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Alex - Æsahættr
Assassin's Creed 2 help?
I'm playing it on the computer and I've just gotten to the scenario 'Practice makes Perfect'- when you're learning how to fight from Mario.
Unfortunately all my character can do is look around. I've pressed pretty much every button on the keyboard, and all he can do is turn around- can't even move. I can get to the Esc menu and the other one- the one that comes from through Tab, but that's it. Any idea what's going on? I'm assuming it's some part of the game which hasn't ran properly and continued paralysing me after the end of the talk scene. Or something. Anyone had this problem?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoBaking a cake with no cake tin?
Trying to cook a cake, don't have a cake tin. Can I use a Saucepan instead? It has a metal handle so it won't burn. The cake mix isn't strong enough to support itself.
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoChords for Quelque Part by Felipecha?
Can anyone give me a link? French or English, I don't mind. I just can't seem to find the chords anywhere.
If you don't know what most of the words mean in the question you probably won't be able to help, but basically Felipecha is a French band and Quelque Part is one of their more popular songs
First answer with a good link gets the 10 points
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoFound a baby swallow on the ground?
It's a fledgling- I know because it keeps hopping and trying to fly.
I picked it up because it was in the middle of the road, shufflling about- about to get run over, or eaten by the many cats in my area.
I know now that you're supposed to leave fledglings, so they can be fed by their parents until they can fly themselves, but it's too late for that, as I've already picked it up. If I'd left it on the road it would have been dead by now anyway.
So what should I do? Try and feed it till it can fly on its own?
7 AnswersBirds1 decade agoProblem with my laptop?
I recently came back to my room to find my laptop turned off, an unwilling to turn on at all (no lights, not even a start up screen). I had left it turned on, logged off and closed, but not suspended, lying upside down (so it's screen was facing down onto my mattress)
I'm not sure what's happened, and I don't know how much it's going to cost to get it fixed- any ideas?
12 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoUbuntu< Jaunty Jackalope_ my computer is permanently holding shift?
Basically< despite me not pressing anything< my computer thinks i am holding down shift< all the time>
I don@t know how to stop it> can anyone help?
i@m on the latest version of ubuntu< on an Eee PC nine zero one (can@t type numbers)
is there a master reset or something?
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoRight, hunting in France.?
I've asked this before, and even gone onto the damn French Yahoo Answers and struggled along there. No ones answering. *someone* must know.
Is there a punishment for hunting outside of the specified time period in France? If the regional leader guy doesn't give permisssion, is there a fine? A jail sentence? Or anything?
3 AnswersHunting1 decade agoEst-ce qu'il y a une punition pour chasser dehors de la période de chasser?
Comme le titre. Si on chasser quand le préfet n'a pas donné permission, est-ce qu'il y a une punition?
3 AnswersChasse1 decade agoSeasonal Hunting in France?
I'm doing an oral exam on hunting in France and I need some infromation on the hunting season?
If anyone could help that'd be great. Basically
What gets hutned, and when?
Is there a fine for hunting out of season?
1 AnswerOther - France1 decade agoLa periode de chasser?
Pardonnez-moi, mais j'ai un cession pour mon A-Level- Un examen en Angleterre pour aller au Universitaire.
De toute manière, je dois faire un examen orale sur la chasse, et j'ai besoin d'information envers de la période de chasse. Si vous pouvez me dire quoi on peut chasser et quand, et les punitions pour chasser dehors de la période, je serais tres reconnaissant
1 AnswerSports - Divers1 decade agoThe latest ubuntu on the Eee PC?
I recently upgraded to 9.04 or whatever the latest ubuntu upgrade is. Now that I have I can't connect to any network, wired or wireless. The wireless is turned on, but when I try to connect to our wireless it goes to 'Obtaining IP Address' and then cuts off, saying Not Connected
This is the same for other wireless networks I've tried.
When I plugged in an ethernet cable the same thing happened
Any ideas?
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoUsing Avidemux GTK video editing?
I'm trying to combine a video file I have with the subtitles for it, so it's all in one file. Can anyone help me do this?
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoJehovah's Witnesses and Heaven?
I've heard that Jehovah's Witnesses believe that there's only a certain amount of place in heaven. About 14000 places I believe.
So what happens when it fills up? If they truly believe it then it's not a too large step of the imagination to see them going a little bit insane. After all, it's not like Atheism where we believe there's no such thing as heaven- they must assume they're going to hell, right?
Thoughts, anyone?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSo what does God do all day?
Whew, I'm asking a lot of questions today.
Anyway, this may seem trollish, but I'm actually curious. What *does* God do all day? Sit on his magnificent throne and gossip with the angels about which celeb is going out with who?
On the same topic, what does Satan do? I mean, they don't physically do anything in this world
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBefore the world ends don't we have to meet Jesus?
Most Christians seem pretty sure that Jesus is coming back for another go at things. Doesn't that mean we've got at least until he comes along? That follows logically, but you still see the old 'Repent ye sinners, the time of judgement will arise and you're not in the clear yet'
And the Antichrist has to pop up too.
On a different topic, if Christ and the Antichrist meet, will there be an explosion? S'like matter and antimatter, no?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoThe afterlife - stopping us from living in a better world?
I've read a book called Good Omens many times, but coming here brought it back to me. It follows the 11 years that the AntiChrist is on Earth, and one of the things he says makes a lot of sense. When he's speaking to The Metatron and Beezlebub (over the fact that he's refusing to end the world) he says
'If you stopped telling people that it was all sorted out when we die, maybe they'd do a better job of making this one better'
And its true. There would be a severe lack of suicide bombers if they didn't think they were going to a nice place afterwards. Religious wars would be a lot softer if the fighters weren't sure they were going to a heaven when they died.
You follow me?
Thoughts please
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo we lose free will in heaven?
I don't believe in Heaven, but this it to those who do.
If its Heaven, then no wrong happens- correct? 'Wrong' is Sinning. Yet our ability to sin is our free will- we have a choice over what we do. So if nothing bad happens in heaven, technically haven't we lost our free will?
*Yahoo Help: looks like you have a lot of punctuation.*
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSpiritually speaking, what do you think about cornflakes?
Did you know that they were invented to stop monks masturbating? The idea was that by putting it in the young monk's beds, any sinful shaking could be easily heard, and the head monk guy could come and deal with it. I imagine people started having it for breakfast when a particularly fat monk decided to give it a try.
True story. Was on QI
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhere can I download books?
For free- and proper ones, by author's I've heard of, like Douglas Adams, Robin Hobb, etc. I know its possible, because a guy I met on holiday had over 500 books on his PDA- anyone know the site?
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoEmulating my PS2..?
I've downloaded an emulator for my PS2- PCSX2 and I'm trying to run FFX off it. I have the CD, I have the Bios, but it still won't work- When I try to run it the only playable file is an IMG file, which then causes the program to stop responding.
Can anyone help sort me out?
2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago