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Law question for CANADIAN law only, about retroactive application of new laws...?
I was under the impression that the Supreme Court had ruled that the Government can not pass a law, and then retroactively apply it to people who had undertaken what was a legal activity at the time they did it.
Would this not also mean that the Government could not pass a law that retroactively made legal an activity that was illegal at the time it was committed?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years agoIf someone is on a sodium reduced diet, is all elemental sodium banned, or just sodium chloride?
I'm *not* looking for someone to just parrot "salt is bad". I want someone with biochemistry knowledge who actually knows how materials metabolize in the body to tell me if using, say, sodium algenate (seaweed extract used as a gelling agent in molecular gastronomy) metabolizes in the body the same way that sodium chloride does, and so counts as sodium grams intake, or if it is processed differently, and so does not affect the same systems that salt does and therefore should not be counted.
2 AnswersChemistry7 years agoCan someone help translate this?
I've had this pencil for years, and have no idea where it came from or what it says.
1 AnswerLanguages8 years agoDoes anyone know of a program to batch convert documents to Word 2003 format?
I have a number of files in miscellaneous text formats, (rtf, txt most commonly) and I would like to convert them all to MS word 2003 so I can view them on my PDA. There are quite a few so I would like a program that will let me just queue up a large number of files and let it run rather than opening each one up in word and clicking save_as and changing the format manually.
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoI need to convert a recipe from industrial portions to something more manageable.?
Can someone point me to a resource to convert recipe batch size?
I can remember from cookng classes that you *DO NOT* just divide each ingredient by half or third. There are some complex chemical ratios to balance PH and whatnot, so telling me to just to cut everything equally is NOT what I'm looking for.
Does anyone know of a resource on the web, or a program I can download that will let me enter a recipe, then have it use the conversion formulas to change the batch size?
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoHow do I install a license plate light with 1 lead when the connector has two?
I'm replacing the license plate lights on a 1994 Dodge Dakota truck. The existing lights have 2 wires (one solid, one striped) going to a socket. Dealer doesn't have replacements avaliable so I bought a Generic replacement light (model# SY 260). The replacement only has one lead. How do I connect this up?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoDVD creation software?
I'm looking for a program that will let me take movie files, burn them onto a DVD playable on a DVD player, and have a menu avaliable which will let me add a title to each clip to make it easily selectable.
I've found many program that will let me burn, some even have menus, but I have yet to find one that will let me create menus with titles.
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoFurniture wax on water based urethane?
What sort of furniture wax is best used on a water based urethane over a dark walnut stained oak (Veneer, plywood and solid board)
2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoHeat resistant glues?
Which sort of glue would be good for repairing the plastic housing on an electric sandwich grill, keeping in mind that some glues react when heated and become toxic (like Crazy glue)
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoRestoring old books?
Does anyone have any good web based resources for restoring and preserving old books? (not paid services, online instructions)
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoRaymond Feist's book "Jimmy the hand" referencing Discworld?
I was reading "Jimmy the hand" earlier, and they made reference to "Foul 'Ol Ron" (The sentence is near the end. "They circled for an instant, with breath nearly as bad as Foul ol’ Ron’s issuing from the mercenary")
Was the author reading Discworld just before writing this? or is this a case of parallel evolution.
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoCan anyone tell me diseases with spike in CPK and rash associated?
Three times, I've had episodes where my CPK enzyme levels have spiked (1400 the first time, 1100 the second. No test on the third).
This is associated with a rash on my upper torso and lower face. (looks like small surface hemmoraging. There's no inflammation around the initial points, and no itching)
These episodes have happened at different times of the year, while I was on different diets, and there was no pesticide spraying within 2 blocks of my residence (by a professional lawn care company or municipality)
My doctor has eliminated a whole bunch of posabilities, but we haven't been able to come up with anything that matches. Any new avenues of research would be greatly appreciated.
Other - Diseases1 decade agoWhy is XP changing default "view" of directories?
I have several "catch all" folders on my desktop for housekeeping purposes. (All my game shortcuts in one, all internet apps in another, etc.) And by default, I have these set to be displayed as Icons. Occasionally, windows will change the views to "list view".
Now, this is not linked to system reboots (rebooting the system doesn't trigger a reversion) but as yet, I have been unable to find what is triggering these.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoWhat does one need to get a job as a book editor?
What sort of education or skills do publishers look for when hiring book editors? Or are book editors a job one is promoted into from a lesser position
5 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago