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angrydoc asked in HealthAlternative Medicine · 1 decade ago

Homeopathy question...?

How is quantum mechanics related to homeopathy? Will someone explain so I can tell my physicist friend who says this is all BS.

No answers about quantum elbowology plz. I already know it works based on the quanto-electromagnetic-Heisenberg field.


C'mon homeopaths, still no takers?! I thought you guys had it all figured out. What is the mechanism of action of a homeopathic remedy?

Update 2:

To Mr. Natural Health student: Okay, I've read up on this Bohm fellow but nowhere does it state that his work can be related to homeoquacky. So maybe you can clear it up for this poor stupid science believer. What is the mechanism of homeopathy?

6 Answers

  • dave
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Quantum" is a cool word. It sounds complex, futuristic and hi-tec.

    "Quantum Science" is a fascinating and new branch of science, that few people understand, especially as so little is known about it.

    Homeopathy is complete rubbish. It operates on people's delusions and lack of ability to define its efficacy; people are quick to say "it worked for me!" when in reality it doesn't and is purely the placebo effect or regression to the mean. After having the proof that it's just water shown to them, homeopathic believers need some other mechanistic belief to hang onto.

    They foolishly chose Quantum Science figuring: "if not many people know about it, then we can claim that that is the way homeopathy works and who can prove us wrong?"

    Unfortunately, it doesn't matter 'how' something is claimed to work, what matters is 'does' it work?

    In study after study, homeopathy has no benefit other than placebo. Even without Avogadro's Number, we can show that homeopathy is no better than sugar pills, stroking with a white feather or pushing a crystal to your forehead.

    The only science at work with homeopathy is psychology and how one human being is able to effectively dupe another.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear angry Doc i don't believe that you want any answers to your question - you already know it all don't you?

    i always thought that the real scientists are actually wanting to find out how things work with an open mind not with a pre-conceived idea or closed belief system re what should/could or shouldn't/couldn't work. have you ever actually tried any homeopathic remedies? there are very good remedies for intense personality with tendencies to rudeness and abusiveness.

    I like the question someone else asked you re. friends. Friends can also be very healing, not sure though whether you find any evidence of that in any of your textbooks. it's one other thing you really need to experience to know its true. do you have an opinion on this without having an experience?

    Can you please answer me some questions:

    how long was the idea of the earth being a globe BS?

    how long did people experience gravity in everyday life before it was given a name and explanation?

    do things only become real for you if they have a name and explanation?

    what a limited life that would be, just as well there is something one can be angry about angry doc gives life some spice i guess. all comes down to choices, doesn't it - beliefs, behaviour, attitudes, values, treatment,

    no evidence will ever change a closed mind, so why the questions? i think you would have been great in a job in the spanish inquisition. They where great in asking questions like you and no matter what the answer was the person was always first guilty and then dead.

    would the world be a better place for you without homeopathy or people using it?

    why don't you try ignoring it, pretend it's not there. work's well for my kids, when they get really wound up about something they can't control.

    i don't think you are poor and stupid but there is something about your ego that seems just a bit off track in terms of what is really important in life it seems, but that's just my opinion.

    well try the friend thing, anyway!

  • 1 decade ago

    I resent you talking about QE as if it's some sham fake treatment. Quantum Elbowology cured my dog and they know nothing about the placebo effect. It nearly cured my cat but she stopped believing halfway through and died.

    Source(s): Practioner of Quantum Elbowology. being dis-armingly handsome.
  • 1 decade ago

    Read David Bohm on quantum physics, wave mechanics and the holographic universe. You can google, can't you?

    You have a friend??

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try using Google.

  • Mr E
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    if you give a healthy person drugs, it will make them sick, so what kind of twisted reasoning makes someone think that giving drugs to a sick person will make them well?

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