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  • what is the significance of the 5 dollar milkshake in Pulp Fiction?

    in Pulp Fiction, Vincent goes on about that $5 milkshake.

    why does he do this?

    was is expensive or cheap for the time?

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • which wwe/f pipe-bombs were legit?

    i know the Joey Styles pipe bomb was worked, but CM Punks was apparently legit.

    so my question is which ones are real? AJ? Punk? Heyman?

    1 AnswerWrestling7 years ago
  • what does it mean to go over? (WWE)?

    i've been following this whole #YES movement from the WWE, and have been reading some articles and comments on various sites.

    one phrase keeps popping up though:

    "* is so over right now"

    what does it mean to be "over"?

    like over the crowd or over another superstar

    3 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • what song is this that has people dancing and singing at random to this Asian girl?

    the music video has this Asian girl singing the song, while listening to it on headphones. it then gets stuck in her head, and everywhere she goes, people start singing the song to her and dancing.

    some scenes include a subway train and the beach. people just randomly start singing to her.

    i recall a white girl at the beach scene.

    at the end, she's lying in bed still singing, while an older Asian guy watches over her. right at the end, he "removes" his face to show a white guy

    it's still a new song, saw it on Trace Urban last night. it's catchy, but never caught the title or artist

    would appreciate a video link also. thx

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Terminator 2: what is that shotgun?

    ok. i'm watching T2 now, and i would love to know what model shotgun is that that Arnie uses in the begining?

    i looks like it could be a sawed-off shotgun. it has damn good range and power. just really curious to know what make and model it is, if anybody could enlighten me


    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Micro SD card not working Samsung Galaxy Y?

    i have a Samsung Galaxy Y (GT530 or 350 or something like that)

    anyway, i had a micro sd in the phone and it could read the songs, pictures and all sorts on the card.

    then something happened to the phone and the phone was reset to factory defaults. now i can't access the sd card anymore.

    what must i do to make it read the card? what option is it. the card wasn't touched since. or must it be re-formatted to some type? please help

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • is there an online petition or suggestion for R* games?

    i don't want to start one (cause i don't know how...) but is there something that we, as the frustrated gamers of GTA 5 can do to make R* listen?

    i really want a system that shows at least the missing Knife Flights, Under The Bridge ans Stunt Jumps.

    i finally got all the stunt jumps, but needed help with that because of the way you have to land, or fly in the air.

    Knife Flights, some people say is glitched, so I'm getting anxious cause i want to start those

    and Under The Bridge for the fact that so many bridges have been flown under, but they don't register. i am having a particular hard time because I'm on 49/50, and i know i haven't flown under the Elysium Island bridge (the biggest and easiest to do). i now have to follow an online guide and re-do them ALL AGAIN!!!

    can R* PLEASE do something about this. this is so annoying trying to figure out what is missing and what is not.

    even if it's on the Social Club website.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • what movie is this about a woman running away from home?

    it might be either an Australian movie, or British (could be American for all i remember)


    i think the lead female runs away from her (lover?family?) someone anyway

    on her journey, she either meets a friend or makes a new one, another woman.

    this woman is more outgoing, fun and parties, compared to the lead, who is timid at best

    anyway, one scene the party girl takes two guys home with her. the lead comes in and sees this, but the party girl actually collapses. she is taken to the hospital by the lead, where she asks the doctor or nurse "Did this happen because i was in the middle of a sandwich" or something to that effect. i think her back or legs gave out.

    and thats all i remember. and i think the lead had shoulder long hair, probably blonde. the party girl had short hair, can't remember if it was blonde or brunette

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • where did Jean Claude Van Damme?

    i remember a line form the show The Boondocks, JCVD best martial artist in the world. He killed a man with his butt check power.

    where in what movie did he do that, if he did?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Do you think the Red Skull should come back?

    i was watching the Avengers movies, and if you recall, at the end of Cap America, the Red Skull "dissolved" when he held the Tesseract.

    now we know that the same Tesseract was used to bring the army in Avengers. so why can't it be used both ways?

    imagine then if the Red Skull survived all that time in space. he is also genetically superior and has a strong evil will. Evil doesn't die so easily, so why should he.

    do you think, based on this, that they should bring him back in a future movie?

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Bedazzled & the seven deadly sins?

    could someone please elaborate how in both Bedazzled movies ('67 & 2000), how the wishes relate to the seven deadly sins

    especially the 2000 remake. having a hard time figuring out. only get the greed sin as the guy being a drug lord

    Movies8 years ago
  • whats the name of this movie?

    this is a fairly old movie, maybe late 80's - 90's.

    it's an action movie, but i can't remember who the actors are.

    all i can remember is the main female always sat like a man, legs spread apart, and the main hero keeps complaining and tells her to sit like a lady, legs crossed over.

    i think in the end, she finally sat like a lady, i think it was after something blew up, a house or building

    can anyone get this movie's name.

    sorry, but thats all i got...

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • how do you **** up a timeline for Xmen?

    watch Origins Wolverine. that has to be set in what? the 80's, to show a young Cyclops right

    at the end, Prof X is standing. STANDING!!! he still has use of his legs

    then you get Frist Class. at the end, the bullet hits his spine and he is paralysed.

    problem, that happened in? the 60's. 1962. its the Cold War. the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    how do you **** it up?

    why? WHY?

    and how are they going to correct in DOFP?

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Whats it with Oscars and given Best Actor to a character who dies?

    seriously, look at some of the awards for Best Actor. a lot of them have characters who die in the films, either halfway, at the end or implied.


    Godfather - Vito Corleone

    Training Day - Detective Alonzo Harris

    Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln

    Milk - Harvey Milk

    Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius

    American Beauty - Lester Burnham

    Life Is Beautiful - Guido Orefice

    Leaving Las Vegas - Ben Sanderson

    Philadelphia - Andrew Beckett

    Ghandi - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Randle McMurphy

    and the list could go on. I know that some are historical figures (Lincoln, Ghandi), but what is it about giving your all to a character that dies?

    is that how to win an Oscar? be the main man, good or bad, give a brilliant(sometimes not so) performance, and make sure the character dies.

    and I know that a lot of other movies have characters that don't die that won Oscars (The Artist, Silence of the Lambs, Kings Speech, Mystic River, There Will Be Blood, etc...), but in the same breath, some of those movies had competition from characters who did die and were nominated:

    Blood Diamond

    Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

    Sweeny Todd

    True Grit

    American History X

    Pulp Fiction

    Malcolm X



    I would like some thoughts on this please

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • when is the draw for 2014 FIFA WC?

    can someone please tell me if they have announced a date and time for the group draw for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

    I would like to know when it is on so I can watch and plan, look and see who is playing who, and who might be in the final

    if there is a time also, that would be greatly appreciated


    1 AnswerFIFA World Cup (TM)8 years ago
  • whete can i find good subs?

    ok, I downloaded the French movie Haute tension (high tension), and to my horror, I didn't get one with subs

    now rather than downloading again, is there a site that has good subs and that don't lag or happen too fast/slow?

    please, I wanna watch this movie

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • POLL: what is your most "creepiest" soundtrack/sound clip/sound in movies?

    just interested

    what is your music that gives you the jibbies when you hear it?

    mine are:

    the X-Files music intro

    the version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star from the Dead Space anime movie

    what are yours?

    4 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Whats this foreign movie? Japanese?

    okay, I might be wrong in this, but idk

    I saw this movie years ago, maybe around 2003-06. big gap I know.

    but maybe,

    it was set in a radio station. they were telling stories on the radio. and something about a dam blowing up or something like that.

    I remember the one guy saying that this one guy should read the story because he has a nice voice.

    they then needed sound effects, so they used everyday objects : paper, water and some others

    I think this was a Japanese movie, but I could be mistaken. I'm 90% sure its a Japanese movie

    please help out. I came in this movie halfway and it was pretty good. would like to see it again and understand it more


    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Movie about woman from Canada who has to marry?

    for the life of me, I can't remember this movie's title.

    I remember, vaguely, that the story is about a woman who is some successful business woman who is in danger of being deported back to Canada. she asks some guy at her work, some lower level dude, to marry her or pretend or something like that.

    anyway, they go to her home and the family is all nuts. I think it was Canada, or Alaska or some place like (no disrespect, it all looks cold to me). and I think the town was named after the family?

    any-who, someone finds out about this farce, and the plan goes up in smoke, as always

    in the end, I remember he goes back to her and kisses her very passionately at work while everybody watches

    this movie isn't that old. prob late 2000's. but I can't remember the cast, or I would've got it already

    please help. this is one of those times when my movie knowledge fails me and I need the answer to save my sanity


    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago