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Lv 55,452 points

Alex Death

Favorite Answers15%
  • Are there any websites that can explain more about transgenders?

    My mother is a VERY narrow minded person. I need something to explain to her... she won't listen to me.

  • Is emotional abuse on children illegal, if (so/not) what can be done?

    Please help me. Any thing you know of it.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do I sound like I have a slight mango allergy?

    I'm usually ok with the red-green kind, but I usually have issues with dried mango and fresh yellow mango (they're sort if pair shaped).

    But for somereason, frozen mango is totally fine with me.

    My symptoms are:

    -bad tingly feeling in throat, it feels like I need to throw up but really can't

    -I feel like I need to lie down, I could be all hyped up one moment, eat a mango, and need to sit down in 2 minutes.

    -my hand that had mango juice drip a little on it kind of tingles

    -my face feels, and look slightly, more puffy

    -dryer throat

    -a little restricted breathing... I just ate one, it's slowly getting worse, this is what made me ask, I'm a little mind-fogged now, aswell.

    Is this normal (as in do a lot of people have an allergy like this if it indeed is one)?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Can someone tell me what a "Jain eater" is?

    I saw a "Jain vegan" and it made me curious.


    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Why are there so many "Am I bisexual" questions today, was there a TV show on it or something?

    It's coming up a lot today... It makes me wonder if there was something on TV, like how the opera show caused a lot of people in the Vegetarian and vegan section to go vegan... Is there a TV show making people question their sexuality?

    I've been a genuine bisexual, confirmed with myself and finally accepted it, for 2years now... And these questions are making me confused all over again.

  • How can I stop my mother from restricting me so much?

    I'm not allowed to go out side if nobody is home, just on our own street, to roller blade when shell only be gone for 10 minutes. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I know is allowed to even go down town all alone... I can't even go on my own street.

    She is VERY stereo typical to genders, and I have to fight for my own clothing. And hair length.

    She cares what other people think... So if I look a little "off" she tells me to fix myself.

    Im not allowed to date until I'm 18

    My laptop isn't allowed in my ro any more, even though it's been in there for 2 years already, she randomly took it away for no reason... Just because she can.

    I can put a bunch of noticeable streaks in my hair, but I can't dye the whole thing a natural Color because she doesn't like it, and I should somewhat fit her image, to her...(I understand with hair dye and dont stress it, but it doesn't seem right... Noticable colors are allowed, but no blonde or black?)

    If I where gay I wouldn't be allowed to come out until I'm 18....

    Help me?

    14 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Can you call for help somehow on emotional abuse?

    Any way possible? Under the age of 18 and living with parents.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Can you move out at an early age from home under any circumstances?

    I was curious, can you move out of home early age for emotional pain, rejection, ect? If so, how old would you have to be for this?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to stay raw vegan on a long-term, different country school trip?

    We're going somewhere around the french area. I don't know too many details; as I was only invited to join them due to the fact I know the mother hosting it very well. But we had already accepted and paid the 4,000 dollars (plane ticket fees, for the restaurants, money converted into their dollars, hotel... ect)

    I didn't think when I accepted, so I'm really wondering for tips, please? I know they'll be going to a lot of special restaurants...

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • What happens when you use the LGBT California Youth Law?

    Information about it here:

    (Under the section "The California model—The Mental Health Services for At-Risk Youth Act")

    I was curious... how exactly would the process of therapy and treatments go? And what about the parents knowing or not, and if parents don't find out, then how would you get "there" to get help?

  • If I tell my therapist I'm suicidal, will I get sent to a suicide place?

    Please don't give me religious answers, or tell me there is a reason to live... I'm not looking for that. But thank you, if you are that kind of person who clicked.

    By suicide place, I mean where you get sent for 3 months or so... for being suicidal so they can help you and give forced counceling...

    I just want to know... I've almost killed myself in the past week and self harm, would that get me sent? I'm too scared to tell my family... they aren't too nice and understanding of others feelings, from my experience.

    Thanks. xx

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • EXTREME caffine over dose please help, what to do?

    Today I had tried Stackers 2's B12 diet supplement. I don't drink anything with caffine, so my body is completely not used to it. And I'm a raw vegan, so my body is not used to artificial substances aside vitamin pills. I tried it because I got it for christmas (parents... please don't ask) and I thought "Hey, why not?"

    It says on the back it has more caffine than a cup of coffee. I'm guessing a lot more, because it has been 6 hours and I've been dizzy, very dehydrated (I've been drinking a lot of water), and didn't sleep at all last night before I had taken it. I'm also shaking.

    Please, please help me! I've tried laying down alot but it gets worse!

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Help convincing very strict parents to go RAW vegan?

    Hello! :)

    I've been a vegan for a year, and would really like to go raw vegan.

    But, my parents are the kind that have never even met a vegan, and my family knows nothing about nutrition (they are the kind who are all either naturally slim or just stay over weight), and don't know a thing about veganism except the myths that "all vegans suffer from lack of nutrition"... (and that we don't consume or use animal products)

    And well, to put it plainly, this is how they think:

    -It doesn't matter if theres protein in your bread (or something else), protein must strictly come from soy [edame ( I'm sure I spelled that wrong)] beans, or your vegan bocca (Uhg... processed to the max) burgers, or peanutbutter (still not lovin' it :( )

    -It will *ALWAYS* lack nutrition, the stuff our planet originally coped out for us apparently can't be enough for me...

    -It can't be filling.

    -I'll become deadly thin. (I know about the whole vegan skinny, and the "skinny b**ch" diet, but I don't care for that. And I've seen other raw vegans prove that wrong...)

    Ect, other vegan myths...

    What I'm asking for is an educational website for begginers in raw veganism for my parents to read, I really hate the taste of processed foods like the bocca I have to eat, the bread, peanutbutter... and I want to be healthier!

    I DO pay attention to how many grahams of protein I get, how many fruits and veggies (Well, thats already 90% of my diet, but I still make sure), my calcium intake, zinc, ect ,ect, ect, even take extra vitamin pills just in case.

    I know my parents care, so please don't try to convince me to not...

    I'm trying to find them a good website to help them understand my point, here, rather than just saying "No, forget you, I'm doing what I want, who cares if you're concerned."

    Thanks so much! :)

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Why cant the imaginary axis be moved so the earth is not considered tilted at a 23.5 angle all the time?

    Any answers appreciated, couldn't find it else where! Needed for a school project, thank you so much! :)

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • please help me... I hate the starve binge cycle?

    I need some kind of "Pro ana" friend... NOT to lose weight... but somebody who has problem's, too, and we can listen to each other, or they are willing to help me... Please its getting worse and I don't want to fall under the category of "ANOREXIA"... Please!!

    For the past year I've been manageing a 900 calorie diet, and recently dropped to 800.

    Today, for some reason, I just ate too much in the morning... no big deal right? Only 500 calories... for the rest of the day I'll eat nothing untill its dinner time where I'll just have my usual dinner to match 800 calories.

    But... I didn't stop.

    Oreos, apples, bananas, soy milk, oat meal, Salt Water taffy (Oh god, a quater of a bag... so much transfat), Dark chocolate, a veggie bag, graham crackers (both honey, regular and teddy graham), a whole pack of gum trying to stop it, a jar of sugar free smuckers jelly, cayenne sauce (trying to boost my metabolism), a 100 calorie pack of nuts

    And I ate around 3,150 calories over all... I have never done this before. I've over eaten, but did that plan thing at the top I said I do to keep it at 800.

    I tried to through it up, but I couldn't... I really hit the back of my throught and went deep for around 30 mins but I couldn't do it. I even drank apple vinnigar and diet pepsi and water to try and help.

    I feel discusting.

    And I'm commonly so low on energy that I need heep loads of diet pepsi and green tea to make it.

    I want to stop...

    I'm only 13.

    I know I'm screwing up my metabolism so bad... I know I'm hurting myself...

    I'm afraid to get help. My family has been already having so much going on lately and I've been seen as "The angel child" for not causing any problems...

    But I'm an FTM trans, bi, and don't want to hurt them...

    Somebody please help me! I don't want to hurt my friends and family! Please!! How can I stop this?!

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Will my bread make a gain weight?

    I've been on whole grain bread for a while, but recently bought multi-grain believing it would be about the same... obviously I'm wrong, there.

    Its Fiber One brand, so it has 40 something percent of daily fiber needed, and I only eat a slice a day at lunch, and I watch my calorie intake very well...

    Will I gain weight if I just finish this loaf and then move back to whole grain?


    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • My parents think I don't eat enough?

    I don't get this.

    When I used to be over weight by 30 pounds, litterally ate everything but health food in sight, they didn't give a single care about what I ate.

    Now I'm the perfect weight, vegan, and they freak out consistantly.

    I didn't lose weight too fast, I actually lost it pretty slow.

    I eat ALL my serving of fruits and veggies (I check) get all my protein, take pills they make me take for "assurence in my health" or some crap...

    They're so frustrating!! They say they never see me eat, but I eat all day! Do I actually need to start stuffing my face in front of them?! Become fat again?!

    Please help me tell them what they need to know... they are REALLY frustrating me...

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago