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  • To which Scottish clan do I belong?

    My father is a Campbell on his mother's side, but has Campbell as his middle name, and his father's (non-clan) surname. My mother is a Robertson on her father's side and although she took my father's surname when she married, I have Robertson as a middle name, so I'm not sure which one I'd technically belong to!

    According to wikipedia, "Children who take their father's surname are part of their father's clan and not their mother's" - yet I have his non-clan surname and my mother's clan name as my middle name.

    4 AnswersGenealogy4 years ago
  • I am a nerd and my friend is a Gym Friend, what do for Christmas?

    Basically I can't work out what to buy people if they don't like Star Trek, so....

    My friend is a girl who spends her most of her life in the gym, and the rest of it listening to heavy metal, edm, reading cheesy romance novels and watching Hannah Hart videos on YouTube 😂

    Help me pls

    4 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Nasty quadratics question - help!?

    How do I go about answering the questions

    "Find constants a, b and c such that, for all values of x, 3x²-5x+1=a(x+b)²+c" ?

    If you can give a worked explanation that would be amazing, thank you!

    5 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Finding nth term for sequence 4, 4, 0, -8, -20 ?

    I'm doing past papers for my GCSE maths exam next week. One question is "find an expression in terms of n for a sequence whose first five terms are 4, 4, 0, -8, -20"

    There's also an example with the question, which says "the sequence 2, 2, 0, -4, -10 has an nth term expression of 3n-n^2", if that helps.

    I have no idea how to do a sequence with two terms the same at the start. It's from the 2015 paper for which the mark scheme is not yet available.

    Can anyone please give me the nth term for this sequence AND a breakdown for how to find it? Thank you!

    3 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • HELP! Finding nth term?

    I'm doing past papers for my GCSE maths exam next week. One question is "find an expression in terms of n for a sequence whose first five terms are 4, 4, 0, -8, -12"

    I have no idea how to do a sequence with two terms the same at the start. It's from the 2015 paper for which the mark scheme is not yet available. I thought it must be a quadratic sequence but I really don't know what to do? I'm aiming for an A* so this is a bit worrying!

    Can anyone please give me the nth term for this sequence and a breakdown for how to find it? Thank you!

    4 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Medical work for 16 yr old?

    I'm struggling to find any medical related work (paid or voluntary) for under 18s... This is an issue as I need to start getting stuff now for a successful uni application in 2 years' time. I've done till work in a pharmacy, but I'm looking for something more hands on. As far as I can tell I'd be able to do paid portering work, since there's no obvious age or qualification issue, except most positions ask for a driving licence, which I won't have until next year.

    Does anyone know where or what I can get? Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersHealth Care5 years ago
  • Balanced equation for reaction between Magnesium and Nitric Acid?

    Balance Mg + ....HNO3 -> Mg(NO3)2 + ....H2O + 2NO2

    I can't see how to do this given the seemingly random 2NO2 on the end.... Is there a chance this is a mistake on my worksheet? I've never seen this reaction with it before.....

    Ta in advance


    1 AnswerChemistry5 years ago
  • Managing muscle pain with Tourette's syndrome?

    I have moderate-severe Tourette's syndrome. I don't have many vocal tics (thank goodness) but I have some quite extreme motor tics.

    These include hitting myself in the chest, suddenly "punching" one or both arms up/to the side, and my head suddenly jerking over to one side.

    These can make me pretty uncomfortable and often strain my muscles, especially in my shoulders and neck. It also makes me totally knackered.

    Pain relief doesn't help much because it only lasts about 20 minutes and on a bad day I might be ticcing the entire time I'm awake.

    Does anybody have any advice on helping to manage the pain and fatigue? Doesn't have to be specific for TS although the fatigue thing is partly mental from suppressing tics and stuff from co-morbids, so I'm not sure if regular fatigue help will work. Everything is appreciated tho :)

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management5 years ago
  • Pulsating sensation in eye, severe headache & neck pain?

    For a few days I've been able to feel my pulse in the top of my left eye, and my vision feels off but I can't pinpoint what. Along with it I have a throbbing headache, mainly in both temples, and can feel blood rushing in my head. I also have very bad neck pain, especially around my throat/jaw and near the base of my skull. My jaw is also clicking unusually and I have some rib & breast pain. Pain relief has helped the neck and ribs to an extent, but not the eye or headache.

    Any thoughts on what this may be? Should I see a GP? I don't want to waste their time or mine by being told to go home :-/

    Worth noting that the vision issue might be because I need a new glasses scrip (I'm badly shortsighted), but the pulsing is really weird.

    I'm not usually bothered by headaches. I got stabbed once, so minor aches really don't bother me, but this is pretty bad, especially combined with the neck.

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management5 years ago
  • What will a chemically damaged eye look like?

    Once again, asking bizarre questions to help me write grunge fiction, sorry about that 😂

    If someone goes completely blind from a chemical eye injury (e.g. Bleach), what will their eyes look like after several months?

    So, it's healed up, but not enough to repair their vision?

    Will the eyes look normal or not?

    1 AnswerOptical6 years ago
  • How old must you be to be a hospital porter in the UK?

    I want to get a job as a porter in a hospital when I'm 17, before going on to study Medicine at 18.

    Will this be possible? All other aspects of the job I believe I will be suitable for, so the only problem may be my age.


    1 AnswerStudying Abroad6 years ago
  • Chemical eye injury resulting in total blindness?

    For a story I'm writing, the main character loses his sight completely (and permanently) in an accident involving household chemicals. My question is, how would injury severe enough for that to happen occur? Would a very large amount of chemical have to be involved?

    NB: I already know what chemicals could cause it, I just need to know what circumstances would mean that the eyes couldn't recover.

    3 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • How do I gently tell my friend that he has no chance with the girl he likes?

    Me and my friend are both 15. I'm a girl, he's a guy, but don't think there's any "relationship tension". Since I'm openly lesbian that's not an issue 😂

    Anyway, he's always trying to talk to this girl at school he likes because he wants to get her to go out with him. But they don't have much in common and he's totally not her type at all. I've tried to say this, but he's too smitten and didn't catch the hint.

    What should I say to him that won't cause us to fall out and will prevent him from horrifically embarrassing himself?

    Thanks in advance x

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How should I refer to a drag queen or king?

    I know I use their stage name when they're performing and their regular name when not, but what pronouns do I use about them generally? Does it depend on the person? How should I ask? I know some drag performers are trans but many are not and I wouldn't want to offend either.

  • Is it acceptable for UK doctors to have visible tattoos?

    Almost every single nurse I know has something small but visible, but I've never seen a doctor with one. I want to be an A&E doctor, but I really want tattoos. Obviously I will get ones that are easily covered by scrubs, but I also want a full sleeve on one arm and I don't know if I would be allowed.

    3 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How to style my hair like this?

    So I have about the same amount of hair as her and a similar parting, how can I style my hair to look like hers? I want to get as close to this as possible :)

    Thanks all!

    1 AnswerHair6 years ago
  • How do I tell if a girl is gay and how do I make myself visible to other queer women?

    I'm a lesbian, somewhere in between femme and butch. I'm into femmes and other "in betweeners" like myself. I worry a lot about accidentally hitting on straight girls. Since a lot of straight girls now have short hair and flannel shirts... How do I spot the lesbians?! Especially the femmes?

    Also, to make myself visible, is wearing a rainbow wristband likely to do the job?... (I'm basically a walking cliché, but I DO like rainbows xD)

  • Why the obsession with bitless?

    Don't get me wrong, I like bitless bridles, but why this new thing where people seem to think it will solve every problem a horse has under saddle?

    "My horse struggles with opening his back in canter" "oh, go bitless!"

    "My horse gets excited at shows?" "Must be fighting the bit, go bitless!"

    Etcetera etcetera...

    I know it works for some horses but why do people seem to think it's a "magic fix" now?

    I have a fairly strong horse, and he used to fight me a lot. I spent long time training him to relax himself, and now he'll go around quite happily in a hanging cheek snaffle (for flatwork) and a two ring gag (for jumping and hacking). All he needed was time and to learn not to get stressful, not some magic piece of tack...

    In fact, I tried a bitless on him, and he HATED it. We think he was twitched badly as a youngster, because he hates the dentist and any kind of pressure on/around his nose, even if it's just a hand. He lets me stroke his nose now, but nobody else.

    I'm just really confused about this new obsession with bitless and how people seem to think it solves everything when usually all that's needed is patience, consistency and training. So can anyone please enlighten me as to why the hell this is a thing now? 😂😁

    4 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • What should I do? (Coming out to a right-wing friend)?

    One of my male friends has Asperger's syndrome, so his social skills are quite poor. He fancies me, but because of the Aspergers this basically means he stalks my facebook and sits too close to me (which I don't get upset about because I know he doesn't know different). His family are also EXTREMEMELY coservative and pretty rich.

    I'm openly lesbian to several friends, and most of my school year knows, but not to him yet. I know he's asked our mutual friends if I am, because he's seen me comment "I am a lesbian and..." On things on FaceBook (only ever as replies to other people's comments, because I know that doesn't usually show up on my friends's newsfeeds) and also he's heard some of the rumours at school.

    I have no idea how to tell him I am, because I don't want to make a big deal of it. My friends have said they're not sure when he's asked (even though they know) because he's very awkward and we don't want him to get weird about it.

    Because his family are fairly right wing, I also don't want to put him in an awkward or uncomfortable position. I also know it'll probably freak him out a bit, because it's a massive unknown. However, I really, really need him to find out, because I feel bad that he doesn't know and because I need him to stop breathing down my neck all the time because he has a crush on me. I can't say "please don't do that" because he gets really really upset and thinks he's really offended you if you say that.

    What on earth should I do?

  • Want to know why Pride matters?

    I hear a lot of people complaining about Pride being annoying, and "gays shoving it in our faces is disgusting" etc, etc...

    Even if you're an ally, you might not understand why it exists, you might think it's silly and flamboyant, or whatever.

    So here goes.

    It's the most liberating thing I've ever experienced, and I'm sure many other LGBTQ+ folk agree. Why? Because you don't have to assume you're the only person who's different. Because you can feel celebrated, not oppressed. Because seeing straight allies makes you remember that the whole world DOESN'T hate you, as it feels so often. To feel included. To feel accepted. To not feel like your very existence is "shameful" and "wrong", possibly for the first time in your life. A lot of gay people can feel isolated and outcast, and Pride gives us hope. It's the most liberating thing in the world - to feel free.

    That is why it matters, and that is why it should continue.

    And I would urge every single person who's LGBTQ to go, especially if they've ever felt oppressed or alone. It's incredible.