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I love life in general especially learning new things, cooking, computers, walking, music, and mostly being a mom to my only son who is 25 and attending college. I've worked in the IT industry for 40 years and now enjoy the pursuit of many other interests. Be talking to you in the forums!

  • Legal question on controlled substances?

    My friend had a huge house fire last night. Inside were her medications which include adavan and vicodan. Does anyone know what she will have to do to get her medications filled way before her due date? Will a police report do it? And will the drug store do it without a doctor's authorization? I don't know what to tell her and I'm hoping one of you might know the answers. Thanks everyone.,

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Chronic Pancreatitis Issues?

    I have a girlfriend who is 35 years old and suffers from chronic pancreatitis. She is also anorexic and is recovering from a prolonged drug abuse history. Does anyone know what can be done to help her? She also drinks about 5 liters of coke a day and very little water or food.

    4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Has anyone had a hip replacement?

    I am a 60 year old female who has just been told that I need a right hip replacement. This must be done before they can fix my lower back. Has anyone gone through this procedure and how did you do? My pain level now is about an 8 and my doctor told me that this surgery will get rid of the pain and also alleviate the limp I've developed. I'm a nervous wreck and would like any input on your experiences. Thanks.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • If the Auto Companies have to pay back the government?

    Chrysler just announced that they are close to paying back the millions of dollars that they received from our government to bail them out of financial ruin. What is the status of Wall Street's payback? Will we ever see the money that Bush gave them before he left office? Or do the rich win again?

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Need a Policy on US Involvement in Revolutions?

    The entire middle east seems to be revolting against their governments. How can the US be involved in every ones internal issues? McCain said this morning that he wants the US to be more involved in Libya. Where does this end? Egypt, Pakistan, Libya, Syria and the list goes on. We are broke. Time to stop all of this?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago

    This guy is in Dearborn, MI waiting to throw an anti-Islamic protest in front of the largest Muslim center in the country. What is his problem? It is Good Friday, a sacred holy day, for Christians and the churches are afraid to hold their services because of this guy. The city has offered him 3 other sites to protest and he turned them all down because he wants to do it in front of the mosque. It's frightening. He is in court right now for 'accidentally' firing his gun at the news station. A jury is going to decide if he can protest at 5pm today. Makes me real comfortable knowing he is packing heat for a peaceful demonstration. When a man's convictions are the only thing that matters it can not end well. The people don't matter only his message matters.

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago

    Overnight the gas prices in MI went up to an average of $4.19 a gallon for regular. It has been stated that this is the highest average of all the states right now. Can someone intelligently explain why this is? This state is one of the hardest hit by the recession and everyone is struggling to stay alive and find work. What is actually driving up the cost of gas across the nation? It can't be just Libya since they only provide 2% of the worlds oil.

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago

    I live in the suburbs of Detroit. Our new governor has taken away 56 public schools, closed 24 libraries, cut the teachers pay by 10%, and has asked the union workers to take a 20% cut in health benefits. This is just a short list of the stuff he is doing. The real kicker is that if the mayors and state workers don't go along with him he is appointing these people called emergency financial managers to come in, take over their authority and force the people to comply. Is anyone else experiencing this type of totalitarianism?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do members of the Tea Party believe that there is never any reason at all to abort a pregnancy?

    I'm curious because what I have heard over the last couple of days is frightening. Women's Health holding up the budget?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Paychecks for the Congress?

    Since by contract the checks for our 'esteemed' representatives won't be cut why don't they volunteer their money to the troops who need to feed their spouses and children? They are all talk and no substance.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Carotid Endartectomy?

    Has anyone had a stoke and subsequently had to have this surgery? I am a 60 year old female and just had this done 2 weeks ago. I was feeling really poorly, went to the doctor and was told I probably had a pinched nerve in my neck. 4 days later I drove myself to the hospital in 10 inches of snow and all heck broke loose. Within 2 days after having every test which had a name, my blood was thinned to water and they took me in to have the left carotid artery cleaned. It was 99.9% occluded. My real question is that now I am having some really weird issues. Most annoying is that when I get up I get weak and then my whole body goes numb and starts to tremble. After I let myself fall on the floor, I get up and after a short time I'm OK again. Secondly, I find myself having sleepless nights and experiencing extremely vivid dreams that seem so real that I can't seem to piece together if they actually happened or not. There are many other things but these are the most annoying. If you are willing would you please share your experiences with me so I won't feel all alone with this stuff? The doctors only want to treat a certain body part but nobody is looking at the big picture. I can no longer take Prilosec (an acid inhibitor) because of the Plavix (a blood thinner) so now I have stomach pain which is off the charts. Please help?

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Repeal Daylight Savings Time in Michigan?

    Does anyone know what steps would have to be taken in Michigan to repeal DST? Not one person that I know likes it and most find it annoying to say the least. The argument is we should leave the clocks one way or another. We are not in WWII and other states such as Indiana don't observe it anymore. I'm willing to do the work. I just need to get started. Thanks.

    3 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Read it and Weep and Decide for yourselves.?

    Here we go. The beginning of the end for all Americans. Closed door meetings to decide who they can hurt the most. Of course, they won't be affected. Opinions please and I don't need party line answers. What do you really think?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of a website such as YA which caters to those over 40?

    It's just that I'm looking for intelligent conversation with people who have some History behind them. I would appreciate any viable, non-sarcastic replies. Thanks.

    3 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Oral Surgery - The Day After?

    I had oral surgery yesterday to have a molar removed. This morning I feel like someone ran over me with a mac truck. Anyone have any unique tricks for dealing with the pain besides pain pills, ice packs, warm steam packs etc... Any and all suggestions would be welcome.

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • What can we do to change the course of our current government?

    It seems like everyone is dissatisfied with the course our current congress and senate is taking. What can we do as citizens besides writing our elected officials do? It's time for a change but we need to be united as Americans. Let's discuss this intelligently without partisanship or advertisements. Welcome.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Sarah Palin on Michelle Obama's Obesity Fight?

    I just read that Palin is at it again. She thinks Michelle Obama is forcing Americans to fight childhood obesity! Is this woman for real? Honestly. Perhaps 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' is causing brain freeze or something. She has a very bad case of hoof and mouth disease. Why would anyone attack a campaign that is trying to lower the incidences of obese children. What say you?

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago