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  • can my boss take my vehicle?

    My boss put up the money for my vehicle. I signed a non notarized agreement with him that he has placed an encumbrance on the vehicle until I have paid off my debt to him through payroll deductions. He was expecting the title to come to him in the mail, which he would give to me upon final payment.

    However, the title came to me. It is in my name and his name is not on it anywhere. The vehicle is registered to me also. So all he has is the typed up agreement that we signed. The agreement states no encumbrance terms or details other than its release upon final payment.

    I have been offered employment elsewhere and want to take it. My current boss now says that if I go work for someone else then I will have to leave my vehicle on his property and not have access to it until I have paid him all the money I owe.

    Can he legally do what he says? Or, am I legally allowed to possess and keep driving my vehicle while paying him off, regardless of how I am making the payments to him?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • anybody else having this difficulty?

    not philosophical, granted. but this is my typical forum.

    difficulty: posting edits to answers. is anybody else running into a problem here when you edit an answer you've given; getting it to post, that is?


    3 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • can quality of life be maintained if work quality is ignored for money?

    at work i always strive to produce a quality product as fast as i comfortably can. but i am pressured to lower quality in order to cut costs.

    it is MY job, and this is MY life. they both involve my integrity and character.

    now, a work partner tells me that he usually puts quality of performance aside, due to the pressure to just get a job done as fast as possible. i figure that he is smarter than i am, because apparently he knows things i do not know. for one, how to sell out on quality in favor of income which he then exchanges for quality of life.

    but see, his thinking this sounds to me like running in a wheel and getting nowhere, or moreover like giving up freedom in favor of security in order to have freedom. people who understand the sense in such things understand more than i do.

    so, help me here. considered from ideological and practical points of view alike, is it possible to have quality of life if quality is given up in the pursuit of money to buy quality of life?


    5 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • how can i deal with a difficult boss?

    this is not a philosophical matter, but this forum is my usual y/a haunt.

    please give me your opinions about how to deal with my difficult boss. my work function is largely painting. the company i work for provides numerous construction services, and i am the only painter on the crew. i am good at what i do, and i always try to look out for my boss' best interests.

    but my boss often interprets my efforts in negative ways, and speaks to me condescendingly and as though he thinks i am trying to screw him over somehow. as though i am some kid who is "up to something" and who needs the hammer brought down. but i am 56 years old and have a strong ethical sense. it's as though my boss is so used to people being always on the take, so to speak, that a guy like me seems to him to just be a manipulator.

    today i had a bad experience with him, resulting once again from trying to conserve his expenses. he would not listen to my explanation, called me a liar, and jumped down my throat, completely missing the point, and then refusing to discuss it further, as though my persistence in my point of view was just wasting his time and amounted to dishonesty.

    to me this is no good way for an employer to treat somebody. i feel misunderstood, and angry, and i feel as though my job security is threatened.

    the dilemma is in putting up with it and therefore just inviting more of the same, or getting in his face so to speak and therefore possibly losing my income. standardly recommended, calm assertiveness gets nowhere with him, for he takes such approaches to be just crying and bitching -- another waste of his time. i know this because other employees have tried.

    how do you recommend to handle employers who are like this?


    5 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • worms coming out through skin?

    i just heard that a member of my family is in the hospital with multiple problems, one being that worms are crawling out through the skin on his abdomen. has anyone heard of this?

    when i was a young teenager i suddenly felt my leg burning badly. i pulled down my pants and saw my skin moving in a manner that looked like worms crawling under my skin. the effect went away in mintues. could this be related to what is happening to my relative right now in the hospital?


    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • currrent events----sexual violence in the u.s. military?

    greetings Y/A philosophy cohorts. this is not a philosophical question, but phil is my main forum and i want responses from some of you with whom i have familiarity.

    when i was in the u.s. navy, females were not allowed in combat positions or to serve on combat ships. the reason had to do with sexuality. i.e., the close proximity of males and females would decrease focus on the job at hand, and could lead to a variety of social problems that would get in the way of performance.

    the same idea carried throughout the other branches of the military. regardless of its stated goal (peace), the military's means is assault, aggression, domination and violence. the idea was that if men and women alike were side by side, in uniform, engaged in such means, distraction from duty and eventually sexual violence would enter into play.

    but women fought for equality in all areas of life, including the right to be in combat with men. and they finally were allowed in. now it is in the u.s. news that the quantity of sexual crimes in our armed forces is alarming and horid. women are under sexual assault left and right.

    i saw it coming. to me, it is a no-brainer. it is no surprise. it is not shocking. in my opinion, it is the inevitable result of putting women into combat positions with men.

    SO MY QUESTION IS THIS did anyone else see it coming? or does it come as a big surprise to you?

    ALSO MY QUESTION IS, should women be taken back out of combat positions?

    3 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • currrent events----sexual violence in the u.s. military?

    when i was in the u.s. navy, females were not allowed in combat positions or to serve on combat ships. the reason had to do with sexuality. i.e., the close proximity of males and females would decrease focus on the job at hand, and could lead to a variety of social problems that would get in the way of performance.

    the same idea carried throughout the other branches of the military. regardless of its stated goal (peace), the military's means is assault, aggression, domination and violence. the idea was that if men and women alike were side by side, in uniform, engaged in such means, distraction from duty and eventually sexual violence would enter into play.

    but women fought for equality in all areas of life, including the right to be in combat with men. and they finally were allowed in. now it is in the u.s. news that the quantity of sexual crimes in our armed forces is alarming and horid. women are under sexual assault left and right.

    i saw it coming. to me, it is a no-brainer. it is no surprise. it is not shocking. in my opinion, it is the inevitable result of putting women into combat positions with men.

    SO MY QUESTION IS THIS did anyone else see it coming? or does it come as a big surprise to you?

    ALSO MY QUESTION IS, should women be taken back out of combat positions?

    2 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • currrent events----sexual violence in the u.s. military?

    when i was in the u.s. navy, females were not allowed in combat positions or to serve on combat ships. the reason had to do with sexuality. i.e., the close proximity of males and females would decrease focus on the job at hand, and could lead to a variety of social problems that would get in the way of performance.

    the same idea carried throughout the other branches of the military. regardless of its stated goal (peace), the military's means is assault, aggression, domination and violence. the idea was that if men and women alike were side by side, in uniform, engaged in such means, distraction from duty and eventually sexual violence would enter into play.

    but women fought for equality in all areas of life, including the right to be in combat with men. and they finally were allowed in. now it is in the u.s. news that the quantity of sexual crimes in our armed forces is alarming and horid. women are under sexual assault left and right.

    i saw it coming. to me, it is a no-brainer. it is no surprise. it is not shocking. in my opinion, it is the inevitable result of putting women into combat positions with men.

    SO MY QUESTION IS THIS did anyone else see it coming? or does it come as a big surprise to you?

    ALSO MY QUESTION IS, should women be taken back out of combat positions?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • currrent events----sexual violence in the u.s. military?

    when i was in the u.s. navy, females were not allowed in combat positions or to serve on combat ships. the reason had to do with sexuality. i.e., the close proximity of males and females would decrease focus on the job at hand, and could lead to a variety of social problems that would get in the way of performance.

    the same idea carried throughout the other branches of the military. regardless of its stated goal (peace), the military's means is assault, aggression, domination and violence. the idea was that if men and women alike were side by side, in uniform, engaged in such means, distraction from duty and eventually sexual violence would enter into play.

    but women fought for equality in all areas of life, including the right to be in combat with men. and they finally were allowed in. now it is in the u.s. news that the quantity of sexual crimes in our armed forces is alarming and horid. women are under sexual assault left and right.

    i saw it coming. to me, it is a no-brainer. it is no surprise. it is not shocking. in my opinion, it is the inevitable result of putting women into combat positions with men.

    SO MY QUESTION IS THIS did anyone else see it coming? or does it come as a big surprise to you?

    ALSO MY QUESTION IS, should women be taken back out of combat positions?

    5 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Today, AUG 1, is my birthday-----any suggestions?

    I have no family except my brother who does not remember my birthday. Unfortunate events have occurred on my last couple birthdays. I am a bit low on funds. I took off work today and would like the day to have some special recognition.

    I hope all is going well with you today.

    6 AnswersOther - Holidays9 years ago
  • Today, Aug 1, is my birthday--any suggestions?

    I have no family except my brother who does not remember my birthday, I am a bit low on funds, and unfortunate events have occurred on my last few birthdays. I took off work, and would like today to have some special recognition.

    This is not an R&S question, I know. But this is one of the forums where some members might recognize my user name.

    I hope all is going well for you today.


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Today, Aug 1, is my birthday--any suggestions?

    I have no family except my brother who does not remember my birthday, and i am a bit low on funds. Unfortunate events have occurred on my last few birthdays, and i want today to have some special recognition. I took of work. Anything else?

    True, this is not a philosophical question. But this forum is my usual Y/A haunt, and so is where the most members will recognize my user name. Thank you everybody for your tolerance over this.

    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Who would have thought?

    that God would write a book? Especially when apparently God can speak directly to people.

    Why would God have ghost writers, or Holy ghost writers?

    Why would God have a book written and want it called a word, or moreover THE word?

    I wrote a book, but do not call it my word.

    and if i used a ghost writer it would be because there was some difficulty with me communicating more directly with people, or difficulty with my ability to be clear, leaving connotation and denotation up to the writer's discretion.

    TO SUM, who would have thought all this writing and word stuff on God's part would make sense, when it simply doesn't add up? does it to you?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • the miracle of "channeling God"----fascinating?

    is it fascinating to you that when somebody here asks "what God says about" such and so, inevitably somebody falls into step and provides a plethora of bible verses, as though it is intersubjectively confirmed that all writers of the bible channeled a being named God, verbatim, without cognitive distortion, and wrote every word exactly as given, and no translation discrepancies have ever crept in regardless of the existence of varying translations?

    i think it is.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • financial aid question?

    i have a b.a. in philosophy from UC Berkeley, and a b.s. in business info technology from DeVry in Phoenix. i owe my Ford loan and have for years and cannot pay. no employment in either degree.

    i called about student loans for a master's and was told i had used up all my available money already in getting my two bachelors'. but some other people who have gone through grad school tell me otherwise.

    what is your educated guess over this?


    1 AnswerFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • Cunning linguistics--what do these 3 expressions have in common?

    1.Do Good's deeds live on? No, Evil's deeds do, O God.

    2.Live, O Devil, revel ever, live, do evil.

    3.Reviled did I live, said I, as evil I did deliver.

    the answer has nothing to do with evil.

    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Need occult insight into a terrifying childhood experience. What was its cause?

    I was 8. APR 1, 1967 I woke up fully and suddenly at 4am. I could not move my body; only my eyes. I could not call for help. My arms were under the blankets. My door was closed, but nobody had closed it. The fear that I would have felt normally was not present. My emotions were disconnected from me.

    it was unusually dark but I could see everything better than usual. my eyes scanned my things and I named them silently, over and over. My luminous clock face seemed to be my eyes' home position.

    each time I visually scanned the room the room, the room's atmosphere grew more intense, like something was winding up tightly. it got a sickly feel to it, like something ancient was seeping in.

    somehow I knew that something was going to happen, and I could not stop it. as the next hour approached, I knew it would happen exactly on the hour, whatever it was. my eyes settled on the clock face. Three, two, one....

    then all at once 1) a bright light like the sun flashed at the foot end of my bed. 2) my tucked-in blankets violently lifted from the bed, starting from around my neck. 3) i regained control of my body. 4) my arms shot upward and I barely grabbed my blankets at the end of my reach, and pulled then down around my neck. it took all my physical strength. 5) my emotions came rushing in-----FULL TERROR!

    Every 15 minutes exactly, the blankets yanked viciously at my hands. each time they slid out of my fingers a little more. My grip grew weaker each time, but so did the pulling. the last time barely pulled at all.

    then the sun came up and it was over.

    after that I slept with a light on. i always kept the door open, and my arms on top of the blankets

    Until exactly one year later, that is. for some reason I went to bed without a light on. and the whole thing happened again, exactly as before.

    When I was 17 i was put in a juvenile center for incorrigible kids. i became friends there with another kid my age, Tod Harris. we practice telepathy together.

    Tod and I had a lot in common. but he was dead set on doing things that were dark and dangerous and pessimistic, and I was the opposite.

    we were in a building that had ben a civil war hospital. many had died there back then. The staff knew the place was so called haunted. the worst was the attic and the basement. Tod and I had to clean the basement one night. he said he wanted to do telepathy with the ghosts.

    i said no way. I knew better. but he didn't listen to me. he did it. the vibe in the place got really sickly.

    then he wanted to do telepathy with the so called devil. devil or none, i warned him not to fool around like that. but he did it. I wanted to go upstairs but I could not leave him down there alone. he closed his eyes and soon had an episode that was like a seizure. but he did not have epilepsy. his eyes were wide open, looking at me. it didn't seem like Tod behind them. I had to put my fingers into his mouth to hold his tongue so that he could breathe.

    after some while he came out of it slowly. it took a good while before he could stand and walk. when he could talk he said he had done it, what he had set out to do. whatever.

    we made it upstairs finally, and I kept him hidden from the staff until he was coherent. the first thing he told me when he was coherent was something that happened to him starting at 4am on the morning of APR 1 when he was 8. (!!!) he told me the exact thing that had happened to me! he said it was related to what just had happened in the basement.

    I had never told him what happened to me that same might when we were 8! It had happened to him at the same time.

    but there were a couple of differences. he did not catch his blankets. I had always wondered what would have happened to mine if I had not caught them. his tore completely off his bed and flew flat against the wall and stayed there until the sun came up when they slowly slid to the floor. as soon as they had torn from his bed he saw a black, shadowy, human shaped figure standing beside him laughing silently until it dissolved into the dark. and, it did not happen to him the next year.

    I got out of the center after 7 months. they said I was a complete turnaround. but Tod had got sent on to juve jail where he tried to escape and was shot in the back and killed by a guard.

    i was like the bright side, Tod was like the dark side. it seemed to me that we had met at the center for this closure to happen. for me to know what happened to him and then for him to die and me to live. I had caught my blankets and had questions that he answered. he had not caught his. it seemed that I had won some cosmic battle but he had lost the same one.

    I have studied many possible explanations but still am not sure ---WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AND WHY?

    4 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years ago
  • Source of particles causing Earth's auroras---?

    --- 1) sun, or 2) inside Earth and passing out through polar openings?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • If you believe life has no meaning (more accurately, purpose), what about its polar opposite, i.e. death?

    some clarifications.

    1. I do not believe life has meaning on the grounds that meaning is a quality of only words, phrases and other symbols. But i believe that life has purpose beyond what intents or goals we make up for ourselves.

    2. If you believe that life has meaning, or more correctly, purpose, then i do not intend this question for you, although i welcome your answers if you want to take a hypothetical stance..

    3. mostly i am interested in finding out whether those people who propose that life has no purpose, whether or not they use the word meaning to denote the same thing, will then offer a purpose for the opposite in the same category. it would seem nonsensical to argue that death has purpose if life has none.

    4. of course the question assumes that a) there is such a thing as death, b) death is the polar opposite of life, and therefore c) life and death belong to the same category. (i realize that arguments exist against assumptions a, b, and c.) And d) those who believe that life has no purpose will probably accept the first three assumptions.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago