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jennifer p

Favorite Answers8%
  • broken arm clicking whilst in cast?

    My daughter broke her arm 2wks ago - she said her broken arm randomly clicked. I dont know if this is normal ( or a general non related click) - said it hurt when it clicked but stopped a few seconds later. The fracture clinic isnt opened til tomorrow. Her cast is fine and her fingers etc look good (not blue/cold/grey)

    1 AnswerInjuries5 years ago
  • tax credit cuts thoughts?

    To me it seems pointless - min wage pay about 13k the average working family (husband works f/t, wife p/t with 2 children) so in that situation they would be better off quitting and being on benefits (which is capped at 23k) which defeats the point and I don t think many employers will be rushing to give their employer a 7k pa payrise

    5 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Mum of murdered toddler - on this morning?

    The woman left her toddler with a boyfriend she had known for FOUR months!! While she went for a 3 day break to NYC.Anyone else think that kids should be given relationship advice at school? Seems like she was more intrested in celebrating her birthday than her daughter - leaving the poor child with someone who the mother admits the toddler was weary of

    I think this is a horrible case and she could not have known what he was going to do - but it a common thing that girls are moving stranger boyfriend in with their children weeks after meeting


    7 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Uk - flu nasal spray?

    My children (6 and 8) are being offered the flu nasal vaccine - its being rolled out nationally - my area (havering) is part of the pilot scheme. Its a "weakened live virus"

    So if your child was offered it would u accept it? ( im not neither are most parents of "healthy" children)

    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • schools pack lunches vs school dinner?

    my children's school has decided to ban chocolate/cakes/sweet/crisps/biscuits from packed lunches for healthy eating. my children normally have 2 fruit/veg/ wholemeal roll with ham/cheese/chicken and a yogurt. Occasionally ( once or twice a month) they get crisps or home made cake/cookies.

    But children with school dinners are allowed cakes with ice-cream, chocolate biscuits on 10 out of every 15 days.

    So im am sending my children in with the same dessert as school dinners - am I right or wrong to feel banning them from packed lunches but not school dinners in wrong?

    (and school dinners would cost £40pw for my 3 children - so not an option)

    10 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • paid social loan - DWP asking for payment?

    i got a social loan a few years back, today i got a letter stating i still owe them £515 - but i have receipts to proof and have sent a copy of my bank statement to proof i paid this is full (was paid standing order)

    what will happen now? will they continue to say i havent paid even though i have proof i have?

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • problems with British Gas?

    hi, I moved house almost 8 weeks ago, and having been trying to set up a british gas account for my gas/electric - all im getting is "sorry we have a problem - its not letting us open the account" etc etc.

    so is there a legal time limit in which they have to have the account open? (I cant pay towards a bill, they haven't asked for billing info,etc)

    can I change suppliers even though BG hasn't opened an account for me? (they have a 1st reading ~) - would I need an account number to change to a different supplier?

    Any help/advice would be great

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Does Royal Mail redirection service include parcels sent by Post?

    Recently moved - ordered OH birthday present forgot to change address for delivey will b sent Royal Mail - as ive already got redirection service will they redirect the parcel?

    4 AnswersLondon8 years ago
  • School uniform cost should the government step in?

    Talking with a friend who was saying how expense the local secondary schools uniform is - so i checked - its £36 for a blazer, £30 for a jumper, £25 for skirt and £10 for a polo - all complusory and must be brought from the only approved shop (thats before complusory pe/shoes etc) - should the government set a maxium limit for uniform cost ( say £50)

    9 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Potty training - hit and miss?

    My daughter is 22months and potty training - have been for about a week. Problem is one day she tells us everytime she needs to go (and goes on the pottu) the next she wees everywhere (doesnt say) never had this problem before is it common?

    Also routine eyc has not changed

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Do you agree with the bedroom tax?

    And are you effected by the changes

    I do agree but think it should cover those upto 65. Theres so many families cramped into small one bedroom flats waiting for a family house.

    17 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Santader / hof card problemss?

    My partner works for house of fraser and to get a staff discount had to open a card run by santandar. Tried to make payment by kept going back into our account. So contacted them and was told we put in the card number (long one across the front) not account number, so gave us an account number. Payment went through fine. Then got a late payment fee and closed the account (poor customer service) today we got a letter stating he was in credit. Santander had opened another account and had given us that account number and not the one he needed to pay. Legally where do we stand?

    Havent got the new account card

    1 AnswerCredit8 years ago
  • local elections 21/3?

    who are you voting for? and Why?

    im voting UKIP the reason im FED UP with the main 3 not listening and giving our money away in aid to countries that have space programmes!!!

    3 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Boiling water and Africa?

    If im correct on thinking boiling water and filtering it cleans water - so why are there adverts asking for money for clean water for Africa when they can clean the water themselves with a little effort?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • 8yr old daughter problems?

    She's 8 in yr 3 and still getting b and d confused anyone know at what age this is seen as a problem

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • bedroom tax -14% of what?

    so housing benefit is being reduced by 14% for a spare bedroom. so is this 14% of the total rent or of the housing benefit

    example - if my rent was £100pw and i get housing benefit of £20pw - would i have to pay £14pw more or £2.80 (14% of the benefit i get)

    anyone know?

    (and before anyone moans no i dont have any spare bedrooms but looking for an exchange and what to consider costs 1st)

    4 AnswersUnited Kingdom8 years ago
  • what would your porn name be?

    take your1st street name and your 1st pet then make your porn name

    mine would be Honey Darlington

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago