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Lv 55,894 points

Mike K

Favorite Answers15%

My name is Mike and I graduated from San Diego State with a degree in Communication (minor in Poly Sci). My interests and specialties include Communication, Political Science and American Law, Language, Psychology, Media management, Advertising, Philosophy, argument/debate, women, journalism, random facts, conflict and resolution, mediation, and some more. My major weakness however is math! Mathematics are my kryptonite!

  • Is there a hard-drive limit on a 2 yr old Macbook?

    My friend found some good deals on Macbook compatible internal hard-drives that are 320gb, and I was looking to upgrade from my 80gb current setup.

    However, my Macbook is about 2.5 years old, and I remember something at the time that the maximum hard-drive space was 120gb.

    Was that just the availability back then, or is that a set hardware limit? Would the 320gb work on mine, or is it only good for the newer Macbooks?


    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Which of these Horde classes would you recommend for World of Warcraft?

    My friends convinced me to start on WoW and I'm going to catch up to them so we can play together. One is a level 31 Tauren warrior and the other is a level 28 Troll Hunter. We may have another starting player that will probably go for mage or warlock.

    Right now I have two characters that I've been leveling up, one is an Orc Shaman (lvl 12 now) and the other is a Blood Elf Palladin (lvl 18 now). And I'm having trouble deciding on which one to stick with, both have their pros and cons.

    So I'm wondering which class you guys would recommend that would best benefit the other party members and be able to solo enough to catch up? Would the shaman or palladin help more, or (since I'm still so early in the game) should I try to level up something completely new?

    I appreciate any suggestions!

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • If christians understood "logic and reason" then would they keep searching for answers in faith?

    I could post a bunch of out-of-context bible passages, but I won't.

    But really, if religious people were properly educated in logic, reason, philosophy and the other means of critical thinking, do you think they'd rely as heavily on faith as they do? Or would they realize there is no rational foundation for anything they believe?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Didn't know my car was dangerously low on oil...?

    I've been so busy and preoccupied I hadn't checked the oil in probably a couple of months. Over the last week or two the engine light would flicker (it's a 77 Chevy Nova, so the lights aren't always accurate warnings) occasionally, and a couple of times it seemed the natural engine vibration was worse, but I was too busy to spend time investigating it - and I didn't consider it a big deal.

    Then yesterday when I turn the car on the engine starts shaking violently, the vibrations making the car tremble as if there were a small earthquake. Turning it off, I checked the oil to find that there was almost nothing there, it was maybe 1/8 to the line that says "add 1 qt". I put 2 qts of oil in and drove home.

    When it started this morning it made some heavy sort of grumbling noises and it was again shaking and trembling like crazy (with the engine light glowing), after I revved it the shaking went away and it drove about normally.

    What might the damage be? Is the engine shot?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Doesn't this mean life begins at birth?

    Genesis 2:7

    "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

    So here we have a full human body, trillions of billions of cells, all fully formed, and it's not until he gets the "breath" of life which makes him a soul. Couldn't we infer from this that the soul enters the body upon first breath (outside the womb)?

    That would really resolve all those tricky questions theologians haven't been able to answer about the "soul enters at conception" (such as when two conceived "souls" merge into one body and become a chimera), doesn't it?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians - if life (and soul) begins at conception...?

    1) More than 50% of conceived embryos die within a few days (before the mother even knows she's pregnant).

    20-25% of pregnancies result in miscarriages.

    Wouldn't this make God the biggest abortion doctor in history?

    2) Let's assume for a moment that the soul does enter at conception (and it's lucky enough to survive god's abortion practices)... after a few days of embryogenesis the blastocyst/embryo occasionally splits into two (identical twins)... does this mean each identical twin only has half a soul? If not where would the other soul come from?

    Also occasionally twins or two seperate embryos will combine and fuse into one person (a chimera), does this person have 2 or more souls?

    Now the world's best theologians are still struggling for an answer (though many elect to ignore it completely). But I'm wondering what the average people think?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians would you be irritated if...?

    ... the US currency instead said "In Allah we trust"?

    Would that be ok with you?

    If not why should non christians have to put up with "god" on their currency?

    It was only by a series of historical accidents (not the least of which was communism) that a catholic lobbyist group was able to have "In God We Trust" replace the original "E Pluribus Unum" on our currency on July 30th, 1956. If just a couple things had been different we would just as easily have wound up with Allah on our money.

    Of course the founding fathers (who were deists and not christian) would be horrified if they could see this. So what do you think would be fair?

    If we were to make a bunch of different coins (as with the state quarters) with different names of different gods would that be fair?

    If some coins said "In Zeus we trust" "In Allah we trust" "In Thor we trust" "in reason we trust" (for agnostics/atheists) and so on (covering pretty much all gods and prophets) would that be fair? Why?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Starting issue?

    I have this issue where sometimes when I turn the ignition the dashboard lights and everything flashes on but the engine doesn't turn or react. If I do this a couple times I will eventually hear a soft clicking noise and then 2-3 tries after the engine will finally ignite and rumble to life.

    So far I've always been able to get the car started - it can just take several turns of the ignition.

    If it makes a difference, it's a 1977 Chevy Nova (350 v8).

    I'm thinking it may be the starter or the alternator, but you guys may well know better than I.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago