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  • I can't come up with a middle name for the first name of Ariel. Any suggestions?

    I like the name Ariel (for a girl), but I am absolutely stumped for a middle name.

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Do you like the name Mesa for a girl?

    Any suggestions for a middle name? Mesa Rose is a little too obvious.

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Men: would you rather have a girlfriend who's independent or needs you to take care of them?

    I've always been pretty independent and have never considered myself to be a damsel in distress, but my boyfriend of 4 months seems to want to take care of me. I've always pumped my own gas, filled my tires with air, moved my heavy furniture to clean, changed my furnace filter in the basement, etc., but he seems hurt that I don't ask him to do more for me. I've lived on my own for several years and have learned to do things for myself. I don't know if I should let him help me more or continue to be strong and independent. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I've been so used to doing things on my own and for myself, that I don't give it a second thought. So men, do you like your women to be independent or do you like helping them?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend broke up with me and I don't know what to do?

    My boyfriend and I have known each other for over 15 years, (I was dating his brother-in-law) but when he and his wife started going through a divorce, he literally sought me out. It was wonderful for the first 4 weeks. The first weeks he bought me roses and gifts, told me how things were going to be different for us than they were for him and his wife (they had financial difficulties) and he always talked about us long term. His parents thanked me me for being there for him while he is coping with the divorce and for helping him through the years of neglect he had with his wife. But last week he all but stopped calling or texting me and he would show up at my house later and later each night. He never bothered to call or show up last Friday, (he claimed he fell asleep when I went to his house to check on him. He has diabetes. I wasn't necessarily "checking up on him") and it finally came to a head last Saturday when I wasn't included on a family get-together. I know he wants to be with me, but I'm wondering if being with his (hopefully soon-to-be-ex) wife was "comfortable and familiar". He has 2 teenage daughters and they used to think a lot of me, but I wonder if they don't want daddy to date. Help me make heads or tails of all of this. I've never been in this kind of situation before and I don't know if I should stay in touch with him or give him space. (I've given "space" before and it didn't work out, so I'm not sure if this is the right way to handle things.) Can you help me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Crafts for a non-crafty person?

    I would love to do something crafty--paint, draw, make decorative things, etc. Unfortunately, I am basically non-talented. I'm not artistic in the least and I don't really have a decorative eye, so I can't see a bowl, a piece of ribbon and some raffia and make a beautiful table arrangement. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do something really cool craft-wise, while not being overly artistic? Or at least some web sites that might be helpful? Thanks!

    8 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • I need some hairstyle/haircut suggestions!

    I have straight, long hair (to my waist) that I'm going to cut and donate to Locks of Love. I need some suggestions for a cut. My hair is really thick, so when a stylist cuts layers, it just looks like chunks of hair here and there, not flowing layers. I've had long hair for so long that I don't want to chop it all off into a chin length bob. Plus I don't want to have to spend a lot of time on in the mornings. I also have short bangs, not side bangs that are popular right now. I'd like something that is still past my shoulders, but looks current and up to date. I've looked at hairstyling magazines and internet photos, but I don't see anything that I think I'd like. Can you help me please?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Seatbelt law vs. motorcycle helmet law?

    In Indiana, why do I need a seatbelt while driving or riding in a car, but when I ride my motorcycle, a helmet is not required? To me, that makes no sense. I'm much more protected in my car, where I need a seatbelt, but when there's nothing between me and the road on my cycle, a helmet is optional. Personally, I think if you're over 25, you should be able to make your own decision about seatbelts or helmets. If I'm traveling on the highway on my motorcycle, the chances of me surviving a crash, with or without a helmet, are pretty slim. What does everyone else think?

    4 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • American Idol on its way out?

    Is it just me, or does American Idol seem to have run its course? I've watched faithfully since Season 2, but this year, I couldn't care less whether I watch or not. Last year was borderline at best with the whole Sanjaya thing going on, but there's no one that really stands out for me this year. Does anyone else feel like this?

    10 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Obama visits Indiana?

    Barack Obama will be visiting Plainfield, Indiana on Saturday, March 15, 2008. What do you think is the significance of Obama visiting Plainfield, Indiana and Plainfield being the headquarters of the Islamic Society of North America? Does anyone else find that slightly odd? Or just a coincidence? Why not visit Indianapolis? After all, that is the state capital and the hub of the state government. Does anyone know why Obama picked Plainfield? Just curious.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Democratic nominees for President?

    I have no clue who to vote for in the primary. I like the thought of having a woman for President, but is Hillary the right one? I like the thought of having a black President, but just Barack's name creeps me out. Yeah, I know he didn't choose his own name, but having a man with a Muslim-sounding name running the United States sounds weird to me. Is John Edwards the right choice just by process of elimination when you don't think the other two candidates are the right choice ? So tell me who you like and what you think that candidate's best quality is. If I feel your passion enough to sway my vote, you'll get 10 points!

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Menopause age?

    Is 45 too young to start going through menopause? I've experienced a few symptoms, but don't know if 45 is too young, or it could be something else. I've never had children either and I read somewhere where that could make a difference. Ladies...any thoughts?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Who else can't wait for the new season of The Girls Next Door?

    The new season starts tonight and I can't wait. I've been watching the reruns, but after seeing them 3 and 4 times, they're getting old. What would like to see happen this season? Will Hef ever actually propose to Holly? Do you think Kendra will move out?

    8 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • How can I be more productive in my daily life?

    I don't think I'm lazy, I just don't seem to have drive and/or ambition even to do everyday chores. I used to pay bills as soon as they came in, I never let dishes pile up in my sink, etc. Nowadays, I don't always get my bills paid on time, I can go days without washing dishes (although I am single and there's not that many dishes anyway), and other simple, everyday chores seem to pile up. At work, I'm the exact opposite; I'm conscientious, hard-working, and dependable. My desk is neat and tidy at the end of the day, and if something that's not necessarily on my job description needs done, I do it. But I guess since there's no one at home but me, I don't feel the need to do anything. (And I'm not depressed! I've been on depression medicine before, so I know the signs!) Can you help me with any suggestions? I don't want to be like this. My father would be so disappointed in me. I'm at my wit's end!

    3 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Old (not anime) Japanese cartoon?

    I have a vague memory of this Japanese cartoon from the very late 1960s or 1970s. It was about a family and I think the dad would be put in a situation and have to fight the bad guys. I don't think he was your typical crime fighter. At the end of the cartoon, he would recite a little saying and say "Arigato". The music was even Japanese sounding. I don't know if it was a American-produced Japanese-inspired cartoon or a Japanese cartoon translated into English. When I type "Japanese cartoon", I get anime listings, and it definitely wasn't anime. Can you help me figure this out before I loose my mind?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Dream or memory?

    My dad died 3 years ago and we were very close. I had a dream 3 nights ago about him. Here goes: it was winter and my dad had started my car and let it warm up, cleaned the snow off my car and pulled the car into the driveway. When I went outside, he stood up, smiled and waved at me and I smiled in return. But that's all I remember. The car was in fact a car I used to own, and he used to start it and clean it off for me. He was retired but enjoyed being busy. I never asked him to clean my car off, it was just something he said he wanted to do. So was my mind just playing a pleasant memory playing while I was asleep or a dream with a hidden meaning?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • How to fight the frizzies?

    I have long (halfway down my back), dark blonde, straight hair. However it is prone to get very frizzed in the least little bit of humidity. I've tried several products, including one I really liked, but can no longer find. What is a good anti-frizz product that won't give a greasy look, or weigh my hair down and make it look flatter than it already is, but keep the frizzies at bay?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Can caffeine help asthma symptoms?

    A co-worker said that her daughter's asthma improved since she switched from decaffeinated beverages to ones with caffeine. Has anyone else heard of this? Has anyone else found this to be true?

    11 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • How can I keep my Shih-Tzu from getting into the garbage?

    She is 3 years old, and loves digging through the garbage. I've only had her for 4 months, so I don't know if this is a new habit or not. Short of putting the garbage cans on counters, tables, etc., which is unsanitary, does anybody know of a solution to keep her from getting into the trash?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago