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  • PLease Help! I need your advice? Becoming Vegetarian without forcing it on my children??

    I have for a while been considering the idea of becoming a Vegetarian.I really don't eat red meat anyway.I may still eat fish or poultry occasionally(therefore maybe I'll become semi-vegetarian,still havent decided).

    My issue is that It isnt a choice I want to force on my 3 children,PLus Im concerned that they will be losing out nutritionally..But I also dont want to prepare separate meals.Any ideas on how I can do this?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I need your advice please!!!!! PLease help?

    I have for a while been considering the idea of becoming a Vegetarian.I really don't eat red meat anyway.I may still eat fish or poultry occasionally(therefore maybe I'll become semi-vegetarian,still havent decided).

    My issue is that It isnt a choice I want to force on my 3 children,PLus Im concerned that they will be losing out nutritionally..But I also dont want to prepare separate meals.Any ideas on how I can do this?

    also any vegetarian dinner ideas/recipes?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • underground electric fence or wireless fence for my dog?

    im for sure getting one or the much area does a wireless fence cover?which is a better deal?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Electric Fencing for my dog?

    I have a 7mt old boxer he is between 50-60Lbs.(He was 50 at 4 mts,hasnt been weighed since).He minds well,and is trained to stay in the yard when Im outside with him.But if Im not outside he will run next door to the neighbors yard to play with other dogs.Myself nor the neighbor minds,except he has to cross the lane to get next door and I witnessed my dog chasing a car the other day,And I would like to continue letting him outdoors when Im still inside.I am thinking of an electric fence but I have no idea where to look,how strong of a current,how much to get and What kind to get.Any suggestions?

    I only need enough to cover between 1-2 acres..

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What kind of Laptop should I buy?

    I will be using it for many different things.School,music and basic internet surfing..And I want a dvd burner..I don't know exactly what to look for as far as RAM and all that stuff...So could anyone offer me any suggestions?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What to consider when buying a laptop..?

    I have a home computer and I want a laptop..what do I need to consider when comparing laptops before buying??

    7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • are online schools worth it?

    Im currently a Nursing Assistant and a single mother to 3 kids.I barely have time to take a relaxing shower let alone go back to school.I have been considering online schools but I fear that they are a waste of time or better yet,not credited enough to find a decent job afterwards.I will recieve financial aid.And I would hate to waste money and time on something that will not better my future.Has anyone taken online classes,graduated or found a great career afterwards?

    I appreciate all answers but I am seeking answers from people who have actually done this? Thanks to all

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • List of Love songs..?

    One of the gifts I am giving my boyfriend for valentines day is a mix cd of love songs that remind me of him..I cant think of many and would like to hear a different variety so i can decide..anyone have any suggestions of love songs?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What caused him to act like this?

    today i broke up with my My (ex)boyfriend of 6 mts who had recently been staying with me.HE grabbed me and held me down on the couch.(i,who was previously in an abusive relationship) viewed the incident as a RED FLAG.therefore i requested he get his things and leave.he from that point started calling me names.slutt,dumb,*****.Even going as far to say that im cute but my body isnt,that he should have been with one of my sisters that they both look better than me,that the sex wasnt great,blah blah blah..eventually i started crying,and yelling for him to leave.he even told me "stop crying your fake crocodile tears" he laughed in my face..and so much more.

    after the incident he left and came back,broke into my home. asking to talk..i agreed,he began arguing claiming he said it all out of anger..i said i still wouldnt tolerate it and he began calling me names friend showed up and he that point he began calling,texting and emailing,claiming to be sorry.i once answered the phone,he began to apologize adn be nice up until i said i wouldnt accept,he then started the bashing again.he said it was for everything i put him through.

    IS this behavior normal?

    is it simply anger or does he really feel that the things he said were true?

    he has truly broken me down emotionally..and im hurt.I never expected this.I thought he was the "one"

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how should i cut my hair?

    Im a mother of 3,i cut my hair into a short bob 9 mts ago when i had my daughter and i i kept it up for a few months but it actually seemed harder to manage than long hair because i could always pull long hair back.Well now the cut has grown out,and i need a trim,but im debating on growing it back out or getting an easier to manage medium length style.Im still young and would like a stylish look thats easy to manage.I am also coloring it and have no clue as to what to do.Any ideas,pics or websites i can go to?Thanks

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • AM i overreacting? Do i expect too much from him?

    I love my boyfriend very much.We have only been together going on about 6 mts now.In the beginning we lived about an hour away and seen each other on the weekends or every couple of weeks.Well he decided he wanted to stay closer so He recently began staying with me( so he could find a job over in my area and get an apartment closer to me).

    I have 3 children.I dont get out much unless its to grocery shop or go to work.He on the other hand has no children, and hangs out with friends and family often(this i do not mind) But at times he doesnt come in until after midnight or around 2am.(I find this upsetting).He doesnt see the problem since it isnt an EVERYDAY thing.Am i over reacting,is this behavior that I should find normal and okay?

    We dont get much time together,so our time is when my kids go to sleep at 8pm from then on.But he sometimes doesnt even call me,and i sit up waiting for him.It hurts my feelings. We have talked about this and he just left because it ended in arguement,(he says im picking at little things). Im extremely confused if this is the type of relationship i want.I love him dearly.But i feel like we are going downhill.

    (My childrens father used to do the same thing,except more often.Plus he also was abusive physically,and emotionally and i left him) I kinda feel like things are the same with my boyfriend except for the abuse?? And when my childrens father was out he was cheating.Now i do trust my current boyfriend (yet i asked him was there someone else,he said no,but was hesitant at first and sked me why i would ask that)but i cant help but wonder what keeps him out so late? Any advice???


    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What exactly do Mormons believe?

    I ask because 3 woman just came to my house and i talked to them ffor about 20 mins about jesus christ,whom i do have faith in,but i wouldnt say i have a set religion..maybe baptist,but all in all i will consider myself christian. Anyway,they kinda freaked me out.Gave me the heebie jeebies,the way they talked kinda reminded me of a cult or something.Then they gave me a book and i gave them my phone number to come by again(why,i dont know) i kinda felt like God would be mad if i didnt.But now i regret it.

    So what exactly do they believe? Are they like a cult? And how do i tell them politely not to come by again without offending them,and explaining that i have a faith in jesus but im not mormon?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My male Puppy Boxer is showing signs of Dominance Aggression.Help!?

    Ok i have a Male Boxer puppy.Had him since he was 8weeks exact.He is around 14 weeks and at times,though not often he will bark and growl at me when i correct him.Or Discipline him.

    I didnt find it a BIG problem until i was reading my boxer handbook and it said that was a sign of dominance aggression and if it continues it will see humans as prey ( and try to hunt to KILL)

    This worries me and I love the hell outta my puppy,I also have 3 children and he is a family pet and the biggest cuddler ever,sweet as anything.and i would hate this behavior to continue.

    ANy suggestions on how show i am above him in comand?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Cant read my yahoo mail..font is tooo tiny?

    Ok so i went into my yahoo mail but i can barely read the email because it is soooooo tiny.How do i fix this? Thanks to anyone who can help?

    2 AnswersPreferences and Settings1 decade ago
  • Halloween Costume ideas?

    My boyfriend and I may be attending a Halloween party if we can figure out what to be..any ideas.preferably a coupling idea??

    5 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • Am i Bisexual?(2nd opinion)?

    I had to rephrase my question.Basically I love men,I love my boyfriend.And im attracted to woman to the point where im tempted to consider myself Bi.Yet i dont feel right saying that i am,being that i havent actually been intimate on a sexual level with another woman..So would that still make me Bisexual being that i havent actually been with another woman?

    (My boyfriend stated he isnt objectable to me having a girlfriend(just not a commited relationship) and im actually excited to that fact and would like to meet a woman)

  • Would you consider me Bisexual?


    Ive never been with another woman,but im not at all opposed to it. I would most definitely let a woman perform oral on me not so sure about returning the favor(yet im not ultimatly opposed to that either..depending on the woman). I am attracted to women..i think we are beautiful beings period.I have been having dreams about sexual encounters,and i've even fantasized about it,which might i add was pretty

    Ive expressed this to my boyfriend,and he says he thinks im Bi..which he totally loves..

    so my question these things really qualify me as a bisexual.I dont know whether to say i am if i havent had an intimate relationship with another woman yet?

  • Female opinion ONLY plz?

    Do you think it is possible to have and maintain a friendship ONLY relationship with a man(whom might I add you had been sexual with in the past)? Why or Why not?

  • Male opinion ONLY plz?

    Do you think it is possible to have and maintain an ONLY friends,friendship with a woman(whom might i add you have been sexual with in the past)? Why or Why not?

  • is this a yeast infection or something more?

    First let me start off by saying that within the past 2 weeks my boyfriend and i just began to have sex unprotected(so my concern for std is quite high right now).3 days ago i woke up and when i went into the kitchen i had a watery discharge drip down my thighs,it smelled horrible,i could have thrown up..i assumed it was because he had *** inside me the night before and i hadnt showered yet.So i just proceeded to shower after breakfast assuming all would be well later...WRONG.

    even after showering i could smell it (through my jeans also).THis worries the hell out of me.Odor has never been a problem of mine,so i know off top that something is wrong.Not only is there odor but i developed itching,pain,and generalized raw feeling on my labia and vulva area with a clumpy white discharge..I assumed it was a yeast infection at this point(but i had one during my pregnancy and dont remember this odor) but then the discharge changed and other thinhgs occured so here is a quick overview of my signs and symptoms:

    *- Foul odor (not necessarily fishy,more like something ROTTiNg) you can smell through pants/jeans

    *-Discharge(varies in quantity,color and texture) slightly bloody at times

    *-Pain,itching,& redness on labia and vulva area

    *-Pain during intercourse(already an issue,he is quite large)now its more due to irritation also

    any ideas of what it could be?

    i am calling my gyno in the morning still so concerned

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago