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Lv 616,973 points

BoogyMan Messiah

Favorite Answers16%
  • Is Ron Paul the only candidate with a plan?

    Seriously...I don't hear any other candidate talking about solutions. Ron Paul has. I don't even hear the other candidates talking about real issues...they just keep pounding thier talking points. Paul is the only one that actually speaks his mind.

    9 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • What happens to E.M. waves as the wavelength approaches zero? Infinity?

    I'm sitting here, watching Nova, wishing that the show covered more advanced topics and in-depth questions. Tonight's show is about the Big Bang, and it includes all the standard content. As usual, they talk about red-shift, and how we use it measure the speed of galaxies moving away from us.

    Anyway, I started wondering about waves as they approach extreme values. For example, what does a light wave with a wave-length of 0 look like? Is it solid matter at that point? (I'm guessing not...)

    Does anyone know where I can find more info on this subject? (I'm not a "physics guy", but this stuff fascinates me!)

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • Getting an accurate timestamp in C++?

    Any C++ gurus out there?

    I'd like to print the time, run a "for" loop of 1 billion iterations and print the time again. It's a simple benchmarking program.

    However, I can't find a time function in C++ with accuracy of more than a second. Ideally, I'd like to use as much accuracy as possible...six or seven decimal places.

    How do I display time increments of less than a second?

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do I render an image border in

    I've got a "Show Graph" button that renders an image of a graph. It's not dynamic, i.e., you choose the graph from a drop-down menu and the image is delivered to the page. I'd like to put a border around it. Here's the relevant code:

    protected void ShowGraph_ServerClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)


    Graph.Src = "images/moneyGraph" + Currency.SelectedIndex.ToString() + ".jpg";

    Graph.Visible = true;


    Is there an command that I can use to render a border?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How does System Tool infect a computer?

    There's a common virus going around called "System Tool". I was wondering how it manages to embed itself into my computer. I've "contracted" this virus a couple of times now..but I've never given permission to download anything before it strikes. does it work?

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to use a gig of RAM at rest?


    I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. My task manager shows that I'm using about 1 G of RAM when my computer is idle. I've got three processes open that use about 30,000 K each (Windows Explorer, IE, etc...), but I don't see anything that would justify that much RAM usage.

    I also have an Oracle VM installed, with RAM set aside to use it...but it's not open. Could it be using my RAM even when it's closed?


    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Question about Java ArrayList?

    Here's my line of code:

    playerDeck.add(startingDeck.remove (Math.random() * startingDeck.size()));

    "playerDeck" and "startingDeck" are both ArrayList <Double>. I want to remove a random item from "startingDeck" and add it to "playerDeck".

    Eclipse is telling me that "add" is improperly used, as it does not work on boolean arguments. However, my book tells me that "remove" will take an item from an ArrayList and return the value of that item. Once again, both ArrayLists hold type "double".

    So...why the message about boolean values? How can I implement this?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Wireless networking, simple question?

    I have a D-Link Wireless device and an Acer laptop. When I shut the lid to the laptop, the computer goes into hibernate mode. If I re-open the laptop a few minutes later, my connection is usually still good. If I let it sit for several minutes, I usually lose my connection. No problem so far...

    Here's the strange part: If the connection is still good, it's only good for a couple of minutes. I can visit a couple of web pages, then I get disconnected. I can easily re-connect, but I'm wondering if anyone knows what's going on here. I could understand an automatic disconnection, but I don't understand why it disconnects me after a few minutes....

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • A math question, supposedly from a job interview?

    The question comes from this site:

    "23. A train leaves San Antonio for Houston at 60 mph. Another train leaves Houson for San Antonio at 80 mph. Houston and San Antonio are 300 miles apart. If a bird leaves San Antonio at 100 mph, and turns around and flies back once it reaches the Houston train, and continues to fly between the two, how far will it have flown when they collide? (Reportedly from USAA)"

    I'm embarrassed that I've had Calculus, but this question is throwing me for a loop. I'm having trouble coming up with the equation for calculating the collision...can't even concieve of how to calculate the bird's movement. Any help would be appreciated.

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't f(x)=2*(x^(1/3)) have any negative values?

    Calculus question: Determine whether the Mean Value Theorum applies to the given function on the given interval:


    f(x)=2*(x^(1/3)) , [-8,8] (That's "two times (x to the one third power)")


    When I graph this fuction (with no intervals), it shows no negative values. However, that doesn't make sense to me. The cubic root of -1 is why am I not showing values for x<0?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Is the derivative of f(x)= sin(5x) equal to the derivative of f(x)= 5sin(x)?

    Hi, I'm really messed up on finding derivatives of trig functions. (My trig is a bit weak.)

    So, here's my questions:

    Is the derivative of f(x)= sin(5x) equal to the derivative of f(x)= 5sin(x)?

    Is the derivative of f(x)= tan(5x) equal to the derivative of f(x)= 5tan(x)?

    Is the derivative of f(x)= cos(5x) equal to the derivative of f(x)= 5cos(x)?

    (or subsitute 'k' for '5', where 'k' is an integer)

    And any tips, websites, etc are very appreciated. Thanks!

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Virtual Box reinstalls my virtual OS everytime I open it!?

    I installed Ubuntu 10.04 into Oracle VM from an iso that had a "trial" version option. However, it also has an option for the full version. I burned the iso (no problem). I installed it into Virtual Box. No problem. Logged in, set up my Ubuntu, played around with it and closed it.

    However, when I power it down and close Virtual Box, I lose the intall. Every time that I re-open it and power up the Ubuntu virtual machine, it starts me from scratch. Anyone else have this issue? Is it the file I burned, or is it the set up in my Virtual Box?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Crazy mother in law want me? EMERGENCY!?

    She's almost 60, sitting in the next room. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Beer and drug test for pot? EMERGENCY!?

    Ok, here's the deal - I need to pass a drug test in the next 30 minutes. I smoked pot (about a week ago) and I've been drinking beer for the last hour. My pee is clear (I just went, before the call came, it was totally clear - no yellow whatsoever). Will I pass? What should I do?!

    6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Murderers and rapists in heaven?

    So...according to Christianity, the God of the Jewish people is also their God.

    And, according to the Old Testament, pretty much ANYTHING was "legal" before God handed down the Ten Commandments.

    It stands to reason, then, that heaven will have a pretty diverse population. All of the nomadic people of the Old Testament who raped and murdered will be up there, for example.

    But...a child who was raised as a Buddhist and died from pnemonia when he was 12 years old will not be in heaven.

    As much as Christians try to blow this fact off...none of them can really explain it. They just expect God to break his own rules, and save the "right" people. long question: Are Christians stupid, are they crazy or are they both stupid and crazy? How can you call this God 'loving'?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question about Ramen-dan (no Christians, please!)?

    As a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I was wondering if it's O.K. to eat pasta during Ramen-dan. Did the FSM ever leave us specific instructions on our diet? (Honestly, I'm starting to think that there are some missing books in The Gospel. I mean, what kind of all-powerful entity would leave his followers in limbo about a vital issue like daily noodle intake?!)

    Oh, by the way, I don't mean to be rude to the Christians here. It's just that you follow a false God. I'm sure the FSM will forgive you, but just to be safe, I'd rather not have anything to do with you....

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you ever told someone that you loved them and then....?

    ....changed your mind after a few days?

    I do this ALL the time. I think I watched too many Disney movies as a child.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is there any REAL difference between a "normal Christian" and the Phelps family?

    Is there any REAL difference between a "normal Christian" and the Phelps family?

    (In case you don't know who the Phelps are, here's an interview with the mom.)

    The Phelps' family and Westboro Baptist Church has gained national attention for their extreme viewpoints. They visit funerals (soldiers, gay men, and even a 2 year old Amish girl) to protest the wicked ways of American lifestyle. Most notable is their protest of homosexuality, but they pretty much condemn everything that you might find in the Bible, from drinking to premarital sex.

    Now...granted...they express their views in a very extreme way. But, at the end of the day, I don't really see any difference between a nutty family who tells everyone in the world that God is punishing humanity and a so-called "normal" Christian who believes that a sinner will go to Hell.

    Either way you slice it, both the "normal" Christians and these extremists believe that God has some sort of scale by which he gauges human behavior. If you don't live up to his standard...POOF! You end up being tortured forever.

    So...somebody explain to me why "normal" Christians are considered rational, and yet even the "normal" Christians reject the Phelps. To me, it all sounds like the same rhetoric...


    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the best atheist video on YouTube?

    I'm bored, and tired of picking through the atheist rants on YouTube.

    Does anyone have a favorite bookmarked?

    Feel free to include abiogenesis, evolution, and religious nutbag videos.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should I name my baby "Losasha" (religious significance)?

    I had decided on this as one of the choices for my baby's name.

    However, I was reading the Bible and "Losasha" was the name of a succubus. It said that anyone who is so named will be recognized as Satan's mistress.

    Have you ever heard of this? Do you think it will affect the way she is treated?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago