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Muse Me
Can I prepare punch ahead of time if it includes sherbet?
I'm making the punch for my daughter's wedding this coming Saturday. I really need to get the punch out of the way, hopefully Thursday night. Can I prepare a punch that calls for sherbet ahead of time and store in gallon jugs, then take to the venue on Friday and store in the fridge for Saturday ?
The punch is fruit punch, 7-up, citrus juice and raspberry sherbet. help !!! ???? Thanks in advance for any time saving ideas !!
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoIn a relationship receiving texts and emails from ex lovers .....?
I would like your take on the following scenario.
Let's say you're in an exclusive relationship with someone, and some of their EX lovers still contact them supposedly on a friendly basis. To me, this is disrespectful to their partner and it is their responsibility to see that it stops. Or should it stop ? Is this normal and do I just have issues, or am I thinking correctly?
If it were me, and someone from my past contacted me after two years, I would wonder why. Either they can't break a bond or they are still interested, or even lonely. I would tell them that I'm in a relationship now and it would be best if they didn't contact me.
My boyfriend disagrees with me. He thinks it's perfectly OK for ex lovers or "friends" to contact him, so long as the conversation remains generic. But I would think that once he tells them that he's in a relationship then they should have enough respect for him and me to refrain from contacting him again.
I think it's disrespectful to me. What do you think ?
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoSimple red or green wedding punch recipes?
Hi. My daughter is getting married June 1st, and I need to find a recipe for either a light green or a dark red punch that is simple to make. Also, with 100 guests, champagne and iced tea, about how much will I need ? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !
Thank you !!
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoAC causing car to miss in very hot weather ?
My AC in my car is pulling power from the motor when it's on. If I turn the air off the car seems to do fine, until the temp outside is around 100 degrees or over. It slows down by itself and starts missing and finally dies. If I turn the air off and turn the motor off for 5 minutes it starts right back up and seems fine. IF the weather is over 100 degrees even if the air has not been on it still misses and dies.
We had a tuneup, replaced the valve cover gasket. A friend said to check the coils and possibly the distributor. Any ideas ? Thanks so much, it's HOT out here in Louisiana !!!
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoHow do you delete google browsing history on an i phone?
1 AnswerGoogle9 years agoWhat Casinos offer Buffet Discounts with a Player's Card sign up?
Leaving Sunday for Vegas... I've been several times before but this time I'm taking my youngest daughter. We're hoping to save money on meals by getting comps and coupons if possible. Some casinos will give you a comp buffet for signing up for a player's card. Anyone know which ones do that ? Thanks!!
2 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade agoDo you live in or near YUMA, Arizona ?
My nephew is missing in Yuma, AZ. Please go to (newspaper) under local news and see his pics. If you have any information at all, PLEASE call and report it. We need your help, his name is Jonathan Kyle Ferguson. He has been in the Marines and in Afghanistan and now he needs YOU !!!!!! Please !!! Thank you !!
Muse Me
4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoHas Anyone Ever heard of drugs causing your voice to change ? And accent ?
I was speaking with a friend yesterday, and her whole voice and accent were different ! She sounded WEIRD and it was too freaky. I think she's doing some drugs possibly. Has anyone ever heard of this?
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoChristmas Traditions ?
I was wondering about different Christmas traditions. Anyone like to share?
I have one. My Mama passed away in June 2007. She loved her "happy hour" and at 84 years old she could still make the best drinks. She loved opening her door and inviting all the residents in at her retirement home in for a drink. She kept a stocked bar, and specialized in Martinis.
The Christmas prior to her death was very special to me for a lot of reasons, but this is something me and my family will never forget.
I was drinking a Sonic banana shake one night and thought how this was just screamin' for Rum. So on Christmas morning my Mom and my kids were all over and we were having the regular Bailey's and coffee, then we graduated to Mimosas. Then I decided to try out the new concoction on my Mom. I used Sonic Banana Shake, Egg Nog, Rum and a little vanilla and cinnamon. She and everyone else loved them, but they didn't have a name. Mama said she had the perfect name for them, since they were a Rum drink. Pa-rum-pa-pa-pums. We loved it. So every year since she passed away we always have Parumpapapums and make a toast to "Mimi".
This is a really good drink and if you like Rum and Egg Nog, it's a hit with everyone.
Merry Christmas from Miss Bennie !!!
1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoNeed some PLUM colored tights..HELP ?
Hi. I am at wits end trying to find a good pair of plum colored tights. I had a pair but naturally they didn't agree with my wrought iron bistro stool. Now I have a party coming up and I really need another pair. There was no manufacturer's label so I don't know what company made them. Does anyone know of a good online store that sells lots of different colored tights? I have looked at Welovecolors, Nordstrom and several others. Most don't carry a plum, only bright purple. Any suggestions ?? Thanks !
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoAttn: HUNTERS and CAMPERS ?
My boyfriend lives out in the country and loves the outdoors. He doesn't hunt, but he loves nature. He has all sorts of wildlife that come in his backyard (3 acres), mostly at night. He is very hard to choose a gift for, and I was thinking about a Moultrie Game Spy Camera to mount in his yard. I bet he'd like to see just how many different animals come around at night.
Can anyone tell me if the Moultrie (or other brand) is a good camera that takes video clips as well as night pics ? Do you think he would like this idea ? He's HARD to choose a gift for... he's into camping and canoeing but we have everything for all that. ??? Help !!
Any recommendations ??? Thank you !!
4 AnswersHunting1 decade agoWhere do these Spam emails originate ?
We have a gmail account that is primarily used for ebay, paypal, business stuff, etc. Here lately, we've been getting tons of spam from job opportunities to medical to miscellaneous stuff. Why would we get emails from dating and or sex sites if we're not going there ? How does this happen ? I know everyone gets some sort of spam, but the dating site and "Naughty Dating" ??? Where is this coming from ?
3 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade agoWorst Pet Peeves ?? Curious ...?
Just for fun, I'm wondering if anyone else has the same Pet Peeves as I do. What are your top three worst pet peeves ?
Mine are: (in no particular order)
1) People making those quotation marks with their fingers as they talk
2) Someone picking lint off my clothes like a monkey or something
3) Having somone ask me "Can I ask you a personal question?" I especially have a problem with
this, because all they are doing is getting advance permission to hurt your feelings.
So, what drives you NUTS ???
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoWouldn't it be nice ?
If Yahoo answers would separate the singles and dating into "groups"... like maybe :
Adult singles and dating
High school singles and dating
College singles and dating
Thirteen year old singles and dating
In singles and dating you would think it would be more adults, but obviously most of this is kids, sixteen and under. No wonder the adults post in marriage and divorce ... an adult just can't relate to the lingo, the mind-set, the "ages" of these kids and the questions they ask. Also, why do people say "anyways" as with an "s" instead of "anyway" ........and why do they say the word "like" in every sentence?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy Do People that HATE Las Vegas answer questions ?
I am going to Las Vegas with my daughter this week. I have been reading some questions and answers and was appalled to read some of the answers, especially from one individual. This area is designated for Yahoo answerers to answer simple questions that can be helpful, NOT for people to degrade us because we are "bad people" because we are going to Las Vegas for fun.
FYI: My kids are grown and out of college, my bills are paid and the freezer is full. The grand babies have everything they need and my car is paid off. Why do you care if I drop money that I can afford and see a few shows (nothing dirty at all) and go out to eat and spend fun, quality time with my daughter? Not everyone goes to Vegas for losing all their money, hitting up on prostitutes, or drinking. I don't usually drink, but if I want a drink that's my business. If you don't want to help answer questions for people that have never been to Vegas, then go to another area where your answers will be appreciated.
4 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade agoWhere is the best place to play KENO in Las Vegas ?
Luve me some KENO ! I know it's better to play away from your hotel, but I like video KENO. Any suggestions ? Not sure where all they have it, and the best place to play. Thanks! 6 more days !!
5 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade agoDo the Tower Rooms at MGM Grand Las Vegas have coffee pots and coffee ?
Last year at Excalibur they didn't, and we had to go to Walmart while in Las Vegas !! OMG ... don't want to waste ANY time. OR.... can you fly with a small 2 cup coffee maker if it's in a checked bag that is not taken onboard ?? We are flying Allegiant Air.
Thanks !!
9 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade agoHas anyone dealt with a split personality before?
Just curious if anyone's had a relationship that was strange... like the person actually had a "dark side" that spooked you, but the other side was absolutely perfect ? Seriously, I think I have been with two men in one ........... confusing. If you have, what were the symptoms and what made you think that? Were they abused as children ? Serious answers only .... please. Thanks!
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWould this be considered a type of disorder ?
Have you ever known a person that wouldn't get out and make friends in person, but only made friends through the internet? Is this some type of mental disorder ?
5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago