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Lv 2946 points

Celena F

Favorite Answers17%
  • What else could it be?

    My daughter is 2 weeks old and was recently switched to soy formula. Within days her symptoms from the other formula had cleared up. Now it seems though that she is straining extremely hard to poop. Not everytime she goes, usually only around her 4 am feeding. She strains and strains for hours sometimes and when she finally goes I can't understand what all the straining was about because her poop is typical baby poop, soft and loose. So either she's just having some stomach discomfort and I'm confusing it for her trying to poop or somethings wrong and I don't know how to fix it. She burps, passes gas eats poops and pees just fine and overall is pretty easy to console, however at her 4 am wake up I have the hardest time with her. I'm going to try gripe water today. I've never heard of it and never used it with my first child but I hear a lot of parents swear by it. If it doesn't help I'm going to take her to the doctor after the weekend. I was just wondering if any other parents went through this and what they think it could be. Thanks.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is all of this stuff? Sorry but this question is a little gross..?

    2 days ago my dr stripped my membranes and I've been losing bits and pieces of mucus here and there..I assumed it was my mucus plug. Then today I lost a huge piece of blood tinged, brown mucus and assumed that that had to be it..but now everytime I go pee there's pieces of mucus much can there possibly be? Should I be worried or is this a sign that labor is about to begin? I've had a child before but this never happened to me so I have no idea..sorry for how gross this is, just looking for advice. Thanks!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I don't know what to do! Any advice?

    First I really don't want to hear any bashing or hateful comments so if that's all you have to say, spare me please.

    This is my second pregnancy and I'm 37 weeks 3 days..I went to the dr today and I'm2 cm and 50-60% effaced..he stripped my membranes as well as scheduled an elective induction for next week when I'm 38 weeks 4 days.

    With my first child I was in this same boat and that night I took the castor oil cocktail and had her the next afternoon. I originally was planning on doing that again this time but I was allowed to schedule an induction since this is my second child and I'm already progressing so well. Problem is, my husband is in the military and has watch a lot this holiday weekend. Since the dr stripped my membranes I've been cramping a little, spotting and losing pieces of my mucus plug, so I'm not sure that my body will hold off until the induction next week. However, if I should happen to naturally go into labor over the weekend my husband may not get relief soon enough and miss the birth. So my hands are tied. Just curious as to if there are any other mothers that used castor oil and any advice for my situation?


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What's your opinion on second deliveries?

    I'm 37 weeks my 36 week appointment my doctor checked my cervix and I was about 60% effaced and 1 cm this coming appointment he wants to strip my membranes..yes I know this is a little early but she's a large baby as was my first so we're trying to avoid all the complications in delivery I had with my first I'm asking for the opinion on when you think this baby will come along? Since she's my second and he's stripping my membranes..just curious! :)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • where can I sell back foreign currency in Jacksonville, FL?

    need to sell Albanian lek, are there any places in Jacksonville that will buy it or any legitimate mail in websites

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • I hate changing diapers!?

    My daughter is 13 months old now and ever since she was about 5 months old she has hated having her diaper changed. So much so that it's gotten to the point that I hate doing it, I dread when it's diaper change time because I know she's going to throw a fit. There is nothing I haven't tried (at least I don't think) when it comes to trying to distract her. Singing, toys, "helping", funny faces...this list is endless. I thought she was maybe afraid of the changing table so I changed her on the floor a few times. Haha all that did was make it easier for her to flip over and wiggle away! Any advice that I haven't tried? I hate to rush it, but I'm ready for potty training! :)

    21 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • NYC cabs...?

    My husband will be in New York for fleet week and he asked if my daughter and I would come up to visit. So, I've booked our flight and hotel, but here's the thing. As many times as I've been to New York, I've never paid attention to people with their children. My daughter is 12 months so she rides in the car in a baby seat. What do we do when we're in New York. I can't lug her car seat around with us all day. What do people with small children do when they need to ride in a cab? Thanks

    2 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • stimulus check....?

    Okay so I've heard a bunch of rumors. According to the easy access information out there, we're supposed to be getting our check direct deposit just like our tax refund. No later than May 9th. Today is May 9th, no check. Not relying on it but when you're told money is coming you tend to look forward to it. So then I hear that even if you received your income tax refund by direct deposit BUT you paid for your tax services with money deducted from your income tax refund amount, that your direct deposit stimulus check was null and void and you had to wait on a paper check in the mail. So that makes it June 20th for me. Any truth to this?

    8 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • strapless bra...?

    So in all of my years of wearing bras I've yet to find a strapless bra that is comfortable! Do they exist? Does anyone have any suggestions on a really good strapless bra? I honestly would pay anything haha just to find one! I wear a 34D so it'll need to work for large breasts! thank you!

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • the switch..?

    my daughter is 2 weeks away from her 1st birthday so the 12 month mark is approaching and i'll be taking her off formula and weening her to whole milk. she's my first so i have no idea what i'm doing, how to do it and what to look for to see if she's not doing the best with it. she was on a soy formula before. i havent had her tested to see if she was allergic to milk protein, i just switched her to soy around 2 months because no matter what i tried it filled her with gas. maybe i was wrong for not taking her to her pediatrician to be sure that was the problem but after listening to screaming non stop for 8 weeks i tried it and when she did so well with it i just left it be. her pediatrician know she's on soy formula though. so i wanted to now any advice anyone has for this switch. thanks so much! :)

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • she hacked into my email account.?

    so this may sound immature but i'm honestly to the point of not caring. my sister is forever doing mean and hurtful things to me and i've had enough. today i get text messages from her saying that she had indeed hacked into my email account and read my emails between my husband and i. apparantly i had said something involving how she treats me and she's angry. is this hacking illegal? i've called the police to file a report. i've been looking this up and i dont really want her to go to jail but i do want something to. a small fine, or even just having to appear in court. i know this sounds crazy but i dont want her to think she can do this to me and just get away with it. also, she has things of mine at her home, so a police escort to go get them? how does that happen?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • waxing disaster!?

    ok. my husband has a deployment coming up so he's been doing these work ups leading to it. he's been gone for about a month and will be home in the next 2 weeks. i'm usually a very conservative person so to surprise him and be the "naughty" wife for once i decided to get a brazilian wax at my salon. i made the appointment. let the hair grow for 2 weeks and went yesterday. it hurt like no other! but it looked fine. it was obviously a little tender but after a few hours it was like nothing ever happened. today on the other hand it's red with bumps like i shaved or something and hurts like you wouldnt believe. i wax under my arms and my eyebrows and never get bumps! is the normal for the next day and they'll go away or am i stuck with this until the hair grows back! help! can i do something to make it go away and ease up the soreness?

    11 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • computer games?

    Hi!! I'm such a computer game dork, especially after my daughter is in bed if my husband is out to sea. I like the games such as diner dash. but I've played all the diner dash games, the cakemania games, wedding dash, some babysitter game...i cant find anymore that are about the same as the others. any ideas?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • graves' disease...?

    so unfortunatly i went to my doctor today for some follow up appointments on my thyroid issues i've been having. she thought it was just hyperthyroidism but wanted to go into detail with it and now to find out i've been diagnosed with graves' disease. i've been reading up on it and the fact i have to get radiation to really be rid of it scares the hell out of me! but what scares me even more is that my husband and i have not completed our family so we'll be trying to get pregnant with our 2nd and last child in the next year or so. is this disease going to affect my pregnancy? what about the radiation? i also have the RH factor problems and needed RHOgam shots with my last pregnancy. will these two problems become serious issues? i'm going to discuss all of these questions with my doctor of course i was just looking for output to bring things into perspective! thanks :)

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • question about rhogam?

    alright so i'm A- and with my first pregnancy we found out about the RH factor stuff, and i knew i had to do it and i asked a ton of questions but when doctors explain things it tends to just go right over my head! and i've read up on my own and i think i understand but i'm trying to see if any other moms or anyone for that matter can explain this to me. i'm not stupid by any means but wherei have the real questions is when my husband and i decide to try to get pregnant again, what precautions do i need to take? do i need to check in with my doctor about a shot first before we can try for our next child? i'm just so confused so any answers are appreciated! thanks :)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • birth control.....?

    alright so i think i'm one of those women who just cant take the birth control pills. since having my daughter i have tried 3 different pills for 3 months each and they only work the first 2 months then i get my period out of no where and it just doesnt go away even after taking the next pill. i've tried orth tri cylcle, alesse and yaz and no luck with any of them. i'm married so we have a pretty active sex life and we dont want anymore children for a few years so i need to feel like we're protected. right now we're using condoms even though i'm taking these pills but i dont trust them since they cant even control my period. so anyways who wants to use condoms everytime with their husband??? so i was wondering if anyone else had this p;roblem and what kind of birth control they possibly found to work. thanks!!

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • a christening story....?

    alright i'm facing a small dilemma. my husband and i are each from different states. I'm from virginia and he's from lousiana and there is pretty much no way to get the families together at the same time no matter how much notice is given in advance. he's also in the military so we cant just take time off here and there to make it extremely convenient so i was wondering if babies can be christened twice? i was going to do it here in virginia since my family here will be together for thanksgiving anyways then when we went to lousiana for christmas all of his family would be there as well. is there a rule that says you cant do that? just curious...thanks in advance

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • i need an answer!?

    my sister called me today asking me to go to the hospital with her and my niece but my husband wasnt home to watch our daughter so i couldnt go :( i mean i would have anyway but she got our dad to go with her instead so i didnt take my kid to a hospital for no reason ya know. so anyways she took her in because she had a really deep bronchitis like cough and all the coughing was making her vomit so i just called to get an update and she said the doctors listened to her lungs and decided to check her oxygen levels in her blood and theyre only at 82% and the highest they got in that hour they monitored that was 92%..i understand that they're supposed to be 100%. so what does this mean? what could she have or what could be wrong with her?! has anyone had this happen to their kids or anything?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what's the difference?

    i know for a fact that i'm going to need a root canal. i found a cavity when i was 9 months pregnant and just put off the dentist appointment. now that my daughter is old enough to be left alone i have an appointment today. i was looking at my dentist's webpage and she does uncomplicated root canals only. whats the difference between uncomplicated and complicated root canals?

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • red ring on bite?!?

    a few nights ago a mosquito got in our house and bit my husband and i so the next morning when i got my daughter up and saw a little bite on her cheek i just thought she had been bitten as well. well it's 3 days later and her bite isnt going away and baby skin always heals up so much quicker than that, especially something as insignificant as a mosquito bite. well that bite is still there and now it has a red ring around it and it's almost the size of a penny. she has a doc. appointment for it today but i was just curious of what this could be. she's only 4 months old so it's not like she plays outside or anything like that. we dont have a dog and i just changed all of her bedding so i dont know what could have bitten her! any ideas?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago