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  • What would you put in a 5 gallon?

    My parents gave me a little 5 gallon aquarium that they got at a garage sale for pennies. I was thinking about setting it up on my desk so I have something interesting to look at while studying.

    Now, I KNOW that I am severely limited by it's size, but I also know that there are a few things that would be able to live in there. So please don't lecture me about it's size, I'm not going to put a goldfish or anything in there. I want my pets to be happy and healthy. So what would you choose, and why?

    Option A: A single betta fish

    Option B: 1-2 African dwarf frogs

    Option C: A single pea puffer

    Option D: Invert tank (ghost shrimp, snails, etc)

    Of course I would get a heater/filter for those options.

    I also welcome non-aquatic suggestions, but I doubt that there are any reptiles or amphibians that can live in a 5 gallon. Maybe a tarantula?

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • What can I keep in the 'Den' style Kritter Keeper?

    I have an empty Kritter Keeper of this type:

    And I am looking for suggestions on what to put in it. I want something that can live out it's entire lifespan in that type of cage, I don't want something that will need to eventually be moved to a larger type of enclosure. I would *prefer* something that is more unusual, but right now I'm just brainstorming what my options are.

    So far this is what I have in included in my list of possibilities:

    Some type of terrestrial tarantula/scorpion

    Hermit crabs

    Pacman frog

    Pygmy mice


    Some type of small gecko?

    Please feel free to veto suggestions or add some of your own. I don't want to keep something that would be unhappy in this type of enclosure.


    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Best plants for full sun window garden that is near a birdfeeder?

    I have a full sun window garden and I am looking for plant suggestions. I live in SW Ohio. The window box is not very large - roughly 2 long and perhaps 8 inches wide, maybe 8 inches deep.

    My problem is that the I have a bird feeder nearby, and the last few plants I tried got made into bird's nests and died.

    So I need a really hardy plant that will tolerate the full sun, but also that will tolerate the birds. The birds are used to walking all over the window box as it is near the feeder. I don't want to chase the birds away or anything, just need plant suggestions that will tolerate the birds presence.

    I would love a plant that is colorful, and if anyone knows of a rose that would work that would be my preferred option. It would be great if the plant would survive the winter and rebloom in the spring, but a plant that I can enjoy the rest of the summer/fall would be fine as well. Relatively inexpensive or readily available is a must.


    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Help! Angelfish picking on my dwarf gourami!?

    I have a 40 gallon established tank and a juvenile goldfish. I'd say he's slightly larger than silver-dollar sized. When I researched my tank all the sources said that the angelfish would get along with everything else in my tank and for the most part it does....but the angelfish will NOT leave my dwarf gourami alone! The angelfish chases the gourami around all day, fin nips and I can tell it's really starting to stress the gourami out. He's not missing pieces of his tail or anything (yet) but he spends all day hiding and seems stressed.

    The angelfish leaves the other tank mates (a female betta, 6 corey catfish and some ghost shrimp) alone and everyone else seems to get along just fine.

    I hate to get rid of either fish, and I'm afraid if I remove the gourami the angelfish will just pick on another fish instead. I hate to take the angelfish back to the store, I planned out my entire tank around having an angelfish and was told everything was compatible.

    Is there anything I can do to lessen the angelfish's aggression?


    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What tetras come in color varieties?

    I would like to get a school of tetras (or another type of fish) that comes in color varieties.

    For example, tiger barbs come in regular, green, and albino. Or those "glo fish" that come in pink, green, and yellow.

    Unfortunately, tiger barbs are too aggressive and the glo fish will get eaten by my angel. So I am looking for a smaller type of tetra (so it can live comfortably in my freshwater 40 gallon), but not so small they are in danger of being eaten.

    I LOVE getting one species of fish but in all different colors. Any suggestions? A shoaling fish is fine, but I'd rather have a schooling fish.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Can you show me an arrow-pushing mechanism for the formation of the acylium ion?

    when the acetic anhydride reacts with phosphoric acid?

    Also what is the structure of the diacetylferrocene you would obtain if ferrocene were diacetylated?

    4 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • The Fischer Esterification is highly reversible...?

    What are two ways or procedures you can do to drive the reaction to the right? Also, what would happen if you forgot to add any silica gel beads before the distillation of the ester product? Why would your product be cloudy if you forgot the beads?

    How could you devise an experiment to help prove where the oxygen comes form (acid or alcohol) using a O18 atom?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Can I keep a single angelfish in a community tank?

    I have a 40 gallon tank that is currently empty, still deciding on what to put in it. It is a taller tank.

    I really have my heart set on a community tank, with angelfish as the showcase species. But the more research I do on angelfish, the more conflicting information I get on them, especially on how many to get.

    My tank will really only support two angelfish, max, if I want to include other tankmates. I originally was going to try my luck with a mated pair, but I'm worried that they will be come too aggressive when spawning. I'm also worried that I'll get a pair of angels and will end up with two males that are too aggressive towards each other (I don't really care to breed them, so if I got two females that would be fine with me).

    Some websites say angels should be kept in groups of three or more (I don't have the room for three!), or singly, or in mated pairs.

    But I've also read that a single angel will become aggressive to it's tank mates as well.

    So I am toying with the idea of getting a single, baby angelfish and introducing it to an already established community tank. Would this work? Can I keep a single angelfish? Or should I try my luck with a mated pair?

    I am only planning on getting tank mates that have been proven to work with angels, but I'm just not sure if I should get two or one.


    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • Would this be overstocked? 40 gallon?

    I have a 40 gallon tank that is tall. I currently do not have any fish but am still during research on what to put in it. The last question I asked told me that the "one inch of fish per gallon of water" rule is bunk so now I am trying to just make sure all my levels are filled so each fist has it's own space.

    Prefers Top Level:

    1 male swordtail and possibly 2 females if room allows

    Prefers Top to Middle Level

    I would love to have one of each: 1 Dwarf Gourami, 1 Red Fire Dwarf Gourami (I know it's just a color variant of the regular dwarf) and 1 Honey Sunset Gourami.

    Prefers Middle Level

    2 Angelfish

    A school of Mickey Mouse or Red Wag Platies OR a school of black-skirt tetras IF ROOM ALLOWS

    Prefers Middle to Bottom Level

    I'd love to have a school of either Cherry Barbs or Gold Barbs (P.S. Does anyone know if they will school together if I get some of both?)

    Prefers Bottom Level

    Albino Cory Cats

    What is the general consensus on this stocking? Do I have room for female swordtails and a school of platies OR tetras and all of the gouramis? Does anyone know if the barbs will school together?

    According to my research these fish should all get along with each other and be able to live out their entire adult lives in the tank.

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What heater to buy for 40 gallon?

    How many watts do I need for a 40 gallon tank? I've tried to Google the answer and I keep coming up with conflicting answers. The tank in question will need to be heated up to 77-78 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Also, if I wanted to turn my 10 gallon into a tropical tank how many watts would I need for that one?

    What are some good brands to buy? (Links?) I'm looking for inexpensive heaters, nothing fancy, but still are durable and get the job done.

    Thank you in advance.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What heater to buy for 40 gallon?

    How many watts do I need for a 40 gallon tank? I've tried to Google the answer and I keep coming up with conflicting answers. The tank in question will need to be heated up to 77-78 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Also, if I wanted to turn my 10 gallon into a tropical tank how many watts would I need for that one?

    What are some good brands to buy? (Links?) I'm looking for inexpensive heaters, nothing fancy, but still are durable and get the job done.

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • Stocking Questions - 40 gallon tank?

    I have a 40 gallon tank that currently has nothing in it. Right now I'm just doing research (like a responsible fish owner!) on what I'd like to put in it. I'd like to set up a tropical freshwater community tank. After lots of research I still have lots of questions.

    I'd like my center piece fish to be angelfish. I've read that they do best in pairs. I'd like to get a pair of one type of angel fish and one pair of another type. Would two pairs of two different species of angel fish get along? Which species would co-exist the best? Is it difficult to sex for a male/female pair? I know not to get two males but would two females do ok together of each species? I'd love to have one pair of gold and one pair of marbled/koi angelfish.

    I've read that each pair of angel fish need 4 gallons, so that's 8 gallons taken up by my angel fish.

    Next I'd like to get a school of 3 upside down catfish. I've read the maximum size is 4" so that's 12 gallons taken up by my upside down catfish.

    I'd also love to get one Striped Raphael Catfish. I've read that they sing at night - Does anybody know exactly how loud this would be? I live in a rental situation and don't want to have to re-home a fish due to noise. Maximum size 9" so that's 9 gallons for this catfish.

    I would love to get a gold weather loach, but I've read that they would be uncomfortable in a tropical tank. Does anybody have any experience with this? It seems they would be comfortable up to 77 degrees F, would they be ok in a tank with my angelfish? Max Size 12" so that's 12 gallons.

    If I can't get a weather loach I'd like to get a school of Yo-Yo loaches. Max size 5" so 15 gallons.

    I'd also love to get panda coreys. I've read they need at least 6 and they get about an inch so that's 6 gallons.

    I've also had my eye on some mollies, but I have questions about them as well. Many websites list mollies as a compatible tank mate for angel fish but when I research Mollies they need salt, and angel fish do not want salt. So do mollies need salt, or not? Are they compatible with angelfish or not? Also I know that mollies are schooling fish, but I love the dalmatian, black, and silver mollies. Do I need to get at least three of each kind, or can I make a school of each of these varieties? Max size 3" so that's at least 10 gallons for a school.

    Obviously I can't get all of these fish. My ideal set up would be the 2 pairs of angels, 1 Striped Raphael Catfish, 1 golden loach OR a school of yo-yo loachs, plus a school of either panda corys OR a school of mollies OR a school upside down cat fish.

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Minimum tank size for comet goldfish?

    I have three baby/young comet goldfish in a 40 gallon aquarium. Obviously they will outgrow this but I am saving up for a tank upgrade.

    What is the minimum tank size needed to keep three adult comet goldfish happy for their entire lives? I've scoured the internet for this information but all I can find is information on tank size for fancy goldfish. I've seen a couple of websites that say the adult ones will only be happy in a pond but I can't get a minimum size on ponds either.

    Obviously I will buy the largest tank I can afford (right now I'm looking at 55-100 gallon sizes) because I can always upgrade again later, but if possible I'd rather buy them the tank they can live in for the rest of their lives. I just can't find out what that minimum tank size is!

    Thank you in advance!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with my beta fish?

    I have a 10-gallon that used to have a fancy goldfish that passed away recently and a 5-gallon that used to have a beta fish and a dwarf frog that passed away a few months ago. I recently cleaned out both tanks and each tank has one male beta fish.

    They have only been in their new tanks for a few days but now it looks like they are both growing mold?! The fish are kind of listless and I don't know what to do to save them.

    I cleaned out the tanks but I wonder if somehow I didn't clean them well enough....but the fish in them previously died of old age and not "mold".

    What should I do? I've had these beta fish for two or three years and don't want them to die if there's anything I can do to save them!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Help! Hedgehog not using wheel!?

    I have had my hedgehog for about 6 months now. She is a rescue, and according to the information I was given she should be roughly 10 months old.

    For the past month or so she has not been using her wheel. I know for a fact she is not using her wheel because I marked it and it does not move for weeks. She does have a heating pad in her cage, and a snuggle blanket, and a igloo. She is never cold to the touch, so I don't think she is going into hibernation.

    She is still eating, drinking, and using the bathroom regularly. She does occasionally use her wheel as a litter box, so I know she can get on and off her wheel, but it doesn't move during the night, she just poops on it occasionally.

    She is still active and friendly when I get her out her cage. I have visually inspected her and when she explores my room she walks normally. I also recently trimmed her nails, thinking perhaps they were too long for her to run comfortably on her wheel, but no luck.

    I work at a vet's office, but they would probably have to use anesthesia to properly examine her, and I want to spare her that if I can. I did ask the vet about her abnormal behavior and the vet said that, based on what I've told her, it's possible that my little hedgie is much older and has developed arthritis, or perhaps is just less active during the winter.

    Any suggestions? I know how important exercise is for a hedgie, and I'd really hate for her to become sick due to lack of exercise.

    7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Ammo Question - Can I put this through my Bersa?

    Hello, I am kind of new to shooting! I have a quick question.

    My dad just bought Independence brand ammo for my Bersa Thunder 380 Concealed carry. It is 380 Auto 90 grain ammo. It also says "FMJ". I know that I need ACP ammo, and I cannot figure out if this is ACP or not and if it's safe to put through my Bersa.


    5 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • How to transfer fish from a tank to a pond?

    I have 3 comet goldfish that I won as tiny babies at a fair two years ago. I bought them the biggest tank I can afford (38 gallons) but they are outgrowing it quickly. I cannot afford the big 55-75 gallon tank that they need and as much as I love these little guys, I think it's time to transfer them to an outdoor pond. My grandfather has a large pond with a few other fish and he will allow me to transfer my goldfish to his pond.

    A few questions:

    1.) What is the best way to acclimate a goldfish from a tank to an outdoor pond?

    2.) My fish are about 2-3 inches (including tail fin) and are comet goldfish and my grandfather's fish are a lot larger (about 8 inches) and I think they are koi. Will these two species get along? Are my fish too small to hold their own or will they be all right?

    3.) Where I live, it is fall, and getting colder every day (we just had our first frost!) Should I wait until the spring to try to transfer my fish? If I have to wait until spring how can I try to make them as comfortable as possible in a tank that is too small for them?

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Would this be too crowded?

    I have three comet goldfish in a 40 gallon tank. They are two years old and currently are about 3-4 inches each.

    I've been wanting to add a couple of mystery snails to help with cleanup. I've also been researching types of fish that are compatible with goldfish (just to mix it up a little) and a lot of websites seem to suggest dojo loaches.

    I'd really like to get one golden loach and one spotted weather loach. (I know that these are the same fish, I just want one of each color).

    I was just going to get one dojo loach but I've been reading they do better in groups.

    Would this be too crowded? I know that goldfish are really messy but I'm good about changeing the water and filters to keep their tank clean. I'm not worried about the goldfish's mess but I'm concerned if I would be way overcrowding my tank.

    I guess my real question is would 3 comet goldfish, 2 dojo loaches, and 2-3 mystery snails be too much for a 40 gallon tank?

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Hedgehog Question! Concerning wheels and behavior?

    I've had my rescued hedgehog for over a month now. She's 5 months old and has no interest in litter training, although I'm still working with her. This is my first hedgehog but I've done TONS of research.

    Like most hedgehog owners, I'm frustrated with her pooping on her wheel! If I don't get it first thing in the morning it's all dried on and nasty and very difficult to clean. I'm moving in with new roomates and I'm afraid they'll make me get rid of her if she stinks up the place.

    So I've thought of a new idea, and I wanted to see what other experianced hedgehog owners think of this:

    I want to feed my hedgehog early in the evening (somewhere between 6-8pm) in the hopes that she'll poop in the evening BEFORE I go to bed (at around 10pm). Then I can clean her wheel while the stool is still soft enough to clean and I'm hoping this will eliminate a lot of the mess.

    I'm really hoping this will cut down on the "poopy boots" as I'm finding it hard to clean her dirty feet every day!

    Is this possible? Will my hedgehog eat that early? Will she poop that early? How can I get her to change her routine? What can I do to help make her wheel less messy?

    I'm not trying to make her awake during the day. I already take her out in the early evening so it's not too far of a stretch to feed her that early, I'm just not quite sure how to get her to do these things or if it's even possible.

    Any tips greatly appreciated!


    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago