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My name is Kira. I'm an Army wife and my husband is currently serving a tour in IRAQ. We have two sons (Logan is 2 and Lucas just arrived on April 7.) and they miss their daddy like crazy. Being an Army wife is a challenge. And then throw 2 kids and a deployment into the mix and sometimes I feel like I'm going to go crazy with all the stress and drama I have to deal with. I love my life, my boys, and my Soldier.

  • Will MineCraft work on my computer?

    My son wants to buy Minecraft but I'm not sure if it will work on my computer. If you could help me in figuring that out, that would be amazing! Ask any questions you need of me in order to get the right information.. I'll answer them to the best of my ability!

    Thank you so much!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • What does this mean in my crochet pattern?

    I need help with 2 different rows please!

    Work 1 sc in 2nd st from hook, 1 sc in next 12 sts of chain * 3 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of the next 13 sts, skip 1 st, 1 sc in each of the next 13 sts repeat from * 7 times, 3 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of the next 13 sts, ch 1 turn.


    Working in back loop of sts only, 1 sc in next st, skip 1 sc, 1 sc in next 12 sts, *3 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of the next 13 sts, skip 2 sts, 1 sc in each of the next 13 sts, repeat from * 7 times, 3 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of the next 12 sts, skip 1 st, 1 sc in last st, ch 1 turn.

    I'm still so new at crocheting that most of this stuff confuses me.. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks so much in advance!

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years ago
  • How can I burn a dvd with my Mac?

    I can't figure it out. If someone could tell me step-by-step what to do, that would be amazing! My husband and I want to be able to duplicate all of our DVDs for when he goes overseas next.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • My toy poodle will not 'go' outside?

    I have a 6-7 month old toy poodle. When we got her from her previous owners, they told us that if we were consistent about taking her outside to 'go', we shouldn't have any problems with her and that she is crate trained.

    Well, we do have problems. She will not 'go' outside at all. I've tried everything I can think of. I would take her out every 30-45 minutes, watch her every move to make sure she wasn't 'going' in the house, use the scented puppy pads, but every time i turned my back to do something for one of my children or myself, BAM she would pee and poop right on the carpet before I could stop her.

    So, I've had to resort to complete crate training. I leave her in her crate unless I'm taking her outside (about every hour) or letting her eat. After she eats, I wait around 15-30 minutes and I take her right back outside. She will NOT 'go' outside at all. She 'goes' in her crate every morning, well, she didn't use it today. She 'piddled' a little on the way outside but when I got her outside, she didn't finish. So, when we came back in, right back to her crate.

    It is now 10:45am and she has been up since around 7:30am and has yet to actually 'go' a decent amount even though she has had food and water (I'm not evil, I'm not taking that away from her!).

    Please give me some advice on what to do. I'm out of ideas and I can't have my house smelling like a toilet! Thank you!

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I duplicate (burn) DVDs using my MAC?

    I have a Mac, and I got the one that I can burn DVDs on. My husband is in the Army and has to travel a lot (not to mention the deployments), so we want to duplicate all of our movies so he can take them with him, versus him taking all of our movies, scratching them all to hell, and then they not work.

    So, I need to know how to do that. What (free, if possible) decryptor (er?) I need, and all of that. I'm clueless and my husband hasn't had time to sit down and look everything over.

    Thanks in advance for all the answers. I just need to know what to do.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Step-parent adoption in Virginia?

    Hi. My son is three years old (next month) and my husband would love to adopt him. Now we do know who the biological father is but he hasn't seen my son in two years. He doesn't pay child support but occasionally (and I'm talking a hand full of times in the last 2 years) he will send a gift. I have no way of contacting the biological father (except thru facebook...), so I was wondering how I would go about getting my husband to adopt my son.

    Are there any 'abandonment' things we can go by? Anything that helps us and avoids the other parent. I know a lot of times the other parent has to give consent, but I can't get that consent if I have no way of contacting him. But I also know that some states will use the abandonment thing if he hasn't seen or tried to contact the child in over a year..

    Can anyone please help me out?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Step-parent adoption in Virginia?

    Hi. My son is three years old (next month) and my husband would love to adopt him. Now we do know who the biological father is but he hasn't seen my son in two years. He doesn't pay child support but occasionally (and I'm talking a hand full of times in the last 2 years) he will send a gift. I have no way of contacting the biological father (except thru facebook...), so I was wondering how I would go about getting my husband to adopt my son.

    Are there any 'abandonment' things we can go by? Anything that helps us and avoids the other parent. I know a lot of times the other parent has to give consent, but I can't get that consent if I have no way of contacting him. But I also know that some states will use the abandonment thing if he hasn't seen or tried to contact the child in over a year..

    Can anyone please help me out?

    4 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • my 2 month old prefers a soft bed..?

    I know you people will think I'm ridiculous, but I'm quite serious. My son is now 2 and a half months old and he prefers a softer bed to sleep in. He refuses to sleep in his play pen, crib, or bassinet. But he'll sleep soundly (even with out me with him) in my bed.. A soft bed. Even during the day when he naps, he wont sleep well (or at all) unless he is on something super soft and padded.

    So, what do I do? I'm ok with co-sleeping while my husband is still in Iraq, but I would love for him to be out of the bed before he gets home in September. So, what's a mom to do? Right now I do have a blanket in his bassinet with him for him to lay on, even though I know its a big no no and I'm not going to get much sleep because of it..

    But that and letting him sleep with me are the only ways he'll actually sleep at night.

    Any advice.. I know I haven't really asked a question.. But you can pretty much get what I'm getting at. Thanks a bunch!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When to start letting infant "cry it out" for a bit?

    Hey everyone! If you keep up with me at all, you know that I recently had my son on April 7. So that makes him three weeks old today! And here is my problem... lol.

    My husband is in the Army and got to come home for two weeks after Lucas got here and since my husband had to go back to IRAQ for 5 more months, he held Lucas almost the whole time he was home (except for when I was nursing him). And since my husband only had the two weeks to spend with his sons, I didn't really mind the spoiling and I told him I would just deal with them (we have a 2 year old also) and eventually get them over being spoiled.

    But my question is, when is a baby 'old enough' to start crying it out and learning to self sooth? Obviously 3 weeks old is a bit young, but when is the right age? I never had to deal with our first one having to cry it out, he was alright with laying on his own as long as someone was in the room with him.

    But Lucas insists on being help almost all the time. I've even had to put him in bed with me at night just to get a little sleep (Oh, and he has his nights and days mixed up.. is there any suggestions for how to fix that as well).

    So, my questions are:

    When can you start letting a child "cry it out" and "self sooth"?

    How do you fix the mix up between night and day for a 3 week old?

    Thanks in advance and best wishes to all.

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Announcing the arrival of my little man!!! (&small question)?

    Hey everyone!! Not a question but I just wanted to announce the arrival of Lucas Allen. Born April 7. Weighing in at 7lbs 8oz. 21 &1/4 inches long. And a head full of hair!!!

    The labor and delivery went GREAT! No stitches or tears of any sort and I'm feeling fairly well. Lucas is perfect. Big brother Logan is doing great to help me. And my husband is FINALLY home from IRAQ (for two weeks). So everything is perfect.

    And the small question.. When was the earliest you had sex after your baby was born? I really do feel fine. Would love to have sex with my husband. And I know you should wait the recommended 4 weeks, but I just don't feel like it. My ******** isn't sore, torn, or swollen... And we could use condoms to help avoid an infection.. So thats my one question..

    When was the earliest you (or even a friend that you know of.) had sex after having your baby(ies)?


    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 4cm dilated. 75% effaced. 10 days to go. Opinions PLEASE?

    Hey!! I posted a question last week (or the week before. I can't remember now). But I don't post enough questions for anyone to really keep up with who I am.. So, here is this for today.

    I am 10 days away from my due date. My husband is coming home from IRAQ in roughly 7-8 days (for his r&r which only lasts 2 weeks). So I would obviously love to keep this baby inside until he gets here.

    But as of yesterday I was dilated to 4 cm and 75% effaced. I'm due on the 13 and if for any reason I don't go into labor on my own before then, I'll be induced that day at 0600.

    My question is, do you think I'll make it? I know its really hard to tell since none of you know me, etc. But I can tell you that I'm 38+4 weeks. I was dilated to 2cm at 35+4 weeks, 3 cm at 37+4 weeks, and now 4cm at 38+4 weeks. I've gained a total of 15 pounds my whole pregnancy and my doc estimates the baby weighs around 7-7&1/2 pounds. And as far as I know I haven't lost my mucus plug. And the baby hasn't engaged at all.

    So, any opinions, any 'had this happen to me' experiences, just anything NICE would be great. I already know I'm due in 10 days and that this is almost over.. So, please don't tell me that. What I'm asking is if you think I'll make it just another week until my husband gets home.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Want to make your own play dough??!!?

    Hey everyone!

    If you're kids are anything like my two year old, they love play dough and go through it like whoa! haha. So, I just wanted to share this recipe that was shared with me. It makes a fun project for little ones and my son loves getting to play with something that he helped make!

    3 Cups Flour

    1/2 Cup Salt

    2 Kool-Aid Packets of desired color.

    2 Cups Boiling Water

    Mix the dry ingredients together and then stir in boiling water.

    Knead onto floured surface until thoroughly mixed.

    I always put the end product into a zip lock bag so I can squeeze all the air out. It lasts several months but I have found that for about the first week or so, it will stain clothes; after the color sets for awhile it does fine. If it does dry out, just add water.

    Good Luck! And happy play time!!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 35 weeks and already 2cm dilated.?

    I know you can stay dilated at 2 for ever basically. Haha! But with my first son I don't remember being dilated at all until week 38ish.

    So, I was wondering if its a bit early to be dilated to 2 or if everything was normal? And if you were dilated to 2 by 35 weeks, how long was it before you actually went into labor?

    My husband is in Iraq and isn't going to be able to be home until a few days before my actual due date (EDD= April 13). So I was just wanting a rough estimate of when you all think I'm going to go into labor and all that.

    I know that labor is hard to predict and that this question is probably pointless.. But I'm really just looking for opinions, etc.

    So thanks in advance.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Just curious.. Is anyone else's BRA rubbing?

    So, I'm 35 (almost) weeks pregnant and I have officially reached the stage where my belly sticks out so much, the bottom of my bra rubs really hard against it. I can't stand it. It hurts. It did the same thing with my first pregnancy.

    I do have rather large breasts, so I'm assuming that has a long to do with it. But I was just curious if anyone else was going through this very uncomfortable situation. And if you've learned a way to relieve the pain and annoyance, let me know!!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 35wks & My hips go numb when I sit certain ways?

    Hey! I am almost 35 weeks pregnant and when I sit 'indian style', with my legs bent to the side, with my legs in any position other than down, my hips go numb?!

    This didn't happen with my first pregnancy and I've never read anything saying that it might happen. Has this or is this happening to anyone else?

    Obviously when I notice my hips are numb, I switch positions. And then in the process of going 'unnumb' they kind of feel really hot and it honestly hurts just a little.

    I go to the doc next week, so please no suggestions of me doing that UNLESS you honestly think there is some medical emergency going on. I have a 2 year old and I'm an Army wife and my husband is in IRAQ. I don't really have the option to just go to the doc randomly.

    So, thank you in advance for all the lovely, helpful answers! 10pts tomorrow evening!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Free Blanket offer for your baby!!!?

    Just wanted to share this free blanket offer with everyone! I got the bear! I'm way excited about it.

    And if you look through my questions, you can also find an offer for free Playtex Nurser System!

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • For the people who care about the Octuplet mom!?

    Just thought I would share this link (at the bottom of post). I'm not a big fan of her myself, but those kids don't deserve to suffer. In my opinion though, if you're going to donate anything, I would seen a care package though full of baby stuff that CAN'T be returned (tear off any tags, etc) that way you know she isn't using anymore of your hard earned money on the plastic surgery she says she isn't getting or anything else she feels like using it on that aren't those babies (or the older children). And since those babies are well taken care of in the hospital (you know the hospital is providing everything!!), then I would be very selective as to what to send.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 31 weeks and need to buy baby stuff. What websites are reliable and cheap-ish?

    I'm almost 31 weeks along and I have yet to buy anything for the baby. Stupid of me, I know.. I'm just not motivated to do it. I'm not complaining about having another baby.. I'm way excited about that. I just haven't been motivate yet to get out and buy things. And no baby shower for me! My husband is in IRAQ and the drive to see our families is just too hard for me to make.

    So, my question is where are some really good, reliable websites where I can buy everything for baby and just have it shipped to my house. I have a few websites that I've already looked around at, but I was wanting other people's opinions. Cheaper websites that sale quality stuff is great to know about too! So, thanks in advance for all your help!

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Going to meet a potential DOULA today. Questions to ask her?

    I never ask enough questions for anyone to really remember me or know really what's going on.. So, I'll fill you in just a little!

    I'm 30 weeks and 2 days pregnant, which means only 9 weeks and 5 days to go!!!!!! And I'm an Army wife supporting a husband who is doing a tour in IRAQ! I'm very proud of him! Anyway, since he is in IRAQ its still very hit or miss with him being home in time for the birth of the baby. And I have a 2 year old. Now, I do have friends who are willing to keep our first son for us, so that isn't a problem. The problem is I just don't want to be alone in the delivery room. Which I will be if he doesn't make it in on time.

    So, I've been seeking out potential Doula's and finally got a response. I've been working with someone who does Doula training, so the lady who finally responded is a student Doula, which I don't have a problem with. So, we have made plans to meet each other today (at a McDonal's so its public and my son has something to do! And I have a friend going with me.. just in case this woman is weird. lol!).

    So, my question to you all is what should my questions for her be?

    I'm not going to list any questions that I've thought of because I just want a whole bunch of answers from who ever reads this. So, any questions answers are very much welcome. And if you or someone you know has used a Doula, what was the experience like and did you (she) like it?

    Thanks and sorry this was so long!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anxiety and possible depression. 30 weeks pregnant.?

    So, here is my problem.. I'm always very anxious. And worried. And I always feel "sad". Always. Its like it never goes away. I always feel like crying. Even when I'm out with friends and trying to take my mind off of everything. I just can't get properly happy about everything. I love that I have my 2 year old son, I love my husband and being with him, and I love that we're having baby boy #2.. And I'm happy about all of that.. But I don't think I'm actually happy like I should be. I'm not saying that I don't want my life anymore or anything like that. I don't really know how to explain it.. I'm happy but at the same time I'm not. All I want to do is just sit.. and be alone.. and cry..

    But I'm not sure if its me, like if its real. Or if its just because my husband is in Iraq, so I'm just constantly worried about him. He has been gone since September but I really don't remember feeling like this the whole time he has been gone.. And its been over 4 months already.

    So, I really just can't figure out if I'm just super worried about my husband and worried about this deployment. And everything that this stupid deployment comes with. He wont be home for good until September of this year.

    Or if maybe I am depressed. And I hate using that word and I hate thinking about it. Because aren't depressed people supposed to be sad and unhappy with everything in their lives? I'm not sad and unhappy with everything in my life.. I love my life, I really do.

    I'm just... sad. I have a prenatal appointment on the 11, so I'll definitely be mentioning it then.. And I know I should have mentioned it at my last appointment. I just.. I don't remember ever feeling so sad before. It feels like everything has just hit me the last few weeks. I just don't know if its me.. Or if its more serious... does that make sense?

    Any (nice) opinions would be great.. If you think its me.. or if you actually think, maybe, I really am 'depressed'..

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago