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Lv 619,022 points

nevada nomad

Favorite Answers14%

I am a 58 yr. old. Disabled. I have 4 adult children, 4 grand children, 3 step-grandkids, and a step-great grandson. I live in Nevada, but I have been to 36 states and have found beauty in each state. I love people, and when they ask my opinion, I give them answers from my heart and experiences that I have been through. I am NOT PREJUDICE in any shape or form. I firmly believe in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, each an individual with the same purpose. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)

  • Smokers: Tell the the real reason you started to smoke??

    Before I pick the best answer, I will tell you the reason that I started 40 years ago.

    Yes, I have tried to quit, and it is harder to give up than alcohol.

    You can say how old you was when you started, if you like.

    I am just curious if anyone started for the same reason I did.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me the difference??

    Can you tell me the difference in a Father and a Dad.

    Now can you tell me the difference in a Mother and a Mom.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you know the answer to this riddle??

    A friend of mine asked me this riddle, and she don't know the answer either. Does anyone have any idea?? The one with the best answer will get the 10 points. HELP!!

    Every dawn begins with me,

    At dusk I'll be the first you see,

    And daybreak couldn't come without

    What midday centers all about.

    Daises grow from me, I'm told

    And when I come, I end all cold,

    But in the sun I won't be found,

    Yet still, each day I'll be around.

    10 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me the answer to this riddle???

    A friend of mine asked me this riddle, and she don't know the answer either. Does anyone have any idea?? The one with the best answer will get the 10 points. HELP!!

    Every dawn begins with me,

    At dusk I'll be the first you see,

    And daybreak couldn't come without

    What midday centers all about.

    Daises grow from me, I'm told

    And when I come, I end all cold,

    But in the sun I won't be found,

    Yet still, each day I'll be around.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Help!! Internet Explorer Script Error??

    When I try to play a news video clip, I get Internet Explorer Script Error.

    Error "1: is null or not an object

    Line 589

    Char 83

    Code 0

    How can I fix this so I can watch news videos??

    I just started having problems the past 3 days.

    What is going on and how can I fix it??

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • I need help with these lyrics.?

    Yes, I know that I should put this in music lyrics, and I have already done that, but it seems like Polls and Surveys comes through for me, on all my questions, better than the other sites,

    Here is my question:

    Eddy Arnold sang a song years ago, that was called "Call Me"

    part of it was "Call me the cops, the fuzz or a pig, call me whatever you may, but when you have a child that is lost , call me"

    It was the reverse side of a 45rpm that had his famous Cattle Call on it.

    I really would appreciate your help.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you help me find the lyrics??

    Eddy Arnold sang a song years ago, that was called "Call Me"

    part of it was "Call me the cops, the fuzz or a pig, call me whatever you may, but when you have a child that is lost , call me"

    It was the reverse side of a 45rpm that had his famous Cattle Call on it.

    I really would appreciate your help.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Can someone please help me with this song??

    I am looking for a free download of the song "Rainbow Ride" by Jerry Reed.

    I have looked in so many different sites, and I can't find a download. First person to come up with a site that actually has this song in it to download, gets the 10 points.

    I know I should have put this in music, but it seems like the only ones that give a decent answer is in Polls and Surveys.

    Thank you in advance for your answers. Hugs J

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me with these lyrics??

    The title is: "I've come back (to say I love you, one more time), it was sang by Cristy Lane. The first part is: The hometown team was losing 9 to 3, the angry crowd was yelling, Kill the referee.

    Anothe part is:

    A strange dressed man, got up and went to the announcer's stand.

    I have been looking for it. If you find it, please copy and paste. The first one to, gets the 10 points.

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me what happened to the person that was Bubbles and others??

    Can you tell me what happened to the person that was Bubbles, and a few other names?? The person I know, but he isn't the happy go lucky person that he used to be. I miss that person. Is he like this because all of his old friends are gone? Like Lynn, Shadowkat and the others?? He doesn't have the sense of humor that he had as Bubbles, and I am not the only one that has noticed it. Can you tell why?? Does he have a lot of stress?? Help me, please. I am asking this question, because a mutual friend of ours asked me to.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever hurt someone that you really love?

    I said some things to a very precious friend of mine. What can I do or say to let him know, that I truely am sorry. I would lay down my life for this guy, and I really hurt him. He has been hurt by someone else, and I was trying to help him, I let the green-eyed monster come out. How can I let him know that I really truely wish I could take the hurt back. You see, I love him, but he doesn't love me the same way. No, I am not some starry-eyed teenager, I am in my 50's.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Lyrics by Johnny Wright, can you help me??

    Can you help me find the lyrics to "Keep the Flag flying" by Johnny Wright, from the 1960's.

    Thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Can you find these Walter Brennan lyrics for me??

    I am looking for the lyrics to two songs recited by Walter Brennan. The first one is "Tribute to a Dog." The second one is "Old Rivers' Trunk."

    I have searched a lot of places on the internet, and can't find them. Please help me if you can.

    4 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Does Yahoo understand how much MISERY and DISTRESS the violations scheme creates?

    I really would like to know, if they do. Some of the ones they suspend or delete, this is the only way they have to connect with the outside world. I am diabled, do they really care?? Although I haven't been suspended YET, I was just wondering, and thank you in advance for your answers.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How can I help them??

    I have some friends that I met over the internet, and they mean a whole bunch to me. They are warm and understanding and very loving people. All three of them has really been through a rough time the past few months, but more so the past two weeks. I e-mail them all the time, but I don't know if they understand that I really do love them, and when they hurt and are depressed, I am too.

    What more can I do to show them that I really care. Two of them lives over 2000 miles from me and the third one over 1500 miles away, so I can't go to them and put my arms around them and hold them so they could cry out all their pain and suffering. I always have them in my prayers.

    Please, help me to help them.

    It sounds funny that you can get that close to someone you have never met in person, but feel like I have known them all their lives.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who sings this song and what is the title of it??

    We come from a whole line of love, when things get hard, we don't give up.

    That is all that I can think of the lyrics. But it is about a boy wanting to get married and his dad tells him that they come from a whole line of live, etc. When the boy proposes to the girl, she asks how they know it will last, and he says, we come from a whole line of love, etc.

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • How do I enable JavaScript??

    How do I enable JavaScript on Yahoo(SBC Global). I tried and it isn't doing it. What am I doing wrong?? Please help me, give me details how to do it, please!!!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Who can tell me?

    Who played Tarzan in the 1950"s?

    What can you tell me about him?

    Was he ever married??

    Did he father any children??

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Guess what people, I finally made it??

    I finally made it to level 6.

    Now lets ask a question.

    Can you make a short paragraph or two using these songs of Elvis'??

    Fools rush in

    In the Ghetto

    Hound dog

    My Way

    Suspicious minds

    Viva Las Vegas

    Crying in the Chapel

    I am 57 years old, so this is not a homework assignment.

    9 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago