physiology textbook albeit in long form, maybe the good people of Yahoo! Answers Alt Med section can give a short version on where the mysterious electrical impulses in our nerves come from.

    This is where the question came from:

    Ready, set, go!

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Is there a conspiracy to defame alternative medicine?

    Medical Genius thenoseknows asked this question but then blocks those of us who would answer in the negative. Since I'm not nutters like the alties who like to create multiple accounts, I couldn't work around that block. I then decided to just ask the same question but this time open it for everyone including Medical Genius thenoseknows and all his ilk.

    Ready, set, go!

    12 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • How is a randomized double blind clinical trial done?

    And why do alt med practitioners fail to understand it?

    8 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Every Marine a rifleman?

    Does that mean even the Marine aviators can shoot?

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Homeopathy question...?

    How is quantum mechanics related to homeopathy? Will someone explain so I can tell my physicist friend who says this is all BS.

    No answers about quantum elbowology plz. I already know it works based on the quanto-electromagnetic-Heisenberg field.

    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Animal rights activists, would you let these people die?

    “Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, we’d be against it.” - Ingrid Newkirk

    There are currently about 33 million people with HIV as of 2008. Is it acceptable that all these people may die because it's "wrong" to test medicines on animals?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • If a PETA member gets sick?

    Shouldn't he refuse to be given medicine since that would mean he is a hypocrite?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Do you think Bill Gates is a paid hack of Big Pharma?

    He's giving $10 billion for vaccines! Oh no! Autism rates will rise!

    Somebody call Jenny McCarthy.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • I have a question for UK skeptics?

    How was the 1023 event? Did you get sick or did you get sick homeopathically?

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • What is "boosting immunity?"?

    There are a lot of questions here about immunity boosting and I'd really like to know what they mean? Is it pseudoscientific concept much like "flushing out toxins" or is it a real scientific concept?

    How do you know your immune system is "boosted?"

    Can this boosted immunity be measured?

    If yes, then how? Number of B and T cells? NK cells?

    If you boost the immune system of a person who has autoimmune disease, will you end up hurting him?

    Is it entirely possible that boosting the immunity is totally bogus since your immune system is like a binary system (it either works or doesn't)?

    8 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Question for Soul Doctor re: Homeopathy and Coronary artery blockage?

    In a previous Q&A, you said:

    "I have used these three Homeopathic remedies together with reasonable success 60%, in opening blocked arteries. ARNICA MONTANA 200 + LEDUM PAL 200 + LACHESIS 200."

    My question is, again with all due respect, what is your criteria for saying that you have opened up a blocked artery? Do you have any data on your patients to back that claim? If you do then why not publish your data in a reputable, peer-reviewed journal?

    In the first place, how did you even diagnose coronary artery disease in your patients? Did you do echocardiography, or stress testing, or myocardial perfusion imaging, or did you go all out and do cardiac catherization?

    Soul Doctor, where is the data?

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Does "Doctor" Charlene Werner make you laugh?

    Coz she sure as heck makes me ROFL.

    Homeopath FAIL.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • I have a question for Soul Doctor regarding homeopathy.?

    In a previous Q&A here in Y! Answers, you said that:

    "Well to put it in short it (homeopathy) triggers your own immune system with diluted amount of remedies which are mostly derived from toxic materials which help your body to cure itself,"

    My question is, with all due respect, how does it do that exactly? Does it trigger the activation of B-cells and/or T-cells? What cell surface receptors and intracellular messenger molecules are involved in this process? What about diseases that don't mess with the immune system such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, liver disease, etc etc. The pathologies of such diseases do not involve the immune system so how is "triggering" your immune system going to help you there?

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • alt med and diagnostics?

    So do alt med practitioners use diagnostic tests? Are they even knowledgeable of how to take history and do correct physical exam? For example, a 56/F patient comes in for complaints of edema in the legs, tires easily, and feeling as if she's drowning when she's lying down. How would an alt med practitioner go about getting to the bottom of this patient's condition? This is the chance of the alt med adherents to prove that they treat the whole person and not the symptoms as we evil MDs do.

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Homeopathic cure for alcohol poisoning?

    Me and my friends, we drink a lot and there's a danger that one of us could end up with alcohol poisoning. Would it be possible for us to take a drop of alcohol, dilute it in clean water and use it as a homeopathic "counter-alcoholic" drink? The principles of homeopathy state that this should work right? As Samuel Hahnemann said, "like cures like!"

    12 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Homeopathy and water memory?

    Yo hey, so if water has memory, wouldn't it "remember" stuff that was in it before it was used as a solvent? For example, water from the sewage evaporates and falls as rain and this water eventually ends up being used as solvent for a homeopathic solution. Wouldn't the water "remember" the crap and crud and other filthy things dissolved in it when it was sewage water?

    Can homeopaths make the water forget so it can start with blank water?

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Homeopathy and water memory?

    Yo hey, so if water has memory, wouldn't it "remember" stuff that was in it before it was used as a solvent? For example, water from the sewage evaporates and falls as rain and this water eventually ends up being used as solvent for a homeopathic solution. Wouldn't the water "remember" the crap and crud and other filthy things dissolved in it when it was sewage water?

    Can homeopaths make the water forget so it can start with blank water?

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago