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  • "Never give a sucker an even break." Do you believe in that saying. If so why?

    Nothing to add, just look at the state of our society.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Are novice investors scammed or is being scammed just a part of investing that people should be aware of?

    I was once told that investing is much like a pro golf tour, you don't enter unless you are a pro. A novice investor is bound to make some bad decisions and may have no choice but to learn the hard way by losing their investment. My question is, is losing money just an unavoidable thing that happens to noob investors or do brokers/seasoned players take advantage of novice investors and keep their mouths shut if the novice investor makes a bad decision in order to capitalize on it?

    I'm not making any judgement on the biz or the practice, I'd just like to know if this is one way the pro's make their money to understand it better as a whole.

    Part II

    Does the noob investor that has been burned figure it is just the way things are and in time does it to the next guy if the opportunity presented itself?

    I realize this is oversimplified, I was just looking on some insight into the culture of investing and what to expect.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • Am I too harsh with email etiquette?

    I write email to notify people of important things. They are important to me else why would I spend the time to write them? Some people don't respond to the messages at all. So those people I don't bother with after being blown off - whether intentional or circumstantial, the results are the same. It does not matter if it is work related or personal, the results are the same. My wife says that I am being too harsh and that I need to be considerate of people's time constraints. I responded to her: If I sent off an email looking for a friend to go to a party or a impromptu road trip to Vegas, miraculously their schedule opens up and I get a flood of responses. It would also be nice if people would be considerate of my time as well.

    If I can't rely on a person to write a message back, even a one worded response, or even to skim the message, how can I rely on that person offline? I am a freelance designer and so I have projects that I would rather pay people I know vs complete strangers. Lately, I've had to get help from complete strangers which is my only choice. A friend of mine blew up on me about not contacting him regarding work because he needed the cash and said I wasn't his friend by giving up so easily. I said nothing but showed him my phone with numerous sent text messages, voice mail and email. Then I politely remarked, 'A Sherpa was not available to help me hunt you down'. I then said, 'What the helll did you think I was trying to talk to you about?'

    He then remarked that he was busy.

    I left it at that. He then asks me if I will be needing his help for any future projects. I said 'If the project and the client aligns itself with your busy schedule, maybe.'

    What would you have done differently? Was I too harsh?

    5 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • My wife says she doesn't love me but won't let me leave.?

    She says she doesn't feel love for me anymore and hasn't for a few years. She says she loves me as a person but not in the way a woman and man should love each other. I want to leave but she doesn't want me to go. I have never cheated on her and I always come home. Why does she want me to stay? I don't understand. We have 2 children, 7 and 5. Staying just for the children is a bad idea. I feel like a roommate and not a husband. I don't get much say in how our children are raised, I constantly get overruled by her. She tells me that she has felt this way even before we had children. I am devastated because I stayed in the States to be with her only to find out that she doesn't love me but didn't want to tell me. I could have made a life for myself anywhere else and I feel like a fool for staying and trying to make things better for her, all the while she knew what the problem was but just didn't say. I chose to earn a reduced wage by staying closer to her family because she did not want to move for a job I had gotten in another state. Things are clearer now that I know why she refused to move but where does that leave me? My life is in pieces and I don't know what to do. Why do people do this?

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • What is it called when snobby people do this?

    What is it called when a snob makes a remark like "I wouldn't be caught dead eating Ramen noodles..."

    I am referring to the part of speech or the position a statement like that would take. There is nothing inherently wrong with eating Ramen noodles but the speaker takes a position against it nonetheless.

    Another example would be something like

    "We don't do things that way here - you should do things my way..." - in this case, the speaker (an average citizen) is aware of more than one way to accomplish a task but prefers his way because he feels it is superior only because he adopts it - with no other justification or reasoning to support the statement.

    In both cases the speaker makes it seem as though he is an authority of sorts rather than merely stating his opinions.

    What is that called? I know there's a word for this, it just escapes me at the moment.

    Cheers for any help!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Presidential candidate racing game?

    I am a game design student and I have an idea for an online racing game about the presidential elections. People can choose their candidate and race against other candidates in a Mario Kart style racing game. It is a neutral game with no political leanings one way or the other. It will be free to play for visitors with the site generating ad revenue only. My question is, what is the legal implications / limitations of such a game and who must I contact in order to proceed with it? The game is targeted at anyone who wants to play it.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Does Facebook help or hurt your friendships?

    For me, it hurts my friendships but the people to whom I am no longer friends (drift apart) with through FB, were acquaintances more so than friends. Still, my social network has shrunken since. You don't have to be best mates to hang out and enjoy people's company right? With other people, it seems like since you see any status update of sorts, it is like you have already visited them and therefore there is no need to contact them or vise versa.

    What are your thoughts YA community?

    Is it like that for you or am I just weird? I'm a big boy, I can handle it.

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Why would one dentist talk you out of a procedure recommended by another dentist?

    One dentist says to have this procedure performed.

    Another says to have a different one performed.

    Both disagree with each other's findings after examining me.

    I'm not a dentist in the slightest and I am at the mercy of what these professionals tell me but it feels like talking to car salesmen, not medical professionals. One is telling me to get the service he thinks I can afford and the other is telling me to get the most expensive option out there. If I have to pay up, not a problem as it is my health and I have to come up with the money but why the drastic difference? Both talk over me when I express a concern or ask a question and that troubles me, but I don't know who to trust. I get the "it's better for you in the long run" speech. Ok, how is it better for me in the long run and why did Dr. Otherman say the opposite? I honestly want to know because I have to live with the decision. Then I get this look as if I've asked for his ATM cash card pin number. I get if this were heart surgery or something serious but we are talking about broken teeth here. I'm not getting into specifics because people tend to tell you what to do without first seeing any pertinent information and yet somehow arrive at a conclusion so I am asking what should I do to help me make a better decision? What would you do if you were in my situation? Thanks in advance for any help.

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Why do some people insist that college is bad?

    I hear a lot of people say that college is a waste and that many millionaires and successful business people did not finish college. Whatever happened to just wanting to be an educated adult? I can understand if a person personally does not want to go to college but why tear down someone who does? You have people leaving their homelands to get educated in America and yet you have people here who think college is a waste of time. I can guarantee you that the successful people who didn't finish college employ people who did and purchase equipment made by college educated people so I don't understand the nature of this sentiment.

    Is this going to be the next sweeping social movement? Anti college?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • What do you call people that only see things in black and white?

    You know, good or evil, hot or cold, left or right, up or down. People who never consider a gray area (regardless of the topic or situation both actually and abstract) so they either choose one way or the other rather than a middle or some mixture of both. I know attorneys have to think this way but that is required for the profession, I am talking about everyday people. What is the word or term for people who think that way? Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • What is the big deal with the "Truth"?

    Why do people who feel that as long as they "speak the truth" they can say or do anything they want and not fear a reprisal because they have spoken "the truth"? - As if it is the highest authority or something. I don't understand it at all. I get the whole being truthful thing and I don't ever feel the need to lie or cover something up - but this whole "truth movement" - as I call it, seems to be catching on - but I don't see the point of it.

    I can understand if people are expecting some form of punishment and are willing to sacrifice something for what they believe in - I get that. The people to which I am referring, have an absolute look of shock on their faces when the higher ups bring some discipline their way (bosses, top brass, investors, superiors, etc) as if they believe that the truth is a form of protection. Saying what people are "thinking" is one thing but there is a time and place for that. Everything need not be broadcasted on a whim of frustration but people are now being more outspoken on "the truth" but get highly upset when the hammer drops for talking out of turn and in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am not mocking these people in any way. I honestly really don't understand why they would say things that really don't need to be said in the places they are saying them (on the job mostly). Please explain the best way you can. Thanks.

    1 AnswerEtiquette10 years ago
  • Hot chocolate in the summer?

    Time once again Yahoo Answers community to settle a dispute between my wife and I.

    I order hot chocolate on occasion in the summer (in Florida) at ihop with my pancakes. My wife bangs on about it every single time stating that I am weird for drinking hot chocolate in the summer. I reply to her saying that hot chocolate is always available at ihop regardless of the season - unlike pumpkin pie, and that there is a steaming pot of coffee siting at the table between us right now, singeing my eyebrows as we speak but you don't seem to be to bothered about it.

    What are your thoughts?

    11 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks10 years ago
  • Do you like your "fake friends"?

    Not to be a downer or speak ill of people but notice how many of us have a lot of fake friends and frenemies? Is it a product of the times? Do we just put up with it or worse are some of us ourselves too fake to even have real friends (myself included)? I am just curious if other people feel this way or if simply "real friends" was something only possible when times were a lot simpler. It has been years since I had a real friend (I've moved to another state a few years back). Question#2 - frenemies.... what is up with that? We all have them, we all hate them but how do they creep up in the first place and why don't we get rid of them? Thanks for any insight.

    3 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Computer memory question?

    I needed some extra ram until I could properly build a computer for 3d modeling. I have an old TA79GXE board with a Phenom X4 9500 and 2 - OCZ2F10664GK @ 2Gigs each. I went to Compusa and asked for some extra ram to hold me over till I can build a proper workstation. I went home with a pair of KVR800D2K2/4GR, plugged them in and .... nothing. Just a blank screen. When I remove them, boots up like always. I have tried them by themselves and the same blank screen. What could be the problem?

    Just for clarification, I have a pair of PC2-5300's from PNY running with the OCZ's just fine albeit slower. So I have two speeds of DDR2 memory in but the computer is unresponsive to the KVR's. Any help is appreciated.

    3 AnswersDesktops10 years ago
  • Is America moving forwards or backwards socially?

    In your own opinion. Your thoughts and reasoning behind it.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • What is the word for people who always say the opposite or the negative to what you say?

    For instance, you say something like "I have heard that this new car model is supposed to be really nice". Your friend, Mr. Negative says "Oh no, I have heard that it is a piece of junk because of x,y,z". What is the word for a person who contradicts everything said to him / her?

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Why do people feel the need to correct a person in the middle of a sentence?

    I am from England and I live in Florida. People use words and pronunciations uncommon to my ears all of the time. I do not stop a person in the middle of a conversation in order to correct them as I have understood the message. I have never encountered this in the UK. Is this practice commonplace in the United States?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Why are people so literal?

    Especially with the English language where a word can have 9 meanings depending on context, ie. "Power", why are people so literal nowadays? And I am not talking about people to whom English is a second language.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • What is considered a good friend nowadays?

    I just want to hear what passes for a good friend in today's day and age.

    Where I live, people are very shallow and prefer the company of fair-weather friends.

    I have tried it but it does not suit me at all.

    I was curious in what other people think about the subject of what a real friend should be or should not be. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Fluffy pancakes or Flat?

    My wife and I are having a bet. So, to pancake lovers, do you like your pancakes thick and fluffy or thinner and flat? State your preference and where you are from and why.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago