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A question which may create a dilemma for you just in trying to answer it. Yahoo Answers VIOLATIONS issue...?

I am 'out here,' trying to provide help for reptile care, or even misplaced dog/cat/gerbils Q's, as most of you are.

My Q is - do we not have a moral responsibility to react adversely to animal abuse issues, and those Q's which are contructed to elicit a reply against implied issues of animal abuse?

And if the answer is yes - why do we get violations from yahoo answers, when we respond for the safety and health of the animal? I have seen that it's okay to call someone cruel, but not to call them inhumane.

Is this due solely to the Q'er issing the complaint? Or is it a voted thing?

ARE we supposed to blindly not comment to the poster, and voice our concerns?

The flip of this is reporting the question, which also leads to issues of suspended Yahoo! privileges such as mail and chat.

Does anyone else feel as if they are "darned if they do, and darned if they don't?"

Or is it just me?

I spent points to pose this query, and I'd truly appreciate your honest responses.

Trust me - this is one question which won't be reported by the poster, regardless of response.

TY for your time, and thoughts.


This isn't about my "hurt feelings." This isn't about growing a 'tougher skin.' It's about responsibility, and what's permitted by Answers. It's okay to abuse animals, but not okay to call someone inhumane for doing so. I do want to thank each of you for your opinions, and hope I can garner an understanding from an 'average' of them all. I'm simply flabbergasted over this entire issue.

Update 2:

Now I'm receiving mail, too. This isn't about my feelings being hurt. This poster which created this question for me first had me tell him how to care for an animal over many Q's, and mail. He then listed the Q of feeding that animal to another, for abuse/hurt reasons. So, it's not impersonal, but the notice from Yahoo was. Am I not supposed to react to abuse? It is all just dependent on 'how I word the response?'

Is ANYthing acceptable here, as long as it's politely worded?!!

Update 3:

Yes, I understand the feeding issue. I own snakes, and feed them rats. This wasn't about that. This was feeding one incompatible animal to another which would result in death for the one animal, and illness or death to the other. I even posed the 'rat/mouse' feeding issue in my appeal when I stated feeding one to the other was harmful to both, and the poster new it before he posted the Q. So, it wasn't about the 'moral issue' of feeding one animal to another. Again, it was a cruelty issue.

Update 4:

I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read this mess, and voice their opinion. I have found it all informative, and to be sound advice, or conclusions. It'd be impossible for me to pick a "best answer" from such sincere contributions. I clicked to extend the answering time, but it's still showing me a "vote box," so I don't know if it worked or not. Either way, ty all vm for your time & input. I'll let this question get voted on by the other members out there, if they can pick a best answer here. I found them all good, and impossible to narrow to a 'best.' TY again for your time and insight.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If someone is making a really ignorant question like "is it okay to feed my friends kitten to my snake?", then chances are it's just some kid trolling up the board to get a reaction. I don't even answer those questions because no matter how nicely I answer them, I get reported. It's just someone messing with you and then reporting whoever answers their question..

    I would suggest just blocking the individual whose question you answered and anyone else that answered that question and seemed to agree with them. That should cut down on getting more violation notices..

    Another idea is to go ahead and answer the question, but, as soon as you know they've read it, delete it before they can log into all of their other accounts and report you multiple times..

    There's nothing you can do to educate people that refuse to learn. It's also impossible to tell how much of it is real and how much of it is just a bunch of kids having fun at your emotional expense. I often go back and delete answers just to avoid that scenario..

    If you see a question that's about causing harm to an animal for fun, then report it and don't even bother answering it.. It takes a few people reporting it to get it deleted..

  • 1 decade ago

    I try to answer their questions honestly, but depending on the mood I'm in and the question, I can either be real polite or blunt and to the point, which can sometimes be considered rude or smart alecky. And I've gotten more than a few angry e-mails from people who didn't like my answers or disagreed. I've only had one or two deleted, and I don't think I had over stepped the boundaries (too much anyway). I try to educate people and help out where I can, but some people don't appreciate being told that the way they're doing things is wrong. All you can really do is tell your side of the story and let them make the decision for themself, right or wrong. Even advanced herpers will often disagree on certain topics. I just try not to worry about it too much. I know my animals are healthy and well cared for, and that's the most important thing. But I've had many people who were anti-snake change their opinion of them after coming to my home and seeing that they are not evil creatures. I always enjoy when someone overcomes their fear and then realizes they want a snake too! But I've found you can't help everyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The yahoo community guidelines are pretty subjective.

    If your answer in any way offends some crybaby, it will be reported. Yahoo rarely reinstates the answer. Yahoo is the final authority- kind of like governments.

    ANYTHING can be considered "offensive" if somebody says it is.

    Some people will be offended by any answer that does not agree with them, and will report it.

    Another common violation is "not a question or answer". In other words, if you don't answer the question directly, as it is asked, you are in violation. For example, if somebody asks "Do you like the popping sound when you run over turtles on the road?" (similar questions have been asked here), and your answer is "You shouldn't do that, it's cruel and inhumane" you can get a violation, because you are not answering the question that was asked. Ridiculous, isn't it?

    Personally, I don't think "reporting" should be a part of these types of forums. Reporting is for crybabies and tattletales.

    Ironically, incorrect or inappropriate advice is allowed, even encouraged, if it fits what the asker "wants to hear". Read the resolved questions in the reptiles section sometime, it's amazing how frequently the "best" answer chosen is completely incorrect.

    Maybe instead of calling this "yahoo answers", it should be called "yahoo bad guesses".

  • Gunny
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I feel that we have a responsibility to the honest askers and none what so ever to the people who are just begging for hostility or trying to make people angry..

    I was recently deleted for an answer that someone didn't like. I was reported as being insulting, I appealed it and beat the rap.

    If you don't like an answer or disagree with it, thumb it down. The comunity guide lines are specific and giving an un-popular answer is not a violation.

    PS: If anybody doesn't like this answer, I don't care.

    Add: I'm not sure that feeding one animal to another should be considered cruelty. It would open up a lot of debate on feeding rats to boas. To a rat lover that may sound cruel but to a snake lover it's a necessity. I believe letting an animal starve to death or injuring it for no other purpose than amusement would constitute cruelty, but feeding one to another is within the laws of nature (food chain).

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  • 1 decade ago

    it is easy to get duped into answering a question that is a hot button topic because you feel passionately about it. what people need to do is put yourself in the shoes of the person asking the question and ask "does this person KNOW he/she is being abusive?" If the answer is no, then you must use tact and educate the person without being judgmental. Nothing offends someone faster or makes them feel worse then some ****** on the internet attacking them because they were ignorant of proper pet care. no one likes to be corrected, especially not by the pet care nazi.

    if the asker is obviously bragging about being abusive, then don't feed into the ego. they are here to get a rise out of you, so don't humor them.

    If the asker is asking about a controversial issue, such as decalwing, your opinion holds little worth unless the question is "what is your opinion on declawing?" If the person asks "how much?" then you tell them how much, and then offer alternatives if you are against it.

    pet care is touchy because there are multiple "right" ways and soooo many wrong ways. the responsible thing to do is only aswer questions you feel you can be helpful on and resist the urge to get on your soap box, however hard that may be.


    I work in the pet field and many, many times I have people start talking to me about a pet, and with a little prodding I find out how terribly they are taking care of that pet. Reptiles and fish are perhaps the most abused pets in the world. However, it never ceases to amaze me how many of these "bad" pet owners have no clue that they are doing something wrong. Does this absolve them of responsibility? No. To procure an animal and take care of it with an 'educated guess' is a form of abuse. However, you are more likely to change a person's mind on proper pet care by relating to why they did what they did and finding the best affordable and long term solution you can. Making someone feel bad will never turn out well.

    As for people getting to post what they want, well, unless Yahoo decides to employ two or three admins for every sub category of every category, then things will slip by. Beyond that, as long as what is said fits into the rules, then yes, you can say what you want. I can tell a fish person that it is perfectly alright to throw a turtle into a tropical fish tank. Why? Becuase this is a forum of opinions, not factual information. People who are trolling for an argument should not be adressed. People who are asking for help should be directed, not lecutred. and if you feel the need to lecture, at least back it up with some good info.

    If you are just going to tell someone off, then don't bother. If you don't answer the question, then you ARE in violation. Don't like it, ignore it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you feel that you are doing some good by answering questions, keep it up. You have enough points to withstand a few unfair violations and a fantastically good percentage of "best answers".

    That said, use a little thought when answering. It's not OK to call someone a ****, *********, or ********, even if they are. [Don't bother trying to figure out what the words are; I just held down the asterisk key.] You can (usually) get away with proving it. You will still get the occasional NOV. If you feel that it is unwarranted, contest it. You might just win.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that yahoo should look into the persons back ground on yahoo answers and surely if they looked into your responses that you are only thinking of the welfare of the animals, that you are answering the ?'s on.... if they did that then they would make it a much fairer process altogether! I myself have taken some of your advice on board and have always found you fair and straight to the point! And yes i do agree with you it is notreallyy a fair process at the moment!

  • 1 decade ago

    I get very upset with alot of issues here. I have to force myself to be calm with my answers. As another poster stated...not all of these people know that what they are doing is inhumane and it's up to us to educate them in such a way that maybe...just maybe they will rethink what they are doing.

    I totally understand where you are coming from as I have received a "few" violation notices and some hate mail.

  • 1 decade ago

    Um I'm not quite sure what you are asking cuz there are like 6 ?s but I think animal cruelty is bad and if someone is abusing an animal then there is every right to stop it.

  • i think you are better off voicing your concern here(below) but i do agree with you. i have received violations for calling out irresponsible reptile owners but what can you do some people just live in their own world and don't like being told they are wrong.

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