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I am a Christian non-denominational Pastor of Salvation Celebration Ministries. I have a wonderful wife of 19 years and 4 great children. I am an outdoorsman loving anything to do with being outside and enjoying nature. God bless and have a great day :) S.pirit; (John 7:39) F.illed; (Acts 2:4) E.vangelical; (John 3:3) C.hristians; (Rom.10:9,10) U.nited; (Ps 133:1) ----///-\\\----Put This ---|||---|||---On Your ---|||---|||---Profile If ---|||---|||---You Know ----\\\-///----Someone -----\\///-----Who has ------///-----Diabetes -----///\\\---- ----///--\\\--

  • Out of curiosity .....?

    I am just curious how Muslims in other countries feel about Louis Farrakhan? As he has been a leader in Islam here in the United States for many years. I am not trying to anger anyone, I am simply curious about this as He is the person when many Americans think about Islam he is the "face" of Islam here.

    Your thoughts??

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would it be worth it ?

    Imagine yourself a tired worn down Christian as I am sure many are, you have been witnessing Jesus to everyone you can, and as is the way of the world your made fun of, laughed at, called names, people claim your an uneducated fool with no other reason to live, etc.... you know the other responses.

    On one afternoon the Lord lays it on your heart to witness to a young cashier at a store, and you really dont want to, you just dont think you can take one more laugh, one more jab, one more rejection. But... being a person after Gods heart you obey and you witness, as a few weeks go by you talk each time you see her. Then one day she informs you that she has accepted Christ.

    Later that evening you learn that she was killed in an accident on the way home from work...... was it worth it? Was taking the chance on being ridiculed and scoffed at worth it??

    If you answer yes, of course she is worth it........ let me ask you.......

    What are your plans for the rest of today???

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which would you choose?

    A young woman has a small three month old baby, when she realizes she is pregnant again. So she goes to her family physician and while holding her three month old child informs the doctor that she is pregnant again. She says I am not ready to have two babies in diapers I want an abortion.

    The doctor thinks for a moment and says.... Are you sure your acceptable to the idea of killing one of your children? The girl says... Yes Im sure I cant handle having two right now. The doctor then says... Okay well in that case lets kill this one pointing to her three month old baby. She says you cant kill this child its only three months old, and the other one is just a mass of cells.... the doctor says yes, but so was this one, and if you only want to be the mother of one child and your willing to kill your child why should it matter which one it is.... youll still only have one child.....

    Hmmm which would you choose..... what do you think she did, or should have done?

    Before anyone screams that wouldnt happen.... yes it did happen this is a true story, the doctor really did ask the young mother this question... after everyone responds I will tell you the outcome of the actual event.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Just curious about the mind set of some people......?

    People come on here daily, "Why dosnt God do this... why does God let that happen... why hasnt God done anything I want him to do... etc etc etc... the list is endless.

    My question to people of this mindset is... According to your mentality you shouldnt get a speeding ticked for going to fast because no one forced the car maker to produce a car that wouldnt go over 55 mph... since it would do 80 its their fault that you were speeding.... folks your responsible for your own choices and actions and held accountable to them. As for why God hasnt done this or that.... you walk around daily denying that he even exists... you blame him for every bad thing in your life (even if its due to your own choices) and constantly talk about how terrible he is..... WHY should he do what you ask? What have you done for God... after all we are the creation not the creator... since when is God accountable to us?? You want to whine and carry on all the time but what are you doing to draw closer to him to do the things he wants of you??

    Jesus said if you abide in me and my word abides in you then you can ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:7) Did you notice the condition there? IF you abide in me.. and my word abides in you .... THEN you can ask what you will...

    Folks its not all one sided, you cant turn your back on God and deny him and then expect him to do everything for you so that your life is roses.... dosnt work that way, never has never will.

    Your thoughts???

    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you believe the 2012 doomsday ......?

    My question is simple, if you truly believe the world will end in Dec of 2012. Why are people still putting money in retirement funds, investing in companies, or sending their children to college if they have no chance of actually graduating? I mean if you truly believe this, why would you do these things? Common sense says if you believe it, draw your money out of savings and investments, quit buying stock and putting money in retirement funds and spend the next 3 years enjoying those funds? Take your children out of school, they arent going to graduate anyway and even if they are seniors this year they wont get an opportunity to do anything else there wont be time enough, so why bother? In fact lets be real if people en mass around the world truly believed this... would there not be total chaos and anarchy? Why not go ahead and release all the prisoners in prisons they wont be here to complete their sentence anyway.... see my point?

    Honestly I dont believe that most people actually believe this if they did they wouldnt be living like they have all the time in the world to save and go to school and invest etc..... but they just love to talk about it and keep it stirred up..... what say you??

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • To my Brothers and Sisters in Christ....?

    For several years now I have been coming on R&S and sadly I see the same things day in and day out. Christians coming on here and being mocked and baited by non-believers. Dear ones Jesus never rebuked non-believers he rebuked those who followed him when they were not obedient to his teachings. What I am saying is remember the scriptures tell us.. Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

    What the scriptures are showing us is dont spend your time with those that will not appreciate your sharing the word, dont give it to those who are only wanting to mock and use it for ammunition to attack Christs people (rend you). Im not saying dont witness to people but what I am saying is dont respond to obvious mockery and baiting. Many come on here and say things they would never say in public and they do it because they want to aggravate you, they want to illicit a response that they can mock and laugh about.

    Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

    Vain meaning useless. Yes I believe we should be on here and yes I believe we should be sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and edifying one another. But we must stop allowing those who only seek to mock and disrespect our Lord to have voice in our lives. If someone has a question and they are truly seeking by all means help them if you can. But lets not give the ones who want to act foolish ammunition to continue doing so, that does not give any honor or glory to the Father.

    God bless you all.

    Your thoughts??

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which would you choose?

    A young woman has a small three month old baby, when she realizes she is pregnant again. So she goes to her family physician and while holding her three month old child informs the doctor that she is pregnant again. She says I am not ready to have two babies in diapers I want an abortion.

    The doctor thinks for a moment and says.... Are you sure your acceptable to the idea of killing one of your children? The girl says... Yes Im sure I cant handle having two right now. The doctor then says... Okay well in that case lets kill this one pointing to her three month old baby. She says you cant kill this child its only three months old, and the other one is just a mass of cells.... the doctor says yes, but so was this one, and if you only want to be the mother of one child and your willing to kill your child why should it matter which one it is.... youll still only have one child.....

    Hmmm which would you choose..... what do you think she did, or should have done?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it when we complain as Christians about something.......?

    We are told by everyone... everything isnt always your way so get over it.....well okay... lets take that a step further... most people on this board seem to be really upset over Prop 8 passing.... well apparently more people agree that gays should not marry, the vote bears that out.... it was passed... gay marriage is banned (as it should be).... so why cant you do as you tell us to do and get over it???

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If I am a homophobe because I disagree......?

    If as a Christian I am considered homophobic by the politically correct crowd simply because I disagree with that choice.... then is it logical to say that anyone who disagrees with my faith in God is by their reasoning..... afraid of God??

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Oldest Possibly Hebrew Inscription Possibly Found?

    if Garfinkel's claim is borne out, it would bolster the case for the Bible's accuracy by indicating the Israelites could record events as they happened, transmitting the history that was later written down in the Old Testament several hundred years later.

    What do you think please visit this link and read it before you respond.,2933,445132,00.html

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hypothetical this hypothetical that............?

    Why is it that more people on Y!A cant ask questions or start discussions about things that are relevant. All the fanciful hypothetical way out things that are brought up here do not serve any purpose for anyone.... Christian or non-christian alike.

    There are alot of folks here who take scripture out of context to ask their questions... but at least they use scripture... at least they are willing to discuss something that is relevant. At least its a discussion worth having that might actually benefit someone. But all this way out there nonsensical stuff is getting old... why cant we use Y!A for its intended purpose to ask questions and have debates on things that at least can be discussed in some manner of maturity??

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Seriously.... can we agree on this please....?

    I know we have people of many beliefs... some of no belief system at all.... and i know we spend alot of time on this board going back and forth about what we each believe or dont believe.. and pick it to the bone at times..... but... can we please for a moment put all that aside.....

    The earthquake in China is devistating... thousands dead... who knows how many injured.... can we simply come together as people... and pray for the families.... for those injured... and for the rescue workers putting their lives on the line to attempt to help others.... please... no smart alec answers .... serious only.... if you are atheist or agnostic... can you just agree with us and have a reflective moment.. best thoughts whatever it is you choose to do..... this is a tragedy of terrible magnitude.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is just curious how many people here have read.....?

    How many of you have read the community guidelines for Yahoo Answers?

    According to those there is to be no bashing etc... but yet all I see here is people wanting to bash and or kick others for their faith. This is a question and answers board.... not a lash out and be hateful board. Come on folks .... this mindless banter is helping no one.. can we stop with the childishness?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Folks stop for a moment and consider.......?

    Everyone is talking about the reporting going on.... each side ie: Christians vs non-Christians. Folks dont you realize... its posted in other sections where they recruit people... there are groups on here that like to stir things up... they will go for a day reporting and bashing Atheists for example... then next day they report Christians.... knowing full well that each side will blame the other so they can sit back and watch the fires fly.

    They have multipule yahoo accounts so its harder to track them, but its the same people... they brag about it in other catagories on here... Folks your being played by players.

    Realize it .... and if your here for serious discussion or serious questions.... the ingnore the ignorance and it will move on because they wont be getting the response they are looking for.

    God bless

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ive held it long enough.... its time someone spoke out and Im more than willing to be the one....?

    First of all let me say... if you dont want to hear what i have to say here hit your back button now and move on.

    I see all the agnostics and athiests on here spewing and ranting all the time... mad at God or calling for us to prove him.... #1 God did not call anyone to prove him... he told us to proclaim him... and that I will do my entire life. #2 No one is righteous... not one of us.... im no better nor any worse than anyone else.. the only thing that sets me apart from some is the gift of salvation I have accepted from Jesus Christ..... that same offer is open to each and everyone of you.

    #3, They all want to whine and rant about an unfair God who mistreats people.... they forget that he is God... he sets the rules.. whether you like it or not your accountable to those rules.

    You WILL bow and confess him.... like it or not the word says "every knee will bow and every tongue confess" The only question is will you do it now.... or will you do it at judgement? Either way, you will

    36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • This is not a bash to anyone in anyway, but Im curious. I see people answering questions in this section?

    all the time, and saying things like "i get tired of having other people shove religion on me".... has it occured to you that your in the religion and spirituality section? That any response you recieve is going to be along those lines? If you dont like Christians/muslims or whatever faith your having a problem with... why log in to this section other than to cause a bickering session? I mean if you want to talk lets talk... but it dosnt have to be about seeing if "you can rile someone up" or "yank a Christians chain".... As I said im not bashing at all but it seems to me that many of these people that get upset about having a religious response to their question are the same type that would go to a movie theater and be suprised its dark....... no vulgarity or slams please... this is not intended as a slam or bash but to see if we can get some actual intelligent conversation that might benifit someone. Thank you and God bless.

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago