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  • I have no friends, i don't want to be here anymore. what can i do?

    I'm 25, i lost my mom 6 years ago and ever since i feel lost. I never had a girlfriend, and I moved to Jersey this year with my aunt and i have no friends. I go to bars and drink alone. I cry myself to sleep almost every night. I can't keep a job. Sometimes i just wanna go back to jail and stay there for the rest of my life. there is nothing out here for me. I have bipolar manic depression and just can't be happy. Also no insurance to get therapy. I'm just a mess. 

    9 AnswersMental Health2 months ago
  • Do you think after death there is another life?

    Not talking about heaven or anything. But a kind of reincarnation but on a different planet and as a different alien specie? Kinda makes death seem ok.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality11 months ago
  • Question about stimulus check?

    Irs website says my check is getting mailed today, so how long does it take for it to arrive in mail? 7 to 10 buissness days? Also does the check get mailed from my local IRS location? 

    2 AnswersUnited States12 months ago
  • Im stuck finding work?

    This has been going on even before the virus. Im 24, a convicted felon, have no experience in basically anything. Im not good at manuel labor (i really suck at digging). Longest job i ever had in my life was at an amusement park as a janitor for 7 months. I just dont know what to do. I have no GED or HS diploma. No money to get it. No transportation to get anywhere (i live with my brother). Im just stuck. I dont know what to do.

    30 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment12 months ago
  • Will i get a stimulus check?

    I never in my life filed taxes (im 24) cause i never made enough momey. Just signed up for it on irs website for mon filers. So i should get it then? Right?

    5 AnswersUnited States1 year ago
  • Is it possible to not be good at anything?

    I worked doing landscaping, irrigation, sales associate, dishwashing, etc..but i was never good at any of it. In every job my coworkers said im really slow and it made me depressed. The only job i could actually do was janitorial at an amusement park, but that didnt require skills or speed, just had to not complain about cleaning poop and taking out trash (which doesnt bother me at all). But is it possible to not have any skills? Im also a convicted felon so i cant do any other work but labor work.

    17 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 year ago
  • I want to die?

    Want too but cant get the courage to do it. Why dont hospitals help you instead of prolong your suffering. The doctors at my local hospital got tired of me coming into the mental ward every week and basically said "theres nothing we can do" been on every medication but ot doesnt help. I just dont know what to do anymore. Life would be better with me gone cause i hate cops and im constantly getting in trouble. Im what they call the enemy of the state and they are not wrong. So what can i do? 

    3 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • Do you think some people are just here to suffer?

    Hanging hurts, gun shots to the head are usally not deadly (due to missing the brain), i heard overdosing are people just made to suffer? This world demoralizes death, saying its a horrible thing but its not. Im in and out of mental hospitals and all doctors just tell me "well bud we cant do anything about you being sad" so are some people just here to suffer

    3 AnswersPsychology1 year ago
  • Do some people never get there life together?

    I ve been drinking for 4 years (after my mom died), i m 24 now. I became a violent felon, lost my license, and my family hates me. But i just got into a halfway house for free (owner being nice) and just got a job, at the halfway house we have to go to AA (which i hate so much because of my anxiety). I just got a job and i want to save a couple hundred bucks just to go get drunk..i know i ll never stop thinking like this and i ll lose the rest of everything i have left but i don t care for some reason. I suffer from manic depression and anxiety and everything triggers me. I see myself at 50 years old on a park bench passed out after drinking, and i really don t see much wrong with it. Do you think some people just weren t cut out for life?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 year ago
  • Is it easy to get put into a state hospital forever?

    If doctors determine you're a threat to yourself and others and a repeat offender (always in and out of mental ward), can you get put into a state hospital for your entire life?

    5 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • Why is suicide wrong?

    Why can't we have assistant suicide for mentally unstable people? people say it's a permanent solution for a temporary problem. here's why that's wrong. My father is 56, had a stroke, and was never really happy in life. He's still an alcoholic and lonely since my mother died (but they really weren't happy together). Now i'm 24, have depression, no family (except dad) and i drink everyday. Who's to say my life won't end up like my dads? so it's not a "temporary problem" if it lasts your entire life like my dads did. And you can't "fix" it if you're mentally unstable. So why is it wrong? please don't talk about the people who will miss me, if they don't want anything to do with me while alive, they shouldn't care when i'm dead.

    7 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • Is an Ativan overdose like a Xanax overdose?

    Like taking xanax with alcohol can make you stop breathing in your sleep. Does Ativan do the same thing?

    1 AnswerMedicine1 year ago
  • Can hospitals send you to rehab?

    If i have no insurance, homeless and go to mental health part of the hospital (for suicide attempt). Can they hold me until they find a free state rehab center and send me there? If it's my alcohol abuse that contributes to my declining mental health?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • How do people get diagnosed with mental disorders?

    I'm depressed 24/7, i have anxiety that keeps me from working (i can't be around people). I've attempted suicide and been in and out of hospitals. But they (doctors) never said i actually have anything. At least they never told me. I think i'm not right, i can go from happy to sad in a minute, i drink everyday to escape reality. My cousin thinks i have PTSD because this all happened after my mom died. i just don't know. Can't get medicaid because i'm not diagnosed (in FL young homeless adults cannot get medicaid) so i can't get help.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • Can homeless young adults get health insurance in Fl?

    Been trying but wasn't accepted on medicaid. I'm homeless, no job, suffer from anxiety and severe depression. Been in and out of mental ward, I wanted to get insurance so if i get medicine for my mental health i'll be able to actually fill the prescriptions.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • Why do people say you can die from xanax and alcohol easily?

    I took 18 0.25mg with 8 16oz beers. All i did was black out and some how walked home (i was in the woods). people say all the time it's easy to die from xanax but i don't think it's really true. Unless maybe taking 100 2mgs. But then that's not really "easy".

    6 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • Can hospitals prescribe higher dosages of xanax?

    I went there saying i have anxiety (which i do) and to my surprise they prescribed me 20 0.25mg of xanax (with no refill). the 0.25 didn't work, can they prescribe higher dosages of xanax? one doctor from the same hospital was surprised i was even given it. So i guess it's rare to do that?

    3 AnswersMedicine1 year ago
  • Can i join the army with a mental health and criminal background?

    I was prescribed anxiety medication and i was just released from the hospital after a bakeract (that s in FL when you were considered suicidal or homicidal) Honestly i m just depressed because i haven t found my place in this world. I think the army would sort me out. regarding my criminal background, i have felonies for violence on police (i ran over a cops foot on accident and they gave me agg battery on a leo). so any chance of joining the army? or no?

    Military1 year ago
  • Can i join the army with a mental health and criminal background?

    I was prescribed anxiety medication and i was just released from the hospital after a bakeract (that s in FL when you were considered suicidal or homicidal) Honestly i m just depressed because i haven t found my place in this world. I think the army would sort me out. regarding my criminal background, i have felonies for violence on police (i ran over a cops foot on accident and they gave me agg battery on a leo). so any chance of joining the army? or no?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 year ago