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Lv 43,679 points

Seriously Though

Favorite Answers9%
  • How long should a broken toe take to heal?

    I broke my toe exactly 4 weeks ago today, and it's the one next to my big toe, and it's fractured at the lower joint. I am on crutches, and have looked after it by not putting any pressure on it etc but I still cannot walk on it at all and it doesn't feel different from a few weeks ago.The bruising seems to have gone down, and I did have it xrayed and the nurse didn't seem to show too much concern at the time, am I being impatient or shall I get it checked again? Thanks!

    5 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • Playlist for Party?!?

    I need a playlist for about 5 hours! Or more maybe, can be anything really, old/new etc but I'm thinking mostly mainstream music to suit everyone :) any ideas are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersEntertaining8 years ago
  • Advice for sending a packet from Italy to the UK?

    I recently stayed with my friend in Italy and unfortunately left my watch there! The thing is my friend said it would cost about 39 Euros to send it to me but I'm wondering whether has any advice on a cheaper way of sending it to me?! I don't speak Italian so I don't know where to start and I don't know anything about the postal system! Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Italy10 years ago
  • I'm in Italy but I have I can't get Signal?

    I'm in Messina in Sicily, Italy and before I left I checked that I could use my phone but I can't get any signal!! I'm with T-Mobile and on contract but I don't know how it get my phone to connect to a network, any ideas???! Thanks

    4 AnswersOther - Italy10 years ago
  • Internet keeps cutting out?

    At the moment there are about 7 of us using the the internet (all wireless) in my house and up until the other day when someone left then a new person arrived has the internet was working perfectly but now it will cut at least a few times in an hour for a few minutes. Other than that it is working fine, I've asked them if they are downloading stuff or playing games and he said no and he said his is cutting out as well so I don't know whether it is just coincidence that it is since he arrived that there have been problems but I other than that I don't know what it could be, could it be the weather? It will cut out even when only a few of us are using it and the new guy isn't even on the computer...any ideas though what it could be?? thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Advice please.........?

    I don't know whether I'm just a bit down or something and feeling over sensitive but I see my boyfriend most days when we meet up on his break for a couple of hours and normally we go to his house and cook some lunch etc...he has quite a stressful job so he just normally chills out and but we don't really chat that much, and I know he just wants to relax which is fine but then when we kiss he automatically wants to do more even though we haven't spoken that much and it's the middle of the day and it just doesn't really feel right...that might not make sense but we will kiss for a few minutes and then he straight away starts moving his hands and I don't know why because although he's my boyfriend recently it's started getting on my nerves because I don't feel like we talk properly enough then I just don't always feel like doing stuff straight away when we've only just had a proper kiss for a few I being really silly and maybe I'm just depressed?? I don't know what it is but I am feeling down lately and I don't know why but I can't really talk to him. If he wants to chill out then thats fine but I would have thought it would be nice to talk a bit more about things as well....I don't know how to speak to him about this and now I'm just paranoid that maybe he's not very interested in me that much. If he doesn't want to meet up with me as much during his breaks I don't mind but then all he does is gets stoned which I think gets me down because I this makes him paranoid and he doesn't trust me.....really confused and don't know how to speak to him because I don't want to say that I'd prefer someone who talked more but I don't know if it's just me or what?! It's off putting when we don't talk because he gets a bit grumpy then I feel like he might just be using me? Would really appreciate some advice....thanks

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • Advice on the morning after pill?

    Two days ago I took the morning after pill because although don't think I need to because I am very careful and so wanted to be on the safe side but then the following night I stayed at my boyfriends house and during the middle of the night he decided to get it on in the middle of the night and although I don't think I need to take the pill again because I pushed him away but I think it might have been too late but should I take another pill or not? I also got "the pill" from my doctor which I am due to start tomorrow but I know that this would be too late as a form as one off contraception...I don't think I need the morning after pill but I do want to be careful and I'm just a bit scared that although I took it on the Friday morning I would need another the following day? Any advice? Thanks

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to for bf's to text their ex's?

    I know this is pathetic but I need to get it off my mind..My boyfriend received a message from his ex but they haven't been going out for a year and she has a new boyfriend etc but he accidentally sent me a message that was meant for her and although it just said normal things that he'd been doing over the last few months but said oh I miss your mum's cooking which I know isn't a big deal but just sounded a little too friendly for someone who hasn't been going with their ex for a year and haven't seen her..I know he's not into her but sometimes he mentions her and when he does I do start to feel I being over sensitive though?? I don't want to be and I trust him but I don't know why he is being so friendly I would say bordering on being flirty although I know he wasn't but I don't know....I don't want to be b***h about it....or be too possessive...shall I just ignore it though??

    Thanks for reading

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Advice on Relationship?

    Today I was at my boyfriend's house when he got a message from his ex and I know they've met up once in last year for a coffee and I know he doesn't see her and she has a new boyfriend etc but it still made me really angry and I don't know whether I should be or whether I'm just totalling over reacting, it was because we were just on the couch watching Tv when he started reading a message she'd sent. We had an argument over the weekend but made up and wasn't anything big so I got paranoid that he'd text her first but he told me to stop being stupid and got angry and said well go home then just because I said oh you're texting your ex which just seemed a bit odd?? I don't want to fall out over this with him and he did send me a message saying that obviously he's not into her and that I'm just being a brat and that I should trust him, which I do but I don't know why I feel really angry about it...I think it's because at the weekend he said "oh are you on the internet chatting to people...(meaning guys or something stupid) but I don't!! So I think that's why I overreacted but it just annoyed me because we were hanging out together and I don't see why they need to text, he said oh we're mates but they never speak so just seemed random..I don't know why I feel really annoyed but just seemed like he was doing it to annoy me but I don't know if he was....I do trust him and I wouldn't say that's an issue but I just don't know why an ex feels the need to text him and I'm not sure I 100% believe him that he didn't text her first but he said he didn't....ideas on what to do??

    Thanks for reading

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Advice for a CV..........?

    Is anyone able to help me with a CV? I have a few template but I'm not sure which is the best, does anyone have any good templates or knowledge of what is currently the best way to present a CV? Most of my jobs are catering based but I would also like to include academic qualifications, hobbies and so forth but I'm not sure the best way to present it...Any ideas, help, advice appreciated!


    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend advice.....?

    I keep arguing with my boyfriend but I think it's because we spend too much time together sometimes that we just end up arguing over silly things. I'm often late when I meet him but have been trying to be on time but today I was a few minutes late and text him saying I'm nearly there, then when I arrived I couldn't see him so just locked my bike up, sent him a text and called him etc then I realised he was actually there but I thought he was late as well. Anyway we found eachother but then got really funny with me saying that I was a liar and full of s**t etc. and that we never meet where I was. Then he just went home although we were going to go for a picnic. He's now really angry with me and thinks I was just really late although I wasn't and I told him but I'm getting annoyed with him calling me names and also being rude. Don't know whether to leave him and give up because I don't want to be called a b***h and I never swear at him...don't know what to do...I'm just a bit down now and feel like just saying thats it...thanks

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What shall I do? Advice?

    This is a bit lame but I removed my boyfriend from facebook a few weeks ago because we broke up, but a couple of weeks got back together again. Anyway I didn't have the guts to tell him, I hate facebook anyway but I didn't want an argument over it so just haven't mentioned it to him because he hardly ever uses it, as do I...anyway he gave me his password to his e-mail address so I could print something off for him so I was sneaky and thought that it might be the same for his facebook which it was so I went on and added myself again etc and confirmed.....he then noticed so I said sorry and explained. Would like to add that I didn't read his messages nor I have been on since. Equally I know it was sneaky because I should have just said sorry I removed you, it was when we broke up and I was angry etc...I said sorry to him and sent him a message but now he won't pick up his phone or answer my message! I don't want to bother him either because he'll think that I'm trying to hide something and I'm sure he will assume I've been on messages etc. I know this is lame because I don't really like using facebook but I just didn't want him to know that I'd removed him!! I know I shouldn't have gone on his profile either and I know how he feels because he told me his password and so I just thought oh I'll add him so he doesn't know I removed him in the first place!Really childish but now I don't know what to do because I've said sorry and that it wasn't to try and find out anything or intentionally go behind him...I don't want to keep calling him either because I have things to do....any ideas??!

    Thanks for reading all of this :)

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Abortion Pill vs Surgical abortion?

    Tomorrow I am going to have an abortion and they offered me the pill option which I went for, however they said that I may have the option of having the surgical option which initially I didn't want to go for but I have been reading about it and is seems to be a lot cleaner and faster..however I don't the idea of a needle going up inside me! :( They said you can be put to sleep but I don't want to because I have to travel back after so don't want to have an anaesthetic. But I am still wondering which option would be better and the least traumatic and less painful. I know that either way there will be pain...I somehow think the pill will be less traumatic because there is obviously no surgery involved but I'm not sure..:( I haven't told my mum so I can't talk to anyone about it.

    Constructive advice really appreciated.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What shall I do? Advice?

    Might seem strange but tomorrow I need to travel from Oxford to Birmingham and go there for the day but the thing is I can't tell my mum what I'm doing because it's something personal (don't want to say on here!) It's nothing very big but the thing is I really can't tell my mum because it's something private that I need to sort out :/ sorry it might seem strange but I don't know what I could tell my mum that wouldn't sound strange! I'm only going to be an hour (by train) away and I'm coming home basically very early eve. I'm not missing work/school or anything but I know my mum will ask why I'm up early and where I'm going but I can't think of anything that sounds ok...I don't normally lie to her but in this case I can't and don't want to her simply because it's something personal....any ideas??

    Thanks and sorry if this seems strange!!

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Waking up with stomach ache every morning?

    I keep waking up with stomach ache every morning and it's really bad, I have eaten I few things once or twice late at night which I thought might have given me stomach ache, and of course eating late at night I know isn't good but this once only once or mum think it might be a bladder infection? I have been itchy down there as well :/ also I feel really sick with the pain and the other morning it made me feel dizzy...but I'm not ill so I don't think it's food poisoning.....also maybe I should mention that I a couple of week pregnant so could this just be something to do with that? Any ideas, similar experiences?

    Thanks in advance.

    P.s I will go to the doctor but I just didn't yet because I wasn't "ill" so to speak

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • A.G.E/L.O.C/G.E.N...?

    can't be bothered to keep posting it on the chat website ;)

    Seriously Though. I'm 24 and in Oxford and Female............

    BQ: Why are you on here? :)

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I can't get out of bed....??!?

    Still in bed and it' gone 10:30am but I have a cat sat on me whos sleeping and a laptop and there are people on this website called Yahoo Questions and answers who keep asking me can I possibly get up?

    Seriously though I am lazy but I no motivation to get up...but it's a nice day and I know I'm missing nice weather...need motivation to get the way I already went to the loo and I'm not hungry :[

    And I have a day off........

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Advice please.........?

    At the moment I'm about 4 weeks pregnant and haven't felt any signs so far but over the last few days I've just felt uncomfortable and it feel like I'm getting cramps. This morning I woke up in agony with a really bad stomach-ache and had to rush for a wee but for a few mins I couldn't get up because I was just in a lot of pain...kind of hard to describe but my stomach just felt like it was turning...when I finally got I then suddenly felt really queezy and a bit dizzy and felt a bit sick though wasn't actually. The night before I did eat coco pops with milk so I think that might have had something to do with it because it was at last thing at night. I just wonder how other people feel when they are pregnant and what is normal!! I also felt like I had cramp in my stomach but I don't know if this was because of the cereal or early morning sickness because I've never had it before...some advice or a link to a reputable website would be really appreciated...also I haven't got anyone to talk to about this either so any ideas of what to do?


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why is my cat always miowing?!?

    I have a female who is about 15, she is showing signs of getting old, like shes a bit thinner than she was a few years ago but other than that she is healthy but she is always miowing! She will just wonder round the house miowing, I make sure there is always food for her and she eats it so I don't think it's due to hunger and also when I then stroke her she is always purring. Sometimes I think she probably is miowing for food but more often than not shes not but I don't think shes in pain either because she very active and theres no lumps or her and her skin/fur is in good condition...I think she is slightly deaf but I still don't know why she is miows so much, she used to meow quite quietly and didn't go round the house meowing her head off!! It's just a bit odd more than anything...any ideas or is she just getting a bit old and crazy due to old age?!!


    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why is Youtube taking so long to load?

    I have quite a fast internet connection at the moment only I'm using it (it is wireless by the way) but anyway it normally used to load youtube videos quickly but recently it's longer than usual, any ideas why? My internet seems to be as fast as normal and everything else seems to load quickly....I have also just re started by computer back to it's factory settings so it can't be my computer..any other ideas?thanks

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago