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  • How to return defective degree?

    So I have a degree in writing and rhetoric from oakland university and truth be told you can't even get a paid internship with it, let alone an entry level position. Now obviously with any defective product that is unable to perform its function you have to return it. My degree doesn't help me at an 11hr factory job. How can I return this worthless piece of paper to get the 40k back?

    11 AnswersHigher Education (University +)5 years ago
  • How to not injure smaller people during soccer?

    I am 6ft tall and 236 pounds, i used to cage fight and my kicks are mostly trained for breaking bones and disrupting people's ability to move by knocking them over.

    I have had 3 concussions and can no longer cage fight so I have been trying less agressive sports like recreational soccer. It is a great way to make friend and meet new people, but I keep running into a terrible problem. I keep injuring people and getting red cards.

    My goal is not to hurt these poor guys because it is counter productive to making friends, but when I try to steal the ball from the offense one of two things happen

    #1 I kick the ball back to their side of the field.

    #2 They move the ball and my foot hits their leg and they get their legs swept out from under them.

    The first time it happened I thought it was pretty funny, and the next few times I thought they were faking to get a penalty kick, but it has been like this for 2 years and there are just too many people getting hurt for them all to be faking.

    It seems like the obvious answer is to kick lighter so last game I tried pulling my kicks. A guy whizzes by my and swing for the ball, missing it by a few inches, instead hitting his right foot that was stepping forward. It cancels the momentum and his leg simply stays where it was during a full sprint and he falls to the ground and I winced as the poor guy gets a face of mud.

    I love soccer, but I hate accidentally hurting people. I need ideas on what to do so I can keep playing and keep lifting

    4 AnswersOther - Soccer5 years ago
  • My mom destroyed the front of my car so I could not sell it?

    My mom destroyed the front of my car so I could not sell it. I know she did it, she told me she did it. The paint from her car is all over the front of my car and she refuses to pay for it.

    This all stems from an arguement. My parents advised me not to sell my car, but I need it to pay my apartment's rent.

    She did major damage to the front of the car, the front driver side door no longer opens. The car had a kbb value of 4.5k before she vandalized it.

    What legal actions can I take against her?

    11 AnswersBuying & Selling5 years ago
  • Hit from behind in a car crash while stopped found at fault, what do I do?

    So I was in a new town, and I saw what looked like a four way stop, I did not see the stop signs on my end and I slowed down to a stop because I thought that there was a stop sign that I wasn't seeing.

    The car behind me hit the back of my car with the front of his car propelling me forward. The police officer found me at fault despite the rear of my car being hit. No citations were issued.

    The problem is that the guy was in a rental. A lincoln mkx, if the rental company tries to sue me what can I do? I have insurance, but I'm worried they might go after me for a mini tort? What are my options.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Is it unmanly to have pink as my favorite color? Some of my favorite things in the world are pink.?

    I mean, vaginas are pink, nipples are pink, and don't forget bacon, hamburger meat.ect

    Why is it considered unmanly to like pink?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • I saved someones life today, but no one cares, is it bad to brag about saving peoples lives?

    So, a guy in the park was screaming and I ran over to go help. He was dangling from the side of a bridge. When I got close, he pulled himself up. I and two other people talked to him, he had dialated pupils, he could not remember his name or where he lived and was carrying around a sandal. I thought he had amnesia and I called 911 since I have had it before. He seemed to forget what he was talking about after about 30 seconds.

    He started babbling and walked off randomly. I followed him and kept engaging him in conversation each time he started to walk away. When I started talking to him, he would stop and chat for 30 seconds then seem to forget what he was doing and start walking in a random direction.

    One of the people from the bridge saw me and came over. I told her to show the police where we were. (The middle of the woods.) She led the police to us and the officer took the guy into protective custody and took him to the hospital.

    I've told 3 people about it out of pride (my grandma, my friend and a girl on pof who asked if I did anything cool today.) My grandma said, "oh that's nice". My friend asked if I wanted a medal sarcastically. The girl on pof stopped messagong me.

    Does braging about saving someone's life make me an asshole or do they not believe me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Do carrots really have to be peeled?

    I was at the grocery store and the woman who I spoke to assured me that the carrots I was trying to buy were fine. They looked all nasty and she said carrots have to be peeled.I am trying to figure out how to cook, because spending 700 dollars a month on food has been shown to me as being dumb.

    21 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Automated home defense?

    Using motion sensors with a digital output and java bases robotics, I can create automated home defense systems. Where would this be legal to use. The most simple of which is a theoretical proximity motion sensing bomb, but one could do the same with non-lethal levels of electricity, or gas. Where would this be legal to develop?

    To make it, you would just need a motion sensor with a digital output, and a rasberry pie computer hooked up to either fogger pesticides and a blow torch, or to a dizen cans of pepper spray or a metal floorboard you could run a moderated live current through.

    I need to know where I could legally develop such technology and possible markets for it.

    3 AnswersEngineering5 years ago
  • If WW3 broke out, do you think the military would let me in?

    From the age of three my parents were told I was psychotic. From skitzophrenia to bipolar to add I was diagnosed with different variants of the DSMIV. I ended up getting diagnosed with autism and bipolar disorder. I was precluded from the military. I tried to join every branch multiple times, but due to me taking anti psychotics I cannot join unless I stop taking them for a year.

    I have a thirst for violence that I can sate with video games and martial arts. After my third concussion I had to stop cage fighting. Currently I weigh 250 and keep up my lifting and cardio. I am watching the situation with Russia and turkey and licking my chops. If world war three breaks out do you think I will be allowed to join in the fun? I am a good shot, I am about 2 years into bring an IT professional and I have a bachelor's degree.

    3 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • Is the Iranian Presidency Real??

    Is the Iranian Presidency Real??? I figured that it was just a rubber stamp democracy with a changing figurehead, but I was really bored today and after looking up wikipedia, they seem to hold elections every few years and it seems to switch back and forth between rival sects of Islam. It looks real.

    3 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Laid off, Unemployment Benefits Denied due to clerical error.?

    Laid off, Unemployment Benefits Denied due to clerical error.

    I was laid off from my job where I was making 36k anually. I was laid off at the end of October on the 30th and I work in a technical field. I will not find a job until the 1st quater.

    I called into the Michigan Unemployment line and spoke with a woman and explained the situation. Some how she wrote down that I was fired for misconduct versus laid off. I am not getting unemployment benefits and they are delaying the crap out of it. I was offered a shitty job paying minimum wage 1.5 hours away from my apartment for up to 20 hours a week. I turned it down because it would cost more to drive there and back for the 3 hour shifts then I would earn at the shift.

    So they are trying to disqualify me for that one and for the "being fired," even though it was a clerical error and I was laid off.

    So I figured that I could try to find a menial job in my area (I live out in the country (my next door neighbor is a cow (the animal not a fat person))). So I found this guy that offered me 15 dollars an hour to shovel snow. So I worked outside from 8:30 pm to 6 am in sub zero temperatures for 9 hours shoveling snow for him. He told me to call him back for a paycheck and future work. I was all excited thinking that I found a way to at least survive until the first quarter. It's been over 24 hours and I can't seem to get a hold of him for my paycheck.

    What can I do? Rent is coming up and my bank is empty.

    2 AnswersFinancial Services5 years ago
  • Should I Go To Law School for a Juris Doctorate or Should I Go For A Psychology Phd?

    I am 26, I graduated 3 years ago with a 2.96. I was the head of a few clubs, I had 3 academic commendations and I scored a 144 on the LSAT.

    I want to go to Law School, and I want to do Psychological Therapy.

    Which of the two has the better job prospects? I have heard that law school graduates have a hard time getting a job after. I also know that a JD is only 3 more years of school.

    If I were to go for a psychology PHD it would be 4-8 more. Which should I choose?

  • How do I run for office?

    I'm 26, have a degree in rhetoric and I want to make the world a better place. I believe the government would be way better if it actually listened to the people and represented their needs. I want to actually talk to people and try to figure out how to solve problems versus playing games. I was just let go from my job, so I was thinking it is election season, maybe I could be some use to the world. How do I do it?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Am I advanced enough to get a job doing programming or web dev?

    Basically I took a java class and loved it so I kept playing with it in my free time. I will sit down for what seems like a minute and when I look up it is dark out....

    Here are things I have done.

    Created q java program that generated 56,000 html webpages that targeted differenr cities around the world.

    Made a second one to generate a HTML sitmap of those pages on 7 sitemaps and one that points to the all.

    Made a third one to make an xml file.

    Made a dictionary attack program that uses the vk_ commands to type out words from a massive CSV. It breaks the string into characters then types each one out and clicks when it confirms a comma.

    Made a lua/TOC/XML based addon for world of Warcraft that takes a screenshot when you get an honorable kill using the wow api.

    I got to level 7 on the basic challenges on so fsr.

    I made a multi threaded insurance actuarial tool for a previous employer. It updates a HTML doc with the customers quote in real time.

    I made a funny program that makes a single constantly changing key on your keyboard play a loud scream mp3 when accidentally pressed.

    I made a webcrawler that starts on my former highschool s website and clicks links until it finds porn, it is like a multi headed hydra because it launches multiple instances of itself and saves URLs uses Java"s jsoup

    Do I have the skills or would i need morebformalvtraining first?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design6 years ago
  • Having trouble getting a serious girl after college.?

    I have really masculine hobbies and most of them I do alone. I'm 26, I have my own apartment, my own car, a pretty good job. I make around 36 k plus benefits. I mean I have it together, but, girls don;t ever seem to want to stick around. They'll sleep with me, but none seems to like me for me. What did you do to find someone>

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What countries have low crime, low taxes, reduced government, corporate infrastructure, a decent military and limited immigrant racism?

    What countries have low crime, low taxes, reduced government, corporate infrastructure, a decent military and limited immigrant racism?

    6 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • How can I become black?

    I want to become black so I can be eligible for money for grad school. How can I accomplish this?