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I'm a mother to two girls, a wife to a pilot, and an RN at the main hospital in town here (have been so for 8 months). I work a general surgical unit on graveyard. I have many many animals and used to raise rabbits. Once I wanted to be a vet, but now I'm happy taking care of people. I have interests in art, music, photography, writing, reading, and some outdoorsy stuff (mostly if I can take pictures).
Murder Trial question- Order of witnesses called?
I’m writing a book and there’s a part that involved a trial for murder and I am contemplating the order the witnesses are called in. I feel like the lesser witnesses would be called first and build up to the most important witnesses and prosecution goes first, correct? Anyone offer some helpful advice or a place to find this easily because google just gave me a lot of crap about the whole proceedings and I just need to know if there is a protocol to how the witnesses are called, or does the lawyer choose based on how he is “story telling” or what?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 months agoHow do I revise my return to maximize refund?
My husband already filed his taxes as married filing separately. I filled mine out and because we filed separately it says we do not qualify for EIC. But I ran the numbers hypothetically if we had filed jointless and the difference is quite significant. So I’d like to amend the return and file jointly to get that better refund. I have not yet filed my taxes. So to do an amended return with us both, do I need to file, then amend? Or start my entire return as an amended return with him on it? I don’t know how to approach this but the difference is almost 5K.
3 AnswersUnited States10 months agoQuestions about depression and self harm. This is for social curiosity.?
Tell me age, gender, 5-10 single word descriptions of your feelings about "depression." and 5-10 single word descriptors about "self harm" or cutting.
Last question, have you or someone close to you experienced either of these. Just a yes or no answer. Thanks
Working on a video about living with depression for a social site I have created to increase awareness and offer information for help.
Mental Health6 years agoWhat does Finn McMissile in Cars 2 say in French?
In the movie Cars 2 when Finn chases down his informant and takes him to a warehouse type of setting he chases some cars off by saying a few words in French. What is it that he says? Driving me crazy and I'm googling it and can't find it.
4 AnswersMovies8 years agoTo pursue or not to pursue?
At age 32 I'm single for the first time since I was a teenager after a long marriage ended. I've been dappling around with meeting men on dating sites but I'm not super happy with the people I'm meeting. At work I have a newer coworker that is wonderful. Been working with him for months and he's everything I would ask for and more. But I'm stuck on this question- do I openly pursue him or hope and wait he might pursue me?
Some people say if I go after him then I will scare him off. Men like to do the chasing.
Others say you never know.
As a teenager I had mixed results with openly being the pursuer. But we aren't teens now.
So, gentleman, what do you think?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoMortgage interest, divorce, and tax deductions...?
I am divorced as of September last year (2012). Per the divorce decree the house is to go to me and I have a certain amount of time to have it refinanced in my name. It is currently financed in his name only. It is TITLED to both of us. I have made all the payments since we have lived there, but never before has it been an issue who got the tax deduction for the mortgage interest and property tax because we were filing joint/married. Now that I'm divorced, and I'm the one living in the house- can I claim this interest as long as I can prove I am the one making the payments even though it will be his name on the form from the mortgage company with the interest and tax breakdown?
3 AnswersUnited States8 years agoWould baking soda make my mouth burn?
My husband made some whole wheat pancakes from scratch tonight. The recipe called for baking powder but he accidentally used baking soda.The pancakes tasted okay but as soon as I started eating them the roof of my mouth became very sore. I've had a similar reaction to acidic tomatoes. As soon as I stopped eating it, it took about 5 minutes for the pain to subside. Anyone experience this before? I have no food allergies I'm AWARE of and I eat whole wheat stuff all the time without trouble so I doubt it's that.
The recipe included: 2 eggs, all purpose flour, whole wheat flour, milk, brown sugar, applesauce, 3 tsp baking POWDER, and 1/4 tsp salt.
2 AnswersDental9 years agoVictory TC Motorcycle with High Miles- reliable?
My husband is wanting to upgrade to a "big boy" bike. He's been riding a 96 honda shadow VLX 600 and wants a bigger bike now. We're looking to spend under $5000. I found a few different bikes I like. One is absolutely GORGEOUS- It's a 2005 Victory TC Touring Cruiser for just under $5,000. It's pristine condition. BUT has very high miles... 52,900. I've read some places where people report having Victory's get over 100K miles and are very reliable bikes. Given how young the bike is, I think the assumption would be these are largely highway miles. I don't know much else yet- haven't seen the bike as it's a good 2-3 hour drive away. I want to get some input... would a Victory bike with that many miles likely be a good bike for a few more years to come? Could we reasonably hope to put 100K miles with regular care?
Hoping to hear from those who own or have owned Victory motorcycles. Thanks.
7 AnswersMotorcycles10 years agoCan you look up birth records by parent?
I am helping a friend who had the unfortunate luck of having an unfaithful spouse who had an ongoing affair involving unprotected sex with someone who verbalized desire to have kids with him. It broke off and she never mentioned a pregnancy to him, but years later he and his wife are wondering. They are trying to find out if this resulted in a child. They have sent her a letter asking but as of yet do not have a response. I would like to know if there is a way to find out if this person has a recorded live birth between a certain time frame (say 2005-2007) or a way to find out if they filed for taxes listing a minor dependent. That could help them determine how seriously they want to pursue the matter. I thought both taxes and birth was public record but I have no idea where to begin. The would-be mother lives in Oklahoma.
P.S. The known information is age, possibly DOB of mother, current address (believed to be her address for last 14 years), and name. Not sure if it's maiden name or married name- believe it's likely the latter. They are willing to pay for the information if it's not too expensive.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years agoI cannot get my iphone update downloaded?
I'm trying to get the most recent iphone update, IOS 4.3, to download. I cannot seem to do it. I download it until it says 666.2mb of 666.2mb and then it says the network timed out, etc. My internet is fine and I can upload/download other things, even on itunes. I can't find anything in the Itunes help that is any bit helpful. I have a new laptop, running Windows 7 with the most recent version of itunes installed. I use Kaspersky for an antivirus. I have an iphone 4.
I have tried download only and download and update. I've also attempted to do this on my other computer which runs Windows Vista and I get the same error. Both are authorized on my itunes account.
If it matters, I'm using ATT Uverse for internet and this is through a Wi-Fi connection. The other computer is hardwired. I get the same error on either one. I am only having issues with this particular download. Everything else is working fine.
Please advise!
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoProblematic dog behavior involving mine and neighbor dog?
We have a big Akita mix named Bear. We have had him for 3 years, basically since we lived in this house. Our neighbors had two dogs, a Goldie and a mutt. The mutt died and they replaced him about 1 1/2 years ago with a golden lab. Both mine and this new dog are neutered males but they are both very dominant. They HATE each other. The moment this new dog arrived they fight through the fence, snarl and bark, etc.
When I hear it I get after my dog. No one gets after theirs. Mine is kept in the house almost all the time except when kids are out back playing and when I let him out to go potty. Theirs is out ALL day and in at night.
I'm tired of being the only one that tries to control or discipline my dogs bad behavior. I can't ever have him out in the day without them fighting through the fence at least once. We have asked them to do something and they say it's our dog antagonizing theirs. Seems to me they're both guilty. Then they say "what do you want us to do?" maybe once bring YOUR dog in or discipline him or something??
I'm at a loss for what to do. I like the neighbors but I hate their new dog. He barks and howls all day when theyre gone, too. Just a nuisance. What can I do that won't make for ugly neighbor relations??
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat to do with a habitual cheater?
I've been married to my husband for 11 years, with him for 13 years. We married young. We have 3 kids, ages 10, 7, and 5 months. I work as an RN. He works for an airplane in ground ops.
Married in 99. Starting in 2002 I found occasional evidence of infidelity. At first it was a visit to a brothel (I live where these are legal). I was upset- but given the lack of emotional ties and other things I eventually came to forgive him for it. We didn't break up then.
In 2005 I found out, Christmas day, he had a (would-be) mistress- a gal at work. Both deny anything physical ever happened but admit that was the intent. That one hurt a lot- even without a physical relationship it hurt more than the brothel.
In 2006 he had a full-fledged affair, met her at her hotel room when she came to town and you can do the math. I found out about that this year, although had seen evidence just not obvious enough to come to that conclusion back in 2006.
In 2009 he was caught prowling the craigslist ads for "casual encounters" and even put an ad up himself. Responded to many and got as far (that I can verify) as texting some and making arrangements but never actually- according to him- did the deed.
Each time this has come up we go through a rough time, then a sort of "honeymoon period" and then go back into our norm and eventually end up at the same place again. We have gone to counseling before. We are currently seeking some advice/help from our church pastor and possibly a counselor (different one) as well.
Part of the issue is even when confronted with these things he LIES. He never tells the truth. I can have the evidence in my hand (such as texts from him to another woman stating "I can't wait to see you tonight) but he will vehemently deny any wrong-doing. Then finally he'll, inch by inch, start to confess. He'll only confess to what I have evidence of. Only recently have I gotten him to come clean about things I don't (whose to say how much more he hasn't come clean on?) but even recently he went to a party for his ex-would-be-mistress and exchanged texts that said something about "hanging out and more". He lied about it, lied about it, lied about it- would tell a little, lie some more. Finally I just emailed her myself and she sent me a copy of the texts.
He's obviously got a problem, not only with fidelity but honesty. I'm beside myself. I *CAN* support myself without him, but I don't really want to raise all 3 kids alone, or mostly alone. I've been struggling with depression since the 2005 episode and am on meds for that- which is I think the only reason I can maintain some resemblance of calm. I know if I stay it'll keep happening, but I DO love him.
What can I do to find some peace, closure? Has anyone been through this and had a happy ending (ie- worked it out and had a strong healthy relationship later). He wants to be a commercial pilot- which means he'd be away from the house 3-4 days a week. How can I ever trust him? Is it even possible to redeem at this point? I'm so lost- I think I know the answers but am looking to hear feedback from other people.
Spare me the "you deserve it for going back to him" routine. If you haven't been there, you don't know what it's like and it's ALWAYS more complicated when you've had kids with someone. Thanks.
14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow to handle a 10-year-old thief?
I asked a similar question a little while back, when the same kiddo was about 8. She has gotten considerably worse, not better, and I'm about ready to auction her off on ebay. I'd like to think we try to teach our children good morals, including NO STEALING. I have caught her on many occasions sneaking food or other items from me without asking, hoarding it in her room, etc. She has been punished, many a time, for it. Punishments have included writing lines like "I will not steal" 100 times or more, grounding or removal of specific priveleges. Once, when I was totally fed up, I boxed ALL toys up in her room and took them away.
She's just as bad if not worse. And the frustrating part is there are times she is SO mature, and she's usually pretty honest even when caught stealing. Some people told me- all kids sneak food, no big deal, etc. So I've been uncertain how severely to treat this problem. But it has gotten worse.
I got a call today from the school librarian because my daughter was caught stealing a book from the book fair, not once... but twice. The first time the librarian had her return the book and had a talk with her and said don't let it happen again. She's normally a good girl so she would give her benefit of the doubt. Then the next day she did it AGAIN- but this time wrote in the book so it couldn't be returned. Now I get to pay for it.
I'm so beyond furious right now and at a total loss. The punishments she's received- typical would be grounding for a week- just don't seem to have ANY effect on her. She clearly needs to go to counseling so I have a call into the counselor- but I'd like some ideas for punishments that maybe might get the point across once and for all? Honestly, I would like to have her hauled off in handcuffs and stuffed in a squad car and taken down to a police station so she gets the point that this is where she'll end up if this kind of crap keeps happening. I'm sure all kids take something at one time or another from a store- but this is getting ridiculous! HELP!
Just as a side note at the same time this happened about $15 went missing from the money jar in my room. If she was going to steal my money she could have at least paid for the darned book!
5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoWill the name "Elijah" be made fun of?
We're expecting a little boy and the name we have picked out for him is "Elijah". It's a name I've always liked for a boy, and have planned for more than 10 years to name a son that (either first or middle). We decided to go with it as a first name. I know that people always feel obligated to give their opinions on a name of a baby yet to be born, which already bugs me, but two people (grandmother and great-grandmother) have really come on hard with the criticism.
What I hear from them is that it's a name he'll be made fun of at school for. Now I went to school with an Elijah and never heard a single taunt or tease pertaining to his name. He wasn't popular, but wasn't an outcast either. I cannot see how/why that name would be made fun of. My grandmother says she refuses to call him by name because it's a "sissy-girl Jewish name" (my husband's family is half jewish as it is). So that just irks me.
My question is really geared to people who either ARE named Elijah or have a brother or son with that name. Can you tell me- was the NAME a source of constant stress and hassle? Did kids make fun of him/you? What would they say?
I appreciate honest, mature answers only please. Not looking for your opinion on the name- just people's experience having it. Thanks.
7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoPhotographer's release of printing rights?
I'm hoping to find some photographers that have a little experience in the matter. I'm an amateur photographer that will be doing some photo shoots for people and providing a disc to print the images. I'd like to have a written release so they have no issues having the photos printed. I only want to release photos for non-commercial use for printing or display for noncommercial purposes while maintaining the right to display photos as part of my portfolio. A form letter would be great.
Thank you!
1 AnswerPhotography1 decade agoWhich of these would be a good bike for a beginner?
I'm looking to buy my husband his first motorcycle. It's supposed to be a surprise but the problem is I'm shopping for something I know very little about. My budget is $2000 but obviously less would be better if I can get something that would be good for him to learn, look nice, and be easy to maintain.
So here's the list. There's a fair variety. I've picked them based on how they look, and all are supposed to be in good running condition. Most are listed below kelly's but I've given kelly's and the asking price. I'm curious to get some feedback from folks who know a little about bikes which of these might be a good "fit" for a beginner.
My husband is 5'10" and a little on the heavier site. He's never been on a bike so I'm fairly confident that he will be able to fit most any of the bikes within reason (since he knows no different). Right now the top in the running- not just by price, is the Yamaha. Please tell me what you think- and why.
1982 Yamaha XJ750 Maxim $1155 asking $900 obo
2007 Honda Rebel $2450 asking $2200 obo
1986 Suzuki Intruder 700 $1535 asking $1500
1988 Suzuki Savage LS650 $1410 asking $1100
1986 Honda Magna $2230 or $2525 (not sure if 650 or 1100cc) asking $2300
1982 Suzuki GS450 very low miles $910 asking $1100.
7 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoHow to make realistic Halloween decorations?
I want to make some life-sized grim reaper and other characters. I have a couple options- 1 I can spend a lot of money and buy life-sized skeletons and mess with them to make them gorey looking or I can sculpt my own. However, I don't know what material to use that would make good "bone" material, easy to work with, relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain. I'm not a paper maché person but can work with things that sculpt like clay. (Thinking clay would be too heavy). So ideas?
Need to be able to make life-size skull, plus arm/hand bones that will be wired in order to be posable. Also- arm/hand bones need to be strong enough to be load-bearing hold a real scythe (I am figuring a heavy gauge wire frame might be in order here...).
Ideas are greatly welcome. Also, links to websites to get this stuff is great, too. I'm aware of Spirit store, and Oriental Trading. Found a few others- but most places to get realistic bones are really expensive and to do what I want I think I need to make it myself.
They will be outside, chances are in potentially freezing temps (our temps in October get into 30's at night). And I'd like to be able to use them for several years...
Thanks in advance!
2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoShort term disability without 10 month birth exclusion?
I know it's impossible to find short term disability that will cover you once you are confirmed pregnant. The insurance offered from my employee has a 10 month birth exclusion so you can't get pregnant until at least 1 month after effective date. I did talk to someone who said theirs only restricted them if the pregnancy was confirmed within 31 days of effective date. Anyone know of a company with that sort of exclusion? I don't know if I'm pregnant but I could be- so am holding off on a doctor's visit till I find out if I can get that insurance or not. Thanks.
1 AnswerInsurance1 decade agoCan you back out of a car loan after signing papers?
I know that there is a period of time after buying a home that the buyer or seller can back out of the deal. And having bought a time share, I know time shares offer a similar "out" clause. Do car loans have the same thing? My husband just bought a car from a dealer with not so great terms that stuck us with a huge amount of taxes to pay in cash that we can't really afford. Sadly- my husband is easily "duped" and so the dealers of course love him- he paid sticker price, etc etc.
Dealerships are hurting for car sales- so they made off really good on this one. We didn't. I'm going to see if I can get them to do something to offset the taxes but I'd like to know do I have a legal "out" if we aren't happy their answer to just take the car back and cancel out of the loan? It was purchased yesterday. Thanks.
9 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoWhat is your experience with the Audi A6?
I live in an area where we occasionally need use of a 4WD or AWD from time to time (maybe a few weeks out of the year). I'm looking at Audi because it's AWD and looks nice- not too bulky like an SUV, etc. I have heard mixed reviews on Audi. Some people say they're a mechanics dream- because they're expensive to maintain and breakdown frequently. (People say that about oldsmobile, too, and I had excellent luck with mine!)
I'm looking at a 2002 Audi A6 for about 12K. I'm curious to know FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE OWNED ONE what your personal experience is with the car. How it handles, drives, and most importantly- how much trouble it is to maintain. Did it break down a lot, etc?
Please be specific- don't give me "My sister's mom's aunt's brother owned one at it was a POS" I am looking for opinions from people who have actually owned Audis, particularly the A6 but A4 or A8 works, too. Thanks.
4 AnswersAudi1 decade ago