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  • Doesn't it seems interesting that people can't question the acts of Israel in the Gaza strip without being?

    labeled racist, or anti-semitic or have their questions removed. I just answered a great question about the Israeli murdering and targeting of UN aid workers (of which the UN has also complained about that) and the UN school (with 40+ people killed). The majority of people agreed with the question that Israel is targeting them, however now I see that the question, which was asked by another person FYI, was removed. It makes me think that besides Israel banning the media from going into Gaza to report on their genocide of the Palestinians, that obviously they also have major influence on YA and anyone questioning them will have questions removed.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think that Sarah Palin is a joke? Her first time travelling outside of North America was?

    last year, she belongs to a religious group that speaks in tongues (come on even radical muslims don't believe in that), the Republicans are trying to get her foreign affairs experience by meeting heads of state (but yet she denies the press from being there because she knows she will suck at it). The Republicans have really done it this time, could McCain have picked a worse VP candidate. My only hope is that he doesn't die if he is elected as that moron Palin would then become President and the US would become a country where you have no choice in anything, and it would become a radical Christian state with nuclear capacity, wouldn't that make for a safe world indeed (please note sarcasm).

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Does Sarah Palin scare anyone else in the possibily she could be President?

    Sarah Palin is a religious tyrant who will push her values on everyone else and certainly will not want to keep the separation of church and state. In addition, she is ANTI CHOICE, not wanting anyone else to have a choice in the case of abortion, once again trying to shove her backwards values on others. Is this woman not the scariest choice that anyone could have as VP nomination and possibly President one day? What do you think?

    38 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Theists: If someone was having a heart attack in front of you, would you help them or..........?

    would that not be God's will to have them die? Do you think that it is a good thing to use a defibrolator on them, since God obviously did not create that, or it would have been around since the beginning of time? Do you have a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) tatooed on your chest, so that you can go and work with God's will and be with him? Just questions from an atheist, that are confusing to me about theists. I would think that you would be happy to die, since you get to go to a better place and it all would be part of God's will. You would think theists would just walk by and declare it part of God's will, since obviously it would be in their minds.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Oprah not the most racist person who has ever lived?

    She has surpassed the white slave traders easily and now is only backing Obama because he is black. How can people even watch her or be fans?

    7 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • If we are all God's children, then was Jesus not inbred?

    Talk about incest God and Mary, but then God does seem to turn a blind eye to it, like with Lot and his daughters. How can this be explained, except that God is sick. He let it happen in the Old Testament (while destroying Sodom and Gamorah for sin at the same time as the incest - Lot) and then again in the New Testament he commits adultery with his own daughter Mary and has an inbred son. Wow, what a guy that God is, should be locked up.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone think Russia will ever join the modern world or just continue to live in corruption?

    The Russian people always seem to enjoy being supressed and never lift a hand to change that. That appears a country that is content to live in their own world, where the rest of the world has progressed well past the point where they are. Russia has that feeling of being 2,000 years in the past and will never change. Why is that? Corruption is everywhere in Russia and almost expected, that is a shame that the people won't stand up and fight for their rights.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How can anyone truly believe in a God that needs to be praised all the time?

    Is God's ego in that much need of stroking? Theists are funny with their constant chanting that they are not worthy and that God is all great and powerful and a great guy, but please don't squish them like ants, and he is so good looking and great and powerful, and please don't step on us, and can we kiss his butt anymore and we are not worthy, etc. How can anyone allow themselves to do that? That is why I always feel the need to wash my hands after meeting a religious person.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would God create the Universe, since he only needed one planet to do his experiment?

    It makes no sense for God to create everything that he supposedly has, when he only needed Earth for his experiment.

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If God created everything, then how can anything be bad or wrong?

    To my previous question, where people clearly stated that God created EVERYTHING, then how can anything be bad or wrong, since God obviously created it? It is not possible, since if you state that something that God created is bad or wrong, then you are going against God. God therefore created abortion, etc. Just wanting to show the contradiction.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does God need an army?

    It is always interesting that there are people who use that term "God's army", why would an all powerful being need an army? The reason why I brought this up is that someone had mentioned that trash called "Jesus Camp" and knowing nothing about it, I went to the site and it mentioned the children being brainwashed into being part of God's army. So does that mean that God is no longer all powerful and he needs an army? Because he certainly does nothing here on the planet to make it seem like he has power at all, except for some book (the Bible) which a 3rd grade child could have written.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How is it not racist to have Black Entertainment Television Awards?

    The whole country would be up in arms if there was the White Entertainment Television Awards. Why can you have black only schools, scholorships, entertainment award shows, etc, and that certainly is not racist, but if it was for whites, it would be deemed racist? Where is the equity?

    22 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Does God wipe your mind clean when you go to heaven?

    If not do you mourn some of your friends and loved ones who may end up in hell for all the rest of time? If God does not wipe your memory clear then you would be sad for the rest of time if that happened, but you can not be sad (from what I have heard) in heaven. So God must wipe your mind clean, owing to that statement again "ignorance is bliss". So obviously being ignorant is like being in heaven, that works for religious people.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who gets to interpret the Bible, since Atheists are told they are wrong when they interpret it literally?

    Why is it that when passages from the Bible are used as referrence by Atheists to show contradiction or the evil of your God, they are told that those passages are not to be taken literally, that it is meant to be interpreted totally differently (usually nowhere close to the passage). But when Christians use some passage that one is the literal one. Where do I get to sign up for a religion like that, where the holy book is interpreted how the believers want, no matter what the words actually say. That you can pick and choose bits and pieces and ignore the rest or interpret it how you want, and non-believers certainly do not have the skill at reading the holy book. Which actually means that non-believers can not live in the work of make-believe that Christians obviously live in.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is God becoming weaker and weaker as time goes on?

    When you look at it, God created the heavens and the earth. Then he flooded the earth, destroyed cities. He sent his son down to earth (supposedly), ascended his physical body into heaven (still not sure why he needed his body).

    However, all that he has done lately is show up on some grilled cheese sandwiches and tortillas when they are burnt. Does that mean God is looking to work at a fast food place? Why the change and lack of power now?

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If God is all knowing, all powerful, all good, all present, all creating, then how can he stand back and .....

    just watch a small child be raped, tortured, and killed and still do nothing? To have the power to stop this from happening to his child and still do nothing but watch (all present - everywhere) is the sign of a sick being.

    To use the excuse that it is all part of God's plan, then that negates free-will, since he has a plan and that child had no choice in the matter.

    Since God is all knowing then he is sadistic, since he knowingly created that person abusing that child, with the full knowledge that would happen (since God would also know the future). The devil could not have created anything, since God is all-creating (note definition of "all"), and created everything.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: Would you agree that the Bible and/or your religion is your moral compass?

    And if that is the case, then without the Bible and/or your religion, you would be rioting in the streets, or going around raping or murdering. There are so many times that Christians state that the Bible is their moral compass, so they could not have the ability to control themselves without it, that is a shame. Amazingly atheists can by respecting others and we do not need a book to tell us how to respect others.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are the new "Drivers Ten Commandments", actually from God?

    Or are they just like the rest of the Bible, made up by some person somewhere?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago