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thinking of moving out?
I am already 26, already graduated from uni and had already worked for a couple of years.
I used to have a job but because my father doesn't like me to work for long hours so he been nagging me to quit for about a year. He had even keep called to my office and leaving so many message that all my colleague gossip about it! This is only one of the way he interfere with my life, had had also tried to interfere with the way I dress, my hairstyle...etc
Anyway, eventually I had give in and resigned. But after being idle for 2 months, it is so miserable that I had found another job.
I haven't told my father about my job offer for the time being. I am thinking of moving out instead so that he won't be able to interfere with my life again. In fact, I have been thinking of moving out for quite some time already, but I never bring myself to really doing it.
Any word of encouragement to make me feel the determination and courage to move out finally?
2 AnswersFamily1 decade agohow to shown 2 different job title in the same company on the resume?
how to show 2 different job title in the same company on the resume? Or should I just show my latest job title?
I am doing exactly the same things, getting the same salary, and super unhappy about it.
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoI have dreamed that my ex-bf is getting marry...?
In my dream, my ex bf is going to get marry and I feel very sad. So, a friend came to console me, and ended up having sex.
What do u think this dream mean? In real life, I have broken up with my ex long time ago, and I haven't seen my ex since last x'mas, and even though he is in my msn, we never chat.
While the friend who console me in my dream, there is totally nothing going on between us. We go out togethere with a group of friend occasionally, and we chat alot in msn, but that's it.
7 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoHang out in Tanjong Pagar after work?
Hi! Any good recommendation on places to hang out in Tanjong Pagar after work? Just found a job there, not sure anything fun around there.
6 AnswersSingapore1 decade agoStop my kitten from attacking people?
My kitten is attacking people all the time! This morning she bite my hand when I am filling up her dish with cat food. She was sitting on my lap just now and suddently she jump up and scratch my face!
I now have this scratch mark on my face :(
Is there any way to make the kitten behave? At least stop scratching and bitting people?
11 AnswersCats1 decade agolooking for private driving instructor in Singapore?
Can anyone give me contact number for private driving instructor? I intend to take my driving test (manual) at SSDC. Thank you.
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoLooking For Private Driving Instructor?
Can you give me contact number for private driving instructor? I intend to take my driving test (manual) at SSDC.
2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoMy Kitten can't drink from a dish?
I have been feeding formula to my kitten using a bottle for the past few weeks, and is now staring to give it solid food. The kitten can eat from a dish, but it keep sneezing when trying to drink water or formula from the dish.
Is it because the kitten is use to drinking from a bottle or is it still too young to drink from a tray? (it's about 6 weeks old)
9 AnswersCats1 decade agoStrange sonund from my kitten?
When I was holding my kitten, I notice there is a strange sound coming from its body.. like an engine sound and it's non-stop.
Is this normal?
14 AnswersCats1 decade agomy kitten is meowing non stop?
Just get a new kitten a couple of days ago, that I guess it is less than one month old (very small). The kitten had been meowing almost non stop and is following me around the house.
I think the kitten didn't eat the cat food or the milk too, I had only saw it drinking a bit of water.
Any suggestion? (most important of all, get it to stop meowing non stop)
15 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhat's the best way to remove acne scars?
I had serious acen problem when I was a teenage. Now that I am in my 20's, I doesn't have much acen, but my face is left with some acen scars which I am not very happy with it.
What are the methods to remove acne scars, and which do you think is the best?
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoPls help me think of something to say to my ex?
Well, my ex had sms-ed me a couple of weeks ago, so we had exchange a few sms asking each other how you are..etc
I really want to say some more things, but I can't really think of anything to say, can anyone give me some idea for our conversation topic?
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago