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Lv 31,607 points

Mandi Jo

Favorite Answers5%

I'm Mandi... 20 years old. Working full-time and loving it. Have the man of my dreams, and consider myself very lucky for that. I love all music, and like to sing whenever possible. I hope to one day travel the world. I enjoy reading and movies as well. My hero is my sister, who passed away 7/22/07 from Leukemia. I will miss her forever. I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. You can check me out on

  • Diet information? I need stats...?

    Okay. So I am 5'8" and weigh 138 lbs.

    What I need to know is the minimum amount of calories I can consume in order to stay healthy. I definetly want to stay at the minimum calories possible per day, but I am not going to become unhealthy for it. So anyone know? Thanks!!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I need a smile today...?

    One of those really blah depressing days. Any thing at all to make me smile would be appreciated. Thank you...

    14 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of my tattoo??

    This was the 1st, just one on my shoulder blade. (its my sisters name by the way)

    Then heres the rest of the butterflies I added. Color isn't finished yet...

    And heres a close up.

    Just looking for opinions. Honesty is nice. :)


    27 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend having a rough day...?

    So my bf is having a rough day at work... already a rough week actually. I want to send him an email to make him smile, and maybe make his day go a little bit better. Any ideas on something good to say, without sounding all cliche and whatnot? I just want to make him smile...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Mind Stimulation?

    Okay... any ideas would be great. I have to sit at a desk in front of the computer all day. While I am busy for about half the day, the other half I am so bored, and feel like my brain is just getting dumber by the minute by staring at every stupid thing the internet offers.

    Basically, are there any websites that are mind stimulating? And good word games out there? Any good surveys (not talking about myspace ones) to actually get me thinking. Im not in any classes currently, and I just feel like I need to do something to get my brain moving again! And I figure if I have to sit here at work until 5 anyways, I might as well do something now...


    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • My eyes are killing me!?

    So eyes hurt so bad today. I wear contacts, and I'm not sure why, but my eyes hurt so bad. With my job, I am staring at a computer screen all day. I have to stay at my desk as well. I just cannot keep looking at the computer screen! Its giving me a headache. I have so much to enter into our company system online though... any help or suggestions?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Whats with all the smoker questions??

    And isn't is funny how all of the questions are being asked by non-smokers? I'm not condoning smoking, but its a persons choice, no matter what. I just don't understand why people care so much when it has nothing to do with them!

    And no, I'm not talking about second-hand smoke. Thats different. I'm talking about people getting on here (YA) and talking when its really non of their business.

    Sorry, just getting sick of seeing all the smoker questions from non smokers on here this morning. Talk about something else for goodness sake.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Stomach help?

    So heres the deal... for a while now I've been having stomach problems all the time. I got used to it after a while. Its a pain right in the top of my stomach area, right underneath my ribs. Its there all the time, sometimes more or less painful, but always there. It comes with horrible nausea, but I don't get sick. The nausea feeling is so bad though, I end up not eating very much. Well, the past 3 days or so, the pain has gotten really bad. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow, but does anyone know what I can expect to be wrong with me? I'm kind of nervous...


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Numerology help?

    So here is the deal. My sister passed away a little over a month ago, and lately we have been realizing that there is something with the number 2.

    She was 22 years old when she died.

    She had a bone marrow transplant on the 22nd of february.

    She was sent home, and died 22 days later, on the 22nd of July.

    He daughter was 2 years old when she died.

    Does anyone think this means anything? And no, I'm not a crazy person trying to make a big deal about numbers, I just think its very interesting the way this all matches up.

    Any comments would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Books online?

    Hey.. I was wondering if there are any websites where I can read an entire book. I looked through search engines, and I can't find any. The only thing close was Google Books, which only gives you a small section of the book. I'm looking for books like The Catcher in the Rye, and others like that. You would think if you can get a book out for free from the library, it shouldn't be a problem to read it online. Any help?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Hair growth help...?

    So heres the deal. I've been under a lot of stress lately. My big sister passed away a month ago... and she was really sick for a while before that. Ever since she was really sick, my hair has stopped growing. It literally hasn't grown at all in the past two months. I know that I have been stressed and upset, and I know that that is what is causing my hair to stop growing. But is there anything out there that will get it to Start growing again?? My hair is just getting dried out now, and if I cut it, it will just be shorter, seeing as it hasn't grown at all.... I just want something that will stimulate the growth again, and get it back to its normal growth rate. Any help will be appreciated.


    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Please help.. severe nausea...?

    So today I woke up with severe nausea. I also was having some allergy problems. I went to take an allergy pill, and when I began to drink a glass of water, I was in horrible pain all from my chest down to my stomach. I laid down for a little bit, and it got a little better, but it still hurt. After that, I felt like I needed to throw up the water that I just drank, but I haven't. Now I am just completely nauseous. It hurts so bad I can't focus. It doesn't feel like I am going to throw up though... just that the nausea isnt going to go away. Please help... I don't want to be in this much pain. By the way... no, I am not pregnant.

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Birthday help?

    So my boyfriends birthday is today... hes 22. I have a whole weekend planned for him (this next weekend), taking him out to a bunch of great places. I know that he will love it, and that its what he wants. He said he didn't want any actual presents... and hes the type of guy who gets whatever he wants for himself, so there really isnt much to get him. While I'm doing a lot for him this up-coming weekend, I really do want to do something for him tonight, seeing as it is his actual birthday. I was thinking of maybe cooking him dinner... but do you have any other ideas? With my plans for the weekend I can't afford to take him out tonight, but I still want to make this night special. Please help!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I am so confused... please help.?

    My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year now. We work really well together, have a really great relationship, almost never fight. I'm 20 and hes 22. We just got into out first huge fight, and I dont know what to do.

    I've always known that I want to be married and be a mom. That is my biggest dream. We started talking about the future, and even though all of this has been brought up before, it has never beem a problem. All of a sudden, hes isnt sure if he wants to have kids in the future at all. He said possibly one day, but not any time soon. Here, I don't want to be an older mom. I want so badly to get married and start having kids around 25 years old. It also comes down to the fact that I really dont want to do anything else. I am smart, and have a good job, but my dream is to be a mom.

    I love him so much, and I know that he loves me, but is it worth it to stay? Do you think things can work out? Please help me...

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Stress breakout... please help!?

    So I've been very very stressed. The short story of it all is my sister has Leukemia and just found out she is terminal two weeks ago. So in the past two weeks I have planned a wedding for her which is on Sunday. This is a 100+ wedding with the big reception, bachlorette party. All the family came in this week. And my sister is getting sick... she wasn't even able to come to her own bridal shower!

    Anyways, this wedding is on Sunday, and I know that these will probably be some of the last pictures of the family all together before she goes. With all this stress, my face is breaking out so bad! I wash my face every night, and use toner. My face tends to be oily, so I can't use moisturizer.

    Does anyone know of anything that will actually work quickly to clear up my face? I really want these pictures to look beautiful, and don't know what to do... money isn't an issue, but I don't have time to get anything perscription strength. Im 20 yo, and normally have decent skin.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Headpiece for wedding help!?

    So I am the maid of honor for my sisters wedding. It is a bitter sweet time, as in my sister has been diagnosed with Leukemia and given 1 to 4 months to live. Because the the chemo treatments, she has lost all of her hair. She is an incredibly beautiful woman bald though, and wears it proudly. :)

    I was wondering if anyone knew of places who could create maybe a pretty flower headpiece for her wedding. She doesn't want a vail on her bald head, and doesn't feel she needs to wear a wig. All the headpieces I have seen though have the combpiece to keep it attached to the hair/head. I haven't found any without that.

    Any help??

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • So its like 95degrees here...?

    In Denver. Whats it like where you are?

    10 AnswersDenver1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and bleeding...?

    I just found out I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago, but yesterday I think I started my period! I'm still bleeding today... and it looks exactly like my normal period. Is it possible to have what seems like a period while you are pregnant?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Serious Question... Please Help!?

    So... I've been experiencing pregnancy symptoms. I am two months late on my period, my breasts have gotten huge and are extremely tender, and I've started gaining weight, and craving foods I normally don't crave.

    The problem is, every pregnancy test I've taken is negative! Is there anything else that can be happening. Please help...

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Distract me please!?

    Day one of no smoking and its killing me. Please help me get my mind off of it!

    8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago