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Lv 624,836 points

Been there: done that - I think!

Favorite Answers64%

It's easier to list what I haven't owned as a pet than what I have. My present collection includes water turtles; snakes; assorted lizards; a parrot; feral manx cats; and a rescued lab mix. I have done quite a bit of animal rescue & rehabbing (mammals & reptiles). I have raised rabbits/parrots on a wholesale scale. I welcome any suggestions you can provide (especially on Ocellated skinks). The only helpful information I can give in general pertaining to lizards/turtles/amphibians is that their diet is very important. Crickets and other insects used as food items should be cleaned/gut loaded for 1-2 days before being offered to your pet. Feed the insects chick starter mash/dry dog food/dry iguana food/oatmeal daily and suppliment with fresh fruits/vegetables for a variety of nutrients. Do your homework, be informed and provide a long and happy life for your pet. Enjoy! *Do not send me hate mail if your IM/Mail is closed and I can't mail you back. Fair is fair. Thank you.

  • WHY does yahoo DO this?

    I can't edit a Q... I get non-stop "site is unavailable" as I work on it and it doesn't permit edits to a post! Oh, I can submit a new response - I just can't alter one just done.

    AM I the only one out here butting my head?

    Has anyone EVER gotten a response from the yahoo suggestions board?

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Leo morph help - well, morph help in general!?

    Genetics are not a secret, so why are they so closely guarded by some? ARE there formulas for producing some the more established morphs? WHY can't you google and find, or ask and get, a direct answer for what's a tangerine? What's a hypo? What's a reverse stripe? And HOW do you create any of them?

    My newest Q's are for dragons. What's the difference between a sunburst and a tiger? Why do some top BD breeders get vehemently irrational at the mention of "lavender" as a dragon sidebar color? Or a whole lavender dragon? And what's the difference between a red and a blood?

    I can treat and cure any of them, but just don't ask me what bloomin' color they are!


    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • About Fauna classifieds?

    Have you ever dealt with Fauna classified? WERE they rude to you? What was your experience and how did you hear of the site/listing?

    Reptiles1 decade ago
  • About light bulbs... I'm getting confused! Help, please?

    I went to buy ye'ole standard 40 W incandescent light bulbs today, which I use for heat for several reptile species... and? I found a 34W~!~!~!

    So, I thought to look further and the next wattage I could find was a 52 Watt~!~!~! 34 was not enough and 52 was too much.

    This is the US of A, so let me point out that we USUALLY buy FULL wattage bulbs by the 5's, 10's or 25's increments.

    I need to know if I've fallen into the twilight zone in Richmond, Va. or this odd occurrence is proliferating country wide?!!

    I can't even explain how upset I was to have to get out the infrared temperature gun, see if my heats were in range, realize I now need 30 new thermostats!!! And oh my, that's not feasible and too costly, and now I need a bus system with a central thermostat for some herps, and another for yet others.

    DID I fall off the planet/country, to odd and 1/2 watts?!! 34 watts. I'm still flabbergasted. 52 watts!!!

    I typically purchase 50-100 bulbs at a time. I walked out, jaw gaping, with a 4-pack.

    Please tell me it will be better in the morning and it was all a terrible dream!

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • HOW do you ask a question about Yahoo and the 'system' when they PULL it for asking? Suggest is NOT solution!?

    I just lost my mother.

    I have been out of state and off line for 3 weeks.

    I have come home to MANY issues and things that need care and resolving due to the death.

    I have already posed this question to the Yahoo community and get NO RESOLUTION.

    I EARNED my top contributor badge. I DID THE TIME. WHY do I have to LOSE it due to a death in the family? WHY can I not keep my earned status, when life occurs and I can't log in daily.

    I have invested HOURS of my time to help others.

    And this is how Yahoo repays its top contributors?

    HOW can we get Yahoo to STOP pulling that status simply because we cannot answer questions for a few weeks as life occurs?

    I'm SURE this will be a violation and pulled the moment I post it. WHERE is the fairness in this type of forum?

    Yahoo will not answer - and they will not let me ask you.

    Thank you, whoever gets this before it's pulled.

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Information needed: Cat Eye Geckos - experienced keepers only, please.?

    I'm interested in acquiring a couple of these interesting curled tail geckos. The few breeders I've talked to are providing very contradictory advice. I've Googled my eyeballs out and just can't find any information for their care/husbandry on line.

    If anyone can tell me a bit about them and their personal experience with them, or supply a source for research (on line links, etc.), I would be most appreciative.

    Thank you for your help/time.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • I TRULY wanna know? HOW does this rating thing work? HOW can you get a best answer, with 15 thumbs down?

    I devote what little time I have to trying to SAVE an animal from an owner's mistakes. I HAVE been there, and done that. Once upon a time - I did unintentional animal abuse from ignorance! We are ALL young once, and must start SOMEwhere...

    That is where my interest lies; in saving the ANIMAL, and sparing the owner.

    But, my Q is about the thumbs down. Why do all my best choice answers have 15 thumbs down, and no one else's has a vote plus or minus, ether way?

    It's rather obvious that someone out there just doesn't LIKE me~! I'd like to know who my "trolls" are.

    So, my question is - "DO you have the guts to confront me and own up to the thumbs down votes on my answers?"

    I will be happy to debate new medical articles. I will be happy to debate vet recommendations, and current rehabbing. I will debate any issue of pet care you want to cover. But please, ask me directly, and don't hit my answers with a "thumbs down vote" as a troll.

    If you have ANY confusion over my stand on animal care - please just ask me. My mail is open.

    Again, my question in general is "Where are your guts when it's not anonymous?"

    9 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • How do you dare oppose the popular opinion, and deal with all the thumbs?

    I'm not far from level 6, but it's not about points... it's about the respect of the other top contributors, and supplying correct information. It's about helping people who need it, and sharing our experience based on knowledge and long life in these animals.

    We've all been here - how do you deal with a situation with some one you have admired every answer from, when suddenly your answer is 180 out to theirs?

    9 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • EVERYONE who is posting a Q please read this! It's costing ME points, and it's to help YOU!?

    We are out here daily, STRUGGLING to help YOU!

    We cannot answer YOUR questions if you do not give us the information to base our help on.

    "HELP! I have a turtle who is..."

    Okay? What kind of turtle? How old? You see my point? If you don't tell us the background information leading up to the trouble - we are just helpless to GUESS what is wrong. You will NOT get the help you need!

    "My lizard regurgitated. Is this normal?" Uh, again... what kind? How old? Heat? Substrate? Food? WE can't answer a Q like this!

    "OMG! EMERGENCY! HELP NOW, PLEASE!" And we open the Q and it says "My turtle fell, but not far. Now it has blood coming out of it's mouth. What should I do?" The obvious is TAKE IT TO THE VET, but we have no idea again - what kind of turtle. How far was the fall? Etc. It may have been sick from something else, and the little fall was enough added stress to bring this out.

    We can NOT help you, if YOU do not tell us what is going on. How long you have had it. How long this has been going on, how you keep it, what you feed it and how often, or why YOU think it is not normal.

    PLEASE help US to help YOU. Give us the information we need, to make a guess. Calm down, and be thorough in your Q's.

    We DO try to help - we cannot if you don't DO YOUR PART. Help US to help YOU. Give us the information we need.

    Thank you.

    Self - Reptile Hobbyist (turtles, snakes, and lizards) 36 yr. and counting.

    10 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • A question which may create a dilemma for you just in trying to answer it. Yahoo Answers VIOLATIONS issue...?

    I am 'out here,' trying to provide help for reptile care, or even misplaced dog/cat/gerbils Q's, as most of you are.

    My Q is - do we not have a moral responsibility to react adversely to animal abuse issues, and those Q's which are contructed to elicit a reply against implied issues of animal abuse?

    And if the answer is yes - why do we get violations from yahoo answers, when we respond for the safety and health of the animal? I have seen that it's okay to call someone cruel, but not to call them inhumane.

    Is this due solely to the Q'er issing the complaint? Or is it a voted thing?

    ARE we supposed to blindly not comment to the poster, and voice our concerns?

    The flip of this is reporting the question, which also leads to issues of suspended Yahoo! privileges such as mail and chat.

    Does anyone else feel as if they are "darned if they do, and darned if they don't?"

    Or is it just me?

    I spent points to pose this query, and I'd truly appreciate your honest responses.

    Trust me - this is one question which won't be reported by the poster, regardless of response.

    TY for your time, and thoughts.

    12 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • I need help WITH yahoo, not help using Answers! I can't get beyond the modify option...?

    I cannot post a response on Yahoo! Answers.

    Every time I hit preview, then click submit - I get a page saying 1) your session has timed out (even if I just signed in!), or

    2) the server cannot be found. I'm VERY frustrated!

    I have logged out; dropped all webpages; waited a few minutes, and relogged. The same thing happens. I have restarted, and that doesn't change a thing. I have powered down and relogged, and manage to get off a single answer, but beyond that - it gives one of the two messages over and over again.

    This started last night, and has continued into today. All my other mail options work fine.

    I have even tried defragging my system!

    Can anyone help me with this issue, please?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a good day.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why does a healthy Gecko suddenly go off feeding?

    I have encountered this problem twice, to date, and the first issue resulted in the death of the animal. I'd surely hate to lose this male which is exhibiting the same problem for unknown reasons. Habitat; cohabitants; temps.; feed, are all unchanged. Only the gecko is acting differently.


    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago