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SoulReaver asked in HealthMental Health · 7 years ago

Self harm/suicide Instagram acct?

OK, so I found my 14-yr-old daughter's "second/hidden" Instagram account. This account show 100s of posts with self harm/depressed/suicide pics and comments. She has 1500 followers and all their comments are "please don't cut, ily, I'm sorry, no guy will love me, I wanna sleep forever" (She does this in bed when she tells me she is listening to music)

That being said, we have a good relationship and are close and she tells me most everything going on in her life. I am divorced from her mother who makes no effort to be part of her life. She gets all A's in school, but doesn't have many friends. She is not fat or ugly (even though she says she is in her posts). She has no signs of any cutting and is very happy 90% of the time. Her profile says she has been "clean" since 6/12/14, but I know she has never cut.

I confronted her calmly and we discussed problems at school & how she wants more friends, but she is shy etc. She seemed more embarrassed/ashamed that I found it than actually admitting to any suicidal thoughts. I added myself incognito as a follower, and I hadn't seen any posts for 2 days, bu then tonight she posted again and said "dad found this account...please follow me new one (same content)

I have heard this fake self-harm is a trend and I don't want to "freak out"....any suggestions on what I should do? If you're age 13-16, please give me some insight here. Also, any parents have this same problem? Thanks.

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello there, i am 16 and i use many social networks too, just like your daughter and other typical teenagers. We are teenagers, we get emotional sometimes since our hormones are not stable.. we want to let go our feelings, share it with someone we trust, sometimes.. yes, things can get out of hands and we feel like the world is ending and sometimes the only option we have is to "self-harmed", this way we can let go our feelings.

    Perhaps, your daughter is having a hard to her nicely, maybe she is shy and ashamed or probably scared to tell you.

    As I have said, i use instagram and yes i do see thousands of accounts dealing with depression, self-harmed, anxiety, anorexia, and bulimia. Some of these accounts can be fake, which means... the pictures are pictures taken from the internet and made up story, so that people feel pity for them and thus.. those account can gain followers.

    HOWEVER, yes, there are real ones too. Sometimes, it is not wrong to make accounts dealing with depression or self-harmed. Why? I use instagram, sometimes it's true by communicating with my followers when i feel down..I can feel more alive. In this case, maybe it's the same with your daughter.. it feels good and nice to know that someone out there is experiencing what she feels, there are people who support and comfort her, she can let go her feelings.

    Good Luck!

  • 7 years ago

    Ok Im 16, now my parents found out only last year that I was self harming after hiding it for over 4 years. And I had no say in the matter, my friend told them. I was so angry at her I punched her in the face. I have hidden many things over the years. Now in saying that I am not a bad kid at all, a lot of people will say I am but really they don't no me. Ok so I don't do the best at school nor do I have any friends. I dont smoke, drink or take drugs (apart from xanax for my anxiety and I only take it for speeches). Now I have convinced my parents that I am fine, I'm really not but I don't want them to worry. I tell them some things so they think I'm fine. Some days I am so sad I can't get out of bed so I just fake sick and stay home from school. My Tumblr and Instagram is full of depressing quotes and things, it's just how I'm feeling. I wouldn't worry about your daughter. My Tumblr is just a way of expressing myself. We all go through it just keep an eye on her behaviour and be there.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Ultimately it can be very dangerous and make your daughter feel worse. She is young, vulnerable, impressionable and probably lost and confused. What she has access to on Instagram and probably tumblr (common blogging site where these pics are found) as far as self-harm etc goes-will only have a negative impact on her thinking. She needs a hobby away from the internet/phone/tech. A helpful thing as an alternative might be to buy her a nice journal/diary where she can write her private thoughts/get things off her chest w/o the negative influences on the net. In regards to self-harm, teens do this is in all different places. Your daughter may have only "tried it" once but once is enough to want to do it again as a means of control or even to "fit in." If you think shes struggling take her to see a therapist or even get advice yourself. It may not seem like a great deal now but things may get worse if she continues to interact with these sites. I have seen it happen. All the best-- Sabrina

    Source(s): I'm 18--have been through depression etc at that age and also used the net as a place to "vent" too.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Please tell her to stop socializing on the net it will just worsen the situation. The net is only for promoting your business products or ideas not really for making friends as it used to be. That can only be done in reality. She needs to eat healthier like organic vegan esp fruits. That will give her the confidence to approach people she likes at school and ask them out. Kids in previous generations used to be outside with their friends in nature not on the net where there are many harmful activities going on which are unsafe for teens who cannot separate fact from fiction.

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  • 5 years ago

    hi, there is my answer to this could you respond my yahoo question the other day i read, cus i cant email you??

  • 7 years ago

    Suicide leads to hell.

    Instead, have her turn to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, read the bible, and obey God.

    Then she will have eternal life in heaven where there is love and joy.

    Source(s): Book of John
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