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  • is it bad to think this is funny?

    ok the bible says not to judge your fellow man...but who im talking about arent my fellow men so..

    we do know that satan et al are definetly not returning to heaven.

    furthermore...we know that those who pierced jesus will not go to heaven either (but for that ONE soldier 'truly this is the son of god' that guy) the bible also says that these murderers of jesus will die all 3 times.

    the first time when they end their life.

    the second time when they are raised with the righteous...the only wicked that are...but they stay behind & die again while we are up in the judgement halls for a thousand years.

    then the 3rd & final time with the hellfire (which btw according to the bible does NOT last eternally..only forever as long as you will die from this permanently. the bible says so "for the wages of sin is death!" not eternal torment.)

    anyway...i just smirk every time i hear this cruel irony! we know they deserve it...but still...

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • mason or freemason? same thing or what?

    been meaning to ask this. are the 2 terms the exact same thing..just depends where you come from? or are they like..different levels in the order?

    also...same goes for catholic & roman catholic. same thing different terms or what?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • any christians celebrating easter?

    if so....why? is it becuase you want a lot of children?

    easter is astarte the fertility goddess....nothing to do with christ...being...ya know...a guy. astarte changed someone into a rabbit that believe it or not...produced chocolate way back then. this is what kids easter hunts are based on.

    just saying.....wondering why christians celebrate easter's birthday?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • how do i get rid of a cougar without harming it or anyone else?

    ok its officially starting to get dangerous. we've had a cougar in town for a few weeks. now someone's saying it might by the mother from a couple years ago with her yearling cubs teaching them how to hunt before seperating from them. a neighbor just lost aobut 4 sheep.

    who do i call to remove this animal & its family without killing it & before it/they start killing humans (then we wouldhave to kill them for sure) i dont want to call someone with an easy solution (shoot it) they're just cats & havent done much harm....yet.

    the closest area i can say without giving much info online is vancouver canada....though its like 4 or 5 hours driving away. im in a small..very small town in the country/boonies.

    ive tried googling about it but only get porn site after porn NOT google about wildcats...just...dont....**** >_< maybe someone has a better idea?

    8 AnswersOther - Environment8 years ago
  • what sexuality is this?

    hi i have a friend who is pretty much a panromantic & i guess we could say pansexual...but the thing is...he isnt always into sex. (we're over 30 of us way over ...i wont give out more personal info than that) so i thought maybe a grey-a. but the thing is..grey-a's are part of the asexual community & dont have sex often. my friend does.

    like he'll do anyone anytime..but prefers more to take care of their needs & not worry to much aobut his own. not a demisexual cuz he doesnt need any love if there isnt....but can have loving relationshps as well.

    i know im missing one orientation in my list that describes this...but i dont know the term.

    any ideas?

  • You know you're watching too much Star Trek when ... ?

    you're playing the old Popcap Game "Chuzzle" but all you can think of is the song parody:

    tribble tribble tribble tribble tribble...yeah

    tribble tribble tribble tribble tribble...yeah

    tribble tribble tribble tribble tribble...yeah....we're trekkies & we know it!

    any other add-ons? lol

    just for fun.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • i found a snowglobe base, can i add a dome to it?

    many years ago when i was a kid i found 'born free', a snowglobe base with the lioness & some cubs in grass as the center piece. it is heavy & has a music box in it for the song 'born free'. i know its a snowglobe base..perfect condition. but i was recently thinking it would be nice to have it in full.

    so ... is it possible to make it into an actual snowglobe again? does anyone do "custom globes" (here in canada bc especially would be nice)....or should i just forget about it? the base itself is still veryelegant & plays nicely....

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts9 years ago
  • ok why are people saying pansexual for?

    asexual? first it was people messing up aromantic definition with asexual definition. now its people saying that aces are pansexual? this simply isnt true! pans are the exact opposite of aces. pans are like rabbits or tribbles on crack. they have sex. a lot. like captain kirk. aces......dont. furthermore..pans are genderblind & can love anyone like transgender or whatever.

    the only ace that are like that is panromantic aces. panromantic...not pansexual. also gender blind.

    pan = all

    ace = none

    so why are people now screwing up the simplest of definitions? "sigh" i the one who's missing something? (btw nothing wrong with any kind..apart from the definitions getting screwed up here...:) )

  • Why do people keep saying asexuals cant love?

    whenever im on the dating or relationship forums looking for asexuals i often see "i dont want relationships. cant i just have sex? im probably asexual or something" or answers to questions that say "if you think someone is cute or can NOT be asexual since asexual means you cant like guys/girls."

    why does this happen so much? it is NOT TRUE! asexuals attract just fine. emotionally! we just dont have sex. asexual means non sexual. please go back to biology & you'll see im right!

    im a biromantic asexual myself currently have a bf who doesnt mind my feminine loves. thats just it. love..not sex.

    can anyone tell me why people keep fckng up the definition of asexual by using the AROMANTIC definition instead? its the aro's that dont mind not being in a relationship. asexuals can attract just fine...emotionally...not physically.

    ....sigh.... one last time for good measure: i am a biromantic asexual & i have a boyfriend! got it now? WE ARE ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS! just not the sex! the word literally means non-sexual >_<

    there are romantic orientations as well as sexual ones!

    (for further info of actual asexuality..please see AVEN, the online comunity.)

  • what happend to the animals in "homeward bound: t.i.j."?

    i know "rattler (chance)" is dead...any idea how why or when?

    but i cant find anything for "ben (shadow)" or "tiki (sassy)" any idea whats going on with them? its been 19 years since the they might be dead now. however some animals do live a while.

    1 AnswerCelebrities9 years ago
  • why is it wrong to have some brass in your blonde hair?

    ok hair detail:

    im a natural dark choco hair. not very thick but very short (think like daphne short in heroes tv show...maybe a bit shorter...not that thick though! LOL)

    i bleached/colored my hair twice yesterday using the same box since my hair is so short lol & its white with a TINY bit of orange...but after getting up today, some brass showed up.

    i like the effect & dont really want to bleach my hair again. (im gong for that baby breath dream blonde...ashe kind of color...or...i was.)

    looking around on the internet though, any dye-blonde person says that the brass is no good. is the brass unhealthy & thats why no fake-blonde wants it? or is the only thing wrong that people dont like its look?

    so the main question is...would i be an outcast among blondes if i stopped bleach/coloring my hair & keep the brassen highlights? or should i go another round or 2 foward towards my original ashe goal?

    1 AnswerHair10 years ago
  • Help for rabbit, sore hocks?

    ok cloudy is a big bunny..17lbs. she was originally a meat rabbit i rescued. lately her back feet have been driving ME insane.

    she has 2 sores one on each foot that just wont go away. it is caused by the mesh bottom of her indoor cage. she has a sitting shelf & we also put in a long wooden board that covers one half of the mesh floor & filled it with shavings. fckng rabbit shoves away the shavings onto the board .... & sits on the mesh. the same mesh that is causing her hocks to swell!

    do rabbits LIKE swollen hocks or something? "sarcasm"

    ANYway...the soars are closed & scabbed over but wont go away.

    any ideas how long it takes for these things to heal?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Why cant I organise my pics on photobucket?!?!?

    fcking thing keeps doing this to me! i have pics in an album & click so....then go back to the album.

    (there is no save button. the pics {when it bloody works which isnt often} save their own spots where you drop them)

    its like the organise thing never happened as the fcking pics are back in thier screwed up areas..(which incidently...are the places that they loaded up in(....NOT where i organised them!! ARGH!!! so frustrating!

    anyone else have this problem? how to kill it?


    1 AnswerOther - Internet10 years ago
  • I need help with Two Worlds Xbox game theme song...?

    Anyone have the lyrics? i only have this one part for it but i'd like to have all of it...also is it skies or eyes? im quite sure its eyes...

    "Suddenly the world belongs to strangers. Suddenly the heavens split in two. Behind the clouds, behind the eyes/skies (I'm not sure which one is right) it's hidden in the secrets. Suddenly the light is in the darkness."

    4 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • For Canadians mostly, maybe US to....? many of you have heard of the band called Nightwish?

    im in BC canada & anyone i ask about nightwish dont seem to know of them. & i have a terrible time trying to get their CD's up here.

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Why can't people understand that Dan Radcliffe is an actor of legal age & NOT Harry Potter only?

    It seems certain people have stereotyped him into the Harry Potter character & are all up in arms about Equus, not realising Dan is legal in Britain & is a young actor. The public seems to want to own him, not wanting him to do anything else. They don't seem to realise that Harry Potter, December Boys & Equus are three very different things.

    They also don't seem to realise that this is not Dan's first nude scene. (Please refer to the precious Harry Potter charcter in the bath in GOF. Sure we don't exactly see all of him & yes he apparently wears something that is NOT shown on camera so the audience is left to assume...) Or perhaps they're just being prudish...failing to remember that we were all born naked & that every actor/actress eventually has a scene like this. And Dan's not the first Harry Potter actor to do this. Most of the others have already "been there done that" kind of thing.

    The sooner everyone gets it that Dan is an actor, not just Harry Potter, the better.

    10 AnswersMovies1 decade ago