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  • What is the best way to tell your spouse you want to separate?

    we have been married 6 years and together 9. I have a daughter from a previous relationship and have sole custody and guardianship. We also now have 2 sons together. I am seeing a lawyer this week. I am just looking for some insights here. But I will give you a bit of history. At first everything was fine. As time went on he started treating my daughter poorly. Calling her names, telling her she was a little b!tch, that the music and things she liked was stupid. he even got so mad at her that he hit the wall so hard next to her face that he cracked it. I was going to leave 3 years ago and allowed myself to be guilted into staying for the kids sake and that he would be better, and go to a psychiatrist. Things were better for awhile. He never went to see anybody. I have talked to him repeatedley about things he could do to mend things with her, but he never tried that either.4 weeks after my youngest son was born, he got very sick. My husband was away working. We were transferred to a hospital, and my husbands boss told him he would relieve my husband so he could come to the hospital and be with us. He told his boss that there was nothing he could do for us and stayed at work. My daughter helped me out for 3 weeks after my son was released from hospital, as I had no one to help me and I couldnt take the baby out of the house. She missed alot of school. My husband came back from work 2 months after that and saw my daughters report card and flipped out. I told him she shouldn't have had to do what he should have been doing. I am treated like a prisoner. Now when my husband is home, he rarely spends time with the kids. He plays games on the playstation and gets mad at them when they get in the way of the tv. oOn several occasions when I have had to run out to the store etc and left the boys with him, I have found him asleep on the couch and my sons running around, or my youngest 18 months now asleep in the hallway. I dont have sex or show any affection to my husband, and he now forces it. He will take my face and make me kiss him. I have to sleep a certain way in bed. I cant go anywhere or do anything. If I am texting hes all over me seeing who I am talking to. I tried to leave again 5 months ago and was told I was allowed to take my daughter but not his boys. So I stayed until I can see a lawyer. I will be seeing one this week or early next. I have told my husband so many times what we needed from him and he is unwilling to help change the situation. So I am DONE! I guess I just want some advice ( not Legal) from people who have been in similar circumstances

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I want to separate from my Husband. Have a?

    Hi, I am hoping someone can help me out here a bit. I will be visiting a lawyer this week, but was hoping for a bit of insight on what to expect. I am married with 3 children. My oldest daughter is not my husbands and I already have sole custody and gaurdianship of her. My 2 other children are 3 and 1. I am their primary care giver and have been since birth. I have tried to leave before, but he told me I can leave with my daughter but not his boys. That stopped me. This marriage has been over for me for a long time. He is mentally and verbally abusive to my daughter and myself. I want to make certain that he cannot take my boys and keep them from me. I also would like to know if I can keep my home, and have him leave as we own it and I couldn't afford rent here

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • A question for parents with babies that had RSV?

    In January my 5 week old son caught RSV, and bronciolitis he was hospitalized, given oxygen, chest physio and allbuterol. He also tested postive for strep Pneumonia. He was given antibiotics for that. He got better quickly with treatments, and was released 3 days later. He is now 6 months old and a very happy baby. He had a cold 3 weeks ago and still has a wet junky cough. His lungs are clear. He rattles, then coughs then sounds clear again. I am wondering if any parents out there noticed that their child also has a cough that lasts longer and if they also have asthma as well. Just want to know if this sounds normal to other parents. Thanks so much.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases10 years ago
  • I have a question for parents that have a child that had RSV.?

    In January my 5 week old son caught RSV, he was hospitalized, given oxygen, chest physio and allbuterol. He also tested postive for strep Pneumonia. He was given antibiotics for that. He got better quickly with treatments, and was released 3 days later. He is now 6 months old and a very happy baby. He had a cold 3 weeks ago and still has a wet junky cough. His lungs are clear. He rattles, then coughs then sounds clear again. I am wondering if any parents out there noticed that their child also has a cough that lasts longer and if they also have asthma as well. Just want to know if this sounds normal to other parents. Thanks so much.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • How do i block someone from seeing my wall but still want to be friends?

    I want them to see other stuff just not my wall Thanks

    4 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • I am looking for information on chronic liver rejection?

    One of my best friends had a transplant as a baby, she is now 24 and in chronic liver rejection. I am so scared for her, they are trying a new medication but we know that its very unlikely that it will work. she needs another transplant. I m having a hard time finding information on chronic liver rejection, with prognosis information etc, i have been looking everywhere and found some info but not much. Any help would be appreciated Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • My 12 year old daughter has an ovarian cyst can someone give me some ideas here?

    My daughter was in SEVERE pain last month mid cycle for a couple of days. I took her to the hospital where the dr diagnosed her with cysts. He scheduled an ultrasound for a week later. At the ultrasound they found nothing. I went to our family doctor for a follow up the following week and was told it was very possible that the cyst had ruptured and that is why it wasn't seen on the ultrasound. Now my daughter is having pain again and nausea and anxiety ( this is her pain reaction) but she hasn't had her period since 2 weeks before her last attack. I have been reading that it is possible for cysts to stop a period from coming. I am wondering if any mom's out there have any advice as to what I should ask the doctor? And NO she is not pregnant.

    The doctor did say that birth control could help prevent them from growing but we both agreed that would be an absolute last step.

    Thanks for all your help

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Not sure what to do about my daughter's report card?

    My daughter is in 7th grade. Her last report card was great A's and B's. This is her norm. This term she is receiving 'I' 's in almost every subject because she has not handed her work in on time. I just learned about the impending grades with a letter her teacher sent home, and of course we went through all of it and she told me that she has handed in most of it with the exception of 2 assignments which she did over that weekend. She then told me that she handed all those in. Yesterday my daughter tells me that her teacher did not get all the work that she handed in and may get an 'I' in one subject. So of course today I emailed her teacher to see if she had handed her work in and her teacher said no and that she is getting 'I's in almost all her subjects. I had told my daughter that there will be serious consequences for receiving these marks. I am thing of grounding her for the remainder of the week and also spring break and removing her privileges such as her cell phone and no computer. Do you think this is harsh or do you recommend something else that has worked for you?

    5 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • I desperately need size 12 women's shoes!!!!!?

    Hey There,

    I am looking for a online store, that sells shoes and boots in women's size 12, that ships to Canada. any help would be greatly appriciated!!!!

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What should I do? Please read?

    Ok here we go. 8 years ago I left my fiance. He was sick and I got scared real fast, I love him always have but I was young at the time and just lost my father, I was selfish. He got married. I married a old fashioned man, one that believes children should be seen and not heard. ( I have a daughter his step daughter). He treats her poorly, to the point where I have stepped in, he was never violent or anything like that but he always makes her feel stupid and worthless. we have been married for 3 years. we have a son who is now 9 months old. I do everything, I am a stay at home mom, which I love, but I wake up with the baby cook all the meals, take care of them when they are sick, drive my daughter to school everyday, pick her up, laundry cleaning. I am the stereotypical stay at home mom. When I found out I was pregnant I was diagnosed with HPV and they found abnormal cells in my cervix, but because I was pregnant they couldn't go in an asses how bad it was, so my whole pregnancy I worried I had cancer. My husband shook it off like it was no big deal, I was worrying for nothing but he never understood. Then I started having gall bladder attacks. so after I had my baby, I had to have surgery 2months later to have it removed. it was a day surgery but when I got home I still had to do everything, wake up with the baby, bathe him, feed him take my daughter to school, my husband had even taken time off work to 'help' me. but played on the computer instead. Then 3 weeks after that I had to have surgery to remove the precancerous cells from my cervix, and once again I had to do everything. I was admitted back to the hospital 5 days after that because of a bleeding problem. No rest, no nothing. I get that my husband works to provide for us financially, but he needs to be a husband and father too. I feel alone and completely unappreciated. I have told him may times how I feel to no avail. He doesn't understand me, and I am very unhappy. have been for a long time. recently my view of the world has changed and with that cancer scare I realize that life is to short to be this unhappy and that I cant see myself married to this man much longer its not a life that I want. My ex fiance and I started talking very innocently at first how are the kids and such. But somehow we got on to how we still loved each other and I always regretted leaving him. He always stood up for me, I could be vulnerable around him, and know that he would always accept me for who I was and not try to transform me into something I am not. I feel so safe with him and that anything is possible. We want to be together. I want to be with him forever. What the hell should I do?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are people actually dying of swine flu, or do they know for sure?

    I have been following this extensively and in most cases people have had other chronic medical conditions, so I ask is it really the flu that they are dying from or their chronic conditions?

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Hi there looking for some moms and dads to help with a question regarding a 7month old baby?

    Hi there, my son has just gotten over a stomach bug. He is 7 months old. I did take him to the dr, 2 days ago and he said He was fine and not dehydrated. My son has pretty much returned to normal, eats normally, no fever no throwing up, but he still has diarreah, although not as frequent, he went all last night without having it and didnt have it till this afternoon then had it 4 times, its yellow and seedy looking similar to BF poop. However he is no longer breastfed, He is teething like mad and grumpy and still a little more tired than usual, (just has longer naps) and I am wondering if maybe that is causing the diarreah now, and what I can do to help him, I have heard probiotoc yogurt helps. Any advice you have would be great

    thanks so much!

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I ahve a 7 month old son and I believe that he has a stomach bug, can you help me please?

    He is also teething, he has his 2 bottom teeth already, but is stilll chewing on everything he can and drooling like crazy

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How long did it take you for your anxiety and panic attacks to go away on effexor?

    I have been on effexor 37.5 for 5days and I am wondering when you started to feel better and if it stopped the panic attacks all together.


    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Would you send your child to school knowing that one of their classmates just returned from Mexico?

    My daughter informed us today that one of her classmates just returned from Vacation on Mexico. I am concerned about sending her to school, not only for her safety but I also have a 6 month old son at home also. I live in Northern BC Canada, and another case of Swine flu has been confirmed just 400 km from us. I found it irresponsible of the parents of this child to send there children to school this soon after returning without making sure first that they were not sick. What would you do?

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • T4E Tax Question need a clarification please?

    Hi I just recieved my T4E and it has a 30 per cent reimbursement amount. It says reimbursement is only required I my net income from ALL sources exceeds 51,700. Now What exactly is all sources? My personal income or my family income? Please help.

    3 AnswersCanada1 decade ago
  • Can someone tell me where I can find an itemized list of safe foods to eat for gallstones?

    I am having my gallbladder removed next month, in the meantime I need to eat bland foods no spicy, fatty etc, but I would like to know if I can eat pasta and tomato sauce.


    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can someone tell me where to find more info on gall bladder and gall bladder attacks?

    I have had several gall bladder attacks for the last few months when I was pregnant and now that I am not I have had 3 since friday. I have been to the hospital and I see the surgeon tomorrow. I havent been able to eat anything since yesterday. any info would be great!

    4 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Name Change Laws in Canada?

    Hey, My daughter is 10 and we want to change her last name to my husbands. Now my daughter's biological father is not listed on the birth certificate but he does pay child support, but has never even seen her or had any part of her life. I know how to change her name, but can I do it without notifying her biological father? I have sole custody and gaurdianship.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Our son is due any day now, and still no name. Help Please?

    Okay the 411, We are having a boy, and our last name is Bull. Names like Ryder and Harry are totally out. My Husband likes older more traditional names and I like more uncommon names. Any help you would give us would help immensely! Thanks!!

    20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago