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Self harm/suicide Instagram acct?
OK, so I found my 14-yr-old daughter's "second/hidden" Instagram account. This account show 100s of posts with self harm/depressed/suicide pics and comments. She has 1500 followers and all their comments are "please don't cut, ily, I'm sorry, no guy will love me, I wanna sleep forever" (She does this in bed when she tells me she is listening to music)
That being said, we have a good relationship and are close and she tells me most everything going on in her life. I am divorced from her mother who makes no effort to be part of her life. She gets all A's in school, but doesn't have many friends. She is not fat or ugly (even though she says she is in her posts). She has no signs of any cutting and is very happy 90% of the time. Her profile says she has been "clean" since 6/12/14, but I know she has never cut.
I confronted her calmly and we discussed problems at school & how she wants more friends, but she is shy etc. She seemed more embarrassed/ashamed that I found it than actually admitting to any suicidal thoughts. I added myself incognito as a follower, and I hadn't seen any posts for 2 days, bu then tonight she posted again and said "dad found this account...please follow me new one (same content)
I have heard this fake self-harm is a trend and I don't want to "freak out"....any suggestions on what I should do? If you're age 13-16, please give me some insight here. Also, any parents have this same problem? Thanks.
6 AnswersMental Health7 years agoDating inquiry - how to ask someone out?
Looking to ask someone on a date this weekend. She works behind the counter at the library. We are both in our 30s. I don't want it to be awkward because she is at work, but this is the only place I see her. Any suggestions on technique?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoIndie band suggestions?
Looking for anything similar to Metric, Ms Mr or The xx. I guess this would be labeled as indie pop. Any ideas?
4 AnswersRock and Pop7 years agoadvice on ex/kidz please?
I'm in Missouri and just finalized divorce last October, we have 3 kids and have joint custody. Kids ages are 14,13 and 9. The problem is their mother doesn't seem to take any interest in them or their lives. When they are over there, my ex just zones out to movies and never engages in any activities with them unless they beg her to. The only conversations she has with them are usually relating to chores and/or yelling due to not being done. I have talked to all my children and have come to this conclusion....the thing that stresses them out the most in their lives is being over there. They never want to leave when she comes to pick them up. There have been three separate incidents where "mild, but not dangerous" violence has occurred (hair pulling, throwing items, smack in face). All being received from my my 13 yr old daughter. I have had to go over there and pick up one of the kids on numerous occasions because of agruments. I had to get my kids an iPhone to connect with me because her home phone/internet was turned off due to non-payment. (Been about 10 months since those were working) Here electric has been turned off 3 times in the last 6 months. (and yes I am current on child support) My kids do fine at my home and would prefer to live with me...the older two should be able to choose, but from what I read they have to be 18. My ex has Adult ADD/Bipolar and can barely take care of herself let alone her kids. The problem is that she is not a "bad" mother, per se. She isn't on drugs or having men over all the time, so I can't call DSS or anything to have them removed. She is doing the bare minimum required of a parent and I am clueless how to rescue these kids. Her kids don't even "like" her and not because of me, her actions have dictated how they perceive her. (errant thoughts, irrationality, empty promises)
I have decided if one more act of violence occurs, I am going to take them with me and try to find a solution from there. We only live 15 minutes apart, so I won't be taking them far. I want their mother in their lives, but not if she is doing more harm than good
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoAdvice on ex-wife/kids?
I'm in Missouri and just finalized divorce last October, we have 3 kids and have joint custody. Kids ages are 14,13 and 9. The problem is their mother doesn't seem to take any interest in them or their lives. When they are over there, my ex just zones out to movies and never engages in any activities with them unless they beg her to. The only conversations she has with them are usually relating to chores and/or yelling due to not being done. I have talked to all my children and have come to this conclusion....the thing that stresses them out the most in their lives is being over there. They never want to leave when she comes to pick them up. There have been three separate incidents where "mild, but not dangerous" violence has occurred (hair pulling, throwing items, smack in face). All being received from my my 13 yr old daughter. I have had to go over there and pick up one of the kids on numerous occasions because of agruments. I had to get my kids an iPhone to connect with me because her home phone/internet was turned off due to non-payment. (Been about 10 months since those were working) Here electric has been turned off 3 times in the last 6 months. (and yes I am current on child support) My kids do fine at my home and would prefer to live with me...the older two should be able to choose, but from what I read they have to be 18. My ex has Adult ADD/Bipolar and can barely take care of herself let alone her kids. The problem is that she is not a "bad" mother, per se. She isn't on drugs or having men over all the time, so I can't call DSS or anything to have them removed. She is doing the bare minimum required of a parent and I am clueless how to rescue these kids. Her kids don't even "like" her and not because of me, her actions have dictated how they perceive her. (errant thoughts, irrationality, empty promises)
I have decided if one more act of violence occurs, I am going to take them with me and try to find a solution from there. We only live 15 minutes apart, so I won't be taking them far. I want their mother in their lives, but not if she is doing more harm than good.
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years agoI'm trying to find some good songs by Queen...but I'm looking for deep tracks...any ideas?
Not looking for singles or radio hits, I'm looking for those songs you love that no one seem to give enough recognition. I like the rock sounding songs more than ballads or the opera-style they use sometimes.
3 AnswersRock and Pop8 years agoNeed forgotten 80s hits for playlist?
I'm trying to find some not-so-known 80s songs that will spark some nostalgia...not crap like Billie Jean or We Are the World...more less known like:
-Sidewalk Talk by Jellybean
-Rumors by Timex Social Club
9 AnswersRock and Pop8 years agoSo, name a great album that you can listen to without skipping a song....?
Please don't suggest obvious great albums that everyone knows about (Dark Side of he Moon, etc).....gimme one that I may not know about. Any genre but country will work.
Here's my example for you: Fugazi - In on the Kill Taker
6 AnswersOther - Music9 years agoMy son wants a 4th Gen iPod Touch...but?
he wants to use it to make videos of tips & walkthroughs for video games that he would post online. I'm thinking that this would not be good enough resolution. Does anyone know the best way to record footage from a PS3 to upload to the web?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoI'd like to get into more World Music, but I don't know where to start.?
I like some songs I've heard in movies that remind me of Moby with middle eastern chant vocals (5th Element). Looking for hip newer sounding music, not old world authentic world music...more modern. Like Serart or something around those lines.
3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoDo NASCAR drivers pee during the race or just hold it?
6 AnswersNASCAR9 years ago